

The heroes from the land of dawn was teleported to our world for a reason and its their job to go back to their hometown but they need help...luckily Rin,Misaki, and Renz Everfree decided to help them but little do the heroes know the sisters were having a trick on their sleeves all along

SakuraBlossom2019 · วิดีโอเกม
9 Chs

Chapter Four

||Rin's pov||

I saw the rain let up making the full moon shine down and make the water drops visible and shine through the night "So beautiful...I wonder if Misaki wants to walk around with me?" I stood up from my chair and went to my sisters room "Hey Misaki wanna come walk around with me?" I asked looking at my sister who is busy reading a book silently "Hmm?" was the only thing she said I walked up to her "Please?" I begged with puppy eyes "Shut up I'm trying to read!" She shouted in annoyance making me pout "Hmph meanie I'm calling mom and tell her that you're being mean" a vain popped out on the side of her forehead but since she was trying to control her anger she calmed down "Oh my gosh why does my twin have to be so childlish when she is clearly 5 minutes older than me!" She shouted removing the blanket around her legs and she placed the book on her desk "Alright I'll go with you just please get out so I can change" She said by the looks of her clothes she was about to sleep after reading her book.

||Misaki's pov||

I watched my sister walked out of my room making me sigh from relief as I changed into some comfortable clothes I turned off the lights then opened the door walking out "Where's Renz?" I asked looking at Rin "Oh he's eating cookies while watching anime" She said I nodded then walked up to the laundry room to get a picnic blanket "What are you doing?" She asked looking at me as I grab a red and blue colored picnic blanket "Since the view is beautiful at the sky why not star gaze somewhere at the forest" I request and she clapped her hands and her eyes sparkled with joy "That would be awesome!" She cheered "I'll be waiting for you outside!" She ran out while cheering her lungs out making me sweatdrop.

I stop by to look at our little brother Renz who's just a one year younger than me and Rin "Hey Renz" I called out he looked at me with a his mouthfull of cookies "Me and Rin will be out for some star gazing make sure to watch over the place okay?" I asked and he just simply nodded then continues to watch some anime. I walked out of the house closing the door behind me "Let's go" I said then we went to the forest near by to look for a good spot to star gaze.

While walking we saw something or someone who is leaning by a tree unconcious "Who's that" Rin asked "I don't know" I answered then we could feel the rain pouring down at us "Seriously?!" I whined "Forget the rain let's go check out who that is!" Rin asked running up to the person who is a few feet away from us "Wait-" Before I could stop her the rain got stronger "Ahh!!" Rin screamed making me run up to her "What's wrong?!-" My question got cut off as I saw the person in front of us my eyes widen in surprise and shock.
