

นักเขียน: 中华小铁匠
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What is 我能看见小地图

อ่านนิยาย 我能看见小地图 โดย ผู้เขียน 中华小铁匠 ที่เผยแพร่บน WebNovel.本书已切,勿看宗慎穿越了。一觉醒来发现自己出现在一片看不到边际的大湖中间,落脚之处只有一块小小的湖心岛…而且莫名其妙的获得了一个小地图系统。红点坐标:敌意/恶意(消灭可获得奖励)绿点坐标:平和/友善(不建议攻击)感叹号❗:机缘/任务(概率获得一次机缘)宝箱图标:异宝(下限等级随宿主实力提升而变化)可是…你好歹告诉我怎么离开这个湖心岛吧。...


本书已切,勿看 宗慎穿越了。 一觉醒来发现自己出现在一片看不到边际的大湖中间,落脚之处只有一块小小的湖心岛… 而且莫名其妙的获得了一个小地图系统。 红点坐标:敌意/恶意(消灭可获得奖励) 绿点坐标:平和/友善(不建议攻击) 感叹号❗:机缘/任务(概率获得一次机缘) 宝箱图标:异宝(下限等级随宿主实力提升而变化) 可是… 你好歹告诉我怎么离开这个湖心岛吧。


Hell Holes: What Lurks Below

Author: Donald Firesmith is the prize-winning author of speculative fiction including The Secrets of Hawthorne House (teen paranormal urban fantasy), the Hell Holes series (alien invasion science fiction), and Magical Wands: A Cornucopia of Wand Lore (fantasy). Named a Distinguished Engineer by the Association of Computing Machinery, he is also the author of 7 technical books in system and software engineering. In his spare time, he crafts one-of-a-kind jeweled magic wands. It’s August in Alaska, and geology professor Jack Oswald prepares for the new school year. But when hundreds of huge holes mysteriously appear overnight in the frozen tundra north of the Arctic Circle, Jack receives an unexpected phone call. An oil company exec hires Jack to investigate, and he picks his climatologist wife and two of their graduate students as his team. Uncharacteristically, Jack also lets Aileen O’Shannon, a bewitchingly beautiful young photojournalist, talk him into coming along as their photographer. When they arrive in the remote oil town of Deadhorse, the exec and a biologist to protect them from wild animals join the team. Their task: to assess the risk of more holes opening under the Trans-Alaska Pipeline and the wells and pipelines that feed it. But they discover a far worse danger lurks below. When it emerges, it threatens to shatter Jack’s unshakable faith in science. And destroy us all…

Donald Firesmith · ไซไฟ
14 Chs

Legendary Hero System

The tree of life, Yggdrasil, is the bedrock on which time and space exist. It is fueled by everlasting myths, legends, and glorious acts of heroism. The First Gods built the LEGENDARY HERO SYSTEM to ensure that Yggdrasil has eternal life. Chosen champions from the mortal world are made to recreate epic stories from the ROSTER OF LEGENDARY HEROES. The loops generate abundant glory and acclaim to keep the tree of life flourishing. In its absence, Yggdrasil would perish and the First Gods would descend to reset creation. The systems of Robin Hood, King Arthur, and many other heroes from the roster await the chosen ones. However, one requirement remains, that the hero must stay true to the main storyline. +++++++++ Peter Harrington, a spoiled and obese kid, is reincarnated into the life of his favorite mythical hero. However, he is unfit for the task and does more damage than good. The Legendary Hero Council, which governs allotments of chosen ones to the roster, goes into a state of panic. when they discover that there are no more surrogate heroes. Pete is the last choice of Yggdrasil, and they must convince him to work in their favor. But Pete has other ideas for the newfound system and abilities. Join him in an epic rollercoaster journey through myth, lore, and legend. The universe's very existence is at stake, and there are primordial forces that would like everything annihilated. The last chosen one has to become the greatest hero of all time to counter the wrath of the First Gods. -------------------------------------------------------- Read this: If you are a fan of high fantasy, folklore, isekai, system, and reincarnation. You can expect crossover of fantasy elements from other tropes. If this description is appealing to you, Bon-Appetit! -------------------------------------------------------- This is my 2nd story on WN. My first, GOD FORMULA, was a WPC winner. You can find free chapters on this account or search for GOD FORMULA to find the full story.

KaiserKen · แฟนตาซี
70 Chs


冲喜的阿娇还未过门,便以克夫的罪名被拉去浸了猪笼。 沉尸塘底,生不得安生,死不入轮回。 看着亲爹继母借着已故的自己讹钱后在家中喜笑颜开。只有那村头的小哑巴下水拾了尸骨让自己入土为安,然后在坟前眼圈红红哭的伤心。 重来一次,不再做那任人践踏的蝼蚁。 原来只要能勇敢迈出那反抗的步伐,便能得到上天的垂怜改变命运。 新认的阿娘教我识文断字采药看诊炼丹制药,便宜国师后爹为我逆天改命。 小哑巴,你等着!待我功成名就之时,便是我嫁你之日! 诶诶诶!?你后退的那几步是认真的吗!? 哎不是,我说你跑什么?我还能吃了你不成? 小哑巴版: 乔厌看着少女眼眸弯弯冲着自己笑的明媚,低垂着眼眸不敢抬头看。因为他怕自己控制不住心中的欲望,将女子拉入自己这满是那毫无希望的世界。 浑然不知少女却早已刻意将自己的身影遍布他世界的每一个角落,逃不开躲不掉… 直到某一天,少女忍无可忍将他压在墙上,愤愤说道“你要躲我到什么时候?当真不想要我吗?若真是不想要,我便遂了你的心愿离你远远的,此生不复相见!” 乔厌终究还是没忍住,红着眼眶抱住了那嘴角挂着得逞笑意的少女。 既然你要走进我那满是黑暗的世界,那便来吧……

耳关卢 · โรแมนซ์ทั่วไป
374 Chs
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