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Of Cats and Dogs (BL/Yaoi)

After making a few mistakes that ultimately lead to his untimely and rather gruesome demise, he finds himself reincarnated in the Land of Fire, or more specifically, the Village Hidden in the Leaves. Unknowing how or why he had ended up there, Shizuya will have to find a way to live in this violent world where bloodshed is common and conflicts are numerous with whatever little snippets of knowledge he could remember of that anime show. It doesn't help that he, a gay man, is surrounded by all these good-looking shinobi. Though, what's up with that silver-haired cyclops of a teacher that he has been assigned under? And what's with that feeling that things may not be as simple as they seem? A few things you may need to know: - If you haven't noticed it yet, this is a Yaoi/BL/MxM story (Pairing: Kakashi x Male OC) - There will be an age gap (You have been warned; don't like it, don't read it) - There will be strong language, graphic scenes, and maybe eventually smut at some point (I'm not sure about the latter, it'll depend on how confident I feel in my writing ability) - This is my very first story, so please be patient with me (I may drop this if I deem the story's quality to be lacking) - There will be no specific update schedule - If I feel like writing, I will (It also largely depends on how things will go in RL) - My English is mostly self-taught so there will be mistakes !DISCLAIMERS! I do not own Naruto or any characters from the Naruto Franchise and all rights belong to their respective owners. I do not own the picture I use as the cover. Should the artist it belongs to wish for me to take it down, please send me a message and I will immediately do so. I only claim Shizuya and any possible future Original Characters as mine. Please do not reuse them without my consent. Also, please do not repost this story on other platforms without my permission.

Bakashi · Anime & Comics
13 Chs