
告诉我为什么 告诉我


RecklessInsanity · แฟนตาซี
21 Chs


right after the event of sun facing the problem with his grandpa real grandson...

the new teacher took the four boys to the lakeside to show the others and explain Ethan on how to transform....

Ethan was able to do it as another year pass by as they train...

Cato was able to do it next year as he was now 12 years old...

Issaac was able to do it same as next year as he was now 12 years old...

now it was sun turn as he was now 12 years old after a year of Issaac transforming.

''sun, you saying you didn't see anything when you sleep or didn't feel anything''

''i didn't see anything like that''

the other three boys were looking from side as Ian was talking with Sun

''sun, there might be a problem and i am afraid that you won't be able to transform''

''what, why they were able to do it at ease and why won't i able to do it''

seeing sun shouting, they all stood up looking...

''if you want to cry then cry but don't shout at me like that''

''teacher, give me a chance''

''alright, last chance''

sun closes his eyes as the other didn't had to imagine their transform as it could come to their mind instantly and let them transform but in sun case there was no image of that transform as it was just blank...

sun try to best to imagine himself as they were nothing coming as hours pass by...

sun scream as he was not able to do it...

as sun was now near the lake side as he looked at the blue lake as the lake reflected sun face as sun looked at the reflected...

it was now night as they were eating their food...

sun was sitting with others, but his friends knew that he was saddened by his result as they try to give him their part of food and talk with him as he was looking down...

the teacher called sun as sun went to the teacher...

the teacher had another fire camp as he kept his distance with his students...

''sun i think i know the reason why you were not able to transform''

sun looked at his teacher in confused...

''you weren't born like the others but were born from a stone''


''you know we monkey at least have 2 similar powers; all of the monkeys have these two powers which they got it from thousand years ago.''


''wait, you didn't learn our history''

''i only know a little''

''oh my god''


''alright so we got this power after dungeon arrived which was couple of thousand years ago as not only monkey got but the dragon and other beast kind has got as well''


''sun, do you still think you have what it takes to be the strongest''

sun was now looking at the fire which was dying slowly as his teacher tries not to let it die...

''sun, do you feel like you belong in here''

sun was shocked at his teacher saying as in his thoughts '' ever since i was a kid, i felt like i never had a sense of belonging and in here, i am a human but has a physical look of a monkey which now is different as i do not have the similar power they all have'' ''now do i belong here or in human place'' ''i don't know'' "I thought I belong here as I look like them but I remember that I was a human in my past life and today was just..now i don't know where i belong,never felt like I belong anywhere and just that I just try to fit in whether it was my past or current"

''sun, you were born from stone don't you ever wonder are you one of us or not..who you really are i mean do you know who you are''

sun was just looking at the firewood as it reflected on his eyes as he had no answer to the question ask by his teacher even when he was a human, he didn't know himself and didn't have a sense of belonging anywhere...

the teacher was now playing with the fire as the fire was now slowly vanishing until there were no fire as sun kept looking until the end as the fire reflected on his eyes vanish...

''sun, you can go now''

sun didn't say anything as he started to walk back but stopped suddenly as he made up his mind instead ''all those doesn't matter, all i want to do is to become strong, stronger than anyone''

as sun was stopped, he looks back at the teacher as the teacher lit up the firewood again as sun looked at the firewood that was starting to burn...

''the old me could be depressed about it but now i don't want to be, all I want to do is train, train and train and become strong and stronger and the strongest'' as he kept looking at the fire as the fire reflected on his eyes as the fire burns more bigger and bigger as the fire reflected on sun eyes gets bigger and bigger as his goal to become stronger and stronger than anyone....the strongest