
Weird Novels & Books - WebNovel

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    Melihat ‘mereka’ yang tak kasat mata mungkin bagi sebagian orang adalah hal yang keren, beberapa mempergunakannya untuk ketenaran, bahkan ada yang rela bersekutu dengan makhluk dunia sebrang demi kekayaan. Tapi, apa benar sekeren dan seenak itu untuk bisa melihat makhluk-makhluk tersebut? Aku akan membukanya secara gamblang di sini, secara terus terang, berdasarkan pengalamanku pribadi.

    Niduzzi_13 · Horror
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    On February 14th 2018, Prince was in his bedroom watching Grown-ish when it happened. He heard a loud bang and rushed to the living room, where he saw his mum being sucked into a blue light and so was his brother, he tried to touch the light but got swung across the room. What's going on? Is it the Rapture or Is it something else?

    kingdraken · Sci-fi
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    Bluenish · Urban
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    Fantasy Assassin in a modern world

    Fade was a legendary assassin that could kill just about anyone, as long as the price was right and the reason was just. One day as he was reminiscing about his life when he lost someone important, he fell asleep. When he woke up he was in a weird place, a different body, a different world.

    lynerparel · Fantasy
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    Surviving the Apocalypse While Being Tempted by an Elf and a Dark Elf

    On an apparent normal Sunday, Luke suddenly woke up after hearing a voice warning him of something weird. After assuming that it was just a bizarre dream, he felt an earthquake that nearly destroyed his dormitory. As if things weren't odd enough, a zombie suddenly appears in his room and targets him. Somehow, Luke survived several encounters against the zombies thanks to his skill Weapon Augmentation, but then he suddenly finds a mini-sized elf and a mini-sized dark elf telling him that they want to help. After a stranger offer, Luke learns that something very big is happening with the planet, and now he will have to find the strength to fight against zombies and all kinds of weird creatures that want his neck... he will do all that while avoiding being tempted by those two very suspicious elves. The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.

    ExSoldierLv99 · Games
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    Unlimited Power 03: The Sinful Ruler

    Where does the game end? Where does reality start? When one very anticipated VRMMORPG was about to be launched, and Jake was one of the first players to have a chance to access it, he had a weird dream of himself fighting massive beasts and then seeing a world being destroyed. Without knowing any better, Jake assumes that it was just a weird dream, but then he begins to have those weird dreams again and again until they become even more vivid, and much to his surprise, whenever the dream changes, he obtains a new power inside the game. It doesn't take long for Jake to realize that he isn't the only one who has those dreams, and soon enough, Jake realizes that the game and reality are a lot more connected than he thought. Our discord server: https://discord.gg/bd9aDdEeQK

    ExSoldierLv99 · Games
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    Weird Topper's Transmigration (Wait! Where's the plot lines???!)

    Seui believed himself to be an extremely normal person .So he tried to maintain his life normal ( and inexplicably boring) as possible . Therefore although he was the topper in his class , had quite a background and could be said to have looks , he was not a shining existence. Rather, he was mediocre, neither eye-catching nor invisible . Until one day , he found himself transmigrated. Despite the worry , he was rather excited, and he waited obediently for his system to arrive while trying to calm down himself. Fifteen minutes : Why is the system not here yet ? One hour: It seems a bit late ah! Could it be because of the network traffic ?? Two hours: This system seems quite inefficient. Could it be low quality goods?? One day: What's wrong with this broken system ah? Why is it not arriving yet??? Four days: Wtf! , why is it not yet here ? Could it be that I have no system???!! Then what about the so called plot lines and golden fingers ?? False advertising ahh!!! I demand a refund !!

    Gline_Shaou · LGBT+
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    Hey, Why Are My Skills so Weird!?

    Jane Walker was in the middle of a streak of bad luck. His cat scratched him, his second attempt to awakening failed, and even his girlfriend dumped him. And when he thought his luck could not turn worse, the bus he was in was swallowed by a spatial singularity, a [Dungeon]. But in the middle of struggling for his life, and when Jane thought it was his end, something unexpected happened. Together with the appearance of a self-proclaimed Immortal, his body received strength, mana, and skills. But soon, Jane noticed something strange. His skills… were a bit different than normal. ... This novel contains R-Rated content. You have been warned...

    Aidka · Fantasy
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    Awakened with a weird system

    A world where dungeon,gates and tower appears throughout the world and people awakened to fight and defeat the monster that comes out from them. Julie is a orphan girl who works several job so that she can put the food for her twin sisters awakened as a hunter.As she is happy to be awakened but also frustrated after finding out the system she get.But she grit her teeth and work on her hunter journey so that she can change her twins life. [ WARNING:Mature and adult content ] futanari_yuri_harem

    honey_bunny_ · Sci-fi
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    the Young Avengers : The weird, weird West

    L1T3RAT1 · Sci-fi
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    My Weird Assassin

    Sean Xavon Nama yang terdengar tidak asing lagi bagi banyak orang di seluruh penjuru dunia. Ia menyandang status sebagai seorang assassin yang bekerja untuk kepuasan dirinya sendiri. Mempunyai kehidupan super mewah dari hasil bayaran membunuh target sasaran yang jumlahnya tentu tidak sedikit. Memiliki akses kejahatan di seluruh dunia adalah sebuah keuntungan baginya, entah itu akses dalam pasar gelap ataupun melarikan diri dari penjara saat dirinya berhasil tertangkap oleh pihak FBI. Seorang gadis bernama Erica Vresila, berhasil masuk ke dalam hidupnya yang di penuhi bahaya. Menawarkan sebuah perjanjian gila, yang mana jika salah satu dari mereka kalah maka dialah yang akan di tembak mati. Penasaran dengan perjanjian itu? Bagaimana akhir dari kisah mereka? Kalian bisa langsung membacanya dengan tentang. Welcome & happy reading, thank you!

    zakiasyafira · Urban
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    I stared at the handsome figure in front of me, emotions I could not control flowing down my body. He held my hand as he looked intently into my eyes. " Michael, let us do this, no one will know about this. I have been dying of the feelings I have for you. Please just say yes, I promise you won't regret it" he assured as I felt a lump in my throat "I... ****** Michael, the most gentle person in the whole school, was noted for his handsomeness, his blameless character, not only that, he is a brilliant fellow, a nerd to be precise. Out of the blues, he started admiring handsome boys in his class. At age 16, he discovered that all his classmates he admired were signs of him having same-sex attraction. He became mortified, guilty, feeling empty for having feelings for the same sex. He was lost in a battle, a battle of dealing with feelings for both the same sex and opposite sex. What will he do in this situation? Who can he trust with this secret and who will help him? What could go wrong when the same-sex becomes attracted to him? Will he give in to the sexual craving? Will he succeed in getting rid of it? Find out in WEIRD FEELING. AUTHORS NOTE: This novel is a good one as it will shed more light on same-sex attraction. I hope you drop your honest review as you read.

    Prof Israel · LGBT+
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    LOVE is a weird thing for a Villainess

    "I like it when people call me Hel it feels like they're ready to burn in pits of fire." "You know Carbon Dioxide wouldn't spread that much if you learn how to shut your mouth." "Be thankful that you're able to stay by my side. Now stand straight and don't tarnish my beautiful name." "An ugly duckling like you doesn't even fits the standard of being a princess." "You don't have the rights to bully my sister. You're not a goddess enough like me to touch her." "Don't touch my property with that filthy hands of yours. She's one of my treasure chest."

    Rui_Lee · Teen
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    The world is weird you know, sometimes there are things we cant explain, thinking that humanity have the knowledge to control or understand it. But how can we explain the impossible, that there are things that are beyond logic and the laws of nature, and that we cant control it, or even understand when it begin, if there is even a way to understand and master the beyond, maybe we can become gods... or.............. monsters. but it does not matter, you will not understand it either.

    Lonely_Angel · Horror
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    Weird Class

    One of my students can read minds. One of them can change gender. The most handsome guy can make people amnesia. The most normal guy has the most dangerous power! The students in my class are get cursed! Me, Jui Ainsworth, as their homeroom teacher is forced to get rid all of the problem they made.

    kripik_kun · Fantasy
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    The Last weird

    Alice berada di dalam sebuah 'teror' kematian yang terus memaksanya untuk mengingat apa yang Ia lupakan. Xander hadir saat gadis itu merasa ingin menyerah menghadapi masalah-Nya. **** Memiliki kekuatan aneh yang 'katanya' adalah sebuah kecelakaan yang dilakukan salah-satu profesor saat meneliti mereka. Hidup di dalam sebuah teror kematian yang terus-menerus menghantui mereka. Memaksa mereka untuk mengingat sebuah kesalahan yang mereka lakukan. Alice, Xander dan Logan bertemu dalam kasus itu. Mereka menutup diri dari dunia lain dan berusaha untuk menjauh dari teman-teman sekolah mereka. Berusaha mencari kebenaran dari 'fakta' yang mereka lupakan atau 'sengaja' mereka lupakan? Namun ketika 'Kematian' hampir merampas kehidupan mereka, sosok lain yang berasal dari negeri jauh memberikan mereka petunjuk. Menunjukkan apa yang harus mereka lakukan, agar kembali 'mengingat' apa yang mereka bertiga lupakan dan menyebabkan teror terus-menerus menghantui mereka. Di awal turunnya salju di penghujung tahun, mereka bertiga memulai petualangan untuk mencari sosok yang bisa mengembalikan ingatan itu. Sementara di antara mereka bertiga. Xander adalah pemuda misterius yang tau akan hal itu. Xander yang memimpin langkah mereka menemukan penyelesaian di permasalahan mereka. Dan Xander malah membawa Alice dalam sebuah ikatan perasaan yang sulit untuk dijelaskan, asmara. Membuat gadis itu bertanya dalam benaknya. Apakah...Xander ada hubungannya dengan masa lalu-Nya?

    Theresa99_ · Fantasy
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    A Weird Place:

    O planeta Terra, desde sua origem, apresentou diversas criaturas misteriosas com poderes inimagináveis: as Anomalias. Cada Anomalia possui habilidades únicas, além delas provarem seu lugar no topo da cadeia alimentar, ameaçando a existência de vida no planeta. Evoluindo ao lado delas, a humanidade sobreviveu graças à Fundação S.E.T.H., criada por um misterioso grupo que se autodenomina de "O Concílio", designada a conter e a estudar tais Anomalias. Por uma necessidade de defender a raça humana, diversas pessoas buscaram a sobrevivência e seguiram a causa que a S.E.T.H. propôs, de assegurar a humanidade a todo e a qualquer custo. Entre elas, em 2025, Reid, Ashley e Christina teriam seus destinos entrelaçados, não imaginando que mudariam o mundo que conheciam quando se envolveram numa Crise enigmática. *Semanalmente recebendo atualizações*

    SeventeenLilith · Sci-fi
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    Weird Mate

    TEEN FICT--ROMANCE] Syifa dan Rezeqi dipertemukan dalam kejadian konyol yang tak terduga. Sedari awal Rezeqi membenci Syifa, begitupun sebaliknya. Namun suatu waktu, Syifa menarik ikrarnya, karena tingkah konyolnya mulai menunjukkan perasaannya. Ada rahasia yang tersimpan rapat di antara mereka. Mulai dari pengidap Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), pengguna narkoba yang tidak diacuhkan sampai kebencian aneh pada kaum perempuan. Syifa dan Rezeqi terlibat kisah haru yang perlahan membongkar sisi lain mereka. Di mata mereka, hidup adalah duka.

    NuryantiDwi · General
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    Weird exam

    Lin Ping - kan crossed into a strange world, and the teachers here are weird. The head teacher had a back eye in the back of his head, a tailwind ear on top of the instructor, and the history teacher had a ten - meter long neck and could peek around the back. The language teacher has a huge nose, and the math teacher's head is outside an ugly brain. The PE teacher has three legs, and the English teacher has one - a large blood basin mouth. The physics teacher is a thousand - hand watch, with countless hands. Horror's exam....

    Afulness · Horror
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    …well this is weird

    MJD26 · Fantasy
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