
[BL] A Demonic Love

[PAUSED] Nineteen years ago, Prince Xavier vanished from The Kingdom Of Azkundane. Without any clues, Queen Azula and King Rohan searched the entire kingdom. Up to this day, they still haven't found any clues about the prince's whereabouts. Xavier who is now a college student starts to uncover the secrets of his past. As soon as he's about to find out the entire truth, he's magical teleported to Azkundane a world filled with demons, gods, and other magical creatures. But will he have what it takes to survive in such a different place? But most importantly who's the guy who he keeps dreaming about? (The beginning a little fast pace but I promise the journey will be long.) (Read on to find out) ---------------------------------------------------- This novel is BL - boys love This story has sex, blood, disgusting monsters, and objects as the story progress. If you like my story please add it to your library to get updates for when I release new chapters. Disclaimer: The novel cover doesn't belong to me. If your the author text me and I will take it down. Join my Instagram: @bl_lover

TypicallyAwesome · LGBT+
24 Chs

Chapter 1.5 - WHO AM I?


I wake up to the sound of beeping,


Head still disoriented,


I look around,


but everything is blurred.

I'm staring up at the sky, but there are two suns, and the sky is still blue but it's sparkling. Where am I?, Suddenly, I hear something.....

There's a voice calling out to me...



But I don't recognize it, so I try to get up but I can't, it feels as if someone's holding down my body.

"WHERE ARE YOU" I shout, but the voice doesn't respond.....

Suddenly, a bright white light flashes over my eyes and a doctor is standing over me pointing a flashlight straight across my eyes.


A little while later:

I jump up, only to see two familiar figures. It's my parents staring at me from across the room.

I become angry, extremely angry. And I shout...


"What are you talking about"


My mom gasps and falls to the ground, I try to get up but instantly my head starts ringing, Causing me to fall to the ground losing consciousness.

Minutes, hours, or days later I wake up to see my dad and Stephanie.

"Where's mom?"

"Didn't you say she wasn't your mom? My dad replies with an angry tone, angrier than I've ever seen him.

I fall back into the bed, tears streaming down my face, wondering about what's going on.

"She went home to rest," he said with a calmer tone

I look up to see why Stephanie hasn't said anything and realize she's sleeping.

As a bolt of memories flood into my head, I remember what happened to me in the college halls.

What's happening to me and why was that coming out of my hand? I have to find out the truth about me.

But, I'm.....sooo....tired...




I jump up to see Stephanie calling me.

"You were shouting in your sleep, was it the same nightmare?"


"What's going on with you?"

"You know you can talk to me, right?"

I want to tell her so badly, but how can I possibly tell her without sounding crazy. So instead I said...

"What do you mean?"

"I heard screaming in the halls and walked out to see you unconscious on the ground?"

"It was a panic attack"

"A PANIC ATTACK MY ASS, you've never had those before, And if you did you would've told me, so tell me the truth, THE WHOLE TRUTH!!"



As those words watched over my ears, it felt as if a large rain cloud emerged over my head as memories of the last few days rushed through my head.

"Hey don't cry, it's okay, I didn't mean to yell, I'm just worried".

As she says those words I realize that a flood of tears is emerging from my eyes. I couldn't hold it in anymore.


"What do you mean"

"My....ThEy....LiEd....ThEy'Re...NOt...mY BiOlOgiCaL...ParReNtS..."


She doesn't respond, I look up to see her shocked expression with tears coming from her eyes. She grabs and pulls me into a tight hug. While stroking my head she says....

"It's okay," with a worried voice

To see the shock on her face made me worried. It was the first time that she looked this worried, it made me want to tell her the whole truth, but I can't.


"Are you okay?"


Then my dad and mom walks in...