
"From Solo Leveling to Holy Grail War: Igris's Unexpected Journey"

Zelretch the wizard marshall pulled out a certain blood red knight out of his own universe for his own entertainment and sent him to the world of fate zero i Don't own any of the series and any of the character's. the ownership belongs to typemoon and A-1 Pictures Kudos to AJ Ramos for the cover

The_Grammar_Police · แอคชั่น
3 Chs

Prologue: A twist of fate

Igris had always been confident in his skills as a warrior. He had trained for years, honing his combat abilities to perfection. So when he found himself suddenly transported to another world, he was more than ready to fight his way back home.

But what he didn't expect was the strange, robed figure that appeared before him as he emerged from the portal. The figure was old and wrinkled, with a mischievous glint in his eyes that set Igris on edge.

"Well well well, what do we have here?" the figure said, stroking his chin thoughtfully. "A new plaything, perhaps?"

Igris didn't like the way this stranger was looking at him. He drew his sword, ready to defend himself.

But before he could make a move, the stranger held up a hand, and a strange energy washed over Igris. He felt his limbs go weak, and his sword clattered to the ground.

"Now now, there's no need for violence," the stranger said, approaching him. "I just wanted to have a little chat. You see, I'm a mage, of sorts. A traveler between worlds, a weaver of fate. And I couldn't help but notice your... unique talents."

Igris narrowed his eyes. He didn't trust this stranger, not for a moment. But he couldn't deny the strange energy that seemed to radiate from the man. It was like nothing he had ever encountered before.

"What do you want from me?" Igris growled, struggling to stand up straight.

The stranger smiled, revealing a row of crooked teeth. "Oh, just a little entertainment. You see, I've grown bored of the usual games, the usual battles. I want something fresh, something new. And I think you might be just the thing I need."

Igris tensed. He didn't like the sound of this.

"But don't worry, I'm not completely heartless," the stranger continued. "I'll give you a chance to prove yourself. You see, there's a certain individual that I'm interested in. Someone who could use a bit of... assistance, shall we say. And I think you might be just the one to provide it."

Igris didn't like the sound of this either. He didn't want to be anyone's pawn, anyone's tool.

"And if I refuse?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

The stranger's smile turned into a smirk. "Oh, I wouldn't advise that, my friend. You see, if you refuse, then you'll be stuck here, in this universe, forever. And trust me, that's not a fate you want to suffer."

Igris gritted his teeth. He didn't like being threatened, especially not by someone he didn't even know.

"But... I suppose I could sweeten the deal," the stranger said, holding up a finger. "You help me with my little... project, and I'll give you a powerful weapon. Something that could help you in your own world. And I'll send you back, too. Back to where you came from."

Igris hesitated. A powerful weapon could certainly be useful, especially if it could help his liege, Sung Jinwoo. But he didn't like the idea of being beholden to this stranger, of being forced to do his bidding.

"Fine," he said, his voice low. "I'll help you. But don't think for a moment that I'll be your puppet."

The stranger laughed, a deep, throaty sound that echoed through the empty space around

Hl Author here this concept has been in my mind for some time now since no one tried to make a fanfic about it I figured out why not make it myself

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