
Chapter 2: Birth

What happend? The Sytem told me that I was being Born but I don't feel any diffrence.

!That's because you're currently pushing through!

What do you mean pushing through? Wait don't tell me that you mean that pushing through?

!User you should see light in a bit!

Hey you didn't answer me! As soon as I said those Words i saw Light and a face of a Person that looked like a Frog. The Frog looking person was clothed in a white doctor's coat and haid a very ugly smile.

"And it's a Boy, Mrs. Midoriya you have given birth to a son." The Doctor said while wrapping me in a really soft towel and handing me to my Mother.

Wait did he say Mrs. Midoriya... That means im Deku- I mean Izuku right?

"Ah my little baby boy Izuku, what a handsome boy you are." Inko said while tears rolled down her face.

No way I really am Izuku Midoriya! Yes i'm the Protagonist!

"But Doctor, why isn't he crying like other Babys?" Inko said worrying about her son Izuku.

Crying? Oh right I should probally start to cry or else they will suspect me!

"Bwah! Bwah!" I cried so my mother wouldn't worry about me.

"Oh never mind. You probally don`t get what i'm saying right now, but I hope you know that I love you Izuku." Inko said while holding me in her arms with a light embrace.

'Yeah I know Mom I love you to. So anyway system what abilitiys do you give me?'

!With me the User gains (Status,Shop,Quests)!

'Interesting. System open my Status!'

!Of course!


Name: Izuku Midoriya

Level: 1

Age: 12 Minutes 34Seconds

Race: Human

Bloodtype: O

Quirk: None (Temporaly)

HP: 8 Standard: 5

STR: 1 Standard: 1

VIT: 1 Standard: 1

AGI: 1 Standard: 1

INT: 22 Standard: 1

LUK: 10 Standard: 5

Skills: None

Points: 1000 (Gift)

Quests: None


'Interesting. I'm quite above the average Baby in my eyes. System these Points are for the SHop correct?' !Yes Izuku the Points that are shown on your Status-screen are for the Shop. You can use these Points to buy Skills and other stuff.!

'Okay. And How do I gain points?' !You can gain coins while leveling up or doing Quests.!

'Okay easy enough open the Sop!'

!Of course!


-Quirks /LOCKED available at age 4


-Other /LOCKED available at level 15


'Ho. So i can buy Quirks! I'll keep that in mind for later. System open the Skill tab.' !Of course!


-Strengthend Body (300)

-Strengthend Mind (300)


'What that are all the skills I can buy?' !You will be able to purchase more Skills at higher Levels.! 'Okay that makes sense.System I would like to purchase both Skills!' !Of course. Bought Strengthend Body and Strengthend Mindfor 600 Points.! After I bought those Skills I felt stronger and could think more clearly. Quite the amazing Skills! Thank you System! I'm getting tired, I already hate this Body of mine!


I hope you liked this chapter of my Story!

If you spot any errors in my spelling please tell me where so i can correct it!

I would also say that this Story might look like all the other Storys but trust me If you continue later it will be worth it!

AlphaBluecreators' thoughts