
Supergene Novels & Books - WebNovel


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    Super Gene

    In the magnificent interstellar era, mankind has finally developed teleport technology, but when trying to teleport, they are not sent to the future, the past, or any land known to men... This mysterious space is called God’s Sanctuary, where lived numerous unknown creatures. Here, humans will make the greatest leap in their evolution to create the most glorious epoch in history. "Sacred-blood creature black beetle killed. Beast soul of sacred-blood black beetle gained. Eat the meat of sacred-blood black beetle to gain 0 to 10 geno points randomly."

    Twelve-Winged Dark Seraphim · Sci-fi
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    Super Gene.

    In der großartigen interstellaren Ära hat die Menschheit endlich die Teleporttechnologie entwickelt, aber wenn man versucht, sich zu teleportieren, wird man weder in die Zukunft, noch in die Vergangenheit, noch in ein den Menschen bekanntes Land geschickt... Dieser geheimnisvolle Raum wird Gottes Heiligtum genannt, in dem zahlreiche unbekannte Kreaturen leben. Hier werden die Menschen den größten Sprung in ihrer Evolution machen, um die glorreichste Epoche der Geschichte zu schaffen. "Heilig-Blut-Kreatur Schwarzer Käfer getötet. Tierseele des Schwarzkäfers mit geheiligtem Blut erlangt. Iss das Fleisch des Schwarzkäfers mit geheiligtem Blut, um zufällig 0 bis 10 Geno-Punkte zu erhalten."

    Twelve-Winged Dark Seraphim · Sci-fi
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    Super Gene

    Na magnífica era interestelar, a humanidade finalmente desenvolveu a tecnologia de teletransporte, mas quando tentam se teletransportar, não são enviados para o futuro, o passado, ou qualquer terra conhecida pelos homens... Este misterioso espaço é chamado Santuário de Deus, onde habitam inúmeras criaturas desconhecidas. Aqui, os humanos farão o maior salto em sua evolução para criar a época mais gloriosa da história. "Criatura de sangue sagrado besouro preto morta. Alma fera de besouro preto de sangue sagrado adquirida. Coma a carne do besouro preto de sangue sagrado para ganhar de 0 a 10 pontos geno aleatoriamente."

    Twelve-Winged Dark Seraphim · Sci-fi
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    Reborn In SuperGene

    Blacksupremacy123 · Action
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    Super Gène

    Dans la magnifique ère interstellaire, l'humanité a finalement développé la technologie de téléportation, mais lorsqu'ils essaient de se téléporter, ils ne sont pas envoyés dans le futur, le passé, ou sur une terre connue des hommes... Cet espace mystérieux est appelé le Sanctuaire de Dieu, où vivent de nombreuses créatures inconnues. Ici, les humains feront le plus grand bond dans leur évolution pour créer l'époque la plus glorieuse de l'histoire. "Scarabée noir à sang sacré tué. Âme de bête du scarabée noir de sang sacré acquise. Mangez la viande du scarabée noir de sang sacré pour obtenir de 0 à 10 points de geno aléatoirement."

    Twelve-Winged Dark Seraphim · Sci-fi
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    God-level Tycoon Chat Group

    A super-rich chat group suddenly appeared on Charsu's phone. He is actually the admin of this chat group for the super-rich! A hundred million yuan worth of assets is what the poorest one-star group member in the group has! A tycoon with 200 billion yuan worth of assets is only at the Black Iron level! The chat group's merchandise store has gene agents, advanced technological products, and all kinds of rare items… As the admin who manages hundreds of thousands of super-rich people, Charsu instantly welcomes peak success. Extraordinary cars, virtual reality corporations, new energy development groups, super smartphone companies, supergene genes corporations, the top five most valuable companies in the world all belong to Charsu! Just one word from the admin can cause the global stock market to plummet! The world's richest man, technology leader, the strongest man amongst seven billion people, and so on are all Charsu's titles. Charsu humbly says: I'm just an ordinary group's admin.

    Shushu Xingxing · Urban
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    Call Me Hero

    Journey into a world fifty-five years after man's latent supergene was unlocked, A world wherein what was once deemed impossible unravels before your very eyes. Superbeings now reign supreme, and the rise of a new powerful faction begins. Where two brothers, one a simple farmer (Jamie) and the other a dreamer (Shaun), try to find their place in this ever-changing world.

    Lord_of_sleep · Fantasy
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