
Chapter 33

The next important point in Li Yun's research was trading within the Thousand Herbs sect and everything related to it, because in the future they will rely solely on Xiao Lin's talents in alchemy. In fact, the sect was a medium-sized city with a completely independent infrastructure, of course, in its territory, as in any city, there were markets where almost everything could be bought. Well-worn artifacts were often sold in such markets, but given the peculiarity of the Thousand Herb sect, Li Yun was sure that it would be easy to find ingredients for alchemy there, and ready-made granules were unlikely to be rare. Finding such information on paper, he nodded fairly, all his guesses were true and officially confirmed, in addition, given the great demand for crystals of the demonic beasts, the sect bought them in large quantities and anyone could easily purchase them during the auction. This information pleased and slightly surprised Lee Yun, he did not expect that there would be an auction house along the sect, which was just awesome news. With a lot of finances in the future, Li Yun could allow the purchase of not only artifacts for their entire group, but also the opportunity to get some treasures of the first, and possibly second rank. It is worth noting that treasures can only be bought at auction, usually for fabulous money, their value is never fixed, unlike artifacts. After a little reflection, Li Yun finally came to the conclusion that such a rich sect simply could not help using the auction services on its territory, it was quite natural.

After receiving information that when renting the houses you could take a maid with you, Li Yun decided to do this, because in this case they would save a lot of time that they would have to spend on cooking and cleaning, and other little things, namely for this reason, he considered renting a yard with four houses at once. But now he was completely convinced of the correctness of his decision, for successful trading they would have to spend all their time on the auction territory, and not one of them could afford it, they go to a sect for training. Now this problem could be easily solved, all the care with the sale of granules, the purchase of ingredients, he could fall onto the shoulders of the maidservant and he knew who this could be trusted. Lei Ni was an excellent candidate for such a job, moreover, he trusted her, in the end this girl knew all his secrets, with the exception of the bed ones, but who knows, maybe in the future she will learn about them, in any case, Li Yun would don't give a damn about its origin if it comes to that. Of course, he had not yet considered this seriously, the main reason was that Lei Ni was not a cultivator, which meant that she would live much shorter than Li Yun himself, nevertheless, he had suspicions that his crazy technique of "Body Fusion" could well turn an ordinary person into a cultivator. The reason for this conjecture was in the very difference between ordinary people and cultivators. First of all, both of them had a soul vessel that contained Chi energy at birth, after which the body of the newborn began to absorb Chi energy from the environment. If the child is destined to become a cultivator, then within a year this vessel of the soul should be filled with Chi energy and explode, after which a new vessel of the soul will instantly be formed, which will be able to expand and accumulate more and more Chi energy. To some extent, such changes can be compared with the loss of milk teeth in children and the formation of ordinary ones after that, with the only difference being that it happened instantly. If the child could not form a new vessel of the soul, he remained an ordinary person, for some reason after one year, the body ceased to absorb Chi energy from the environment, which made it more impossible to form a vessel of the soul. Li Yun, however, possessed a technique that directly affected the soul vessel, which could lead to the filling of the soul vessel of an ordinary person, after which he could explode into a soul vessel of a real cultivator, unfortunately it was only a theory. Deciding not to think about things so far away and unnecessary at the moment, Li Yun continued his research reaching the main part of the material related to the cultivation of combat skills.

To his surprise, Li Yun discovered that in the Thousand Herbs sect there are not only fighting skills cultivation techniques, but also the usual cultivation techniques that, in his opinion, anyone who wants to join the sect should already have, because to get there you need to have a bronze rank of one star, and this is impossible without cultivation techniques. However, Li Yun quickly guessed the reason for their presence. Over the many thousands of years that such sects exist, the oldest that live on the territory of the sect naturally began to start their own families, increasingly separating from the clans to which they originally belonged. Thus, it became increasingly difficult for their descendants to obtain cultivation techniques from the clan. It is for this reason that the sect of the Thousand Grasses has acquired its own cultivation techniques, naturally it is extremely difficult to obtain such techniques, but there is nothing that could not be bought for money. In fact, the number and quality of cultivation techniques the sect had at its disposal Thousands of herbs pleasantly surprised, their strength and variety were in no way inferior to the best clans of the continent, however, Li Yun was absolutely not interested in these techniques.

Thus, Li Yun quickly moved on to the techniques of cultivating combat skills. As he expected from what he had heard earlier, there were a lot of them, starting from the bronze rank and ending with gold, any student could find suitable techniques for himself, no matter what element he prefers. This was especially pleasing to Li Yun, because he felt a little guilt in front of Li Yan because of the sect of the Ice Palace, which was superior to other sects in military techniques related to the elements of ice. Now Li Yun found out that this is not entirely true, in fact, this only took place starting with steel-grade techniques, and in the initial stages of development the difference is minimal. However, the price that a girl had to pay to get steel grade techniques was too high, according to Li Yun, everyone knows how cold and unemotional the girls from the Ice Palace were on their way to steel grade.