
(Doomsday) The Eschaton

if u guys don't know what eschaton means it is a greek word that stands for the end of the world) One night the moon was dancing as graceful as a flower in the sky the clouds as its audience sways and applaudes and the lightning and thunder roleing and striking consistently in recognition. at that time a man that goes by the name jacob was sleeping just like the rest of humanity unbenownce to them the world as they know it was changeing rapidly growing and expanding about 10× its original size. the animals mutated into ferocious beasts and celestial beings from outer space set there eyes on the planet wasteing no time to try colonize the planet that had just evolved to there likeing. Will jacob and the rest of humanity survive and overcome this eschaton or will they faulter and lose the planet to the celestial beings and mutated animals?if u guys don't know what eschaton means it is a greek word that stands for the end of the world) One night the moon was dancing as graceful as a flower in the sky the clouds as its audience sways and applaudes and the lightning and thunder roleing and striking consistently in recognition. at that time a man that goes by the name jacob was sleeping just like the rest of humanity unbenownce to them the world as they know it was changeing rapidly growing and expanding about 10× its original size. the animals mutated into ferocious beasts and celestial beings from outer space set there eyes on the planet wasteing no time to try colonize the planet that had just evolved to there likeing. Will jacob and the rest of humanity survive and overcome this eschaton or will they faulter and lose the planet to the celestial beings and mutated animals?

DaoistCbB6bR · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs

Flasback: jacob life before he turn 24

Jacob's early years were a tapestry of vibrant colors, woven with threads of innocence and wonder. Growing up in a quaint village nestled between rolling hills and meandering rivers, he spent his days exploring the lush forests, chasing after butterflies, and listening to his mother's enchanting bedtime stories. The sun seemed to shine just a bit brighter in those days, and the world was a canvas of endless possibilities.

As Jacob blossomed into a young man of 23, the idyllic charm of his life was suddenly shattered. One fateful evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, tragedy struck. Jacob's mother, a pillar of strength and love, fell victim to a senseless act of violence. A gunshot echoed through the air, leaving a void in Jacob's heart that could never be filled.

The events of that night were etched into his memory with a painful clarity. The police arrived, their voices a distant hum as Jacob knelt by his mother's lifeless form. His world, once a masterpiece of joy, had turned into a canvas of grief and disbelief. The days that followed were a blur of funeral arrangements, condolences, and aching silence.

Amidst the suffocating weight of his loss, Jacob sought solace in his dreams. Night after night, he found himself walking through a tranquil landscape painted with memories of his childhood. The laughter of his mother, the smell of freshly baked bread, and the warmth of her embrace enveloped him in a cocoon of bittersweet nostalgia. In this dream world, he could still hold her close and feel her love, if only for a fleeting moment.

Yet, as time passed, the dreams began to shift. The serene landscapes morphed into darkened corridors, and the once-familiar faces twisted into grotesque caricatures. The dream that had once been a haven became a labyrinth of terror. Jacob found himself navigating through his subconscious, confronting his deepest fears and insecurities. The gunshot that had shattered his reality now echoed through his dreams, a haunting reminder of his trauma.

Each night became a battle as Jacob tried to escape the clutches of his own mind. The line between dream and reality blurred, and he often woke up drenched in sweat, his heart racing as if he had just narrowly escaped a living nightmare. The very escape he had once sought had become a prison of its own, a cruel reminder of the pain he carried within.

Desperation gave birth to determination. Jacob embarked on a journey of healing, seeking help from therapists and support groups. As he faced his grief head-on, the dreams gradually began to change. The once-dark corridors started to fill with light, and the distorted faces transformed into gentle smiles. He learned to navigate his dreamscape with courage, confronting the echoes of his trauma and reclaiming the precious memories that had been tainted.

The turning point came when, one night, as he stood in his dream amidst a field of wildflowers, he heard his mother's voice. It was soft and soothing, carrying the warmth of her love. "My dear Jacob," she said, "the nightmare you've endured is not your burden to carry. The beauty of your memories will always shine brighter than the darkness that tried to consume them."

With those words, Jacob felt a weight lift off his shoulders. He realized that the dreams were not a punishment, but a path to healing. Guided by his mother's words, he began to use his dream world as a canvas for transformation. The landscapes he encountered mirrored the stages of his own journey — from desolation to acceptance, from fear to courage.

As years went by, Jacob emerged from the cocoon of his grief as a beacon of resilience. He shared his story with others who had experienced loss, offering them a glimmer of hope in their own dark nights. He became an advocate for mental health, using his own experiences to shed light on the importance of seeking help and facing one's demons.

The story of Jacob is one of profound transformation — a journey from the depths of despair to the heights of empowerment. It's a reminder that even in the face of unimaginable tragedy, the human spirit has the capacity to heal and to create beauty from the fragments of pain. Jacob's tale is a testament to the power of dreams, the strength of love, and the indomitable nature of the human soul.