
Chapter 26

The girls at that time had no idea what Li Yun was doing, by and large they were not up to it. Li Yan was very assertive, it was not noticeable that she only became a woman a few days ago. As for Xiao Lin, after they were exposed by Li Yun, her shame returned, although not for long, the actions of Li Yan quickly suppressed her pathetic attempts at resistance and she again plunged into the abyss of passion. Li Yan, bringing her mistress to a very stormy climax, did not stop there and while Xiao Lin came to, she saddled her face, not wanting to remain unsatisfied.

When the girls finished their entertainment, their breakfast was already cooling, being very dirty, they did not dress before washing, in the end they had to eat breakfast right in bed. In principle, this was not strange, many rich and influential people did just that, but still they are used to eating at the table and dressed. After breakfast, both girls washed and almost immediately afterwards Lei Ni came in to clean up. All the while the girl was cleaning up, Li Yan and Xiao Lin sat blushing at the table and looking at each other, now that they both calmed down and thought clearly, what happened in the morning was a little embarrassing for both of them, but this was more likely due to the presence of another girl here. As soon as Lei Ni finished cleaning and left their home, their embarrassment was noticeably diminished.

- Maybe we should cultivate while there is free time? - suggested Li Yan.

Xiao Lin naturally was not opposed, at that time she, and all her friends were engaged in the cultivation or study of alchemy. Because of the saturation of the last three days, they did not have time to cultivate and also stabilize their Qi, because they both significantly increased its amount in the vessels of the soul. However, the result was not very encouraging, after stabilizing Qi, the effect of conventional cultivation was so insignificant compared to what they received at night that it could be regarded as a waste of time.

- Sister Yan, does your cultivation also have a very weak effect? - opening her eyes, Xiao Lin asked, about an hour after the cultivation began.

- Yes, it is much smaller than before. - answered Li Yan, also opening her eyes. - It looks like now we will get a good effect only at night. she added with a smile.

"Then I will continue to study alchemy." - blushed slightly and said Xiao Lin, she perfectly understood what Li Yan was hinting at.

"Sister Lin, could you teach me at least the basics of alchemy?" She really interested me. Maybe I should study the appearance and effects of some herbs, if I meet something valuable in the future, I can buy or assemble it for you. - Li Yan said a little shy, she was uncomfortable asking for it, but she perfectly understood that the skill of recognizing herbs would be very useful in the future, especially since the alchemist was now always at hand.

"Of course, all that I have already studied, I still carry with me, given that in the near future we are unlikely to find herbs for granules or pills above the silver rank, these two books are suitable for you. - said Xiao Lin and took out two thick grimoires from her ring, and then passed them to Li Yan.

The first, a grimoire, was called "Introduction to Alchemy: lower quality herbs." Judging by the name, herbs and other ingredients necessary for creating granules and pills of no rank and bronze rank were described here - this was clear from the name of the second grimoire "Rare herbs and ingredients for granules and pills of silver and gold rank". After reading the names, Li Yan looked at Xiao Lin, who also took out one grimoire for herself; it was black with a rather interesting name, "Poisons and Antidotes of Medium and High Degree". Not even a minute had passed before both girls began to study their grimoires, all cultivators had an excellent memory, so it was not difficult for them to remember everything they read, however these grimoires were very voluminous and it would take at least a month to read it, so unlike Li Yan, Xiao Lin it was necessary not only to remember everything, but also to understand all the principles of the action of poisons and antidotes. Understanding the principles was the basic knowledge for alchemists, only then he could create something new, and not just act according to the pattern, Xiao Lin had this understanding and most recently she demonstrated this by creating a completely new granule without the slightest problem. Now she was even more enthusiastic about studying poisons, for several reasons. Firstly, her future as a high-class alchemist now was no longer an impossible dream, with such a high level of cultivation and her knowledge, plus talent in alchemy, with proper training, she could easily become a good alchemist, and the production of poisons and antidotes is an essential skill. The second reason, for the most part, follows from the first, all the outstanding alchemists were combat cultivators using poisons, until today Xiao Lin has never considered that she could become a fighting alchemist, one of the most terrible and murderous cultivators, and the reasons for this are understandable. In order to become a combat alchemist, you not only need to be well versed in herbs, poisons, and antidotes, but also must have a high level of cultivation, learn the fighting techniques of alchemists, and master the skills of controlling spiritual needles, which are the main weapons of alchemists. How could a girl with only six cultivation stars, at least think of such a thing, with all her talent in alchemy, she simply would not have enough time to study all this and try to increase her cultivation. However, now, her situation has changed dramatically, her cultivation level was probably the highest in her generation of the Xiao clan, unfortunately they have not held a tournament similar to the one held recently in the Li clan, and probably she did not know this. Considering that she had a strong alchemist's foundation and high cultivation that would take her little time to increase, besides having a divine body it would be foolish not to try to become a military alchemist, now she has many opportunities for this, which is why she started with