
Portuguese Novels & Books - WebNovel


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    Jigoku Sacrum Librum(portuguese)

    "Eu li. Li cada parágrafo, li cada página, li cada capítulo. O livro parecia estar me engolindo num mar obscuro de solidão e medo, foi algo macabro. Eu senti como se aquelas palavras me puxassem para a mais profunda dor e sofrimento. Por mais que eu tentasse sair daquele limbo, ele me puxava cada vez mais e mais. Era inútil. Aparentemente, ler aquele livro era como um caminho sem volta, um beco sem saída. Ler esse livro, olhar para ele, pegar ele... deixar ele me dominar... esse foi o meu maior erro."

    tallie · Horror
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    Calamity's Return (Portuguese)

    Hasekaya Hartwell, vivia uma vida pacífica, até que a criatura conhecida como [Calamidade] virou a vida dele de cabeça para baixo. Agora ele busca vingança, do seu jeito.

    itsleonardoo_ · Fantasy
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    I was reborn in another world with Naruto system (MTL / PT-BR/English)

    A fanatical lover of Naruto ends up dying when he finishes watching the last episode. To his surprise, his body was taken to a strange world, where Chakra existed, in this new world he is walking his ninja way, with the help of his system. See Karou in his journey through this strange world... [Right to obtain two S+ blood lines] WARNING! Novel translated from Brazilian Portuguese using Google Translate, I'm looking for someone to better translate, or proofread the translation.

    Matheus_Eduardo · Fantasy
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    God Training System

    Arthur always lived his life thinking that this was what the universe had to offer ... that it was just ridiculous, uninteresting and demotivating. But, soon after a series of events, his life was bound to change forever. _______________________________________________________ A/N: I also translate and edit texts in English, Spanish and Portuguese. If you are interested in being an author or just need an idea or a little push in the story you write, I can help with that too. I need money! :) Read my other work in progress: The Worlds Seeker. _______________________________________________________ Contact: mestinemof@gmail.com Disclaimer: I am not the owner of the image on the cover. But, the editing and everything else was on me.

    Mestinem · Fantasy
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    Lux et tenebrae - Crônicas de Christian [Portuguese]

    Há três ciclos e meio, algo aconteceu. Uma torre escura surgiu, maior do que qualquer coisa feita pelo homem. A torre, operis tenebra, elegeu 10 pessoas, que ficaram conhecidas como et cornibus. Estes, por ordens da torre, seduziram um terço da humanidade a adentrá-la através de promessas de poder e riquezas. As pessoas que aceitaram entrar na torre, foram corrompidas pela escuridão, tornando-se servos da torre sob o poder dos 10 et cornibus. Os vivos sofriam duras perseguições, de mortos, bestias e viri sanguinium, que sob os 10 reis, massacravam tudo o que era vivo. Porém a Luz interveio, Verbum e Album, deram aos homens o poder de Sua luz para que os homens pudessem lutar por suas vidas. Depois da vinda de Album, a era das peregrinações começou, onde todos peregrinavam em busca da terra santa, Operis Lucis. Em meio a todos os acontecimentos, um garoto tentava sobreviver e encontrando-se perto de seu fim pelas mãos dos mortos, Agnus, a Luz, interveio, e a partir daí a vida da criança mudou. Conheça Christian, e sua jornada, onde seus pés trilham entre quedas e levantes, trevas e luz, morte e vida, em busca da terra santa, Operis Lucis. . . . Avisos: Esta é uma breve sinopse, tentei deixar o mais curta possível. Eu já tenho uma centena de capítulos prontos, e desejo lançar um todos os dias aqui. Eu entendo que a grande parte dos trabalhos aqui estão em inglês, porém, eu não sei nada de inglês, então não quis me arriscar e traduzir tudo errado, e consequentemente estragar a obra. Não tenho ideia se a tradução do português para o inglês pelo tradutor ficará boa, por isso, peço que enviem comentários sobre isso! Pois caso a tradução fique ruim, eu posso tentar encontrar alguém para fazer uma tradução adequada para postar aqui! Também gostaria muito de avaliações críticas, para lapidar a narrativa. Além disso, não possue a imagem da capa. Favor, entrar em contato caso o seu proprietário deseje que eu a remova! Agradeço pela ajuda e a compreensão de vocês, boa leitura.

    Fabula_Pia · Fantasy
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    Dragão Primordial: Sistema do Banco Multiversal (PT-BR)

    The language of this Novel is Brazilian Portuguese .... Em algum lugar no multiverso acontece um evento quase impossível. Um ovo, um sistema e um fragmento de alma morta colidem coincidentemente enquanto viajam pelo multiverso. Qual será o resultado dessa combinação? .... Acompanhe a aventura do nosso protagonista enquanto ele se aventura em um multiverso infinito e cheio de possibilidades para se tornar o maior banqueiro que já existiu com um tesouro invejável! A imagem é feita por IA Também postado no site RoyalRoad

    MrPotatoBread · Fantasy
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    Harem insect women (+18)

    Warning: History contains swearing and adult content! (NOTE: HISTORY TRANSLATED FROM PORTUGUESE TO ENGLISH BY GOOGLE TRANSLATOR) My name is Romeo, I am one of the greatest entomology scholars in the world and I am respected for my research, but one day there was an explosion in one of the UFRJ laboratories and I think I ended up dying? Wait where am I? And why has an ant woman on top of me? Reincarnated Would these fantasy worlds be? Where I am?

    Silverio13 · Fantasy
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    A Dark Sirius

    Um garoto bastardo, chamado Li Jihan, luta em um estabelecimento de combate clandestino para ganhar a vida. Em seu tempo livre, ele aposta todo o dinheiro que ganha. Exausto dessa vida, Li se esforça para sair dela. Esta é a história de como Jihan, que veio do nada, acabou em Erebus, um mundo de fantasia, assombrado por forças obscuras. O menino sobreviverá e chegará ao topo deste novo mundo, salvando a todos? New chapter every 1 or 2 days. !! This is a portuguese written story !! I pretend to translate eventually !!

    Cassino_Dealer · Fantasy
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    Lost Genesis: Lied

    Lied cannot remember his past. As the sole bearer of the Adam's Apple, an ancient item capable of granting people's wishes, he's targeted by a mysterious organization while desperately trying to reclaim his memories. Through his perilous quest in search of the lost truth, Lied realizes there's more to everything than meets the eye... including himself. How will Lied survive, and what will he find at his destination? Work originally written in Portuguese. Cover art by Yaya Chan.

    MitsuakiSeiji · Fantasy
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    Apocalypse in the World of Magic

    A young girl, a college student, works day in and day out to pay for her studies, but she dies from working so hard. Then she finds herself in a new world in the body of a 12-year-old girl named Lilian. "What? I'm in another world ... and on top of that there's a world overrun by a zombie apocalypse ... and there's magic ... how can it get any better than this?". Join Lilian on this incredible adventure into a whole new world, where she will explore every part of it and possibly find a way to save it? Hello, this is my first novel, so any constructive criticism is very welcome to help me improve. This is the English version of the novel, there is one in Portuguese. Support me: ko-fi.com/horaciogui The image in the novel is not mine, if you are the owner and want me to remove it let me know.

    H0racio · Fantasy
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    The protagonist through a mysterious time warp, lands in 1422 A.D. India. With a sturdy gaming system as his backup and an arsenal of firearms; aiding him to confront all threats that looms around. Leveling up and getting strong is his ultimate motto, to survive in the upcoming journey against unknown adversaries... (Keynotes of the story) *Historical facts / fiction *Portuguese occupation era in India *Social evils *How our hero fights back social evils *Romance / drama / erotic romance *Overpowered hero / antihero *Guns vs swords kind of scenarios *Kingdom building / harem *Supernatural elements / magic *Romancing supernatural elements *Gourmet elements *18+ / gun buff / changing history *System support / time travel Author Note - Support the story with power stones & reviews, if you like this story.

    Rony_Pal · Fantasy
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    Yuna Nate

    The story revolves around Yuna Nate, a young hanyou and supernatural assassin, who spends her life facing all kinds of mystical creatures, from the smallest youkais to the greatest deities. ---------- THIS IS AN OFFICIAL LICENSED TRANSLATION. Copyright 2018 Lord. All rights reserved. / Illustration: Kraitz First published in Portuguese, Brazil.

    01Lord · Action
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    Paragon: Summoned in Another World

    [This novel is translated from Brazilian Portuguese by an automatic translator.] A group of people wake up on an open platform and discover that they were summoned to another world moments before their deaths, thus getting a second chance, but nothing is free. In exchange for this second chance, they must conquer the Dungeon they are in and share their winnings with the people who have summoned them to this new world, unaware that because of their greed they have moved forces beyond their limited human understanding. *** Tags: No Harem, No Romance For MC, MC OP, Action, Adventure, Multiple POV's, Multiple Main Characters

    StarGod · Fantasy
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    An Italian in my life

    "After you I came to understand why storms and hurricanes are named after people" (Book translated from Portuguese to English. Over ten thousand readers on Brazilian wattpad before being deleted from the same platform). Cibele never imagined that her destiny would have great twists and revelations. Her dream had always been to become a stylist who would be graced and valued all over the world. But she did not expect that in the final stage, her plans would fall apart and be so disastrous for her resume. Leaving her studies about fashion, possibilities, and a passing world, or at least she thought so, Cybele flees to Greece, to the bosom of her hometown to reunite with her family. There was only one resentment in her heart, the fact that she knew Apollo would be there, thinking about a possible re-engagement, but she felt that her love for her childhood sweetheart had ceased, and the secret that she had with her was one more reason that was inside her, and in a few months it would soon be discovered, or maybe not, as fate is always unpredictable when it comes to the people in our lives. A possible passion, improbabilities, suspicion, lies, secrets, omissions, certainties, truths, and a mix of feelings will tell the so promiscuous story of Cybele.

    Isadoraalvezzz · Urban
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    Animos in Another World

    In an endless desert, with scorching sands and an unforgiving sun, a desolate young man walked. — I've read so many stories about people going to other worlds, but why do I have to start in a desert?! — he exclaimed, as his footsteps disappeared into the vastness of sand stretching around him. — Why am I different from them? — he murmured, with tears in his eyes, feeling exhausted and sweating all over. It was then that a mechanical voice appeared in his mind, answering his question: [Because you're unluckier.] — Haah... — the young man sighed, feeling like he was walking closer and closer to hell. [...] This story will be written on the following sites: RoyalRoad: English (Same as here) Wattpad: Portuguese

    SnowFlight · Fantasy
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    Brought My TCG Deck to Another World

    Ed is a compulsive game player, and his biggest addiction is collectible card games. After spending all his money to buy a rare and valuable card, Ed has an accident. When he wakes up, he finds himself lying on a bed, in an unfamiliar room. In this house he discovers that he is no longer on earth, but in Arkron, a strange world which humans and other races share; Furthermore, there are dangers everywhere, from monsters, aliens, to extra dimensional creatures. In this world, people learned to survive in a lot of different ways - technology, magic, etc. So, using his new found life, he advances against monsters and other dangers to become stronger and live in this world full of dangers. ----------------- Hello. this is my first serialization. I am a Brazilian author and I write in Portuguese, using google to translate the book quickly and then edit the text, so if the English is forced, I apologize in advance and please be patient. Hope you guys enjoy the story.

    slaynbr · Fantasy
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    Great Lord Asura

    Yang Feng, know as Devil in his previous life, was a peak specialist but unfortunately faced problems and ended up living in a modern earth teenager's body. (This novel is being written in Portuguese Brazil)

    WenLiang · Realistic
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    virtual game necromancer

    no ano **** Foi criado um novo jogo, o primeiro jogo de realidade virtual que já existiu: Satisfy. o jogo foi um grande sucesso no mundo inteiro, e depois disso 15 anos se passaram. jun um garoto normal de 17 anos foi induzido por seus amigos a jogar com eles, nisso jun entrou no jogo normalmente mas algo aconteceu. [classe secreta adquirida] [lorde das sombras] (if you don't know portuguese please use the google translator on your pc, over the screen, give the story a chance)

    pato_T_T · Games
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    H, the Samurai King

    [Mostly for brazilian audiences.] H was a normal child until the day his village was attacked by one army sent by the Emperor Forsatti, his father was killed in that invasion by some unknown soldier. Now H seek for his revenge against Forsatti and this soldier. [The rest of the history will be written in Portuguese ONLY]

    ycarOwo · Fantasy
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    The story talks about Jojji a portuguese man that lives alone with his little sister in a very racist japan. He is going to met his past and old faces along his journey.

    VitorP1914 · Action
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