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Homeroom Teacher in a Multiverse Anime World?

"Miss Uzumaki, please come to my office after school to talk about your recent performance in class." "Miss Yato, of all the times you could eat... Why during our class? Also, please stop stealing from the vending machines." "No, no, no, no, your new history teacher is not a 'half-god', and no, none of you are 'mongrels' either. Please do not take her words seriously." Thrown into a chaotic yet orderly world of monsters, angels, devils, heroes, and even gods, how will Lin Fan ever catch a break? Not to mention, he's the homeroom teacher for a bunch of misfits who does nothing but give him headaches every day! Even worst— "System?! You want me to bring 'culture' into this world too? How can I create Bloodborne, Warcraft, League of Legends, Kingdom, One Piece, Pokemon, and Disney movies when I'm just a homeroom teacher? What's next, do you want me to head the entertainment industry?!"

Robot9001 · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

BTS Fanfictions

ENCHANTe16_ · Celebrities
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13 Chs

Hollywood Queen Director

Reborn in 1983 with only memories of past and some gifts

Mistborn12 · Movies
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2 Chs

The New Member

"I love you." Tears started rolling down Baozhai's cheeks. She had been waiting for so long to hear those words, she had endured so much just to hear those words directed at her. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Baozhai was asked to be the 8th member of a popular boy band. She knew it wasn't going to be easy, being a girl joining a boy band but it was asked of her and so she would give it her all. She never expected that it was going to be more complicated than she could have ever imagined. Will she be able to be happy and successful being the 8th member of a boy band?

_BookCreator · Music & Bands
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3 Chs

Shella: We found Love

you can find true love even in unexpected places, Sheggz and Bella's love story is one for the century. walk with me

Ekine_Ayebabomo · Celebrities
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1 Chs

When Love become Obsession

Min_Rin · Celebrities
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4 Chs

Journey of Hollywood Queen

Eve, a new emerging talent on the Broadway and movie industry died in a fire. On opening her eyes, she found herself transported back to the past with a new name and identify. Let's see how Eve will make her legend in the Hollywood when she knows many twists and turns of future. P.S. The heroine is the only granddaughter of Merilyn Monroe. You can take it as a parallel world story.

new_toons · Movies
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38 Chs

Chosen by Fate's hand

"Open wide for me baby. I'll give you what you want." What happens when your day dream becomes real? Do you go with flow or do you run away? Do you live a fairy tail until it ends or do you prefer not to try at all ?? Warning ⚠️ this story will contain mature scenes.

Eyvie_Eve · Celebrities
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5 Chs