
Vida Amnesia Novels & Books - WebNovel


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    Ex-esposa grávida do Presidente

    Sabrina Jewel descobriu que estava grávida depois de muitos testes de gravidez. No mesmo dia, seu marido, o poderoso Presidente do Grupo de Empresas Jewels na cidade de NY, Robin Jewel, trouxe outra mulher para casa depois que Sabrina suportou suas aventuras com inúmeras mulheres e tentou ser uma boa esposa. “O que? Depois de todo o esperma, você não conseguiu engravidar nem uma vez. Nem mesmo um aborto espontâneo. Ela fez o seu trabalho por você,” Robin jogou a culpa em Sabrina. O mundo de Sabrina desmoronou bem diante de seus olhos. Ela deixou sua família por esse idiota, mas não mais. O pai dele sabia quem ela era, mas Robin nunca se deu ao trabalho de pesquisar sobre ela durante os três anos de casamento. Como ele engravidou outra mulher, pra ela já deu. “Eu já tive o suficiente, Robin. Ou ela vai embora ou eu vou…”

    Glorious_Eagle · Urban
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    ONS: Grávida do Bebê do CEO

    Jeanne tinha apenas 18 anos quando sua madrasta e meia-irmã a incriminaram e fizeram com que ela perdesse tudo. Ela foi expulsa de casa pelo pai por tentar resistir. 7 anos depois, Jeanne voltou em busca de vingança com um filho misterioso ao seu lado - George. As pessoas zombavam dela por ser mãe solteira e chamavam o filho dela de criança sem pai. “Quem você está chamando de criança sem pai? Você não vai gostar de me ver bravo,” ameaçou George. “Abaixe o facho, George! Não estrague a diversão! Eu ainda não me diverti o suficiente,” disse Jeanne, querendo aproveitar sua vingança, deixando o menino sem palavras. Jeanne conheceu mais tarde o famoso Quarto Mestre Swan em um baile de caridade. O homem de boa aparência e temperamento frio a chamou para um canto e disse: “Eu gosto de você.” Todos ficaram chocados, inclusive Jeanne. “Eu sou mãe solteira e tenho um filho. Tem certeza de que gosta de mim?” ela disse. “Eu na verdade... gosto do seu filho!” Todos ficaram chocados quando o Quarto Mestre Swan casou-se com Jeanne, mas apenas ele, astuto, sabia que havia conseguido não apenas um, mas dois, importantes jogadores para esse jogo de xadrez que ele estava jogando.

    Unopen Mind · General
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    El yerno del rey dragón

    Hao Ren, un estudiante universitario ordinario, salvó la vida de una pequeña niña que caía del cielo. En el proceso, se tragó por accidente el “caramelo” que cayó del cuerpo de esta niña y de alguna manera terminó convirtiéndose en el yerno del Rey Dragón… Desde ese momento, su vida dio un drástico giro. ¿Había dragones en este mundo? ¿Y ellos vivían lado a lado con los humanos? ¿Los ancestrales mitos chinos realmente ocurrieron? Hao Ren tuvo la oportunidad de experimentar todo un nuevo mundo que para los humanos ordinarios permanecía oculto. A pesar de las emociones que siguieron a este nuevo descubrimiento, también había desafíos aguardándolo en este camino. Creyó que su cómoda vida como el yerno del Rey Dragón sería relajada y llena de lujos, pero las conspiraciones y los subterfugios se aproximaban.

    Dragon King's Nice Son-In-Law · Urban
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    Inheriting Billions in Wealth Starts With Amnesia

    Lola Hussey, battered by the entertainment industry, started packing overnight: "I'm scared of cyberbullying, I want to go home and inherit my family fortune." Haters: "She's paranoid every day, disasters follow her everywhere." Oh snap! Haters jinxed her, Lola Hussey had a car accident on her way home. It seemed like a minor issue, but Lola Hussey woke up with amnesia! Hospital interview video leaked–– Lola recalled: "I vaguely remember my dad is maybe the richest man in Yita Country, my mom is maybe the owner of the largest plantation in the world, I have several high-profile brothers, I think I live in a mansion with thousands of square meters every day, hundreds of Filipino maids, and luxury cars all around..." Haters: This isn't amnesia? She's clearly gone stupid! Just when everyone thought Lola Hussey was beyond hope. But, why is Lola Hussey appearing in a live broadcast by the owner of the world's largest plantation? Why did the richest man in Yita Country announce that he wants to take Lola Hussey out of the entertainment industry and bring her back to inherit the family fortune? Why did the CEO of Empire Group drop a billion-dollar project to personally bring Lola Hussey home? Haters unsettled: What else do you vaguely remember? Lola Hussey noticed a highly influential figure: "I vaguely remember that Ethan Ainsley seems to like me." Haters: ? Ethan Ainsley: "Yes." Haters: ...

    Li Er · General
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    El resto de mi vida es para ti

    Yu Yuehan es el típico presidente rico, perfecto y a la vez distante. Es el hombre más adinerado de Ciudad H. Pero un día, una niña apareció de repente en su vida diciendo que era su hija. A pesar de tener la certeza de que nunca antes había tocado a una mujer, las pruebas de ADN certificaron que la niña era suya, y pronto se convirtió en un buen “papi” para la pequeña niña: Xiao Liuliu. Al cabo de dos años, por alguna razón inexplicable, Xiao Liuliu se encariñó mucho con una enfermera en periodo de prueba: Nian Xiaomu, quien fue contratada para cuidar a la niña. Nian Xiaomu posee una personalidad fuerte y no permite que nadie la intimide. Yu Yuehan estaba constantemente receloso de que alguien pudiera hacerle daño a su hija, por lo que siempre vigilaba a Nian Xiaomu. Sin embargo, su hija (con actitud controladora) tiene un as bajo la manga para controlar a su padre. Con el tiempo, Nian Xiaomu comienza, poco a poco, a mostrar su faceta encantadora, y por primera vez en su vida, Yu Yuehan se siente atraído por esta misteriosa mujer.

    Stupa Demon · Urban
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    La era desolada

    El destino nunca había sido amable con Ji Ning. Destrozado por dolencias y enfermo toda su vida en la tierra, supo desde el principio que moriría de adolescente. Lo que no sabía era que realmente existía la vida después de la muerte y que el universo era un lugar mucho más grande de lo que imaginaba. Un giro afortunado del destino (uno de los pocos en la vida de Ning) lo llevó a renacer en un mundo de Inmortales y monstruos, de Refinadores de Ki y poderosos Dioses Demonio. Un mundo donde las Dinastías duraban millones de años. Un mundo que era más grande y a la vez más pequeño de lo que él podría imaginar. Se le presentaría la oportunidad de unirse a ellos y, en esta vida, Ning se juró a sí mismo que nunca más sería débil. La era en la que nació era desolada, pero Ning la convertiría en su era.

    I Eat Tomatoes · Eastern
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    Diva la Vida

    [MATURED CONTENT!] Vol 1 [COMPLETE!] Vol 2: Prequel to Vol 1 [COMPLETE!] Vol 3: Final volume- [COMPLETE!] ----------------------------- Love, can be the fire that warms you on a cold night or the smouldering heat that destroys you. In Thalia Mirabel’s life, it looked to be the latter. She was a single mother with a sullied background. A society outcast. The very type that society looked down on. The last person anyone would want, or so she thought … In the depths of despair and about to lose her son, Thalia Mirabel Thebes accepts a contract that will change her life… but is it for the better or for the worst? Did she jump from the depths of the ocean into the arms of the devil himself? After her vow to stay away from the species known as man? Jorge Trimshaw was a Billionaire who knew his worth! A player and the ladies’ man in every way, the one man that every girl would wish to have, the one man that could get every girl he wanted. He went each day and each week with different girlfriends. He never bothered with their names, for he changed girlfriends like he changed his underwear, and for a clean freak, that was a hell lot of times. But why could he not get her name out of his mind? Would Thalia Mirabel trust and love again with this man who knew not what commitment was? As the saying goes, “Not all that glitters is gold…” How would these two complement each other or clash with each other as faith binds them? Cover art is mine. Art done by @korkor_gavi and final cover by me ^-^ This is an original story by me. Copyright 2023 Please try to support me by reading the novel ONLY on Webnovel #dlvnovel #loctovianovels #divalavidanovel NB: Character images are AI generated from starryai.com*

    Loctovia · Urban
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    Last Wish System (Versión en español)

    En un universo donde los grandes expertos pueden reencarnar, Yale Roanmad reencarnó casi sin recuerdos de su vida pasada y no sabía quién era. A pesar del problema con sus recuerdos, Yale había obtenido un extraño legado de su vida pasada el «Last Wish System». Yale, quien recordaba el dolor de morir, decidió volverse fuerte para evitar sufrir el mismo dolor otra vez. Además, también decidió investigar su propia vida pasada para recordar quien fue. Sin embargo, él desconocía que un Experto Misterioso, quien sabía mucho sobre él y su vida pasada, estaba vigilándole desde las sombras.

    Alemillach · Fantasy
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    Ex-Esposa Grávida do Sr. CEO

    Ace Carter Greyson, seu marido de cinco longos anos, exigiu o divórcio na noite do quinto aniversário de casamento deles. O motivo? Simplesmente porque ela não pode ter um filho. Phoenix implorou para ele ficar, mas sua decisão firme era inabalável, então ela finalmente o deixou ir. Sua vida ficou ainda mais despedaçada depois que descobriu o caso de longa data dele com a secretária e agora, a amante estava grávida. Apenas alguns meses após o divórcio, ele se casou com a secretária grávida. O mundo de Phoenix vira de cabeça para baixo de repente quando ela descobre que está grávida de quatro meses. *** Confira A obsessão secreta do Sr. Ceo!

    ruffatorres · Urban
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    "Do you think you can escape?" She stared at the person with horror.She was feeling very miserable that the person she was hiding from,she would find out about him like this.Every nerve on her body was warning her to run away from there. The person chuckled. "I know what's in your mind.Don't even try to do this!!!" Her eyes lit up in anger. "Do you think I will give up, if a devil like you threat me?" Her words left a devilish grin on his perfectly symmetrical handsome face whose one glimpse was enough to capture any woman's mind and body. She suddenly lifted a vase that was in her range and was about to smash on his head,but before she could do that he caught her hands and pulled her to himself, capturing her through his body which was huge and very masculine compared to her tiny frame. "Devil or God whoever decides to save you,unfortunately it is impossible.Because I am your fate and no one can save you from me…." He mumbled in her ear. ************************************************ Have you ever thought that what would you do if you were trapped in the world of amnesia? What would you do if life has cheated on you in every aspect and came to end because of this? If life would give you another chance in exchange for something very important, would you dare to take it? Wang Wei a well known businesses man once saved a young woman's life while someone threw her unconscious body on the road.After regaining her consciousness,she failed to remember anything about her life, not even her name.After some days she discovered that there is a big mystery related to her life.She no longer lives in a single world.She has another life which one she assumed as amnesic life…. Will she be ever able to solve the mystery of her amnesic life? Will she be able to find the culprit who is responsible for her present condition? Will she be able to take revenge? Will she be able to find her saviour or she will mistake him as someone else…….. Read the novel to find out......

    AnonnaRahman13 · Fantasy
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    Mi ex-esposa con cáncer

    El mayor error de su vida fue enamorarse de ese hombre. La traicionó y la obligó a divorciarse. ¿Cómo iba a soportar semejante golpe cuando tenía un cáncer cerebral? Ella le había amado durante mucho tiempo y él solo descubrió que la amaba al final de su vida.

    NewEraCulture · Urban
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    Dosen Amnesiaku

    Mikha seorang siswi kampus jurusan teknik informatika bertemu dengan seorang dosen yang mengajar di jurusan akuntansi. Awalan yang hanya sebatas sahabat kini beralih menjadi seorang kekasih. Namun siapa yang menduga mereka akan mengalami banyak kejadian di masa lalu? Dari mulai orang-orang yang mengenal Ali si dosen hingga insiden yang dialaminya masa lalu. "Pak! saya menemukan informasi mengenai Aarav Alkatiri," ujar Mikha. "Apa yang kamu temukan? kita harus mencari informasi terkait Aarav Alkatiri karena itu berurusan dengan saya," jawab Ali. "Saya mendapat alamat rumah Aarav Alkatiri di Indonesia! barangkali saja kita bisa mendapatkan informasi lebih lanjut disana!" ucap Mikha. "Ya sudah, ayo kesana!" ajak Ali. Bagaimana ceritanya? apakah mereka berdua bisa memecahkan teka-teki ini?

    Cherin_Kauma · Teen
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    "Pretend to by my son's wife and I will give you a million dollar or any amount you want " Rose said. "But your son isn't a fool, even if I were to pretend to be his wife, he will surely know that am a fake" Whitney replied. "He's currently suffering from Amnesia, he doesn't remember the things he did a year ago, so fitting you into his life won't be a problem" **** Whitney Archer is just a first year Psychiatric doctor. She's poor, humble, crazy and a debtor. She live in debt all her life but everything change for her when she meet Rose Graham. Mother to Logan Graham who is a rich handsome bachelor, he's the typical male crush and every girl's dream but he's someone who is suffering from Philophobia. His fear to love has hardened his heart which makes him cold and distant with the opposite s£x. Not wanting her son to be single for the rest of his life, Mrs Graham decides to hire Whitney as his personal doctor and fake wife. But all that got bursted when Logan memories return and he realizes that apart from lying to be his wife, she's also a doctor whose goal is to make him fall in love. What do you think will be the fate and destiny of this two?

    Daoistl476bw · Urban
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    Kisah bermula dari seorang wanita bernama Yuki merupakan seorang karyawan di sebuah perusahaan teknologi terbesar di Indonesia, yang bekerja di divisi "Uji Coba" atau juga disebut Blackbox Testing. Rich merupakan seorang Manajer Direktur perusahaan teknologi terbesar yang sama dengan Yuki, sebenarnya dia adalah anak dari perusahaan tersebut namun Ayahnya meminta Rich untuk memulai karirnya dari bawah sebelum menempati posisi tertinggi. Rich memiliki seorang wanita yang sangat dia cintai bernama Yuki, pertemuan keduanya bermula dari sebuah tragedi di masa lalu. Awalnya semua terlihat baik-baik saja sampai suatu hari Yuki tanpa sengaja mendengar percakapan dari seseorang tentang "Mesin Waktu", tertarik dengan hal tersebut Yuki justru terlibat dalam misi "Pengubahan" yang dilakukan Prof. Alfa secara diam-diam. Yuki akhirnya kembali ke masa lalu yang sangat dia sesali awalnya namun Yuki terpikir jika dia kembali maka dia bisa mengubah takdir buruk yang terjadi kepada hidupnya. Atas dasar keyakinan itu Yuki bertekad mengubah alur buruk menjadi lebih baik. tanpa disadari waktu mengalir ke jalan yang berbeda dan menimbulkan sebuah perubahan besar pada masa depan. Apakah yang akan terjadi selanjutnya? Note: *Cover bukan milik penulis jika anda keberatan saya menggunakannya silakan hubungi saya **Semua karakter, nama, dan kejadian hanya fiksi Happy Reading and Enjoy NayI

    NayI · Sci-fi
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    Cuentos de demonios y dioses

    Tras ser asesinado por el Emperador Sabio y renacer en su propio cuerpo con 13 años de edad, Nie Li recibe una segunda oportunidad en la vida: una segunda oportunidad para cambiarlo todo y salvar a sus seres queridos y a su amada ciudad. Deberá volver a luchar contra el Emperador Sabio para vengar su muerte y la de sus afectos. Gracias a los amplios conocimientos de cientos de años vividos que acumuló en su vida anterior y con los más poderosos espíritus demoníacos, podrá alcanzar el punto cumbre de las Artes Marciales. En esta nueva vida, se solucionarán las disputas del pasado. —Ya que he regresado, en esta vida, me convertiré en el Rey de los Dioses que dominan todo. ¡Todo lo que esté bajo mis pies temblará!

    Mad Snail · Eastern
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    My First Love Has Amnesia

    Di tengah masalah hidupnya yang sedang sulit-sulitnya, Luna mendadak mendapat tawaran yang gila. Dia diminta bantuan oleh pihak keluarga dari mantan kekasihnya saat SMA. Pria bernama Rafael itu ternyata mengalami kecelakaan mobil parah, sehingga membuat pria yang kini telah menjadi CEO sukses itu mengalami kehilangan ingatan. Apakah yang akan terjadi kalau Luna menerima tawaran itu demi menyelesaikan masalah hidupnya? Mampukah dia tetap berkomitmen menganggap ini sebagai sebuah pekerjaan, atau justru perasaannya malah ikut bermain di tengah jalan? Membuat tak hanya ingatan Rafael yang kembali, namun juga perasaan mereka yang telah lama terkubur? BACA JUGA SEQUELNYA: The CEO and His First Love

    Putri_Andina_7944 · History
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    A young girl who was reported missing 15 years ago who's case is now closed suddenly wakes up with the loss of her memory. She encounters a reformed dirty cop and they both work together to figure out what happened in her 15 year memory gap.

    Ninetails_Neko · Fantasy
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    Amnesia For Love

    Tracy Martinez applied as a secretary to the Simonne's with them not knowing that she is one of the family members of their rivals, The Cysco's. Her job was to spy on them, but she did not expect to fall in love with Caleb Simonne, they became best of friends. She knew he was gay, but she was okay with it, loving him and just being near him was enough. But when things went rough, and her family was planning on introducing her as one of their own, she had to leave and break their friendship. Caleb wanted to know her real reasons, only to find out the whole truth. Their huge fight turned into a huge accident which cost Caleb's memories. Tracy felt guilty and wanted to be there for him until he gets better. She just didn't expect Caleb's family to think there were together as a couple, but she went with the flow, she was in love with him, she'd do everything to be with him. But what will happen when all his memories come back?

    JustAnotherJane · Urban
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    El Rey de las Hierbas

    ``` WPC 274: Cultivación (1er Lugar Medalla de Oro) Leric era un destacado herbolario y un médico cualificado, pero ya se encontraba en sus años crepusculares. Había dedicado toda su vida a investigar hierbas y el cuerpo humano. Y por esta razón, no experimentó las alegrías de la vida. Sin embargo, una información escrita en un libro antiguo cambió su vida. ¡Era una oportunidad de renacimiento! Con sus conocimientos como herbolario y como médico, únete a Leric mientras comienza una nueva vida en Falkur, un mundo gobernado por poderosos llamados Esperes! *** Para Capítulos Extra Clasificación de los 100 Mejores Tickets Dorados + 1 cap extra Clasificación de los 50 Mejores Tickets Dorados + 2 caps extras Clasificación de los 10 Mejores Tickets Dorados + 3 caps extras Calendario de Actualizaciones: 1-2 capítulos por día ```

    Malignant · Eastern
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    The Boy With Amnesia

    (I do not own this picture) My name is Kai. I have Amnesia. Can I trust anyone? Will I be in danger? Read my story to find out. Thanks.

    Cynthia_Daggett · Fantasy
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