
"HELL"P ME (A BTS Fanfic)

"It's like we got out of one hell and were put in another." The story of two young girls, Kim Areum and Kim Eun Ae who have seen hell, literally, almost. "I'd rather die than stay here. We are literally their slaves." Saved by a miracle of a chance. "They saved us." "And do I look like I give two shits." By people they have come to despise. This story is a pure work of fiction and relation to any person in real life is merely a coincidence. I do not own BTS. I only own the OC's and the plot so please don't copy. Anyways, don't forget to keep loving yourself and enjoy!!!

Black_Lotus_Queen · ดนตรีและวงดนตรี
7 Chs

Chapter 1

The two girls continued their precious rest and sleep, something which they weren't able to get much of since the time they were there in the disgusting club. Oh, the things they used to do for money were absolutely ridiculous but also very necessary for living. They were still virgins. No clue how but they were. Guess the club owner thought that was too much of a precious asset to sell at a low price and was waiting for the perfect time. Well, looks like he's kinda late.

"Wake the fuck up." Both the girls heard as a bucket of cold water was dumped on both of them.

The girls startled awake and immediately tried to get the water off of their eyes so that they could open them. Eun Ae was on the verge of having a panic attack because of the cold water as she continued gasping for air.

When the girls were finally able to open their eyes, they found themselves on a bed, a wet bed to be specific, and staring up at 3 intimidating men who looked like were just about to kill the girls and not in a simple and polite way. How could killing be polite anyway?

The girls immediately got to their feet and moved back away from the men. They weren't used to all the silent stuff. It was always their "trainer" waking them up with yells of how worthless they are and how they should do at least something productive and be a little useful.

The men filed out of the room with expectations that the girls will follow and they did. The men settled down in the living room, joining 4 others, and the girls followed close behind with hands behind their back, throwing nervous glances at each other.

It was winter time and it was freezing and since the girls were literally dripping wet because of the cold water shower not too long ago, they couldn't stop themselves from shivering and their teeth from chattering. They were already scared and terrified of the men. So much so that they attempted to minimize the sound of their chattering teeth as much as possible by closing their mouths.

"Isn't it only common courtesy to introduce yourself to people who don't know who you are? Or are your parents too busy with counting all the money that they forgot to teach you manners?" One of the men spoke up.

"S-Sorry. I'm Eun Ae, Kim Eun Ae, and I'm 16 years old." Eun Ae said as she tried her best not to stutter. She just figured that these guys were the type who hated when people stuttered too much or who couldn't speak the hell up.

"And I'm Areum. Kim Areum, 18 years old." Areum spoke with as much of a stable voice as she could muster at the moment.

"Since you didn't recognize us by our faces as soon as you saw us, let's just assume that you haven't seen us before, even if that was just a very rare possibility, but we're open to it. Heard of Bangtan before?" One of the men said and the girls immediately went wide eyed as they looked at each other with nothing but fear in their eyes, making the guys smirk.

"When we ask a question we expect a fucking answer." One guy said as he stood up in fury as the girls didn't answer them but just decided to look at the floor which suddenly seemed to be so much more interesting.

The girls flinched visibly and continued to shake as the men turned the temperature of the air conditioner down, making it uncomfortably cooler for the girls to handle.


The girls weren't able to hear a single thing as their heads remained bowed down to the seven guys in front of them. Until...

"You look at us when we speak to you." Eun Ae felt a hand suddenly grab her chin and tilt her head upwards, making the girl look up at the man in front of her.


"Fucking pathetic."

"Makes sense for us to let you know our names at least."

"Are you fucking kidding, hyung? You want to tell these girls our names?"

"Not our real names at least. They need to know who the fuck we are if they're staying here."

"W-We're staying here?" Eun Ae asked with a small voice and she immediately regretting it when a small knife flew right next to her head. She let out a strangled cry of fear and laid her eyes back on the floor.

"Okay fine. I'm RM. The leader. Don't make yourself too comfortable because you'll be thoroughly disappointed if you get your hopes up too high."

"Jesus, hyung. I'm Chim."


"I'm Jin."

"The names V."


"I'm J-Hope."

The girls looked at the men with wide eyes as they waited for them to continue. They were incredibly complient as they waited for the permission to be able to talk. They didn't really feel like risking their life anytime soon.

"We're keeping you here. Whether you like it or not, you're staying. Let's make a few things clear. You go to wherever the fuck you have to in the morning. Let me ask, do you guys have school?" Jin asked.

"N-No." The girls were quick to reply.

"We're getting you into one. Medical school to be precise. I don't care how difficult it will be for you to manage but you have to or there will be serious consequences. You address all of us as 'Sir' and nothing other than that. What else do you know that could potentially be useful to us?" RM said this time.

"I-I've done rhythmic gymnastics for quiet a while. I know martial arts too. I can defend myself pretty well. Enough to get by at least." Eun Ae spoke, her stutter naturally subsiding.

"We've been taught how to use weapons too. All the weapons which have been introduced in the world, we know how to handle ourselves with them." Areum informed.

"That's fine. You guys have much more worth than we thought you would. You would be staying here. You come back here only to rest. We don't know how you will keep yourself alive and frankly we don't care. Just make sure that you're alive." Chim spoke up.

"Do you guys have any combat skills or do you have to have a damn weapon everytime?" Suga asked, seeming bored but really, he was maybe kinda interested. Kinda.

"We don't need one."

"You start school tomorrow. It's a Monday and we're getting you enrolled right now. All the clothes and every essential you need will be your responsibility. Are you able to provide for yourself right now?" RM asked as he took a seat next to Jin.

"We are."

"Get the fuck on it then. I want you guys back in this mansion at sharp 8:00 pm and I won't hesitate to hurt you for you to learn to be punctual. Understood?" RM spoke again.

"Yes." The girls responded as they looked at the watches on their hands and it was 6:58 pm on the dot.

"Yes what?"

"Yes Sir." They corrected themselves.

"It wouldn't be a verbal reminder next time. Now move." As soon as the words left the man's mouth, the girls scrambled and left the mansion.

They were running, not jogging, not walking. Running. They didn't know where they were so they had to figure out a way to get to their very small apartment and back. They weren't planning on just running away and not returning because they wouldn't have a place. Their apartment would be put up for sale since the club was destroyed.

"We need our suitcases. Minimum clothing. All our things which are important. We have the money so let's not be afraid to use it. We need phones. Those people will take it away if they don't want us to have them but we need to get them. We're providing for ourself now so we need a job that pays as well as the last one, Eun Ae. We'll get our things and then search for a similar club like the one we were at before." Areum strategized and Eun Ae nodded. Being the younger one, she didn't really have to use her brain a lot. She was very intelligent but Areum wouldn't let her. She was too precious.

"Let's go."