
Walking Shoko home

We left after hanging out for a bit, in a way tomorrow it's actually the first day of school since today was just an ordination and no sort of actual lessons.

"guys let's go to the arcade!!!" None other than Marin suggested.

" I need to go help with our fishing boat business, sorry"

Man isn't even spared while he is just in middle school, a reason why he has my respect. Such a hard worker.

"Sure, I have time to spare" Tadano accepts.

He most of the time, is always a go with the flow person.

"And you Kyera!"

" I will pass"

" what whyyy, it will be fun!"

"Yeah come on man" Tadano adds.

"but not for long"

" yay!!"

Marin is so full of life all the time.

I didn't really want to go because I rather sleep or something, kind of an introvert.

( Shoko do you want to go to the arcade?)

( I can't!, sorry Kyera, I need to be at home)

(oh alright then, let me walk you home?)

( No it's fine! don't trouble yourself)

( it's no trouble silly!)

( No it's really fine!)

( Fine fine, take care)

AN: When "(..)" is applied it means is sign language, at least when these two are talking.

She then waves to me and the others and leaves.

" I'm gonna go walk her home, you guys go enjoy"

" ahh what a bummer! 2 members gone!"

Ippo had already left a bit ago after saying he had to help out with the business.

"see you all tomorrow"

"" Bye Kyera!, Bye Onii-Chan!""

Even Tadano joined her, and he isn't like this, it's either his chuuniness affecting him or Marin's influence…

Rolling my eyes I walk away to catch up with Shoko. Friends will be friends.


Just a bit behind Shoko right now, I was really strong about walking her home because I worry for her, and yes it's because of her disability, some people might say by thinking this I'm looking down on her but whatever. And just didn't want to leave her alone, after all, everyone other than ippo had gone to have some fun, I want to include her as well, though by just walking with her there won't be any enjoyment, but it's the company that counts.

And speaking of ippo, I- no we don't get to spend time with him as much as we would like to because he is just that busy. You would think since he is so young he won't work much, but hey that's anime logic at its finest. Ippo it's a good son.

Stopping by an ice cream stall, I quickly buy 2 popsicles.

Time to surprise her.

Running up to her I tap her right shoulder with the popsicle gently.

( Hi Shoko!, take this popsicle!) I say in sign language with my other free hand.

Shocked she blinks twice before taking it from my hand.

( Let's go!)

( wha- WAIT!, Kyera what are you doing here!)

haha, anyone could effortlessly guess her tone from how fast and aggressively those hands were moving.

( I felt like walking, and wanted to breath in some fresh air, so had the idea why not go with you!)

( but the others, you missed out a opportunity because of me) she 'says' her eyes getting moist.

Ayiaa this girl it's so sensitive, but that's what makes her who she is, someone with a beautiful gentle heart and nature.

( I'm sorry, it's my fault)

(No it's not! it was my decision, I didn't even want to go there in the first place!)

(So don't blame yourself)

( but but-)

( no buts! now let's walk, how long are we gonna stand here for! and eat your popsicle before it melts!)

( thank you Kyera)

Giving her a nod with a smile, I start walking.

Running up to me she stops and starts walking along with me.

Awkward silence.

I start eating my popsicle, and so does she.

Looking at her from the sides of my eyes, she was blushing a bit, maybe the popsicle was too cold.

Quickly eating up mines and then…getting a brain freeze, of course.

Shoko chuckles seeing my foolishness.

Walking closer to me she pats the back of my head.

Let's see what the popsicle stick says,

"Your soulmate is near you"

Pretty cringe.

My soulmate's always with me, near me, on me, part of me, for I'm meant to be single forever.

If you know what I mean.

Sheesh, that should be a quote for us degenerates.

Shoko leans in to read what mine says, after seeing the words she blushes all red, kinda matching her hair. She looks down a little while walking as if hiding her face.

Haha so cute.

By now she also finished her, her one says 'your wish will come true"

Nice one.

Shoko suddenly stops walking, closes her eyes, and makes her wish, you could tell from her lips moving.

We then continue walking acting as if none of that happened, no one for sure wasn't a tomato just a moment ago.

(Shoko what did you wish for?)

(Not telling you!)

( haha, alright)

She makes a pouting face, did she want me to perhaps persuade her to say it? or maybe something else. No matter what world, universe, or age, females are meant to be not understood by men.

That can be a quote to, man I be saying some wise words today, though that one was basic knowledge..!

( Kyera do you want to sit at the park, I feel a bit tired)

How could I say no to those eyes full of hope.

Well I thought she said she had to be at home? maybe she just didn't want to go to the arcade?

(sure, let's go)


This is so peaceful, just chilling sitting down at the park, that to with someone you can call a friend. Friends are so valuable, finding one with trust is hard, and even harder is for you giving them your trust. Or at least for me it is, I give Shoko my full trust, maybe because I know her from the movie so I know she is a nice soul, and have personally known her for so years to.

This peacefulness is to live for.

Maybe I should just make my grand goal to have a decent amount of money, then move out to someplace surrounded by nature.

Tap tap.

Turing my head at Shoko, she 'says' ( can we play at the swing)

Haha, she is a kid after all, though even adults can enjoy the swing.

( yeah let's go!)


Pushing Shoko while she's in the swing, I think this was her plan all along, and she wasn't even tired at all haha. Look at all that energy, love to see it, especially from her.

Whenever I think of Silent Voice all those memories come back, man does that just make me want to protect her and keep making her smile like she is right now, It causes me to feel so much joy. I'm glad I get to spend time with her like this.

This peace, this calm atmosphere, this freeness of conflict and stress, I am at peak right now.



- I know how this kind of plot might bore a lot of people so comment if you want me to add some interesting stuff, and feel free to suggest as well.

- this type of plot will or might continue though, as I enjoy writing such extreme slice of life

-that's all thanks for reading!!!, enjoy your day or night!