
Teen Life Lies Hell Campus Se Novels & Books - WebNovel


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    Señora y Señor Smith

    Ethan Smith caminó por la calle vacía, cigarrillo en boca, sacudiendo su cabeza y forzando una amarga sonrisa. ¿Quién podría haber imaginado que después de tres años de matrimonio, todo lo que quedaba era traición? Juró hacer que esa mujer lamentara lo que había hecho y prometió hacer que todos los que habían sido buenos con él vivieran una buena vida. Sí, era Emily Taylor, la mujer que lo había ayudado a salir del abismo de la desesperación cuando tocó el punto más bajo de su vida. —Emily, es tiempo de que me ocupe de ti.

    Taibai And A Qin · Urban
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    Señor CEO, malcríame 100%

    Una muestra de los papeles de divorcio llevó a Xia Xinghe a un estado de miseria. Sin embargo, después de un accidente automovilístico, ella se transformó en una "hacker" profesional con más dinero del que podría gastar. —Todos aquellos que me han menospreciado, intimidado y se han burlado de mí, por favor, hagan una fila, ¡les enseñaré lo que realmente es una bofetada! —Espera, espera, espera. Ese chico allá, el ex-esposo con el que ya no tengo ninguna relación, que no se salte en la fila. —¿Qué? ¿Quieres ayudarme a abofetear a esta gente? —No solo eso, ¡te ayudaré a abofetearme a mí mismo! El hombre terriblemente guapo, con miles de millones de dólares de herencia, levantó su palma para abofetear su propia cara, ¡sin duda alguna! P.D.: Esto es poder femenino, sin trampas, sin malentendidos, sin tabúes; una historia de amor correspondido. También, por favor, espera lo inesperado en términos de la trama, y no te aferres a la estructura típica del romance.

    The Courtesan's Smile · Urban
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    The Angelic System That Turned My Life Into Hell

    [Enter Loogam or you will die.] “Huh?” For the 15-year-old Mika Elbar it was a day like any other. He casually spent his time strolling around the village. Mika was neither ambitious nor did he have a dream. Unlike the others in his age, he wasn’t really interested in adventures or subjugating monsters and demons to become a hero. It was enough for him to live his life peacefully with his family in the village. However, things didn’t go as planned. A voice in his head suddenly threatened him to enter the world’s most renowned magic academy, Loogam. The academy was known for producing the best mages, knights, adventures and even heroes. It goes without saying that whoever graduates from that academy will be swimming in fame and wealth. Thus, reluctantly, Mika decided to try to enter Loogam with no hopes of getting accepted. After all, his magic was below average and he didn’t even possess one of the world’s 66 mythic relics. Instead, he only had the guidance of a strange voice in his head and a rusty sword on his hip. But will that be enough to survive in the magic academy Loogam? In the world of Lorw, where dangerous and powerful monsters constantly threat the peace? ------------------------------------------------------------ Cover by Gakusei Muto (Instagram: @gakusei.muto)

    VERSON · Fantasy
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    Doctor genio: señorita doblecara

    Ella era un genio incomparable en el siglo 24: todo lo que necesitaba era una aguja de plata y prácticamente podría traer de vuelta a cualquiera de entre los muertos. Después de una explosión, ella cruzó a un mundo extraño donde todos la llamaban "señorita". La anterior “señorita” no tenía espíritu contractual, era débil e incompetente, ¿e incluso su prometido venía con un nuevo amor y la acosaba? Ahora que ella se había hecho cargo, ¿quién se atrevería a actuar tan presuntuosamente a su alrededor? Con las agujas en la mano, ¡el mundo era suyo! Donde quiera que vaya, ¡los milagros seguían! Sin embargo, ella salvó a una plaga. ¿En qué estaba pensando ella cuando salvó a ese hombre? Su impresionante comportamiento y su impecable rostro contrastaban enormemente con sus crueles acciones. Él intentaba todas las formas de conquistarla. Esta es una interesante historia cruzada con algo de magia, romance y una señorita hipócrita como el personaje principal.

    North Night · Fantasy
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    Heidi y el señor

    Año 1847 Los cuatro Imperios se han mantenido sin cambios durante siglos, los vampiros tienen la ventaja y son los titiriteros de todo. Pero los conflictos han comenzado a aumentar causando una guerra interna entre los Imperios, Bonelake y Woville. Heidi era una niña adoptada, por el Duque que había sido lo suficientemente generoso para acogerla. Una niña, que cuando creció, no tenía ni idea de que sería el puente político entre los dos Imperios a través de un matrimonio con un pariente del Señor del Este. El Señor Nicholas, con su suave apariencia y comportamiento, se convirtió en el Rey Blanco del Imperio. Un hombre que era el más amable con todas las personas que lo rodeaban, aunque solo unos pocos sabían lo que había debajo de esa hermosa máscara. ¿Qué sucede cuando una chica es responsable de sacar lo peor y lo mejor de él? Especialmente, si es la prometida de su primo. Créditos de la portada del libro: complxmars

    ash_knight17 · Fantasy
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    Reincarnation: From Opressed Missy to Campus Belle

    In her previous life, An Xiulan had been oppressed and tortured by the members of Duke An's household. Her legitimate status wasn't enough to save her from the schemes of jealous siblings. For sixteen years, she tolerated the oppression inflicted on her but in the seventeenth year, she was pushed to death into the frozen lake.  Now she has reincarnated into the body of a youthful girl in the modern world who died in a car accident. She was given everything she was devoid of in her last life– family, love and education.  Graced with a new life, An Xiulan is determined to strive towards a better life. She will be the best daughter. She will study hard. And she will stay away from puppy love.  Nothing must come between her path to become a top scholar!  But there seems to be a hitch in the plan.   Why was the backbencher Han Zixin following her to the library, laboratory, playground and even the principal's office?  Wasn't Big Boss Han allergic to studies?  Why was he following the campus Belle? … Teacher: An Xiulan is a top student. We must preserve her at all costs. Class Ten gulped as they recalled how a certain bro-con had supplied cheating slips to his model student sister in monthly tests subsequently resulting in her topping the exams!   Lu Xuan: No one is allowed to bully my sister!! Only I can bully her! Everyone in class Ten: ????  A few days later, class Ten witnessed the delicate looking youthful girl chasing her self proclaimed brother with a hockey stick!  The delicate looking campus Belle wasn't delicate at all! ... A delicate girl can't possibly make two big gangsters of Jingyuan Highschool dance on her tunes? …. Cover belongs to me! __ [Tags:  Reincarnation/ Beautiful Female Lead/  Caring Protagonist / Charming Protagonist/  Cold Love Interests / Couple / Cute Protagonist / Cute Story. / Familial Love / Handsome Male Leads Heartwarming Modern Day story/ Gangster/ School life. ] ... Special Note: If you are looking for a book filled with an emotional rollercoaster ride, this isn't the book for you! It's meant for light read with realistic character development and fluff. Also, for the smut lovers, you have to be disappointed this time. .... ... Other books by author: 1. The Typhoon's Dangerous Wife. (completed) 2. The Villain. (Completed) 3. The Kiss of Deception. (Completed) 4. Flash Marriage: I accidentally married a mafia princess (ongoing) 5. Billionare's Marriage of In-convenience

    tanu_sam · Urban
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    My Boyfriend is a Campus Bad Boy

    "Love or death? Which will you choose?" – "On this day, I will be your knight shining in armor! I will always be at your back even the entire school hates you!" Sebastian Woo, a campus bad boy told her and quickly lifted her chin to meet his gaze. He kneeled at the ground, convinced a young girl to look into his round, brown eyes. "On this day, you will never be alone and afraid. I am here always by your side." A genuine yet bitter smile drawn on her pale lips. "I've been waiting for my night shining armor," Halora whispered. But, how long he will keep his real identity from Halora? Will he confess the truth or the faith will find a way to reveal Seb's strange power and past life? Would he rather choose to lie to the girl who captured his heart or tell the truth and will be vanished on earth? Discover and find out what will happen to the unique, interesting first love story of Halora and Sebastian. ctto, the artwork is not mine. (will be changed soon)

    Maryixxx · Teen
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    Mi maestro se volvió a desconectar

    Todos dicen que Yi Qing es el cultivador de espadas número uno del mundo, con un nivel de habilidad insuperable. No importaba si había cultivado en el Reino Menor, o en los Diez Cielos del reino mayor, era invencible. Al escuchar ese tipo de comentarios, Yi Qing ríe y dice: “Eso es porque no conoces a mi maestro. Si hablamos de cultivar, no le llego ni a los tobillos. Ahora que lo pienso, al principio, mi maestro venció a nueve de los diez Emperadores del Reino Mayor, y el único restante era yo”. —¿Maestro? ¿De verdad tienes un maestro? ¿Por qué nunca lo escuchamos? —Mi Maestro es… Eh.. ¿Maestro? ¡Maestro! ¿Y mi Maestro? ¿Alguien lo ha visto? -_- El único problema que Sheng Ying tiene luego de haber transmigrado es que… ¡Su nivel de presencia es demasiado bajo!

    You Qian · General
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    Dirty Little Lies

    “... Till death do us apart.” It was a love promise. Nicolás Moreno has lived his life under the shadows, he was a name whispered for his cruel ways and cold-heartedness, known for being a sadist whose only emotion was hate, his face was thought to be a reflection of his ugly heart. When one dinner changes everything for the gentle, kind Annalise Armillo, she finds herself in church the next day with a different identity and now to be married to the most loathsome person ever, and for a man who enjoys other people's misery, breaking a pure-hearted, sweet woman like Anna was going to give Nicolás all of the satisfaction he craved, the only thing he doesn't plan on is the innocent-looking woman's ability to arouse the dirtiest desires in him. “... Till death do us apart.” It was a threat.

    Sadiya_Aliyu · Urban
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    Corra, Garota (Se Puder)

    Keeley, uma simples mulher comum, acerta o jackpot. [Não, ela não ganhou na loteria!] Pelo menos é o que ela pensa quando se casa com o solteirão mais cobiçado de Nova York: Aaron, um magnata do coração frio e rico. Ela quer mostrar ao mundo que merece seu lugar e se esforça muito para se encaixar em seu mundo. Um belo dia, Aaron entrega a ela um documento pedindo que ela assine. Um papel de divórcio... "Ela está grávida e eu preciso assumir a responsabilidade." Essa é a última coisa que passa por sua mente antes de dar o último suspiro. Keeley morre, vítima de "atropelamento e fuga". [Fim da história. Não!] Por alguma razão inexplicável, ela acorda como sua versão mais jovem. Uma garota do ensino médio, na época em que conhece seu marido infiel. Lembrando-se de sua vida com Aaron antes de morrer, ela promete a si mesma que fará tudo ao seu alcance para evitá-lo a todo custo. Será que ela conseguirá manter sua promessa quando Aaron também tem seus próprios planos, especificamente para ela? Ou ela repetirá a história e se apaixonará por ele mais uma vez... Por que não viajar comigo e descobrir a verdade por trás da história deles?

    Mcllorycat · Fantasy
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    Campus Prince to King of Simps

    “Of all the things a peasant could’ve stolen from me, why did it have to be my heart?” As the sole heir of a powerful family, Cadmus is highly respected by everyone. He's got the looks, the wealth, the smarts, and even the title, ‘Campus Prince.' Yet still, life seemed boring to him. Then comes along Blair, a commoner with a bad reputation. She humiliated him. She defied him. She called him fake. In turn, Cadmus would do anything to make Blair’s life miserable. Until one time, he learned about her biggest secret. She’s actually the quirky online streamer, ‘Meme Queen,’ who’s popular across the internet. From that point on, he got to know more things about her. He watched her. He followed her. He became her top donor. And so, what came after is Cadmus secretly being a simp for Blair. --- (Cover Photo Not Mine: Credits to the Original Artist) - Follow me on Instagram (@acieetin) - DM me on Discord (Aciee#1841)

    Aciee_GelaTin · Teen
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    The Alpha on Campus

    “Do you want me to?” I asked her, my lips inches away. Her tank-top rode upwards, exposing the bare skin of her waist. She fluttered her eyes in appreciation for the attention I’d given her. She said that I was her first boyfriend, however, she masterfully knew how to tease me, moving her body in harmony with mine. “Please, Alex!” she exclaimed. I gladly obliged. — All Loren Ambrose wanted was to get a handle on her new magical identity at Silverstone University of Magicks, but her life was dramatically shifted after discovering that she was powerful enough to kill immortal beings. Loren’s college experience was further complicated by her encounter with the spell-binding future Alpha Alexander: a charming, enchanting, all-round gentleman. Will Loren be able to handle it all: a steamy romance with a future Alpha, a jealous best friend, and the impossible task to save the world? The Alpha on Campus is created by Tina Freemoon, an eGlobal Creative Publishing Signed Author.

    Tina Freemoon · Fantasy
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    Teen Psychic Detectives

    Evo can hear people's thoughts, but it's more of a curse than a blessing. However, his life takes a dramatic turn when he meets two teenage detectives whose thoughts he can't read. He becomes determined to join them and reveals a crime from five years ago. This sets him on an incredible investigative journey that will change his life forever. Author's other stories: TEMPTING FATE MY MYTHICAL FATE [New Stories] TEENWOLF HE'S THE PRINCESS A TALE OF VAMPIRE BROTHERS

    shentiments · Fantasy
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    King of Campus

    The uncrowned king of Barnett University. He's like a freaking celebrity around here. It's totally ridiculous. People, by which I mean grown women, actually stalk him on the internet. And around campus. Apparently, he's god's gift to both football and the ladies (I'm using that term loosely). All he has to do is smile and girls fall right onto their backs before spreading their legs wide. I've heard that he's already plowed his way through half the female population at Barnett. My guess is that he'll work his way through the second half before he gets drafted to the NFL later this year. Yeah...I don't plan to be one of them. The guy is nothing more than a conceited player. You know the type—a steroid infused meathead coasting through college on his football prowess. Ugh. I have three words for you—avoid, avoid, avoid. Need I say more? I don't think so. King of Campus is created by Jennifer Sucevic, an eGlobal Creative Publishing signed author.

    Jennifer Sucevic · Urban
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    Campus life

    Chinazam_Chiedozie · Teen
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    Kayla is a smart, focused, top-mark student in her last two senior years of high school in a private facility for rich kids in Florida. All she wants is to get accepted to Harvard and graduate with top marks to follow the career she has set for herself. Her entire life is about becoming an independent and successful vet. She has micro-managed it and planned it to the tiniest detail. Leaving no room for a social life or living her teen years like her peers. This year has had its ups and downs, with her stepbrother of almost ten years coming to live under the same roof after being raised apart after their parents married. The chaos and drama his appearance has brought, since he despises not only his father but Kayla's mother too, has made home tense. He's a rude, defiant, and arrogant pain in her ass who is hellbent on causing trouble and listens to no one. Dane is the polar opposite in every way - Vain, oversexed, a playboy who takes nothing seriously except booze, girls, and his motorbike while he rebels in every way against his father for ripping apart his family. Looking like a teen idol, acting like someone who doesn't need to take accountability for anything in his life, Kayla honestly cannot stand him. She sees a loser who will live on daddy's money and drink away his youth while sleeping with every girl in the county. At 17, they have known one another most of their lives and never had any kind of friendly relationship. They have always been classmates but never friends and definitely not siblings. - but all that is about to change. A series of events pulls them closer, a forbidden and unexpected accidental kiss, and they plummet into confusion as feelings grow that neither expected. Slowly the walls come down between them, and they have far more in common than they ever imagined.

    L.T.Marshall · Teen
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    TEEN WOLVES ( bloody hell)

    DaoistsBhm6U · Teen
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    Here Lies The Wicked

    Missing people... Cars mysteriously falling off the Tongjiang Bridge... The world is going mad and it is up to Fang Zheng to prepare himself for it. What will he get himself into? What horrors will he face? Are YOU ready to join Fang Zheng on his journey to hunt the wicked? Ps. Save this one for a lonely midnight.

    Fire-Biter · Eastern
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    Lies In Relationship

    "How could you do this to me?" His voice spoke of his pain, of the hurt he feels. "I'm sorry..." Her lips quivered. "Sorry? You are saying sorry?" "Michael, it was..." "I don't want to see you now. Leave." "Michael...please..." "Just go!" His voice resonated through the whole house. Being married again to the handsome billionaire, Michael Brown, Sasha's life was perfect and in love, it was everything she ever wanted, but then an enemy emerged, wanting to ruin the loving home. Craig wasn't happy when he found out that Michael bought most of his company shares and he came back to have his revenge. Since Michael took his most prized possession: his company, he is going to take Michael's most prized possession: his wife. Will Sasha fall into the evil schemes of her once good friend? Publisher:i&i Publisher

    Goodness Shadrach · Urban
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    HELL that is hidden under the PARADİSE

    Gift_01 · Fantasy
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