


CLENCHING THE RED ROSE IN HER RIGHT HAND, Song Jin Hee closed her eyes tight while facing her classmate. Nervousness, conflicted and confusion invaded her system as she was trying to get an answer for him.

What now?

She bit her lower lip as she was internally pressuring herself to get a right answer for him. But then, she let go a surprised gasp when she felt a strong arm wrapping her shoulders. Her eyes settled at the owner of the said arm.

What is he doing here?

"Our class president is tired, Min Seok-ah. She badly needs a rest so don't interrogate and stress her that way," the guy beside her turned his gaze at her. "Do you, class pres?"

"Umm… y-yes?" she muttered absent-mindedly.

"You really that exhausted, class pres? You can stay in the School Council Office's private room if you want," her classmate named Min Seok offered.

"She can stay in the clinic, Min Seok-ah. There are so many people in that office and it's not good for her. The presence of the people inside the office will suffocate her," the guy beside her said in such bluntness.

"B-Baek Hyeon-ah…" Jin Hee muttered, almost out of breath.

What are you doing?!

"I felt something weird here. Is there something between you two?" Min Seok asked.

Baek Hyeon tightened his hold on her shoulder which made her more nervous, coldness flaunting on his face which is really opposite to how he handled her. His hand is warm. "Why? Does it concern you?"

"Do you have an issue with me, Yoon Baek Hyeon? You seem so rude," now, it's Min Seok's turn to be cold.

"Nothing, really. Unless you did something to make me feel so irritated and made me rude towards you," he answered, colder than earlier.

"What's happening here?" she could hear Cheon Ha Neul, their student council president as well as their classmate's voice from the distant. There, she realized that they were surrounded by their male classmates, sixteen in total, plus Min Seok and Baek Hyeon so they're now eighteen in total.

Oh, great.

Jin Hee seemed to notice that the two boys were not paying attention to Ha Neul and she can't help but alternating her gaze to the two, Min Seok to Baek Hyeon then Baek Hyeon to Min Seok, vice versa—Min Seok was clenching his jaw, trying to figure out what's with Baek Hyeon's attitude towards him while Baek Hyeon was just staring blankly at him.

Jin Hee sensed the tension between the two of them and it screams trouble.

She hastily freed herself from Baek Hyeon's hold as she pushed the two boys when she felt that they're about to grab collars.

"Wait, wait. Don't be like that to each other. I'm okay. Hehe. Min Seok-ah, Baek Hyeon-ah, enough. I'm okay. I really am, promise. Please calm down, you two."

They both looked at her. "You sure?"

She nodded, trying to convince her with her wide smile. "I'm really okay! Promise!"

"Guys, you calm down now. We still have classes," Suk Hwan, who's standing next to Ha Neul shouted at them.

"We're not going. Class pres is not feeling well," Min Seok held her hand as he smiled at her. "Let's go, class pres. Stay in the School Council office. Is it okay, Ha Neul-ah?"

"What? I don't think—"

"E-Eh?" Jin Hee is so confused as she let Min Seok pull her but they both stopped when Baek Hyeon pulled her towards him, staring with his piercing eyes on Min Seok.

"She'll stay… with me," authority is dripping on Baek Hyeon's voice as he gripped on Jin Hee's smooth, small hand.

"Let go, Yoon Baek Hyeon."

"I won't. You're the one who must let go of her."

"What's wrong with you, Yoon?"

"There's nothing wrong with me, Moon Min Seok. There's something wrong with you. So, let her go because she's going with me."

"No, I won't. I will not do it."

Jin Hee looked at the two boys in vice versa as they kept on pulling her like she's a tug-of-war game and their other classmates watching at them, feeling the tension between the three of them.

Little did she know, that the tension is on those eighteen boys around her… trying to get her and don't want to let her go.
