
"Our Cursed Love"

Weird, isn't it?... How we fall in love with the image that we have created for someone and never the person itself. How we imprison ourselves mind, heart, and soul, and toss the key to someone who doesn't even realize they even have it... How we see love the way we want it to be and never how it truly is. How we trust and give ourselves to these monsters born like a human but never consider that the ones born in the shadows which we call monsters are more humane and capable of love than any of us humans... It's tragic really... I know that judging what we don't understand is human nature but still thinking that monsters aren't capable of loving or even having a heart is sometimes too much. But that's always just a big "Maybe". But deep down even though loving a monster is a taboo that should never be broken after all this time among humans I'd take that covered in blood hand who wants to help me get up after what on the first glance looked like a clean one pushed us on our knees. Sometimes I think that maybe we are the real monsters and the reason we hate or are so much afraid of these born in the shadow creatures is that they embrace what we desperately try to hide and cover with our humane birth. This is a story of Passion, Mystery, Challenge, Love, and hidden truths. This is the story of "Our Cursed Love.

Hope_Mood_Swings · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

The Blood Moon

[Unknown PoV]

Am I truly the monster?... Or is it just the people around me that see me as one? Or, maybe is it this creature inside me that sometimes, even I find hard to understand?!... Maybe it's not me. No, I mean, it can't be me. What I'm doing is the right thing and I have no doubt about that. But why do I feel like this then? Why do I feel bad about their faults, it's just payback for what they did, and I'm simply serving karma to them. I never hurt anyone, I never killed anyone, I never even cursed anyone so why am I constantly seen and treated as a monster by everyone? You know what, I'll prove to them. I'll prove to everyone that I'm not a monster or anything of that sort. It's final I decided, I'll make this my life purpose, I promise to prove it to them all even myself...

[Author POV]

The man was now running, scared for his life. He was shouting and screaming with all his strength, hoping someone would hear and come to his rescue and make this demonic-looking creature that was chasing him disappear but to his bad luck, nobody was here at this time of the year...

It was a quiet Friday night, it was almost February but even though still winter Segin was a Balkan Beach town and it never snowed, it was just a normal cold night. Segin was a small town that would be overpopulated in the summer months but now at this time of the year, it was simply just a ghost town with just a few families that lived down in the center of the city...

Tonight was a full moon and not just a full moon but a bloody moon and little Hope had decided to go take a walk on the beach and go sit on her special place to enjoy the beauty of the moon and the magnificent reflection that it made on the sea just like a drop of blood in a big black pool of water that would gently caress her small feet that were freezing in the night cold of that winter but still somehow all this would give her a feeling of relief from all the things that clouded her mind that poisoned her small simple mind with the filth this world had to offer...

As the man was running and running lost in fear he didn't see a small wooden stool and to his terrible luck fell over it, just for the monster to capture him and to slowly start torturing him. Cutting his throat with his bare hands leaving him bleed to death while slowly ripping his limbs apart with an inhuman angry look in his eyes.

[ Monsters PoV]

As I saw this filthy creature fall tripping over that wooden stool here in the middle of nowhere, I thought I had had enough fun chasing, seeing his terrified face, and hearing his vain attempts at screaming for help. It was time to give him a taste of agonizing pain, a taste of real fear, make him lose hope of living and beg for death to take him. I took my claws out slowly, making deep enough cuts to give him pain but not enough to kill him yet. I can't help but smile at his discussing face. It's always these big ones that scream like little girls. I slowly started breaking his fingers one by one feeling satisfied with every crack mixed with screams of pain I'd hear, then I broke his legs. Shit... I'm enjoying this a little too much I'm afraid I'll lose control and want to kill more. I then ripped one of his arms. The blood was gushing out of him like the wine being poured on a pretty glass, such a pleasant sight. And there it is, yes... the begging. Sweet beggings to meet death but not yet, I'm not fully satisfied yet. I then ripped off his other arm and saw as he was slowly slipping off to death. With a swift move, I now was holding his heart in my hand. Such a waste, how a creature like him can have a heart, I then squeezed it and tossed it in his dead body... I love filth hunting in a Bloody moon and weirdly this foreign place gives me such a warm feeling. I looked around and saw the beauty this place held. The calm sea gently caressing the shore and oddly even though a beach this place was filled with tall wild trees and there in the middle of the sky stood the moon surrounded by an infinite number of stars and all that was being mirrored in the beautiful sea...Ahhh such calmness, I think I enjoyed this kill too much my blood lust is killing me, I want more but I'm not sensing any of them near... I should clean up this mess even though no one seems to be around I don't want this pile of filth to ruin the beauty of this place. I gathered his pieces and used my wind powers to gather all the bloody sand near him then with a swift of my hand, set him in a blue flame fire so nothing of him could be left...Ugh, my urge is killing me, I sat down on that stool trying to gain control, I don't want to kill anymore tonight but I need to.


[Hope PoV]

Tonight was a Blood Moon and there was no way I'd just simply go to sleep. So I waited till everyone fell asleep then I sneaked out to go to my special spot is a 30-minute walk away from my house but I don't care and I'm sure no one will be out at this hour since Is winter...

I took my backpack and got some water, snacks, and an extra blanket just in case. Ah, the night is so peaceful, how quiet and beautiful. I put on my headphones and started listening to my favorite music, then I took my shoes off and started walking near the water. It was so cold it gave a stinging pain but it was the kind of pain I needed. My mind, my heart, and my soul were now in complete harmony, so peaceful...I started walking to my special place and I could now finally see the trees which meant that I was close. As I was walking my eyes caught a blue light in the direction of my destination, as I got closer I saw a huge figure sitting on my stool. I removed my headphones and got closer and tapped on his shoulder...

[Monster PoV]

As I was deep in my thoughts fighting for control I felt a tap on my shoulder. It coughed me off guard which is impossible, what is this creature that I wasn't able to sense, and for a second why would I care I finally found something to satisfy my blood lust so I turned around to see... A- a small child? Human child? Monster child? No, her scent is human but she doesn't feel like one, strange. It was a little girl dressed all in black except her cotton scarf that was pure white. She was a chubby little child with big brown eyes full of life with black long curled up lashes, black long hair which was kinda messy from the wind, with pale smooth skin and pink fluffy lips, her cheeks and nose had a faint shade of pink from the cold I assume. I stared at her with a confused look on my face, why was this little child here, it was past midnight and why is this child not scared of me, and most important I'm so calm now somehow. I was so lost in my mind, in my lust for blood until I felt her tap again in my shoulder and I finally heard her say:

- I'm sorry to come off as rude but that's my seat sir..she said with an emotionless face.

-Huh?..was all I could manage to say. While trying to read her face harder to detect any kind of feeling.

-That's is my stool and this is my special spot, sir... So can you please move and find another spot for you to sit... she said looking straight through my eyes. Not an ounce of fear in hers. I again was confused at this little creature, I'm not able to read her but how?

- Why are you out here alone at this hour little one?

- I'm not little, I'm 10 so I'm a lady now sir and I've come to see the moon and relax in my special spot... she said clearly annoyed at the name I called her. I was now truly taken aback by her tone and words, no one had dared to speak to me in such a way in the last 300 years. Seeing her small and angry figure I couldn't help but crack a smile and as I did I saw her getting angrier. How cute I thought to myself...

- 10? Oh, I'm sorry little lady I didn't recognize that. But where are your parents do they know you're out at this hour alone and here at your special place that I assume is at least a 20-minute walk from your house since there is no house anywhere near here.

- It's ok sir I know how to take care of myself and I didn't want anyone following me so I left when they fell asleep...she said with a proud look on her face.

- It's not safe for a little lady to wander alone at night, there are too many dangerous creatures who like to hurt little kids...she seems too fearless for her age and body and that's a dangerous trait for a human child.

She stayed silent for a second, looking, no staring at him more carefully. She suddenly saw his bloody hands and now could clearly see the splashes of blood on his face too. She looked scared for a second then her expression changed into a worried one.

- Did any of those creatures hurt you, sir?..she said with a worried face as she started to take her scarf off. For a second there I saw a glimpse of fear in her eyes as she was gazing at me, I assume she must have seen all this blood I'm covered in and I was waiting for her to scream and run any second now but that fear was replaced with what seemed like a sad look.

- What?.. I said confused at her, she was taking off her white scarf and also took off a black backpack that I hadn't recognized she had. She took a bottle of water and some wet wipes. She cleaned my face with the wipes and tossed them in the fire afterward. She then took my hands washing them with the water. - You're hurt sir?..she said touching my face with a hurt look on her eyes and then started bandaging my hands with the scarf.

- W What are you doing?... I asked her as she still held my hands then after she finished bandaging them, she stared at me with those puppy eyes of hers and kissed my cheek, and hugged me tightly.

- I'm sorry that you're in pain but don't worry you'll get better soon. But you need to attend to your wound as soon as you go home sir because what I did will only stop it from bleeding...she said while still hugging me carefully thinking the blood was because of a wound I might have, then she took another bottle of water and a pack of sour candy and offered them to me while covering me with what seemed like a small blanket. I was surprised by the actions of this little human child, she's such a kind soul but if only she knew that this isn't my blood and that I'm a scary bad monster which she somehow doesn't seem to be scared off even though I'm in my demon form. This is the first time I've seen a human do such a thing for a monster like me. She almost reminds me of her, what nonsense am I thinking she died 300 years ago and by my hands so her reincarnation is impossible. I- I feel this strange feeling, like a small tingle on my chest. What, what is going on, what is this weird feeling?

- Um, thank you little one, but why'd you think that I was hurt? And why did you give me all this stuff?... I asked her with a small smile. She stared at me angrily for a second and it confused me for a second.

- I told you I'm a lady, I'm 10 almost 11 in a few months and you're welcome. And also you were all bloody and messed up so unless you killed someone and burned his remains, you're hurt. And also I gave you those because even though people say that chocolate always helps you to feel better for me sour candy is the real thing and also you may want some water after you eat and also you looked cold so I gave you my blanket to keep you warm...she said with a warm smile on her face now, I stared at her for a second then started laughing and patted her head. She can be smart too I guess but overall she's just too caring.

- Where's your house little lady I'm taking you home now it's almost 3 AM. She rose her eyebrow at my words.

- I'm not telling you where I live, what if you're a killer or something ...she said crossing her hands on her chest.

- Oh now you think I'm a killer when I offer to take you home but you're not scared coming here alone past midnight talking to a stranger for more than an hour...I said slightly angry at her attitude, what is she slow or something.

- Well, first of all, chill sir. I'm not scared of you so don't speak to me like that and still I don't mind talking to you even if you're a killer. I mean the worst you can do is kill me but if you're a killer and I show you my home you won't only kill me but my family too and that's worse than death, Ok...she said her hands still crossed. I widened my eyes at her words, how can this small creature have such a big heart. And be so protective but so reckless at the same time. She is such a pain but still makes me want to know more about her. But as a person and not in a creepy way of course.

I think that after all, maybe not all of them are heartless, maybe there is still some goodness in them I thought studying her but still, this one is a reckless and painfully annoying young lady.

- I see, you have a point there but aren't you afraid of death.

- Um, not really. I mean I don't want to die now cause I still haven't felt in love but still if it's meant to happen then what can I do about it, right? But still, If I get to choose I prefer to go alone so I won't drag anyone with me. This one really amazes me. She's not scared of death but is scared to drag anyone with her and also her reason for wanting to live is love? Interesting.

- Love, huh? That's your big dream, don't you wanna be a ballerina or something like the other kids?

-Well not now obviously, I'm still too young for that but later I hope to find my true love. And as for a dream, I don't have one yet. I don't see a point in choosing one thing that I think is good for me. I have to do some research before I decide on something. Before finding a dream or choosing a life profession I have to find myself and then ask her what she wants so till then my goal for the future is to find someone who loves and appreciates me as much as I do for them. And also sir I need to go home now I have to be there before sunrise even though I didn't get to enjoy this blood moon tonight it will soon be sunrise and I need to go back before they notice I'm not there... I heard her carefully, amused as she spoke her thoughts to me then a smile crept to my lips.

- Then knowing you, now I assume that you won't go home till I leave.

- That's correct sir and also you have to promise me you won't follow me.

- And if I don't keep the promise. I mean how will you know I'm not following behind you.

- If you don't keep a promise then the monsters will eat you.. she said smiling proudly.

- The monsters?.... I asked surprised, so she hates unkept promises too huh? As I recall I don't remember for such a monster to exist though but ok...

- Yes, if you're a bad person and don't keep promises she will punish you...she said with a convincing look. She? That's oddly specific I'll have to look this promise monster up, I'm curious now.

- Oh, really? I see then I have no choice. Goodnight then little lady...I said patting her head.

- Goodnight sir, I hope we meet again....she said with a smile as she left. As she left I stared in her direction for a little with an unexplainable expression on my face and for the second time tonight, I felt that tingle on my chest, and then a smile crept in my face

- Sure, little one. We'll meet again. I promise...

Hello everyone I hope you'll enjoy this story. I'm a new writer and this is my first work here... Mind that Segin and a few other places' names are made up but the destination is somewhere in the Balkan countries. I hope you like my story and if you do

please let me know what you think...

Hope_Mood_Swingscreators' thoughts