
Shera Stories - Webnovel Official



Villainess 101: The President's wife is a vengeful devil

"Handsome, we must have met before. Was it in my bed... or was it in yours?" Shera Black asked, sitting on a snake-print sofa. She had her chin rested in her right hand as her left hand twirled a wineglass leisurely. Leo Qin who was standing before her narrowed his gaze. "Are all women so unrestrained these days?" "I don't know about other women." The woman's lips curled into a sinister smirk. "But, you may want to step aside. You are standing on a booby trap." Leo Qin was speechless. This woman stole his heart, and now she set a trap for him? Preposterous! ___ ... Falling from the grace of an aristocratic family, Shera Black's view of the world crumbled along with her state of mind. How does it feel to lose everything overnight? Heiress-turned-beggar? Unimaginable! The world was cruel... but it was much more cruel to her. Why?! Just because of some measly facts that were beyond her control and sins she didn't commit? And just when everyone thought she was done for... when they all thought she was on the brink of insanity or suicide, Shera Black unexpectedly rose right back up. Shera Black: Hello world, I'm back! Miss me already? World: Wait. Something's not right. She has become a villainess?! And this villainess was clearly not here to make friends. She was back to wreck harvoc and destroy the world! Not only that,.... She was pretty much done wrecking harvoc. Guess what's next? ... As the heir to the Qin Empire, everything was under his grasp. Yet Leo Qin would never have thought that the only thing he didn't predict was the calamity he had poked... and this calamity was coming his way. Looking at the female 'calamity' before him, he gritted his teeth and hissed. "Woman, you are playing with fire!" The calamity crossed her legs and glanced right back at him. "I am fire. How can I play with myself, Mr. Qin?" He looked at her crossed legs and frowned in disapproval. "Women shouldn't cross their legs." The woman leisurely tapped the armrest. "Oh? Are our legs too short to be crossed?" "It's disrespectful!" "Respect?" She looked at him curiously. "What's that?" Annoyed now, Leo Qin said, "If you continue being like this, no one will want to marry you!" But the woman just smiled evilly. "Who said I want to get married? Pfft, seriously, who still does that?" Leo Qin was speechless. God, can we have a chat? I don't want this woman anymore!!! Brace yourselves: Vicious Female lead. You may want to prepare yourselves for some of those things female leads don't usually do NOTE: THIS IS A SYSTEM BOOK ... Editor: May May ___ Discord: tinyurl.com/Avalorian Instagram: Avalorian_

Avalorian_ · Urban

Kaira’s gift or punishment

dishera · General
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당근벳주소 스마일토토 당근벳토토 당근벳가입코드

Shera_Sotto · Urban
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Akihiko mendapat tugas akhir sekolah. Bara teman masa kecil dan juga teman bangku akihiko satu kelompok dengan nya. Studi kasus mereka berkaitan dengan histori suatu tempat. Akihiko merupakan orang yang ambisius, memiliki rasa ingin tahu yang besar dan juga dia selalu ingin menjadi yang pertama. Beda dengan Akihiro yang merupakan saudara kembar akihiko. Dia memiliki sikap yang lebih tenang, akihiro juga sama pandai nya dengan akihiko oleh karena nya melihat akihiko yang selalu ingin menjadi pertama, mereka pun akhirnya di sekolahkan yang berbeda agar tidak terjadi persaingan sengit antar saudara, tapi mereka sangatlah kompak dan saling melindungi satu sama lain membuat Amami ibu si kembar ini bangga akan adanya mereka. Disaat akihiko menceritakan ke akihiro dan ibu nya bahwa ada tugas sekolah untuk mencari histori suatu tempat disaat itu pula akihiro pun juga memberitahukan tugas akhir nya berkaitan dengan adat dan aturan sebuah desa. Amami pun menyebut “layoka” kepada anak nya. Desa layoka sama dengan missi mereka untuk membantu bara menemukan ayahnya di hutan suzokoya, hutan gerbang menuju desa layoka. Akhirnya akihiro dan akihiko meminta izin ke bundo agar di bolehkan berkunjung ke layoka. Amami mengizinkan mereka pergi ke layoka setelah mendengar penjelasan dari puk saka bahwa ada kepentingan lain lebih dari tugas sekolah. Puk saka memberikan jaminan bahwa mereka akan berhasil dengan aman menyelesaikan missi mereka. Amami lanjut memberikan amanat agar akihiko dan akihiro ke teman kecil nya yang bernama hideoki. dengan begitu pun amami akan tahu rasa penasaran nya selama ini kemana hilang nya hideoki. Ada hutan suzokoya sebelum sampai ke layoka. Hutan dimana ayah bara hilang sampai dengan sekarang. Si kembarpun diminta bertemu Hideoki teman kecil ibu nya. dan akan bertempat tinggal sementara di rumah hideoki. sesampainya di hutan suzokoya 3 pemuda itu bertemu dengan gadis, namanya Shera. kebetulan shera adalah keponakan dari hideoki, orang yang pemuda itu cari. akhirnya, shera mengantarkan pemuda itu ke rumah hideoki. shera membantu sekelompok pemuda kota itu menjelajahi layoka. sebetulnya ada rasa penasaran besar Shera dibalik adat dan aturan layoka. dia yang harus dipisahkan dengan ke dua orang tua nya disaat orang tua nya berusia 40 tahun. Semua penduduk pun di Layoka tidak ada orang yang berusia 40 tahun ke atas dan tahun ini tahun terakhir Shera bersama Hideoki. Disaat bayi sampai usia 10 tahun pun shera tinggal di kota. Shera pun sedang ingin tahu apa yang terjadi di Layoka, dan kata paman Hideoki keingintahuan nya akan terjawab saat shera usia 20 tahun, namun ada kegelisahan pada shera, sebelum usia 20 Shera akan ditinggal seorang diri, paman nya akan pergi juga, shera pun ingin mencegah agar paman nya tidak meninggalkan shera. suatu hari shera dengar percakapan tiga pemuda kota itu, shera pun menghampiri dan menawarkan kerja sama untuk menyelesaikan misi yang sama-sama jawabannya ada di hutan suzokoya. Akhirnya Akihiko, Akihiro Bara bersama dengan Shera senyap-senyap mencari tahu ada apa dengan Layoka dan mencari ayah bara yang hilang di hutan suzokoya. mereka dibantu dengan shiori sahabat shera Putri cenayang desa layoka, yang menurut Chizue bubu shiori harus menemukan permata Asoka yang tersembunyi di hutan suzokoya. permata Asoka akan menghilangkan aturan kota dengan desa layoka. bagaimana kah perjalanan mereka, akankah semua terjawab dan terselesaikan Missi mereka.

tazkiyatun_azzahro · Fantasy
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Ma na I phone Lana as le kro ra ho

Ehtasham_Shera · Urban
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any job


Shera_Jaat_0073 · Action
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My sweet Lillith be mine

"Hi. I'm Shera Rose. My life wasn't perfect before his arrival but it turned into a mess after his arrival." "Hey, I'm Ace. (whispering) My life was hell before her arrival but she turned it to heaven." "Hey..... What are you whispering?" Shera asked. "Nothing my sweet Lilith" Ace said. "First of all, I'm not the queen of hell. So stop calling me in that name. Secondly, his name isn't Ace. It's......."Ace cut off her. "Hey. wait. You can't say it to anyone."Ace said. "Oh! Baby, are you embarrassed?"Shera asked in a mocking tone. "You, just wait there. I will show you who will embarrass you in the end" Ace said while smiling mischievously. "Wa..it....wa...wait....Ac...Ac...e.I don't mean to make you angry. I....just want to have fun," Shera said. An electric shock went through her body when Ace came toward her. "Oh! Is that so? So....let me also have fun."Ace said while tracing her nape from his nose. "Wait..Ah...I'm...sorry...sorry...I..ma.de..a..mis..take..forgive...me..Ah..plea..see.." Shera pleaded while shivering under his touches. "OK then. Do you admit your mistake?"Ace asked her. His hot breath was fanning her bare neck. "Yes..yes...I admit."Shera said in a hurry. "Then obey the punishment."Ace said. He went in front of Shera and glanced at her eyes directly. 'Oh! man. Is she an enchantress? Why on the earth do I lose my self-control wherever I look into her eyes. Anyway I must teach some manners to this kitten' Shera was staring at Ace innocently. "Honey, please....."Shera pleaded while staring at him with puppy eyes. Ace smirked at her. "My sweet Lillith, it's too late to apologises and also don't you want to touch my abs?"Ace asked with a foxy look. Shera blushed from his words. "You...You... pervert.... shameless..." Shera said with an angry voice. "Oh! Pervert!? Shameless? Is that so? Then I will show you how shameless I can be..."Ace said. He bent toward Shera. He put his hands under her thighs & back, lifting her in bride style. Shera was shocked. His cold hands went under her dress, touching her bare thigh. A chill went through her spine. "What....tt....ar..e...y..ou...do....in...g?????"Shera asked while trembling. "OH!! My Lillith, Don't tell me you're already excited or do you think it's better to do it on the sofa than on the bed? Whatever the place, I'll be at your service" Ace said while grinning. Shera turned into a brighter shade of red. "Don't worry my Lillith, I will carry you to ''our bedroom'' and I'll make sure you are comfortable. Just wait a little longer, sweetheart." He said emphasising 'our bedroom' while carrying her through the stairs. 'I'm sorry' Shera thought. *************** 'When others couples equal them to Romeo Juliet, Jake Rose, Shah Jahan Mumtaz Mahal I have to become Lillith(queen of the hell) while the person who thinks he is my lover become Asmodeus (king of the hell). The simple meaning of that is we are the rulers of hell. Can you imagine the mentality of this person? He is annoying. I also can't understand what is the relationship between us but somehow I'm addicted to him. I'll follow him blindly. Sometimes his love is too much to the point it makes my blood boil hotter than a fiery sea but somehow, in the end, I'm the one who laughs till my stomach hurts. It's because of his craziness. Calmness is a sign before a storm, just like that storms are bound to come to our peaceful world. Will we be shattered from these storms? or will we show the strength of our bond? But what's the bond between us? What is the purpose of these wars? Why should we fight? Time is the best solution to all of these questions. I will let time to solve them.' ~Shera Rose~ ''I don't mean to disrespect any belief or religion. I just need to let u understand the story. I got all this information from the internet. Luv u. Stay safe, stay healthy.'' -Shelley Richard-

ShelleyRichard · Urban
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Gadis Es

Dunia berubah, Aku juga berubah. Hampir saja, aku menjadi idol terkenal. Tetapi berbagai kejadian tak terduga dan menyedihkan terjadi. Aku malahan berubah menjadi, Putri Salju, Mungkinkah? Yah, aku memang menyebutkan seperti itu. Tetapi bagaimana anda menafsirkannya, itu terserah anda. Kembali ke topik. Setelah aku mengklaim diri sebagai Putri Salju (sebagai peran). Aku perlu mengasingkan diri ke Utara. Karena tempat itulah yang mungkin paling cocok untukku dan aku tidak ingin merepotkan orang lain lagi. Aku dingin, disini juga dingin. Sangat serasi. Mungkin, selama lima tahun, aku selalu (menyendiri) menetap disana. Bukannya aku sendirian. Ada Shera disini, burung hantu salju putih selalu setia menemani aku. Jadi aku tidak kesepian tahu. Bukannya aku memutuskan untuk hidup sendiri selamanya. Pada akhirnya aku memutuskan untuk jalan-jalan keliling dunia bersama Shera. Tetapi sepertinya dunia telah banyak berubah. Ternyata tidak hanya aku yang memiliki kekuatan aneh. Sekitar 1:1000 manusia pastinya memiliki satu kekuatan aneh. Sepertinya juga mereka disebut esper. Dua organisasi terbesar, tidak, ada tiga organisasi terbesar di dunia sedang berkonflik. Akhirnya petualangan kami selalu terganggu. Aku bahkan terlibat dengan mereka. Tolong, jangan libatkan aku. Aku hanya ingin berpetualang keliling dunia bersama Shera. "Tetapi pertama aku harus mempunyai cukup uang, ya?" "Mari jual ikan beku saja!"

RinnaiSera28 · Fantasy
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