
[Origin: Reboot]

Machine Translation of my reboot story, [Origin]. Disclaimer: I do not own the characters or the worlds in which my story is inspired [Except OCs and original plot]. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Many people have asked questions about how everything started. What came first, the chicken or the egg, did god create everything? Are we the product of a species that gradually adapted to the world? Welcome to Origin, here you can discover the answer that so many scholars have sought, but it will be a hard road full of dangers at every corner where not only your intellect will be put to the test, but also your power, your will and your preparation. Are you lucky enough to make it to the end, are you brave enough to take the first step? Will you be able to get the strength you need to keep moving forward? To move forward or to give up Only you will decide how far you want to go... Welcome to Origin... Do you want to start your journey? * * * * * *

GenoXX · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
86 Chs

84: Tyrant

"What do you think about the [Tyrant] standing next to the [prince]?" - asked one girl as the others looked at her with confused expressions on their faces.

"Tyrant?" - repeated the girls.

"It's the nickname I gave Cloud-sama" - replied the first girl with a huge smile full of pride - "I think it suits someone as cold and strong as him?"

"Tyrant'?" - Tatenashi repeated while stroking her chin - "It doesn't sound so bad, and somehow I feel that I like it despite the bad connotations that kind of name has for my nation."

The girl from Russia was silent before shaking her head and smiling slightly, after all, she wasn't in her nation, but in Japan.

"I guess I'll have a little more fun" - Tatenashi smiled as she thought about how this situation would bring a few inconveniences to the young blonde.

* * *

"Tyrant?" - Houki said with surprise as she looked at Cecilia, who was pensive - "What do you think?"

"Well, from the very direct and aggressive style, I can assure you that he fights like a monarch" - Cecilia answered while tilting her head - "And his aura is also strangely oppressive, so yes, this nickname fits him well."

Houki remained silent because not having confronted the young blond, she couldn't confirm the words of her friend from England.

"Believe me, I know what I'm talking about" - said Cecilia while shaking her head - "As a noble, I've been in front of many people with this kind of aura."

"I understand" - nodded Houki as the two girls walked towards the showers, not noticing how three girls seemed to have overheard the conversation.

"Tyrant" - muttered the first girl as she frowned.

"Should we report it to Squall-sama?" - asked another girl while looking at her companions.

"That's not a good idea, not with the increased level of security at the academy" - replied the third girl - "If we try to make contact with her, the probability of us being discovered rises to catastrophic levels."

Her two companions remained silent as they looked at what seemed to be the leader of the trio.

"So what do we do?" the first girl asked.

"What we've done during our entire stay at the academy... wait" - replied the third one while closing her eyes - "Squall-sama already gave us the information of the upcoming operation, she's about to send an automatic [IS] to thoroughly investigate the danger level of Ichika Orimura and Cloud Strife."

"It's a bit boring, but I guess we can only do that" - muttered the first girl - "Have we found out anything else about Cloud Strife?"

"He doesn't interact with anyone, so it's hard to get anything out of him" - replied the second girl - "And being second year students it'll be harder for us to appear to engage in conversation naturally."

"We can't use the people around him either because they are just as dangerous targets" - muttered the leader of the trio while frowning - "Houki Shinonono, Tabane's younger sister... Ichika Orimura, the primary target... Finally, Cecilia Alcott from England and Charles Dunois from France."

"We have no clear information on Charles Dunois either, except that he is the heir of the Dunois corporation" - muttered the second girl while frowning.

"Let's leave the investigation to Squall-sama, our goal is simply to inform her about the strange movements inside the academy" - said the leader of the group while shaking her head.

* * * * *

"This is my personal gym" - Cloud said as he shook his head - "Initially it belonged to Chifuyu-san, but now I use it most of the time, so if you need anything, you can come here, and we can talk."

"I understand -" nodded Charles as he looked around and noticed how advanced the gym equipment was.

* *

"This is the girls' bathroom" - said Cloud as he shook his head - "I recommend you to stay as far away as possible from this dangerous place, because the moment you get close to the entrance..."

Cloud slowly walked towards the place, only to step back, at which point a pair of hands appeared.

"It happens that..." - Cloud finished as he ignored the sweat running down the forehead of the young man from France.

* *

"This is the infirmary, it's usually unoccupied" - Cloud said while ignoring the moans heard inside - "And when it's not, it's possibly being used by two girls who want to 'heal their wounds', if you know what I mean..."

Charles blushed before asking his blond companion to go somewhere else.

* *

"This is the music clubroom" - Cloud said as he shrugged - "Here you'll find all kinds of instruments, whatever you think, exists inside this room."

"Even pianos?" - Charles asked with mild interest, after all, she loved the piano because her mother played it before she died. This was one of the few beautiful memories she had of her childhood.

"Oh, I recommend you not to go in now" - said Cloud as he watched his companion enter, only to leave after a few seconds with a red face due to the fact that inside a girl was using a flute in a very unorthodox way - "I told you ~"

* *

"This is the empty room" - Cloud said as he pointed towards a random classroom - "Here you can bring that special someone if you need to have a little private time."

Charles blushed, though his expression turned to a redder one when he saw two girls come out with their clothes slightly disheveled.

"Oh, this is a little awkward" - Cloud said as he shook his head.

"Kya~!" - the two girls shouted out of excitement to see two of the boys at the entrance of the empty room - "The tyrant and the prince ~!"

"Are you coming to use the room?" - asked the girls with their faces even redder.

"No, I'm just showing him the sites of interest" - Cloud replied as he shook his head - "By the way, did you call me Tyrant?"

"Yes, that's your nickname, Cloud-sama" - replied the first girl as she regained her composure.

"Hmm, doesn't sound so bad" - nodded Cloud as he indicated Charles to follow him because there were still a few more places to see.

"Etto... Don't you guys want us to show you our locations?" - The second girl asked as she licked her lips, because even though it was fun to do it with other girls, she was curious about how a guy felt.

Charles was embarrassed because he didn't think the girls in this place were so shameless.

"Don't play with fire, cutie" - Cloud said as he grabbed her chin - "Because you might end up burned."

The girl quickly fell to the ground after feeling how her legs lost the strength to stand firm, even she could feel how she had gotten wet with just the boy's words, something she had never felt in her whole life.

"Ok, I think that's enough for now" - Cloud said as he shook his head - "Keep enjoying your private time ~"

The two girls watched as the two blonde boys left before returning inside the room. That short interaction had caused something new to awaken within them.

"Is that normal?" - Charles asked after moving far enough away, so they couldn't hear them.

"Oh, quite normal" - Cloud replied as he shrugged - "This place is extremely competitive, which causes the students to be under constant stress."

"But why between girls?" - Charles asked as he frowned. She had nothing against lesbians, but it had been a strange surprise to see it directly.

"I'm going to answer you with another question" - Cloud said as he looked carefully at his companion - "What are [IS] pilots?"

"Women?" - Charles replied as he raised an eyebrow - "At least 99.9%."

"Exactly, in other words, [IS] pilots normally interact with other pilots, which means that the ratio of relationships between women is extremely high because these spend most of their time together, creating a connection of camaraderie and on a sentimental level" - Cloud answered as he shook his head - "Potentially, all [IS] pilots are bisexual."

Charles was silent before shaking his head and nodding, after all, Cloud's words made sense.

* *

"This is the last place left to show you" - Cloud said as he noticed how exhausted his companion was - "The combat arena, the place where the big events are commonly organized, or at least that's what I've heard, as well as the training area where pilots can fight without fear of being reprimanded."

"Cloud?" - Ichika said in surprise as he saw the two blondes walking in his direction - "What are you doing here?"

"I'm showing Charles the points of interest" - Cloud replied as he shrugged - "That aside, I see you're on a date, sorry to interrupt."

"I-It's not a date!" - Ichika exclaimed with a red face.

"As much as I would like it to be a date, that's not the case" - Rin replied while shaking her head - "I'm teaching him everything I know because I don't want my future husband to be a laughingstock."

"Thank you for your words of encouragement, Rin" - said Ichika sarcastically, though he quickly blushed - "Future husband?!"

"That was slow" - muttered Cloud as he gave his friend a blank look.

"If you want I can help" - Charles said as he looked at the duo standing in the arena.


Remember, this story is a machine translation and lightly edited with Grammarly of my original story.

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