
( Haitus )A Path Towards The Pinnacle

No plots, no unnecessary words, I'll solve every issue with my fist on my journey to the peak

Master_Livythan · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
9 Chs

I am here.....

A baby could be seen squatting beside a river doing what looks like playing, he was chubby with slightly tanned skin with a head full of white hair making anyone who passed by and saw this scene to say 'aww he's so adorable', only if they saw the maniacal grin adorned on his chubby little face as he stared at his reflection

"hehe....hehehahahaha.....HAHAHAHAHA" the boy started chackling in a childish voice while grabbing his face as his eyes shown for a second through his stubby fingers

' I actually wasn't dreaming, I fucking made it ' thought the boy? internally as he looked at a billboard with 'Capsule Corp' on it




a soul 'sat up' and cracked his 'neck' before taking a look around taking in his surroundings or lack there of

" so I died huh, who ever said snorting coke before sky diving was a good thing, clearly never tried it " the soul said while shaking his head

" pft, hahahaha that was hilarious, how you just splattered on the field next to that poor cow, I've never seen traumatized beef hahaha " said a gruff voice as they heartedly laughed

" fuck you laughing at old man " asked the soul not hiding his annoyance

" oh? " the owner of the voice seemed surprised before silence prevailed

" ...."

"give me a reason I shouldn't just erase your insignificant soul? " asked the voice causally

" because you need me for whatever reason or we wouldn't even be having this conversation " replied the voice nonchalantly

" wow you're not half bad, but what makes you believe I need you and I can't find someone else to take your place, I highly doubt many would reject the offer "

"that's because you're already half dead old man, we haven't been talking that long yet your presence is getting weaker and weaker as times passes, so finding someone else will probably take more power than you clearly can't afford to lose so get on with whatever you called me for" replied the soul before it tilted it's head and looked in a certain direction where a pale sagely old man appeared

" never thought I would fall so far to be talked down to by a mortal and he also read me so easily " said the old man in annoyance only to receive a blank stare in return

" ahem. on to why you're here, as you said I'm dying and I who prided myself on having everything lack a worthy successor and you no matter when in your life has never known fear no matter how the odds were stacked against you, so I've decided you'll be my successor and inherit my legacy" said the old man when looking directly looking at the soul pridefully

" no " said the soul calmly causing the old man to choke on his saliva

" did I mention that I'm one of if not the strongest cultivator from my world, I could slit planets, rip holes in space, I.....

" no, I will not inherit your legacy because all I would be doing is continuing your partially built project, when I'd rather own the world before I even started building my house, so I'll have to pass " said the soul with a serious expression

The 'void' started trembling along with the old man feeble figure as anger radiated off his entire being

"you ungrateful..."

" before you start your little tantrum....while I won't inherit your legacy I will accept you as my 'master' and accept your name as part of mine to show my respect for you " said the soul before he could finish causing the old man to freeze as his anger diminished

" sigh, the old fogeys would probably laugh their brittle asses off if they saw me, so if you won't accept my legacy, I'll use what's left of my power to grant you....I should be capable of 4 wishes if they're not earth shattering" replied the old man

A wild grin appeared on the soul's face before it was replaced by his previous blank expression as he fell into thought

" does where I reincarnate count as a wish old man? " asked the soul after a period of time

"no sending you to a world is simple and won't affect me in anyway" said the old man casually

" I want to reincarnate in dbz on earth in the year 725 with a evolvable ...." said the soul before getting cut off

" hmm....ah that world, let me guess you want to be a saiyan or better yet an ancient saiyan " said the old man only to receive a disdainful look from the soul

" why would I want to be a monkey? that reeks so heavily of plot armor, 'oh my god i'm going to die, AHHHHHHHHHH, poof new transformation' I disdain such a path" spat the soul before continuing

" as much as I loath such a easy road, I want a human version of zenkai that stems from my evolvable HUMAN bloodline"

" explain what you mean "

" do you know the saying 'jack of all trades master of none'? that's what humans are and I want a power that capitalizes on that potential of humans. The zenkai I want...no I'll call it adaptability, my body would completely adapt and adjust to any situation and grow to ensure whatever injured me or affected me before couldn't affect me again or to the same extent, like doomsday's power "

" for my second wish, I want the ability to evolve my own bloodline and know how to evolve other people's bloodline "

" I would like a inner world where I am god and no one could affect it unless I'm dead and that it grows along with it's inhabitants and as long as my inner world still exist my body will draw energy from it to heal "

" interesting, seems you intend to create an army, didn't strike me as the conquering type " said the old man while stroking his beard

"and your last wish" asked the old man not hiding the curiousity in his voice

" an evolvable AI assistant, got to at least have one classic old man " said the soul with a slight smile surprising the old man making him laugh

" those wishes are doable boy, honestly was expecting you to be greedier...." murmured the old man before shaking away the thoughts

" this will be my first and last deed as your master boy" said the old man as he raised one of his hands before it started turning gold along with the old growing fainter and fainter as darkness consumed the soul

"my name is cain boy, give em hell " laughed the old man before the soul fell unconscious


" this world will be fun "

Damn my head is blank right now, had to struggle through this, tell me your thoughts

Master_Livythancreators' thoughts