
(Doomsday) The Eschaton

if u guys don't know what eschaton means it is a greek word that stands for the end of the world) One night the moon was dancing as graceful as a flower in the sky the clouds as its audience sways and applaudes and the lightning and thunder roleing and striking consistently in recognition. at that time a man that goes by the name jacob was sleeping just like the rest of humanity unbenownce to them the world as they know it was changeing rapidly growing and expanding about 10× its original size. the animals mutated into ferocious beasts and celestial beings from outer space set there eyes on the planet wasteing no time to try colonize the planet that had just evolved to there likeing. Will jacob and the rest of humanity survive and overcome this eschaton or will they faulter and lose the planet to the celestial beings and mutated animals?if u guys don't know what eschaton means it is a greek word that stands for the end of the world) One night the moon was dancing as graceful as a flower in the sky the clouds as its audience sways and applaudes and the lightning and thunder roleing and striking consistently in recognition. at that time a man that goes by the name jacob was sleeping just like the rest of humanity unbenownce to them the world as they know it was changeing rapidly growing and expanding about 10× its original size. the animals mutated into ferocious beasts and celestial beings from outer space set there eyes on the planet wasteing no time to try colonize the planet that had just evolved to there likeing. Will jacob and the rest of humanity survive and overcome this eschaton or will they faulter and lose the planet to the celestial beings and mutated animals?

DaoistCbB6bR · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs

Another Day Another Job To Do

I was woken up to load roaring from outside of apartment when i looked through my bedroom window there was atleast a hundred zombies on the streets aimelessly.

This must be because of that insident yesterday dame it all because of those bikers this happens i will never disobey my gut feeling ever again and my gut feeling is telling me i cant let that many zombies that close to my home.

I have to make a plan but before that i ate a hearty breakfast but did not eat till i was full because that would make me tired and slughish instead i eat till i was half full then i was ready to leave to carry out my plan.

the plan went like this the zombies are actracted to sound and flesh i have plenty of meat so i should use those 2 things and lour the zombies with the food truck speakers and throw meat to seperate them in groups in different areas and kill them one by one.

In my eyes those zombies are all just a bunch of xp to help me grow the next minute i grabed some meat and went out to the location i parked the food truck because it has speakers to announce its present it was a perfect distraction i went in and turn on the speakers next thing i know there was a hoard of zombies rushing towards me.

I hurriedly throw the meat on top of the truck and and 20 meters in a box shape then ran to a ally with a spacious view of the area as some zombies reach close to the areas with the meat i maked 4 dangers and started throwning them at the zombies head.

The system voice constantly telling me when i killed a zombie and gained xp and because there was a lot there was no misses but not everything always goes according to plan 2 fire balls was hurdleing towards him at brake neck speeds and hit and flung him back in the process he hit a metal dumpster.

he realized there was also evolved zombie in the hoard as he was about to give up onlife he heard a girl voice that said grab onto the roap instantly he say a thick roap fell from a window he imediately grabed onto it and climed to safety but he was too exsusted afterwards and once he reach inside the room he fell on the ground cold not dead but unconscious.

The girl looked like a flower but anyone that helps a person even when there life would be in danger too was very kind but also very nieve and dumb the girl name was madaline she took off jacob clother only to meet a sleeping dragon she huridly wipe him down and immediately put on his clothes back on her face was as red as a tomato.

But as soon as she finish jacob jumped up and hold her hand very tightly not sure if he could trust her or not but his gut feeling told him he could so he let his gaurd down and start asking the girl why she helped him even when she put herself at risk.

She told him that her father went to look for supplies and he hasn't returned yet and she wanted someone to help her look for him but before she could start this hoard of zombies arrived so she went back inside.

Then i saw u mowing down the zombies and i thought u was the only one can help me so i save u to see my father again thats sweet but no jacob said ur father is probably left you to fend for urself jacob just said that to test her but he ended up making the girl cry then and only then he reluctantly agreed.

before we start that mission we have to clear out the zombies when i say we i mean me ur useless the madelin imediated intrupted and gqve him a strength and agility buff he immediately regreted what he said and jumped out the window and looked for the 2 esper zombirs he immediately slowed down time and created 2 machetes and ran towwrds the esper zombies and slice of there heads and finish of the remaining zombies then turn off the food truck speakers surprisingly there was only scratches on it nothing more or less then madelin came down only to see her father head sliced off then it hit her her father turned a zombie she fell one the crying cow tears with respect jacob buried her father and went on his way but madelin was following him after he walked a 1 km she was tired so he tured around and ask her if she wanted to join him she said yes with joy because she was tired jacob pick her up in a pricess carry and carry her all the way to his apartment on the way she was a fully ripen tomato ready for the picking at night when madelin was sleeping jacob checked his status



Age: 24

level: stage 0,level 1 [0/15]

strength: 7



comment: you are slightly above a average human being strength regular human has 5 in each actribute plz level up and gain actribute points and xp to upgrade ur actributes and level of existence.

ability: space and time control level 2 [0/30xp]

Note:u will gain half(0.5xp) the amount of xp from normal zombies since u level up to level 1

u killed 98 ordinary zombies provideing 49 xp and 2 mutant zombies provideing 2 xp in total you gained 51 xp

upgrade my space and time ability to level 3 and my level to level 2 u have gained 3 atribute points becsuse of you leveling up and 2 extra for ur stunning performance and the total of 45 xp you spent you now have 6 xp left status



Age: 24

level: stage 0,level 2 [0/30xp]

strength: 7+3=10



comment: you above average strength plz level up and gain actribute points and xp to upgrade ur actributes and level of Existence.

ability: space and time control level 3 description u can create either 8 dagers,4 machetes or 1 small handgun with 14 bullets and move throw space at a distance of 10 meters at a time you have 5 uses per day and you now can slow down time for 5 seconds

xp: 6

I must come back to this in the morning im exhausted and my mucles or still ache even after the upgrade of strength