
Perfecthusband Novels & Books - WebNovel


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    Perfect husband

    Menikah di usia dini bukan lah pilihan, tetapi keharusan. membantah pun tak bisa. Iranna Lawyska gadis periang dan pecinta hujan, kehidupannya berubah setelah ia menikah dengan pria pilihan Ayah nya. Raka Geralldy pemuda dengan wajah dingin dan sangat tidak bersahabat jika bertemu pandang dengan Iranna, gadis itu tak tau apa salah nya karena sedari kecil Raka selalu menghindari gadis itu. Raka dan Iranna berteman dimasa kecil namun seiring waktu jarak diantara mereka semakin melebar. kedua orang tau mereka menjodohkan mereka dan tak menerima penolakan. Iranna menuruti perkataan Ayah nya ia tak mau membuat Ayah nya kecewa, saat ini hanya lelaki itu yang Iranna miliki dalam hidup gadis itu. "Jangan berfikir aku menerima pernikahan ini maka aku mencintaimu. aku sama seperti mu, kita menikah dengan keterpaksaan. Jangan pernah mencintai ku atau pun menyalah artikan kebaikan ku." Ketus Raka. "Terserah apa kata mu, kita menikah bukan berarti kita menyatu!"

    Iciblue_ · Urban
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    How to be a Perfect Husband for a Dominant

    Book one of the "Forever Dominants, Eternal Subs" series Armand Saint Croix is the ultimate playboy of the LGBT community. At only 27, he has accomplished inheriting his father's mega-empire and even has a few fashion houses across the globe. But his first love is always the way of BDSM. But he's ready to find his forever sub and settle down. And when a perfect opportunity comes in the form of a hardcore-party girl with an offer he can't refuse, he takes it and is ready to go. Jarvis Frazier is only 17 and yet he's already tasked with helping out his supportive and gay-friendly grandparents and his mom while helping out with the family bakery while focusing on preparing for his junior year. But his main goal is to remain in the closet (his family already knows) while keeping his nose clean. Funny how his pesky sister Bernice drops a major bombshell: she owes a lot of money and has offered her brother up for an arranged marriage. Jarvis wants no part of it, but he's helpless when the sexy and shirtless (and often pantsless) billionaire has already claimed him as his forever sub. A closeted nerd who wants to remain in the background. A sexy Dominant who wants to woo his love out of his clothes and get him in his bed. By the end of this book...well, God help Jarvis!

    JayDioncelEvers · Realistic
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