

นักเขียน: 夕梨nunu
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What is 暗恋休止符

อ่านนิยาย 暗恋休止符 โดย ผู้เขียน 夕梨nunu ที่เผยแพร่บน WebNovel.我想带你看遍世间最美好的两情相悦我想让你听到暗恋休止后的浪漫心跳我想容你碰触情窦初开时的绯红面庞这是关于每一个人的青春故事,有你渴望过的高冷男神,也有你羡慕过的飒爽姑娘;有穿过流金庭院只为嗅你发香的王子,也有不靠魔法全凭自己努力坐上南瓜马车的灰姑娘;有你一直期待但又困惑着的爱情答案,也有你必经的种种人生选择。翻开书卷,没有虐恋,没有苦楚,只有浓情蜜意,怒放心花。阳光在你的世界久久停留,清风把你带到...


我想带你看遍世间最美好的两情相悦 我想让你听到暗恋休止后的浪漫心跳 我想容你碰触情窦初开时的绯红面庞 这是关于每一个人的青春故事,有你渴望过的高冷男神,也有你羡慕过的飒爽姑娘;有穿过流金庭院只为嗅你发香的王子,也有不靠魔法全凭自己努力坐上南瓜马车的灰姑娘;有你一直期待但又困惑着的爱情答案,也有你必经的种种人生选择。 翻开书卷,没有虐恋,没有苦楚,只有浓情蜜意,怒放心花。阳光在你的世界久久停留,清风把你带到人间最美的地方,随主人公一起去看马尔代夫的白沙,牵手追寻琉璃浪花,去波士顿荡秋千吃龙虾,迈阿密海滩的冰饮碗口比脸大,在纽约帝国大厦的夕阳里说情话,赞叹迪士尼城堡夜空中的烟花,去凯恩斯的桉树林里喂考拉,在墨尔本黎明的热气球里等待朝霞,在京都鸭川边十指相扣品薄茶,在环球邮轮的顶层露台共赏月华。 世界很大爱很浓,和故事里的人一样,你也一定会遇到那个温暖的人,陪你走过青春,走进光和爱里,和你一起,尝遍人间的糖。


Love Breaking The Heart Of Ice

Valerie Emeritus Kratos the only heiress to the empire owned by the most powerful family in all of Europe. She is well-known in the business world and is feared by many. She is very beautiful, men her age and above begged to be with her but none catches her eyes. In all of Valerie’s life, she had never lost to a man. She had sat with many men at the negotiation table and had won. She had taken over many businesses from men extending her family empire around the world. She is sexy, smart, decisive, and has feminine charm as well as business acumen. She draws the attention of many men when she passes by. She had traveled to the seven continents and no man had caught her eyes. Valerie believes that she can never fall in love as she is not interested in love, even though she was conceived on Valentine’s day. How will Valerie fall in love when she had seen all sorts of attractive men from around the world and none had caught her eye? Will Valerie ever falls in love? Join the journey of Valerie Bella Emeritus- Kratos the feminist, who believes that she can never fall in love. She believes that she will never be someone's submissive. "I don't believe I can fall in love. Love isn't my thing. I won't get marry. I don't have to get marry to act like a lady. I don't need a man by my side." she said to her mother. Will Valerie Emeritus-Kratos ever fall in love? Do you think it's right for a woman to say she doesn't need a man? Update Schedule Update will be after every 24 hours If there isn't an update in 24 hours there will be extra chapters the next day. Book Cover Design Picture from Pinterest Design done by Canva Please vote with golden tickets and power stones to unlock the next page....

Bella3AngDo · สมัยใหม่

Guide To Be Single, Help

It was the story of an average and plain woman. That she had a secret that she hides. At first, she dont knows about it after a painful breakup and committing suicide. She awakens something within her. That explains why she was so different from the rest. It also made her special. One ability she awakens was she recalls all her previous life and sees the past identities around her. Sadly she had a terrible love life in the past even the current lifetime. It all came to an end with a broken and horrible relationship. So she intends to be unmarried and adopt children this time. Even though she intends to be single for the rest of her life, she will continue to enjoy adventurous sex life. But fate is laughing at her expense. Her previous live lovers have returned to knock on her door. She had no intention of entering into a relationship. But they want to be in a relationship. Can she keep to her aim of remaining unmarried for the rest of her life, or will she become entangled in so-called love? *** “Are you asking me out on a date?” MC “Yes?” “Nope. ” You're not my type.” MC “No, it's not a date; we're going on a meal trip and then buying books.” “All right, let's go,” MC says. *** “What exactly is this?” MC "Wedding ring?" “How come you're giving to me? MC “Of course, we're going to marry each other.” “What? Who came up with the idea? I'd like to get married?” MC “You said you don't mind if I live with you?' “I mean, we could be roommates for the rest of our lives.” MC “In the same room and on the same bed?” “Yes, what's the problem with that?” MC “My younger brother and I are going to sleep in the same room and bed. “What the hell is the matter with this person?”

PattyBu · แฟนตาซี
28 Chs

An All American Girl With All Korean Brothers

Angel Sommerwood lives in Indianapolis,Indiana with her uncle Lucas. She attends a private school that she can afford only by her dear mother working abroad as a maid. But the house she lives in is full of secrets and deception and leaves her feeling trapped. She does have a boyfriend and a best friend that she thinks the world of. But when her mother unexpectedly dies,her life starts to untangle. Fortunately,the Kim family her mother worked for has invited her to come live with them in Seoul,Korea as a way to pay her mother back for all the wonderful years she gave them. They offer Angel a free place to stay in their endless mansion,will put her through the best college, and even buy her a new house after she finishes college. She can’t believe how everything comes together,until she meets the Kim’s handsome sons. They are the most popular in school,and the most handsome,and are now her overly protective brothers. Or does one of them become more? Dae Hyun,Kwan Hyun,Jung Hyun,and Min Hyun, have always had everything handed down to them on a silver platter in their pure gold mansion. Their father owns the biggest Electronics company in all of Korea and makes billions of dollars a year. Nevertheless,a rich man’d life isn’t always happy. Their mother has been secretively abusive to them since they were little,and leaving them for their made to raise. Katherine has been the maid in the Kim mansion for 20 years and each boy looked to her like their mother. When she unexpectedly passes,they are all left distraught,feeling like the only mother they ever had is now gone. When their parents take in Katherine’s only child,who happens to be a girl their age,they are instructed by their father to treat her only as a sister and to help her out in school. They all are fine with that idea until they lay their eyes on her. Then for one of them it might become a decision of obeying their parents,or being happily in love and homeless.

Michelle_Lagle · วัยรุ่น
4 Chs
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General Audiencesmature rating