
Tdg Novels & Books - WebNovel


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    Ryan_Plays · Action
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    Tales of Demons and Gods

    Killed by a Sage Emperor and reborn as his 13 year old self, Nie Li was given a second chance at life. A second chance to change everything and save his loved ones and his beloved city. He shall once again battle with the Sage Emperor to avenge his death and those of his beloved . With the vast knowledge of hundred years of life he accumulated in his previous life, wielding the strongest demon spirits, he shall reach the pinnacle of Martial Arts. Enmities of the past will be settled in this new lifetime. “Since I’m back, then in this lifetime, I shall become the King of the Gods that dominate everything. Let everything else tremble beneath my feet!”

    Mad Snail · Eastern
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    Legenda Dewa dan Iblis

    Terbunuh oleh Sage Emperor dan terlahir kembali sebagai dirinya sendiri ketika berusia 13 tahun, Nie Li diberi kesempatan kedua dalam hidupnya. Sebuah kesempatan kedua untuk mengubah segalanya, menyelamatkan orang-orang yang disayangi-nya dan kota yang ia cintai. Sekali lagi dia akan bertempur dengan Sage Emperor untuk membalas kematiannya. Nie li memulai kehidupan nya lagi dari awal , Disertai dengan pengetahuan luas yang ia dapatkan dalam kehidupan sebelumnya. Meskipun ia mulai dari yang terlemah, tanpa diragukan lagi, ia akan menaiki tangga menuju yang terkuat. Dengan berbekal teknik pengembangan ilmu bela diri yang terkuat, menggunakan Demon Spirit terkuat, dia akan mencapai puncak Seni Bela Diri. Permusuhan dari masa lalu akan diselesaikan di kehidupan yang baru. "Karena aku kembali, maka dalam kehidupan ini, aku akan menjadi Raja bagi para dewa yang mendominasi segalanya. Biarkan segala sesuatu menjadi gemetar di bawah kakiku "

    Mad Snail · Eastern
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    A soul is reincarnated into the body of a child same age as Nie Li with a system, our mc know eve about tdg, so he decided not to take the usual route of the protagonist and confront the sage emperor while also making the heroines to fall in love with him, join the mc in his journey.

    DaoistmKr0yL · Fantasy
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    Saiyan in TDG

    Domestic_123 · Eastern
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    A normal guy reincarnated in Tales of Demons and Gods with the looks of an angel and heart of a devil. ----------------------------X------------------------------------- WARNING - THIS IS A BL NOVEL. He got the powers attributed to the concept of manipulation. He wants to have a romantic life with Nie Li and will go to any extent to have him. MC - Firstly, I fucking died in a gutter full of shit. Secondly, they didn't give me any strong powers just this creepy manipulation technique which is complete bullshit. And now you're telling me that I get a system but it will only assist me in becoming strong and I have to do all the hardwork ? No starter pack, no gifts, one bullshit power nothing. Are you of any fucking use?? How will I win over Nie Li like this?? Cherry- The system is perfect for someone like you. But it will be of more use if you firstly remove the pornographic trash out of your mind. MC - cough......cough.......What are you saying ? My intentions are pure and sweet like angel. -----------------------x--------------------- This is a harem. So, Mc will have at least many partners [ max 2-3 ] - Both male and female. [ MC is bisexual ] Warning - MC is highly evil and manipulative and can even kill for proving his cause but will not kill anyone unless necessary. Get ready to read the story you never read before. Get ready to feel the power of manipulation. Get ready to ....OKAY. Read the story for more information. --------------------------------------x--------------------------------------------- FOLLOW THIS DEVIL WITH THE LOOKS OF AN ANGEL AND LOOK WHAT CHAOS HE CREATES IN THIS WORLD. And yes I do NOT own Tales of demons and gods or the cover so please don't sue me. (◕‿◕) Feel free to contact me in case of any query - https://discord.gg/8FdcdUE52t

    Peerlesscucumber_1 · LGBT+
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    Tdg had

    Ryan_Plays · Action
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    TDG: Ling Tian

    Extracting_Bones · Sci-fi
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    Xiao Yunfeng (TDG)

    tai_master9903 · Eastern
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    TDG with a few twists

    Readaholicrus · Fantasy
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    TDG: Midnight Sun

    Born into the royal family of the Clarity Lands, Li Solis Vernum is expected to uphold expectations as the emperor’s son. As one of six siblings, the fight for the throne is inevitable with the crave for power intensifying as they grow older. News came to the palace, stating that Solis had been a traitor all along, and was executed for treason. Now a decade later, Solis has returned. The throne is no longer at the forefront of his mind, but finding out the truth of who framed him and his Lunar Knights.

    Houvdon · Fantasy
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    Transmigrated to TDG as Chen Yue

    Reborn to the tales of demons and gods story, the MC is the younger brother of Chen LinJian of the divine family. Chen Yue has been transmigrated with a few cheats and knowledge. He decided to remain low key since it is his second life, he wants to enjoy it rather than be a target. So he will put all the attention on Nie Li and stay away from his crew. Disclaimer: The original story and copyrights of TDG belong to author Madsnail. This here is a fanfic and non-profit. It's free. Just writing for fun. Just excuse the bad language, I have a potty mouth. Can't last a day without saying a bad word. Force of habit.

    Just_4me_2relax · Eastern
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    reborn in super gene : with TDG items

    Abdulzubair_Khan · Sci-fi
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    fan fac atg tdg btth

    Asuraprince · Action
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    EVERY ONE WANTS HIS OWN DIMENSION (LONER'S) AS SUCH MC GETS ////// pls comment if you want suggest some idea i still haven't planned fully . but i will try to continue unlike my previous books

    Naruto_123 · Eastern
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    The Dorm Guard

    Dorm Guard: the man or woman dedicated to the protection/guardship within a dorm. * Landon Becks is a sports scholarship student at White Winter Prep, with only one duty: guard the students in his dorm. This duty is more easily said than done, because High School is not always kind to disabled students, and none of the students in his dorm fit the criteria of ordinary. With a blind artist, a deaf dancer and her translator, a self-proclaimed Princess of Pastries, a stubborn paraplegic girl, a mute prodigy and son and daughter of a potential mobster, it's not long before he realises it's not just inside the school he must protect his dormmates from. A story of High School drama, suspense, romance and family. Am aware the grammar isn't brilliant, would just love an opinion on the story and characters.

    Chickadee1235555 · Realistic
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    Julien died full of regrets. The administrator of souls decided to give him 1 wish and the go to the world he wants to go to. So he took a chance and decided to live his second life in Tales of demons and gods. The original story belongs to their proper copyright. This is a non profit made.up fanfiction story. Please enjoy the story.

    Stress_eater123 · Fantasy
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    Tales Demon And Gods

    Novel Tales of Demons and Gods Bahasa Indonesia : Dibunuh oleh Kaisar Sage dan terlahir kembali sebagai dirinya yang berusia 13 tahun, Nie Li diberi kesempatan kedua dalam hidup. Kesempatan kedua untuk mengubah segalanya dan menyelamatkan orang-orang yang dicintainya dan kota yang dicintainya. Dia akan sekali lagi bertarung dengan Kaisar Sage untuk Membalas kematiannya dan orang-orang yang dicintainya. Dengan pengetahuan luas dari seratus tahun kehidupan yang ia akumulasikan di kehidupan sebelumnya, ia akan memiliki titik awal yang baru, meskipun ia mulai sebagai yang terlemah, tanpa diragukan lagi, ia akan menaiki tangga menuju yang terkuat. Teknik kultivasi terkuat, menggunakan roh iblis terkuat, ia akan mencapai puncak Seni Bela Diri. Permusuhan di masa lalu akan diselesaikan dalam kehidupan baru ini. "Karena aku kembali, maka dalam masa hidup ini, aku akan menjadi Raja para G.o.d yang mendominasi segalanya. Biarkan segala sesuatu yang lain gemetar di bawah kakiku!"

    supadmo_soro · Fantasy
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    Terang Dalam Gelapku

    Fatimah Zahirah Fayyad Seorang gadis muslim yang di besarkan dengan aturan agama yang cukup taat, dia seorang gadis dengan paras cantik dan kulit putih. Pendidikannya dihabiskan di sekolah yang berbasis islami dan dia juga lulusan universitas islam jurusan pendidikan dan saat ini sedang mengajar di sekolah dasar islam Brian Daniel Manaf Seorang pengusaha tampan dan kaya yang sangat percaya diri dan terkenal playboy, dia merasa dia bisa mendapatkan apa yang dia inginkan di dunia ini dengan segala macam cara Nabil Andhara Zikri Pemuda tampan dan lemah lembut, dengan pendidikan agama yang baik, tapi terkadang takut menghadapi kerasnya kehidupan. Zahirah tidak pernah dekat dengan lelaki manapun selain ayahnya, kakaknya dan Nabil, karena Nabil adalah teman masa kecilnya saat sekolah SD dulu dan mereka selalu sekolah di sekolah yang sama hanya kuliah saja mereka beda jurusan dan universitas. Nabil mengambil jurusan ekonomi bisnis di universitas umum. Nabil telah mengkhitbah Zahirah dan dia sangat senang, karena hal itu. Apa yang akan terjadi kemudian? Mudah-mudahan novel keempat ini kalian suka walau disini aku menceritakan dari sisi yang berbeda. Aku mohon maaf apabila ada kesamaan nama dan tempat serta peristiwa dalam novel ini, itu hanya kebetulan saja dan tidak aku sengaja.

    Ms_Azr · Urban
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    Tales of Demons and Gods Indonesia

    Dalam kehidupan masa lalunya, Nie Li adalah Spiritualis Iblis yang terkuat dan berdiri di puncak dunia bela diri. Namun, ia kehilangan nyawanya selama pertempuran dengan Kaisar Sage dan Enam Dewa Peringkat Beast. Jiwanya kemudian dibawa kembali ke saat ia masih berusia 13 tahun. Meskipun dia yang paling lemah di kelasnya dengan bakat terendah di hanya ranah jiwa Merah, dengan bantuan pengetahuan yang luas yang ia akumulasi dari kehidupan sebelumnya, ia dilatih lebih cepat dari siapa pun. la bertujuan untuk melindungi kota yang di masa mendatang akan diserang oleh binatang dan berakhir hancur, serta melindungi kekasihnya, teman-teman dan keluarga yang meninggal dalam serangan binatang. Dan untuk menghancurkan keluarga Suci yang meninggalkan tugas mereka dan mengkhianati kota dalam kehidupan masa lalunya.

    thelf · Eastern