
Chapter 4) The Empress Missing Child

Headmaster Anaximander was amaze as to who this man is. "Seoru!? What are you doing here!?" Aiyana ask. Seoru did not reply and just stare at Headmaster Anaximander. "Such hatred!" Headmaster Anaximander cannot even keep eye contract with Seoru for more than 10 second. "Care to tell me why you eliminate the whole Glass clan." Headmaster Anaximander ask Seoru. Professor Julia hear this and went next to Headmaster Anaximander to see who is the culprit. As soon as she see Seoru, she scream. "Take Professor Julia away. Let her rest." Headmaster Anaximander said. The other professors take the students and Professor Julia away. "Lets talk shall we." Headmaster Anaximander take a seat. Aiyana take a seat while Seoru stand next to her. "Do you know this man?" Headmaster Anaximander show a painting of Liam. Aiyana saw the painting of Liam and terror can be seen on her face. She look up to Seoru whose eyes can pierce through ones soul. "Care to tell me what happen? Don't worry. If you tell me the full story then I will make sure that none of these get out." Headmaster Anaximander said. *Thud* Seoru stab a dagger onto the desk. Headmaster Anaximander pick up the dagger and know what Seoru mean by this. He cut his palm. "I, Anaximander Deighan! Swear on my ancestors that I will keep this promise!" Headmaster Anaximander said and threw the dagger back to Seoru. Seoru caught the dagger and look at Aiyana. After Aiyana explain to Headmaster Anaximander of what happen that night. "Hmmm... Seem like the culprit is someone that must have hate you. But why did you have to eliminate the whole Glass clan?" Headmaster Anaximander ask Seoru. "Example." Seoru reply bluntly. This simply words send shiver down Headmaster Anaximander spine. "She is clear of her crime. How about you?" Headmaster Anaximander ask. Seoru show his sword to Headmaster Anaximander. Headmaster Anaximander is sure that if they go head on, he would lose for sure. "How old are you?" Headmaster Anaximander ask Seoru. "15." Seoru reply bluntly.

Headmaster Anaximander and Aiyana was shock to hear this. "That mean he is my junior! I am 2 year older than him!" Aiyana said to herself. Headmaster Anaximander was shock the most. "A 15 year old boy and could already achieve such dangerous power is hard to come by." He said to himself. "Are you her guard or...?" Headmaster Anaximander ask. Seoru did not reply. "He is not Headmaster Anaximander. He is young miss Thea bodyguard." Aiyana reply instead. "Oh! Then you must be her maid." Headmaster Anaximander said. Aiyana nod. "Seem like you're not aren't you?" Headmaster Anaximander said. "Huh!? Ehh!? What make you say that!?" Aiyana ask. "Your face tell it all. Seem like you're her older step sister but was abandon by your father right?" Headmaster Anaximander ask. Aiyana lower her head and nod as everything Headmaster Anaximander said is true. "Must be tough... Anyway. I will keep my eyes on you." Headmaster Anaximander look at Seoru then left. "Oh! And there will be no class for today for your class. Go and have fun but just don't go overboard again." Headmaster Anaximander said before he left. Seoru did not move until he heard a growl. He take Aiyana hand and went out. "I really need to get to the bottom of this!" Naviv said. He was not paying attention to class but the professor did not care as this is the prince himself. "Something bothering you?" A beautiful girl ask Naviv. "Nothing much Ren. Just that my mother is not feeling well again." Naviv reply. "Oh... Is she getting better?" Ren ask. "She is. Thank you for worrying." Naviv reply. "Alright students! Class is it for today!" The professor dismiss class. Naviv rush out of the class to go back to his investigation. Ren follow after him.

Thea walk out of her class and saw someone pass by her. It was Naviv. She was about to call out when she heard a girl voice call out to Naviv. "Naviv. I can help you. As long as you give me time!" Ren said. "Not now Ren. I got to do this alone. My mother sickness depend on me." Naviv reply. Ren chase after Naviv and pass by Thea. Thea could see that she is no match for Ren in every way possible. Ren had the look, voice, manner and everything opposite of Thea. Thea glare at Ren and will try to find ways to harm her. There is nothing that was not in her grasp. Ren follow Naviv for about 3 minute. "Fine! If you really want to help my mother then help me find what she said all the time. Lets go meet her!" Naviv said. They soon arrive to the palace and make their way to Naviv mother room. "Aunt. I'm here to see you." Ren said. "Ah~ Ren. Why are you here?" Farah ask. "Aunite. I want to ask you about who this baby you're talking about?" Ren ask. "You found my baby! Where is my baby!" Farah ask quickly. "Calm down mother!" Naviv calm his mother down. "My baby... Where is my baby...? Let me see my baby...? Give me back my baby...?" Aiden heard this and rush inside. "What happen what happen!?" Aiden rush in and saw Naviv and Ren. "Seem like mother is still talking about this imaginary baby father." Naviv said. "Leave... Let your mother rest." Aiden said. "Yes father!" Naviv and Ren left. *Thud* They close the door and walk away. "That happen all the time whenever you mention baby to my mother." Naviv said. "Do you know who this baby your mother is talking about?" Ren ask. "No... That is why I want to know about this matter... Wait..." Naviv ran ahead leaving Ren behind. "Wait for me Naviv!" Ren call out to Naviv.

"Thank you for treating me to a meal Seoru." Aiyana thank Seoru. *Thud thud thud* The can hear two horse making their way back to the academy. Naviv look around and went pass Aiyana and Seoru. "Naviv! Ahh!" Ren horse trip and she was fling out. Naviv look around and saw Ren flying. "Ren!" He said. "Seoru!" Aiyana look at Seoru. Seoru disappear and catch Ren. *Pak* Ren thought she was still midair and accidentally hit away Seoru mask. She stop her action upon seeing Seoru face. It was so handsome, so handsome that she had totally forgot about what she was doing. *Thud* Seoru put down Ren who still look at him in awe. Aiyana pick up Seoru mask and hand it to him. Seoru take the mask and put it back on. "Ren! Are you alright!" Naviv ask. Ren did not reply and instead just look at Seoru. "Ren!? Ren!" Naviv said. "Oh! what did you ask?" Ren ask. "Nothing." Naviv said. He was sure that Ren was just shock from what happen. "I'm sorry for what happen Ren." Naviv apologize to Ren. "No no! It's alright! I am safe now. That is all good!" Ren said. "Oh! Hi there miss!" Naviv finally notice Aiyana but not Seoru. "I mean! Ahem! Excuse me sir! But can you come with me to see my mother?" Naviv ask. Seoru did not reply and just stare at him. Naviv saw the same stare and look away. "Ah!" Ren make eye contact with Seoru and was shock. "Such power! Such hatred!" Ren said to herself. "Uhh... miss can you tell your friend to come meet my mother? It's very urgent!" Naviv said. Aiyana look over to Seoru who show no emotion at all. "I'm sorry Prince Naviv. But I don't think that us peasants have the luxury to meet the empress." Aiyana said. "No no! It's alright. I just want to make sure that what happen last time was not wrong. Please! Help me once!" Naviv said. "Seoru? What do you say?" Aiyana ask. Seoru did not reply.

Aiyana want to say something but was cut off by Ren. "Please miss. This is the prince himself asking for your guys help." Ren said while looking at Seoru. "Then will it really be alright?" Aiyana ask. "Sure it will be alright! Thank you for agreeing to helping me!" Naviv said. They make their way back to the palace. "This way please." Naviv lead the way to his mother room. "Whoa...! What a beautiful palace!" Aiyana spin around and look at the interiors of the palace. "Here we are." Naviv open the door and invite them in. As soon as Seoru enter Farah room. She stop her action and look at Seoru. "My baby! You're back!" Farah rush to Seoru. Farah make eye contact with Seoru but she show no fear at all. "You're really back my baby!" Farah tears up. Naviv was confuse and want to know why his mother is acting like this. "Come to mother embrace!" Farah pull Seoru to her embrace but Seoru push her away. "Ehh!" Naviv shout at Seoru and went to help his mother. Aiyana had fears all over her face. "I was a bad mother was I? I was a bad mother for not being able to prevent your father from taking you away was I? I'm a bad mother! I'm a bad mother! Ahh!" Farah blame herself for not being a good mother. "What are you talking about mother!?" Naviv ask. "We are very sorry for causing all of these!" Aiyana kowtow to Farah and the other. "Kneel Seoru!" Aiyana said. Seoru ignore her. "What happen Farah!" Aiden rush in and saw a lot of people here. "How many time do I have to tell you not to bother your mother!" Aiden said. "My baby is back! But I am a bad mother! I am a bad mother! Ahh! Kill me Aiden! Kill me for being a bad mother!" Farah words shock everyone. "What are you talking about Farah!?" Aiden ask. "I'm a bad mother! I'm a bad mother!" Farah repeat the same phrase. "Go call the doctor Hua and Cua!" Aiden said. Hua and Cua who was listening in secret rush to get the doctor.

"I'm a bad mother! Kill me! Kill me Aiden! Kill me for not being a good mother!" Farah said. "Calm down Farah. Explain to me what happen?" Aiden ask. "My baby is back! But I am not a good mother! Kill me Aiden!" Farah repeat the same phrase. "Baby!? Who are you talking about?" Aiden ask. "I think mother is talking about him father." Naviv point at Seoru. Aiden turn around and make eye contact with Seoru. Aidden could see a pair of red glowing staring back at him. This send a shiver down his back. "That there is not our child Farah." Aiden turn to Farah. "NO! He is! That is what you said 15 years ago! He is my baby!" Farah shout at Aiden. "Escort the guests out Naviv." Said Aiden. "NO! LAST TIME YOU HAVE HIM TAKE OUT WAS TO KILL HIM! I can't let you take him away from me again Aiden! If he leave this room then I will kill myself! I don't care how much time I have to do it! If my baby leave this room then I will take my life!" Farah protest heavily. "Calm down Farah." Aiden said. "No no no!" Farah would not listen to Aiden. "Lets go Seoru..." Aiyana whisper to Seoru. Seoru turn and went for the door. "NOOO!! MY BABY! Don't leave mother again..." Farah began crying. "Come back my baby... Come back to mother~" Farah cried. "I'm sorry Farah..." Aiden put Farah to sleep. "Get out of here you demon!" Aiden shout at Seoru and Aiyana. "Yes yes your highness!" Aiyana drag Seoru away. Naviv look at his mother before leaving. *Thud thud thud* Hua and Cua arrive with the doctor. They however stop and look at Seoru. "You smell familiar~ *Sniff* Hua and Cua sniff Seoru. Seoru ignore them and keep walking with Aiyana. "I will be leaving Naviv. Sorry for bothering you." Ren left also. Aiyana and Seoru soon arrive to her dorm with Thea waiting for them. "Go get me some hot water now!" Thea shout at Aiyana. "Yes young miss Thea. Right away." Aiyana went to warm the water for Thea bath. "You monster! Get out of here!" Thea said. *Whoosh* Aiyana went to her room and found her bed a mess. There was small patch of blood also. "What happen here? Was there a rats fight here?" Aiyana ask herself. "Heehee! Now that that monster is away. Aiyana will surely suffer.

"Please sir! Please spare us! We were just doing what young miss Thea pay us to do!" 3 men without their shirt beg for mercy. Seoru look down at them and instill fear into them. They were so scare that they all froze in fear. Seoru lift a guy up and cut open his abdomen, revealing his intestines. "Gahhh! It hurt!" The man said. *Zing* His jaw was torn off by Seoru. Seoru toss the man away. "Urgh urgh..." The dying man pull himself backward but die due to the loss of blood. The other two saw this and was shaking in fear. "Please spare us sir!" They beg and beg. Seoru approach the 2nd man. "Please sir... Arghh..." The 2nd man turn pale as all of his blood was suck out by Seoru. All of the man blood gather into a sphere in Seoru hand. Seoru pull out the blood and turn the blood into a scythe. *Zing* He use the man's blood to create a scythe just to kill him with. "Ahhh!" The 3rd guy can't take it anymore and make a run for it. *Whoosh* A dark spear appear in Seoru hand. "Gahh..." The 3rd man was pierce from behind his head, killing him instantly. *Whoosh* Seoru disappear from the scene. *Thud thud thud* 5 guards arrive with their captain to check out the noise. They got there and all ran back puking violently. The scene is just too much for them to stomach in. *Thud* They hear someone land near them. "Ah! Headmaster Anaximander!" They all got up and salute while wiping away their vomit. Headmaster Anaximander ignore them and look at the scene. He saw one guys had his abdomen cut open, one without blood and lie next to a pool of blood and the last guy with his whole back pierce by something. "Who could have done this!?" The guards and captain ask each other. "Clean this up." Headmaster Anaximander jump up and began running on the air.

"Your bath is ready young miss Thea." Aiyana open the door to Thea bath. Thea was taken aback by this. She was sure that those 3 would have gotten to Aiyana already. But she seem to be perfectly fine. She look around and found no trace of the 3 men at all. "You!" Thea raise her hand at Aiyana. *Slap* Thea hold her right cheek which had a hand mark. She look up and saw Seoru staring down at her. "Ehh!" Thea back off. Seoru take Aiyana hand and take her back to her dorm. They got there and Aiyana break free. "Why did you do that!?" Aiyana said. Seoru did not reply and hand her a slab of meat instead. "Haha... You are a funny one..." Aiyana take the meat and went to the kitchen. Seoru went and sit down and look at Aiyana. 20 minute pass. Aiyana hand Seoru his meal but he shake his head as he was not hungry. Aiyana was used to Seoru behavior and began eating by herself. "My baby!" Farah got up quickly and look around. "Calm down calm down Farah." Aiden calm Farah down. "Where is my baby Aiden!?" Farah look around frantically. "Where is my baby! Let me be with my baby!" Farah said. "Farah. Farah. You are mistaking a stranger. Your only son is Naviv. We only have 3 children. There was never a 4th one." Aiden said. "My baby..." Farah began crying and hitting herself. "I'm sorry baby... Mother deserve death... She cannot protect you... Ahh!!!" Farah began screaming out of control. "Farah! Farah! Calm down! Naviv, Hua and Cua. Come in and see your mother!" AIden said. Naviv, Hua and Cua walk in and look at their mother. "These are our only children Farah..." Aiden said. "No! No! I have one more! The one that you order to be kill! But he is still alive!" Farah said. Naviv heard this and was shock. "That is not true Farah... Why would I order one of my child to be kill...?" Aiden said. "You all can return. I will calm your mother down." Aiden said. "Yes father..." They excuse themselves and left. Naviv close the door behind them and look at Hua and Cua. "We don't know..." Hua and Cua left without giving Naviv any hint. "You're not my real siblings then." Naviv said. This cause Hua and Cua to stop in their track.

"Look here little brother. *Sigh* We want you to have a happy life and not a life where you would be bother all the time." Hua and Cua finally left. Naviv is really curious as to who this baby his mother is talking about. He got a clue now and he will try to look for more clue. "Reporting young miss Ren!" A few guards kneel in front of Ren. "Where is that intruder?" Ren ask. "Right here young miss Ren!" 2 guards throw the intruder onto the floor. "Any information?" Ren ask. "No young miss Ren. This bastard is tough!" The captain reply. "Take him to the torture room again. I will do it myself." Ren said. "Yes young miss Ren!" The captain turn around and order his men to take the intruder back into the torture room. Ren got to the torture room with the man in a chair. Ren hold out her arms. Two maids come forward and roll her sleeves for her. After 30 second, A guard came forward with a tray full of equipment. "You'll never get me to talk!" The man shout at Ren. "What is your purpose here?" Ren ask calmly. "Ha! Do your worse! You will never get anything out of me!" The intruder said with a smirk. "Oh really! Seem like you love to be torture." Ren walk forward with a pliers. Ren look at her guards. They nod and force open the introduce mouth but he will not open his mouth. "Let me." Ren said. The two guards retreat back. "Ha! Such pathetic gua... Gahhh! Urgh! Urgh!" Ren punch so hard that his hand broken. "Quite tough huh?" Ren put the pliers away and pull out the introduers hand. "Ahh! You bi..." The intruder did not get to finish his sentence before he was slap by the captain. Ren gesture for the captain to back off. Ren crouch down and roll up the intruder pant. Ren wrap a cloths cover in oils around the intruder left leg. "Lets see how you will like it. No... This is going to kill him. Tsh! Give me a knife instead." Ren said.
