
Shounen Stories - Webnovel Official



Shounen's Guide To Shounen Bullshit

Aoi Ikeda just wants to live a quiet, comfortable life. Unfortunately, the hardline conventions of shounen manga are in direct oppositions to his desires.

FuwaPowa · Action
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Mahou Shounen Mika

He was just a regular college student when suddenly he is woke up in the middle of the night by a... guy in a bear costume ? And this guy wants him to work at his company ? Now all of sudden he has to learn how to control the elements, fight villains and be one of the only two males at the work. But at least the payment is good.

GalaxyWay · Urban
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Max Talent Player

I received my test results, where two words stuck out in devastating clarity. [No Talent] It was something I’d already known, but it stung a little more than usual today. Was I lacking in effort or talent? Or both? Was it my fault that I was living like this, or was it society’s? In the years since Players, Streamers, Guardians, dungeons, and monsters became a part of our everyday life, my sister died from leukemia trying to support me, and my mom passed away from a disease we couldn’t afford to treat. I went to sleep, and when I woke up the next morning to continue my futile life, I found… that I had somehow gone 10 years back in the past, to the day the world changed. While going through the Tutorial, I realized something. Everything’s too easy. Was I really talentless? *This is not my novel. I'm just copy pasting for my comfort. If author want he can comment and I will delete the novel.* Alternative : 재능만렙 플레이어 Author(s) : Bichu,비추 Genre(s) : Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Shounen Type : Novel

OmnipresenceBeing · Realistic
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Sinopsis : Ini adalah masa dari awal kekacauan yang sesungguhnya. Waktu di mana semuanya perlahan-lahan hancur, dan memasuki masa paling kelam dalam sejarah umat manusia. Dunia di mana adanya entitas makhluk selain manusia berkumpul. Pada awalnya manusia tidak menyadari keberadaan mereka, namun kini mereka sudah menyaksikan semuanya dengan mata kepalanya sendiri. Ini adalah dunia di mana keberadaan para makhluk mengerikan hidup secara terpisah dari mereka. Entitas yang memiliki kekuatan mengendalikan kekuasaan atas dimensinya. Mereka sang penguasa yang mengatur pantas atau tidaknya suatu esensi harus bertahan, atau dimusnahkan. Kisah kemudian bermulai ketika seorang pemuda terbangun tanpa bisa mengingat identitas dirinya sendiri. Kenyataan pahit harus diterima pemuda itu ketika mengetahui dunia kini sedang mengalami kehancuran massal akibat dari peperangan antar ras yang berlangsung lama. Umat manusia kini harus berjuang mempertahankan diri mereka terhadap ras baru yang disebut, Unhuman. Suatu entitas hasil dari ciptaan seorang penguasa. Masa depan yang kelam tengah menanti seluruh ras. Manusia maupun bukan manusia tidak lagi memiliki kepercayaan antar sesama. Konflik, perebutan kekuasan, dan genosida diberlakukan. Bagaimanakah nasib dunia ini selanjutnya? Genre : Fantasy, Action, Horror, Supernatural, Superpower, Shounen. Note : Cerita banyak mengandung kekerasan, darah, dan kata-kata kasar. -- Harap bijak dalam membaca cerita saya. Jikalau ada kesalahan kata dan suatu kalimat yang menyinggung suatu pihak, ini murni ketidaksengajaan --

AnggaraSensei · Fantasy

Parallel Trials of a Somewhat Hero

READ FIRST: Hi dear readers, author here! I'll be taking a short break from writing to get things going smoothly again. Creating can be tough, so maybe a breather would do to give you all some better quality writing. Also, I'll be taking this time to revise the earlier chapters, so PLEASE BE MINDFUL OF THE CHAPTER TITLES AND THEIR NUMBERS BEFORE SUBCRIBING. The chapters' numbers will change soon due to the editing. Again, thank you for all your support! I'll get back to you as soon as I can! It usually is the same old story. And, having a typical geek as a protagonist should be a breeze since he probably had it figured out, living in a world of warriors, mages, rangers, and stealth fighters where leveling up is all about. Quite simple to say the least in truth, do not deplete health points, avoid draining stamina points, and use magic points wisely. However, Erida Seijurou is a geek born in this kind of world, meaning he plays video games, reads light novels and manga, and watches anime series in this same world. His willingness to put himself on the line to improve battle skills, cast magical spells, and form parties, like the ones in role playing games, is close to none. Thinking of himself as an irrelevant speck to everything, and thinking of everything as irrelevant to his illusory high and mighty self, what could Seijurou possibly do if the truth of the world he lives in begins to become more relevant and threatens the very lives of the ones closest to him? "That was one long sentence..", Seijurou thought as he realized how much of a drag just to read through it. His trials will even be longer.. For more Parallel Trials of a Somewhat Hero content and the author's extras, follow me on instagram: @eruma_sarushiro

SarushiroEruma · Fantasy

Trash of the Count,s Family

When I opened my eyes, I was inside a novel. [The Birth of a Hero]. [The Birth of a Hero] was a novel focused on the adventures of the main character, Choi Han, a high school boy who was transported to a different dimension from Earth, along with the birth of the numerous heroes of the continent. I became a part of that novel as the tr*sh of the Count’s family, the family that oversaw the territory where the first village that Choi Han visits is located. The problem is that Choi Han becomes twisted after that village, and everyone in it, are destroyed by assassins. The bigger problem is the fact that this s*upid tr*sh who I’ve become doesn’t know about what happened in the village and messes with Choi Han, only to get beaten to a pulp. “…This is going to be a problem.” I feel like something serious has happened to me. But it was worth trying to make this my new life.

DaoistPOciYv · Fantasy
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My love {shounen ai}

badatmakingstories · Action
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Dewa Perang Bertanda Naga

DEWA PERANG BERTANDA NAGA ALTERNATIF: DMWG; DEWA PERANG NAGA GENRES: AKSI - PETUALANGAN - KOMEDI - FANTASI - SENI BELA DIRI - ROMANTIS - SHOUNEN - XUANHUAN STATUS: SEDANG BERLANGSUNG Kisah ini mengandung satu karakter hebat dengan kemampuan dan kekuatan luar biasa. Dia begitu kuat sehingga dia bisa membuat mukjizat yang nyata. Dia bahkan mampu menciptakan dunia baru, sehingga kekuatannya dapat memberi manfaat luar biasa bagi jutaan orang. Namun, ia juga bisa berbahaya saat ini, terutama ketika musuh muncul. Sosok yang kuat ini adalah santa terbesar dalam kehidupan masa lalu, jadi dia mewarisi banyak kekuatannya dari periode itu. Namun, dia dilahirkan kembali di awal cerita, dan dia siap untuk memulai dan mengembangkan petualangan baru.

Zero_Two_HD · Action