
Chapter 2.

Note:- After some thinking, I decided to explain something important to all of you. Some of you might find some things in this chapter that you might not like and even question me. So I decided to explain this.

My Mc is perfect and literally in every sense. Let me tell you some thinking you might have heard that no one is perfect even in the comics and manga however my mc is perfect.

Those who don't know what is special about being perfect the. let me tell you something. You should google search about Perfect Superpower and you would find something good. It would answer every question on how my mc doing what's he doing.


While walking towards the village Ray noticed something on his clothes. His clothes had some dirt on them so he snapped his fingers which removed the dirt. Sometimes he just loves how useful his powers are compared to others.

The village is quite far from the base of Arlong so it is quite a lot of time and he is not using any superpower to go there. He was enjoying the atmosphere of this world which was many times better than the Earth.

He could see trees everywhere while a cold wind was flowing through the sea which made him relaxed. Though for some reason he didn't see anyone outside of the village. Arlong has scared them a lot.

After walking some time he finally could see the entrance gate of the village and there were two fishermen there as well who seems to be guarding the village or more precisely making sure that no one goes outside to run away from this village.

They seem to notice him from that far because they had gotten in their fighting stance and started to run towards him. Ray looked at them and did a slicing motion that cut the heads of those two fishermen. He looked at their bodies which were laying there without any life. He was thinking about something when he heard a voice of a girl.

"Who are you mister?"

He looked at the entrance of the village to see the person who interrupted him in his thoughts and he was surprised to see her.

The person who interrupted him was a girl who seems to be in her early twenties. She has tanned skin with light blue hair and an hourglass figure. There seem to be many tattoos on her right arm and chest. She was wearing a yellow top with purple trouser and yellow sandals.

"Shouldn't you introduce yourself first before asking someone?"

Ray said to her who went silent for some time. Though if he has to guess the reason then it would be his appearance that made her blush and silent. He could see red tints on her cheeks even from his place which was quite far away from her.

"My name is Nojiko and I live here"

She said while gesturing towards the village. She was taking long breathes, probably trying to calm herself though it was not working.

"My name is Ray and I'm just a passerby"

He spoke and started to walk towards the village completely ignoring her face which showed some fear for a moment. She immediately moved from her place.

She stood in front of the gate and tried to cover it up with her body which failed miserably. She was showing a brave face in front of him which was failing whenever her eyes went towards the corpses of those two fishermen.

"Why are you coming to this small village? We don't even have anything valuable to even give it to you"

She said while looking at him in the eyes. Though her eyes were fluttering from time to time. She was confused about her sudden feelings.

'This girl is trying to fight my natural charm just to save her villagers. Wasn't Nami the same in the Anime?'

Ray thought while chuckling in his mind because he was holding back his entire presence just so she could talk to him. He doesn't think anyone would be able to come in his presence without submitting themselves.

He is perfect for a reason and every girl want to have the perfect partner.

"I don't plan to take anything, girl!"

Ray spoke to her. She was about to say something before he interrupted her.

"Do you think I would have left you to talk if I wanted to raid this village?"

He spoke again this time in a hard tone which made her scared for a moment before she nodded at him. He nodded at her decision otherwise he would have to show her that she is in no condition to order him around.

"I apologise for my earlier rude behaviour however I was just trying to protect my village. I hope you would understand this and wouldn't take it to heart"

Nojiki said to her while bowing a little. She was embarrassed about her earlier behaviour because of her actions the villagers might have been dead.

"Apologies accepted"

Ray replied in a simple tone and started to walk inside the village while Nojiko followed him from behind.

"You know there are even more fishermen on this island and their leader is very powerful"

Nojiko spoke to him in a worried tone. Even she doesn't know why she would care for a stranger.

"No worries. They are already dealt with"

Ray spoke while looking in the eyes of her which made her blushed. She looked at the other side of the village which made him amused. She didn't hear him as she got distracted in his eyes.

"Though why did you come to this island anyway? Nothing is interesting here"

Nojiko spoke again with some confusion evident on her face while looking at the surroundings.

"I'm just a guy who loves to travel around the world"

Ray replied to her while smiling a little. This time however it didn't affect her like it previously did or maybe she was just trying to hide. It's not like he cares about that stuff anyway.

"Why don't you come to my house to eat because there is no restaurant here anyway?

And I want to offer a solid apology"

She asked him hopefully and he nodded to her decision without saying anything. She smiled when she saw him nodding at her.

They both changed their direction to go to her house. He was just following her because he didn't know her house location. She took his hand in her to walk even faster. Ray just shook his head at her antiques though he enjoyed her gesture. She was telling him about the village before Arlong came into their life.

The villagers who were working outside of their houses noticed her and him. They waved at them while some of the women started to murmur about them. The old people were greeting her along with another member of their family.

"You are quite famous here Nojiko"

Ray spoke to her in a teasing manner which made her embarrassed though she did nod at him. She became embarrassed when some of the villagers told her to go for him.

"I know everyone here since I was a kid. I used to play with them along with my sister"

Nojiko said to him happily though she became sad when she mentioned her sister. She is missing her very badly.

"I'm sorry about your loss"

Ray spoke in an apologetic manner which made her stunned. The look on her face showed confusion before she understood his words.

"huh? What are you saying? my sister is still alive"

Nojiko spoke to him in a scolding manner. She couldn't believe he said this though she knew that he didn't mean anything bad.

"I'm sorry then I thought she passed away because of how sad your face was when you mentioned her"

Ray spoke to her.

"No, it's not like that. The problem is quite big then you could even imagine"

Nojiko said in a whispering voice. She doesn't want the villagers to know about the truth.

"Then tell me when we would be at your home. Okay!"

Ray spoke to her to which she hesitantly nodded. He could guess why she didn't want to speak here where the villagers could listen to them.

They both made their way to her house without talking to each other. Though the atmosphere was not awkward because she was still holding his hand. Finally, after some time of walking, they reached her house.

The house was in a good condition though it was not quite that big. There was a garden behind the house which made it quite spacious. He could pick the smell of oranges or tangerines in her language.

They went inside the house and Nojiko went to the kitchen to bring some water for him while he was looking at his surroundings. The house didn't have many things so it did have a lot of space. After some time Nojiko came back with a glass of water and gave it to him.

After drinking the water she started to tell him about the time when Arlong came into their lives and made it hell. She told him about her mother and his she died while protecting her and her sister. She then finally told him about the bet her sister made with Arlong. She was openly crying by this point which made Ray quite sad about her condition. She was too young to experience those things. Still, there are people outside in the world who has suffered more than her.

Ray was quite confused about how to stop her from crying anymore. He has always lived alone and never talked to any person before her. He was in quite an awkward situation right now. After some time he decided to do it in Anime style. The style which works always.

They both were sitting on the couch which was placed in front of each other. He stood up from his place and went towards the couch on which she was sitting. She was still crying so she didn't notice him coming towards her. Ray after reaching there hugged her and started to pat her back to make her relax however her body shook when he took her in his arms. For a moment her sobbing stopped however it started again though this time it was quite slow.

After some patting, she finally stopped crying and just leaned on his shoulder without speaking anything. She was all alone here in this village because no one understands the pain she feels inside her. She has lost her mother at a young age and even lost her sister support. No one was there to help her for fighting her inner demons.

'I can't judge them based on what I saw about them in Anime because now it has become a reality and actions here would have consequences too"

Ray started to think about this while patting her on the back. Unknowingly to him, a smile has formed on his face.

After some time he noticed that she has fallen asleep in his arms. He noticed her face which looked quite peaceful and beautiful when she is sleeping. He picked up her gently in a princess manner and took her to a room that he guessed would belong to her. He laid her on the bed and covered her with a blanket.

He looked at her face last time before going outside of the room. He has always wondered why all anime girls fall asleep after telling their sad background story. Maybe they are all mentally exhausted and needed someone to talk to.

He went outside of the house to explore more of this village to sate his curiosity. He was greeted by villagers who seems to be waiting for him to come outside from the house of Nojiko. Though they were speaking in a very slow voice.

They were talking among them about who would ask him questions first without even caring for his opinions. They were bickering no stop when an old man wearing a military outfit came. The people stopped their bickering the moment they noticed him. The old man didn't look at them instead started to walk towards Ray.

"My name is Genzo young man. Who might you be?"

The old man spoke sternly which made the villager quite confused because he usually speaks in a friendly manner.

"My name is Ray, just passersby"

Ray replied without showing any emotion on his face.

"How might you know her, if I may ask you"

Genzo asked again and the people listened to him carefully. Ray didn't reply for some time which made sent them on the edge.

"I was just passing by from this village when she found me"

He replied which ticked off the villagers for some reason.

"I see. You should know that a powerful pirate is living here on the other side of this village. If he found about you, he might kill you immediately"

Genzo told him in a matter of fact tone. The villager's mood went down when they heard about the pirate. They hated him from their heart and wanted him to die.

"I know about him so don't worry and he is already taken care of"

Ray told him with a smirk on his face. He wanted to laugh when they showed him their shocked faces. They started to murmur among them and a few of them even asked to the base of the pirates.


Genzo shouted which made them shut their mouth then he turned towards Ray with an intimidating look.

"Are you telling the truth, young man?"

He asked him though there was some hope in his eyes that wanted to believe the young man.

"Yes and I don't want to explain myself either"

Ray replied to him in a matter of fact tone to which the old man nodded. After all, if you could kill fishermen without any injuries then that means you are strong too and Genzo doesn't want to offend a strong guy either.

"Mozu and Gozu"

Genzo shouted and two people from the crowd came forward.

"Go to his base along with everyone here"

Genzo ordered them. They both nodded and started to go towards Arlong base along with other villagers. In some moments the whole area got cleared around them and Ray was left alone with the old man.

"Come with me, young man"

Genzo said and started to walk towards the cliff which was very ahead of them. Ray didn't say anything and went with him though he could guess where this old man was taking him.

After some time of walking and climbing a hill, they finally reached the peak of the cliff from where you could see the whole village along with the sea. Genzo stopped in front of a cemetery though there was only one tomb here.

Genzo stood in front of it along with Ray for some time without saying anything to each other. After some time of silence, Genzo looked towards him.

"The tomb belongs to the mother of Nojiko, her name was Bellemere"

Genzo spoke to him in a sad voice. Ray didn't say anything and listen to him.

"She died protecting her daughters even when they were not her real daughters"

Genzo spoke again this time he had some tears in his eyes which he was cleaned by him immediately.

"I never saw Nojiko this happy since her mother passed away and I hope that you would not make her sad either"

The old man spoke again with a fatherly tone which made Ray smile because of the care he was showing towards her.

"I don't plan to make her sad either though I can't say that for her. She might not like some of the things which I would do"

Ray replied to him with a smile to which Genzo nodded.

"She is a good girl. At least give her a chance before deciding something. She seems to be interested in you"

Genzo spoke to him who just nodded at him.

"I wouldn't say that I love her however I did enjoy her company"

Ray replied to him while looking at the sea. Genzo looked at him for some moments before he too started to look towards the sea.

They both went silent for some time before they heard the laughter of villagers who were running here and there while hugging each other. The commotion started to get bigger which made both of them happy. Nojiko also came outside of her house while rubbing her eyes. She was still sleepy though. The sky was getting dark.

She asked one of her villager about the whole commotion who replied to her immediately and told her about how Arlong and his crew were dead. Nojiko stood there stunned before yelling happily. She tried to find Ray among her villager but she couldn't find him.

When she was getting worried a hand touched her shoulder and made her freeze before she looked behind her and found the person she was looking for along with her father figure.

She immediately hugged him without caring about anyone who might be looking at her. Ray wrapped his hands around her to make her comfortable. They stood there for some time before they parted away. There was a big smile on her face the entire time which made Ray and Genzo happy.

"Why didn't you tell me this before?"

Nojiko asked Ray with a pout on her face which made her look even cuter.

"I told you before however, you didn't focus on listening. You were staring at my eyes that time"

Ray replied to her in a teasing manner which made her embarrassed because he was right about this. She didn't speak anymore and just stood there along with him.

"Let's celebrate this day everyone as we are finally free"

One of the villagers shouted to which everyone nodded. They all were happy about being finally free from the clutches of that pirate.

The women went towards their houses to prepare the food while the men went to take out the bottles of alcohol to celebrate this day. Everyone was dancing and singing while the children were running and playing among them without any kind of worry.

Some people came towards Ray to take him to dance to which he accepted easily. He was also drinking bottles of alcohol from time to time though it was not able to make him feel anything. He also ate food along with everyone which made everyone love him even more because of how humble he was.

After everyone ate their food it was the time of couple dance. Everyone took their wives hand and went towards the stage to dance. It was a slow dance for both of the parties to enjoy. Ray saw Nojiko looking towards the couples with a jealous look.

So Ray stood from his place and went in front of Nojiko much to her surprise. His left hand went behind his back with the right hand he motioned her to give her hand.

Nojiko happily took his hand and they both went towards the stage to dance. They both started to dance while looking at each other face. After some time everyone passed out from drinking too much alcohol even the women went home.

Now only those two were left who were still dancing. The moon was shining brightly making a romantic atmosphere around them. Slowly both of their faces started to get closer and Nojiko closed her eyes. Their lips finally touched each other.

Ray started to suck her on the lower lip while she was sucking his upper lip before they both used their tongues to taste each other even more. They were greedily sucking each other mouths.

After some more sucking, they finally separated. A thin thread of saliva was still connecting their lips. They looked into each other eyes, lust was evident in their eyes.

"Thank you for helping me and supporting me"

Nojiko said breathing heavily though there was a smile on her face.

Ray leaned his forehead on her which made her smile even more. He smiled at her

"It's my pleasure".

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