
(BL)Obsessive Over You

There's nothing Levi Winchester doesn't know about the guy he's been in love with, Tyler Moss. His deepest secrets, what he likes to eat, how he sleeps at night...and even the scent of his underwear. But even being unable to find himself truly, he would do anything to protect Tyler.....ANYTHING.

Sakakibara9300 · สยองขวัญ
88 Chs

Levi Winchester

This mascot bunny was hot as fuck! Stupid beard, I need to shave! Stupid everything? My dad just had to be a fucking psycho! I should've shaved before getting in this hot ass mascot bunny. If my dad doesn't kill me now the heat would.

Focus! Sixteen people from the documents that fit the description. They had Lots of ugly annoying kids as ugly and stuck up as their parents! And they all smell weirder than this damn fur suit I'm in. What dumb sweaty fatass didn't clean this thing?!

Fuck it's hot!!

"Hello, I haven't gotten a ballon yet," I turned to glare because it's not like they could see my face, but I was quickly shocked into silence. "You aren't surprised are you? Give me a damn ballon."

What the fuck was Liam doing here? Why the hell does he want a ballon? He's not one of the children. What the hell is he doing speaking like that to me now?! I wanted to strangle him!

Focus! Liam's dad is a senator! And allied with my father to some degree. It would be weirder if he wasn't here.

I handed him a ballon just as the microphone called for everyone's attention. Liam glared at the stage and sighed in disappointment.

"Good Afternoon, everyone!" A lady started to speak. Blond hair and dead eyes. Kanstantinos's mom was exactly like how I remembered her...well, I guess that wasn't her.

Does that make her my aunt? No, she wasn't my moms sister.

But why didn't she come for Kanstantinos then? Did she know her sister died that day? Or does she not care because she has my father now? "First I want to thank each of our sponsors tonight! Your contribution makes all this possible. My name is Penelope Barros and I am the host of todays event. I grew up in an orphanage and, like these children, didn't know who my family was. People assume, because of my past I've been motivated enough to make it this far on my own, but it's simply not true. I, too, am here today because of a special someone's support to my cause.

"That's why I've decided that it's my turn to give back to society, just as I received help, I want to help all these kids in need as well. Thankfully, I was able to find likeminded people to help, so I would like to thank everyone here today as well. Todays event is also for you sponsors, I hope you all have a wonderful time together at this little event.

"Children are our future, and you are providing the hope and scholarships to achieve their dreams! I'd like to ask for your continued support so we can bring smiles to all the children in need! Thank you all again."

The applause exploded throughout the room. Yeah it looked like a heartfelt thing, but this was extremely unsettling. I felt like I was watching a cheesy movie and I overheard the main villains plan. This lady was most likely my fathers successor looking to continue this fucked up game on a wider scale. And a lot of people here are supporting that dream.

This was fucking scary. I couldn't help but being pissed off at this sham charity event. All around me were the next set of victims who had zero idea about what was in store for their future.

And surely the sponsors knew what they were paying for as well. After all, if my dad pulled off this game with Kanstantinos and I, they'd have quality entertainment.

I felt like a Guinea pig.

"Mrs. Barros, do you mind if my daughter takes a picture with you? She loves your movies." Some mothers and their children rushed Penelope as soon as she stepped off stage.

"Liam, say hello! This is Mr. Barros. He's helped me out a lot." Liam was being pushed forward by his dad. Liam looked at him and shook my fathers hand looking more bored than ever.

Surely he knew.

"I've heard so much about you, Liam." My father laughed. "You're more handsome than your father said."

"Is that so?" Liam averted his eyes looking anywhere but at my dad.

"Still having trouble keeping eye contact? We worked on this." My father said.

"I'm just not up to things tonight," I was wrong. He wasn't bored, just uncomfortable as hell knowing who he's talking to.

"I'm just glad he takes after his mother. He'd look to crazy if he didn't." Liam's dad joked. Ah, right, Liam's dad is a senator. Unfunny jokes are how he got elected.

"He looks like you too. How are you these days Liam? Have you been sleeping well?" Why would my father ask him that.

"I have, it's all thanks to you doctor." Liam smiled a bit.

"Don't mention it. It's my job, thank you for keeping up with my counseling sessions." When my father said this, Liam's face seemed to drain of color.

"Are you ok, Liam?" Liam's dad asked.

"It's nothing," Liam shoved his hands in his pockets. Liam's dad was the senator. Liam couldn't know more than what I told him. Surprisingly incorruptible, if he was involved, it was most likely without his knowledge.

But Liam's dad, he's made contact with my father directly multiple times, which means he's supporting him directly and my father looked like he was Eagan to speak. Regardless of how he came off when I met him, those two are involved to some extent.

I turned a bit so I wouldn't look too suspicious while I tried to get closer to eavesdrop. Luckily kids were all around so I didn't look suspicious.

As I tried to inch closer, I spotted....Jason Ryan? He's in a wheelchair and he looked incredibly beat up. It didn't seem like he should be out of the hospital yet either. I wonder where he disappeared to after he tried to kidnap Sally? He's part of this crap too?!

Isn't this kind of....the perfect setup?

I have to get out of this costume. I turned to leave handing my leftover balloons to a few children before speed walking out of the banquet hall trying not to drown in my sneakers.

Fuck me it's hot!

When I was a block down the road I tore the Moscot head off and took a deep breath. I've never been so grateful for fresh air. That recon was a real eye opener to who I was allied with.

After a few minutes I ran back toward the office building where the Coach took me.

After bursting through a few doors I managed to finally find him. "Levi! Welcome back!"

"You knew about this and you gave me a list of list offs?! And you willingly kept the information to yourself! You should've told me!"

"Told you what?"

"Senator Hart is a direct supporter and Liam's father. A Current member of parliament is Stephen and Jason Ryan's father. They both go to the same school as Tyler! It's too much of a coincidence for you not to have known! Even if you didn't know that before you came, the fact that you're a teacher means you know who our parents are!"

"Yes, I knew," Coach Nichols admitted.

"Then why-"

"Cuz it's not important. Making sure they were involved was. And you know better than I do that we're running out of time. One month or both of them die. Is doing unnecessary things and running in circles taking care of decoys really what you want to do right now?"

The students didn't matter? "No, but-"

"The students are a non factor in all this as they have no involvement and know nothing about the game regardless of who their parents are. Wouldn't it have been a waste of valuable time to investigate them all?"

"I guess."

"So you know who to keep an eye on, correct?"

"I guess I have an idea."

"So what do you plan to do now?" Coach asked.

"I'm going to enlist Liam to help me." I said. I told him enough but not everything. I think his loyalty to Tyler makes him the best candidate. "Unfortunately, I know how to get my way with him."

I hate this, but protecting Tyler was more important.