
Yy Novels & Books - WebNovel


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    The Love Mark of the Werewolf

    On the eve of her wedding, Emma was on the way home from her bachelor party when she felt someone following her. At night, she had an erotic dream. She dreamed of making love to a handsome man, but when she turned her head, the man revealed his teeth and oddly shaped ears. She was startled awake and realized it was already morning. However, her groom just disappeared on the day of her wedding. She was puzzled and absolutely dejected. The next day, the news reported that many people had gone missing. She realized that they were all employees of the company that her fiancé worked for. In order to find out the truth, she joined the company and became the general manager's secretary. On her first day at work, she observed the company's interior and discovered some strange things. For some reason, there wasn’t a single silver product or garlic at the company. Furthermore, no one was allowed in the President’s office on the 18th floor after office hours. While she went to the toilet, she overheard some indecent acts and received some special information – there was a new President. In order to figure out more, she tried everything she could to enter the 18th floor. However, the President appeared and caught her. She had never met him before, but could somehow sense a somewhat familiar aura…

    YY · Fantasy
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    Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

    Zombies attack; Doomsday arrives. Returning to the start of it all-- this time, he only wants to beat the living dead to a pulp!

    YY Is Not A Crime · Sci-fi
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    Getting to the point, “Proud Immortal Demon Way” is an incomparably long, golden finger against the heavens, harem greater than three digits, and with characters and scenes and a protagonist that even girls would like sort of cool cultivation novel. It’s the year’s best stallion novel, bar none! This book’s male protagonist, Luo Binghe, doesn’t walk the path of the lofty or the path of the waste but still manages to take thousands of readers in the literary network by storm, influencing countless YY novels thereafter. He walks a pitch-black path. But before he was painted black, he walked a bitter path. Afterwards, the deep reader Shen Yuan was immersed in contents documenting infinite slaughter, making the summary before the end of the book seem very brief. Luo Binghe was born and immediately abandoned by his parents, wrapped in white cloth, and put in a wood basin set into the water. After nine cold days, it was only because the fishermen in the river picked him up that he didn’t freeze to death in his early childhood. Because he floated among the ice floes and it was the season of ice and many waters, he was given his current name. He wandered the streets in his youth, starving, never wearing enough to be warm, having a gray childhood. A washerwoman working for a large family pitied the child and with no children at her knees, adopted him and treated him as her real son. The mother and son lived in bitter poverty, suffering the bullying of the wealthy. Under such unhealthy growing conditions since childhood, Luo Binghe’s character after being blackened only grows more twisted, full of grievances, with thousands of knives set to kill in his heart. What a good root buried here for a twisted character, Shen Yuan thought with a small laugh at his mouth. Just for a lukewarm bowl of porridge, he endured the beating of a noble son only to still be a step late, unable to rush home to let his mother eat a mouthful before she died. In a coincidental opportunity, Luo Binghe was selected by the number one cultivation sect in the world at the time, apprenticing under ‘Xiu Ya Sword’ Shen Qingqiu. He thought he was finally on the right track, but unexpectedly Shen Qingqiu is fair on the outside, foul on the inside; the absolute worst sort of character. He is jealous of Luo Binghe’s unparalleled talent, his heart always under siege to outperform his own disciples in cultivation, always taunting and bringing along others in ridiculing him. He only cultivated for a few years but it was already a heart-aching endeavor full of blood and tears. It was difficult for Luo Binghe to reach sixteen years of age, finally encountering the cultivation world’s grand ceremonial Immortal Assembly Conference held every three years. In this Immortal Assembly Conference, Luo Binghe was schemed against by Shen Qingqiu and fell into the cracks between the Demon Realm and the Human Realm – an endless abyss. As everyone knows, this is the true beginning of the story! DISCLAIMER: This story is not mine, I did not wrote or own this, I really just want to share it to everybody. I am not the translator either. If you have means to support the author please do so. You can find this novel at novelusb.com PS. the cover photo are also not mine. Belongs to Mr. Google

    LikeNobody · Fantasy
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      重生90年代,在世界各地圈地跑马的故事   轻松为主,YY为辅   凤凰男说:我有高级公寓。   房地产老总笑了:我有海景别墅。   法国贵族笑了:我有古堡和庄园。   美国富豪笑了:我有私人海岛和大片的牧场。   苏振在一边撇撇嘴,我有的不多,一个财团而已   新人作品,希望大家支持

    位面劫匪 · Urban
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    XX and YY

    Inez_Amp · Teen
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    King Mafia My Husband

    Nattarin, seorang wanita berusia 22 tahun yang dijual oleh ibunya yang mempunyai hutang yang sangat banyak pada seorang rentenir. Dia tidak bisa membayar hutang tersebut sampai pada akhirnya dia dijual oleh ibunya sendiri pada seorang mafia kejam yang bernama Bryan. Bryan McEden, pria berumur 29 tahun yang merupakan seorang mafia yang digilai banyak wanita, walaupun dia sendiri terkenal sangat kejam. Dia tidak segan-segan membunuh jika ada orang yang mencoba untuk melarikan uangnya atau pun menghianatinya. Kekejamannya berubah menjadi cinta saat seorang wanita yang bernama Nattarin yang dijual kepadanya. Bagaimana kisah cinta mereka? Happy ending atau kah sad ending?

    Flo_YY · Teen
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    Gwen_Luc_0834 · History
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    DaoistetmKg0 · Fantasy
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      中国是世界上最大的机床生产国,同样也是世界上最大的机床消费国,最为高端的精密机床却由于西方国家的技术封锁,一直举步维艰。   一个来自二十年后的小工程师,在充满机遇与挑战的大时代,凭借自己对于后世各种数控机床的熟悉,想要改变这个异位面同样叫着中国的国家高端机床市场被老外垄断的局面。   到他真正开始的时候,才发现,在中国,要在高尖端领域走自主研发的道路有多难,人才国家垄断,资金永远不够使用,流氓一般的国企见着好技术就上门嚷嚷技术分享,配套厂都得自己一一开发,合作伙伴都说,去特么的技术开发,挣钱才是王道……   要想改变,肿么破?   (本书非小白,前期YY有限,非喜慎入!)   

    葫芦村人 · Urban
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    ps4playz_gamez · Fantasy
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      三流歌手二流演员的安然重生了,回到十七岁,却发现身处平行世界。   这里没有MJ,没有四大天王,没有杰伦,没有阿黛尔,没有《哈利波特》,没有《福尔摩斯》,没有《阿凡达》《盗梦空间》《侏罗纪公园》……   所有安然前世熟知的那些文艺,这里都没有。   So,脑袋里装了一堆音乐电影小说漫画的少年,你还在等什么?   **********   PS:   本文适度YY,新人新书,求推荐,求收藏,求包养。   封面向伟大的MJ致敬!   

    叶向东 · Urban
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    66 yy uuh guy uuu uun

    N_Ma · Urban
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    新书《球霸的黑科技系统》 曾以为再高一些就能扣篮,曾以为青春时光无限长,曾以为能进NBA,曾以为灌篮高手全国大赛篇总有一天会播放。 有一天不再长高,篮筐再够不着;有一天脱下校服,换上工作的西装;有一天关上电视,不想再看地板的灯光;有一天终于知道,全国大赛,只存在于纸上。 于是开始想象,想象一个伟大的中国人在NBA乘风破浪,想象一个穿越的灵魂在大洋彼岸的球场边挥鞭向上。 又有一天,想回到开始的地方。想象不用长高就可以摸到篮筐,想象青春时光回到身旁,想象总有一天能进NBA,想象属于中国自己的全国大赛在每一个球迷眼前播放。 不仅是想象,也是回忆,不仅是YY,也是缅怀,不仅是一本小说,也是青春。

    不爱吃草的羊 · Sports
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    dry_tree_ · Fantasy
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    Rule with yy'll? mmmyzxxxz

    Elixir_Synergy · War
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    yy72r353 · History
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    与世无争,与人无忧,碧天海阔的海岛,广阔无边的牧场,历史沉淀的庄园,没事考考古,发掘发掘史前文明,没事修修仙,畅游天地之间...... yy爽文。交流群:118764253 新书发布,《电影科技王国》期待大家观赏。

    比迹 · Urban
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    noodthekingguy_me · War
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      我.是韩百更,我喂自己袋盐。   想.要一本纯粹YY韩国娱乐圈的小说吗?我想你希望看到的,这里   全.部都有。因为这就是一   部.纯粹YY韩娱娱乐圈的小说。可以涉及到综艺、影视剧以及歌曲的情节,这里   都.应有尽有。最重要.的是,这里有我们大家都爱的,女主少女时代。还有节   操之神与你们同在。   恋战不死,韩娱不止,且行且珍惜。

    韩错 · Urban
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    Pursuit Order

    ENGLISH TRANSLATION Updates: regularly Status in COO: 63 Chapters (Completed) Author: YY's Bad Track Summary: Throughout the ages, there are only two words in the world, love and hate. Three years ago, Qin Shan was the most profitable sword in the hands of the emperor. He cut others and made himself bleed. After several years of shackles, he entered the world again. The world seems to be a little different. His infamy is still circulating in the world. The heroic swordsman carried his reward everywhere, and everyone was looking for the trace of the big devil. However, Qin Damo was holding his own order of chasing and asked with a smile. "The head on the neck, can I change the wine?" Entering the WTO again, this river and lake has one more word in Qin Shan's eyes. It was someone holding a long sword, wind and rain, and the words engraved in his heart. Protagonist: Qi Ruowang, Qin Shan, Yan Mobei Supporting role: Other: Falcon Part II Note: I'm sorry if there is some grammar mistakes, I'm not a native Chinese speaker. I hope you like the story. Unauthorized non-commercial translation

    Nctae_25 · LGBT+
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