
Truestory Stories - Webnovel Official




wahyu113 · General
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No one love me

The name of character are fake but story is based on true things happened in her life. It's like daily diary. And the author is the main character in this story so it starts with I.

LoveSammy · Realistic
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Love, Lust and a Little Bit of Cocaine

For certain people, chaos needn't be a curse. For certain people, chaos oughta' be present and as common as a coffee, to necessitate one's mental stability. Meet Cooper. Cooper is an intelligent yet quirky individual who has the tendency of unintentionally getting involved with things, people and places that, conventionally could be considered detrimental. A comical and dark exploration into the life and mind of Cooper, who on the surface appears to be at least a successful connoisseur of chaos. Meanwhile, he's forced to keep up appearances whilst battling alcohol, drugs, relationships and prospective death on a bi-weekly basis. Support the completion of this book by purchasing an official copy here: lovelustcocaine.com => all purchased copies include exclusive bonus content, and are personally signed. Tagline: Imagine Trainspotting meeting Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas being chaperoned by a duo of Naked Lunch and Junky. Outline: Love, Lust and a Little Bit of Cocaine revolves around the life of Cooper - a functional alcoholic and drug addict. The story is divided into three parts encompassing separate time periods. Each chapter describes an experience based on true events which progressively propels Cooper further into the life of drugs, sex and chaos, whilst simultaneously forcing him to do his best to err on the side of caution as his life becomes entangled with the fallout of his opportunistic misbehaviour. Themes: #love #sex #travel #truestory #chaos #drugs #psychology #relationships #friendship #violence #skateboarding #death #mystery #comedy #observation #medicine #business #technology #crime #punishment #joy #family #podcast Contribute to the writing by purchasing a copy on http://lovelustcocaine.com and follow story developments on the lovelustcocaine podcast!

RickRoberts · Realistic
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Insecure.. Rania Zefananda sosok makhluk hidup bernafas menggunakan paru-paru yang tidak memiliki perfect body like other girls, tapi keinginannya untuk uwu uwu dengan mas mas angkatan membuatnya lupa dengan keadaan hati. Halu dulu baru sekolah-Rania #truestory

alyaanuf26_ · Teen
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journey of love... until remember

Jaat93 · General
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The love that was not meant to be

I felt like I wanted to use the bathroom. It was just a feeling but the reality was the fluids were already seeping out and flowing on my jeans. I could not understand what was going on. This was a new experience which I was not prepared for. I frowned and got teary eyed. My little sister noticed the facial change and held my hand. This slighlty comforted me. If only I knew that this was the onset of my preterm labour.

nancygwa · Realistic
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the unfair life

the story is based on a true story

Kevoh_Mungai · History
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KISAH NYATA | TRUE STORY | REAL STORY Manusia indigo bisa juga disebut sebagai orang yang memiliki kemampuan khusus dan tidak terbatas pada yang namanya hal supranatural atau metafisis saja. Kemampuan indigo sendiri banyak macamnya, mulai dari clairvoyance, astral projection, interdimensional, penyembuhan, dan lain lain. Ketika seorang anak indigo mengatahui bahwa dirinya punya kemampuan indigo, maka jauh di dasar pikirannya akan timbul pertanyaan : Mengapa aku berbeda? kenapa aku tidak bisa menjadi orang normal saja? Pada Novel DIMENSI KETIGA ini, saya akan menceritakan kisah atau kumpulan kisah yang semuanya berhubungan dengan perjalanan hidup seorang anak indigo. Tentang apa yang dirasakan, apa yang dialami, dan seolah ingin sedikit protes ada anggapan orang-orang yang memberikan stigma bahwa kemampuan indigo adalah berkah. padahal untuk sampai diterima dan di anggap berkah itu, semua adalah proses yang panjang dan melelahkan. Sebuah perjalanan dan pembelajaran yang tidak pernah berhenti sampai akhirnya menutup mata dan kembali pada Sang Khalik. NOVEL ini sekaligus gambaran "ALAM SEBELAH" atau alam dimana "MEREKA TINGGAL" tidak selalu identik dengan horor yang seram dan mencekam. Alam sebelah juga punya cerita yang dramatis, sedih bahkan sarat nilai-nilai universal. Pada dasarnya "MEREKA" pun tidak seperti yang dilukiskan di film-film horor, yang hanya bertugas menganggu dan menakut-nakuti, tetapi sebetulnya mereka pun lebih dari itu. Novel ini juga memberikan gambaran dan wawasan baru tentang dunia supranatural. Harapannya, lebih jauh novel ini dapat memberikan panduan bagi masyarakat bagaimana harus menyikapi hidup dan berdampingan dengan para MAKHLUK TAK KASAT MATA. SALAM INDIGO. #INDIGO #MATABATIN #KISAHNYATA #TRUESTORY #REALSTORY #MATA_BATIN #KISAH_NYATA #HORORTHRILLER #HOROR #THRILLER #HORRORTHRILLER #HOROR_THRILLER #HORROR_THRILLER #INDIGOMATABATIN #INDIGODIMENSIKETIGA #INDIGO_MATA_BATIN #INDIGO_DIMENSI_KETIGA #DIMENSIKETIGA #DIMENSI_KETIGA #indigo #matabatin #kisahnyata #truestory #realstory #mata_batin #kisah_nyata #hororthriller #horor #thriller #horrorthriller #horor_thriller #horror_thriller #indigomatabatin #indigodimensiketiga #indigo_mata_batin #indigo_dimensi_ketiga #dimensiketiga #dimensi_ketiga

Aan_Hardiansyah313 · Horror
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