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    O Alfa: Conquistando a Filha do Inimigo

    ## CONTEÚDO MADURO! ## “Por que você tem cicatrizes?” De repente, Iris mudou de assunto, enquanto olhava nos olhos de Cane. Ela ainda estava agarrada às mangas dele. “Seu pai me deu”, respondeu Cane. Ele pensou que Iris não se lembraria dessa conversa quando acordasse. “Deve ser tão doloroso.” “São.” “As cicatrizes vão sarar?” “Não acredito que sim.” A noite realmente te tornava vulnerável e te fazia dizer coisas que nunca admitiria quando estava claro. A obscuridade amolecia seu coração. “Que pena. Você tem uma alma quente.” Iris franziu a testa levemente. “Eu não tenho mais uma alma.” Ele vendeu sua alma pela liberdade de seu povo. Agora, não restava nada dele. “Sim, você tem, mas está com tanta dor.” Iris piscou. “Sua fera está em dor. Você tem tantas cicatrizes.” “As únicas cicatrizes que tenho estão no meu rosto.” Iris balançou a cabeça fracamente. “Não estou falando do seu rosto. Estou falando da sua alma. Que pena, você está com tanta dor... o que meu pai e irmão fizeram com você deve ser doloroso...” E depois disso, Iris fechou os olhos e adormeceu. ====================== Ela é filha de um alfa que matou sua família, dizimou sua alcateia e também fez de seu povo escravos. Agora, ele alcançou a vingança depois de dez anos sendo tratado como escravo e estava vivendo uma vida que ninguém poderia imaginar. Vida semelhante ao inferno. E dez anos depois, Alfa Cane consegue derrubar e matar o alfa que tornou a vida de seu povo pior do que a morte. Era hora dele fazer os filhos do alfa pagarem pelo que o pai deles havia feito. Apenas... Iris era uma rejeitada e era muito diferente de seu pai.

    i_want_to_sleep · Fantasy
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    My System Is Pay To Win

    "...You have to be kidding me. A death like this? Just my luck." [Reincarnation Process Beginning.] [Premature death. Arduous life. Abysmal luck.] [Due to such factors, you will be granted a new lease on life. However, when you next open your eyes, the world you’re familiar with will be gone. One of magic and monsters awaits you–it will be your choice on how you live out this new life.] [Jett Levine | Age 20 | Occupation: Hero | Trait: Evolving Luck] [System Activation: “Gacha System”] [Starting Level: 0] [Good luck on your new adventure, Jett Levine. Welcome to “Fantasia Online”: the virtual rebirth of the unfortunate.] A world beyond his own, seeped in magic and filled with beings of unimaginable power, Jett finds himself in Fantasia, a so-called "virtual rebirth", however, as he discovers, it is anything but manmade--it's an undeniably real, living world, as real as the very one he came from. Summoning familiars ranging from skilled knights to dragons of heavenly scales, to obtaining spells varying from fireballs to soul-rending bursts, weapons and mystical items--it seems as though there is truly no limit to what the [Gacha System] may acquire. ------ New chapter everyday at 9 AM GMT+8! Bonus Chapter Milestones: Power Stones: 150 PS = 1 bonus chapter 300 PS = 2 bonus chapters 750 PS = 3+ bonus chapters Privilege Chapter Unlocks: 500 unlocks = 1 bonus chapter 1000 unlocks = 2 bonus chapters 3000+ unlocks = 3+ chapters

    NakamuraGT · Fantasy
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    A Stay-at-home Dad's Restaurant In An Alternate World

    In Chaos City on the Norland Continent, there is a strange restaurant. Here, elves and dwarves share tables. Beastmen are prohibited from making a din, and giant dragons can only seat around the tiny square in front of the restaurant. Even demons have to bring their own stools… But it is such a strange restaurant that has long lines outside every day. Elves are stuffing kebabs, paying no mind to their manners; giant dragons are sitting around a hot pot, strainers in their hands; demons are eating nice-looking dango… "There's no other place on this continent where you can find food like that! The boss here is a genius!" a customer provides such a review. Then, he gives a furtive look at the door. "Also, don't you think of kidnapping the boss away or dine-and-dashing, or you will suffer a tragic death." "Eat, pay, or you will be beaten to death." says a cute little girl in her childish voice as she trots forward. A five-meter tall dragon shivers when it meets her eyes.

    Whispering Jianghu · Fantasy
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    A Princesa Esquecida

    Alicia Rosalyn Von Heist é a filha mais nova do rei Eduardo de Alvannia. Ela é uma filha ilegítima nascida de uma empregada do castelo por quem seu pai se encantou. Depois que sua mãe morreu quando ela era jovem, seu pai a levou para casa e a 'adotou'. Por causa de sua origem humilde e ilegitimidade, ela foi negligenciada por seu pai, o rei, e sofreu bullying de sua madrasta, a rainha, e seus irmãos adotivos. Quando ela tinha 16 anos, estourou uma guerra com o país vizinho de Grandcrest. A guerra durou dois longos anos e os dois países fizeram uma trégua no final. O império Grandcrest exigiu uma princesa para ser casada com o jovem rei. Dizem que o rei de Grandcrest pediu especificamente a mão de Alicia. Alicia tinha 18 anos de idade quando foi enviada a Grandcrest como noiva do jovem rei, que diziam ser um tirano cruel e impiedoso, o rei Regaleon do império Grandcrest.

    Les01 · History
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    The alpha king's hated slave

    "Warning! This book is highly rated! King Lucien hates her more than anything in the world because she is the daughter of the King who killed his family and enslaved him together with his people. He made her become his slave. He owns her, and he will pay her back in spades, everything her father did to him. And her father did a lot. Scarred him into being the powerful but damaged monster King he is. A King who battles insanity every single day; a King who hates—LOATHES—to be touched; a King who hasn't slept well in the past fifteen years; a King who can't produce an heir to his throne. Oh, will he make her pay? But then again, Princess Danika is nothing like her father. She is different from him, too different. And when he set out to make her pay, he was bound to find out just how different she is from her father. ********* It is the love that rose from deep-rooted hatred. Are you as interested in this ride as I am!? Then, fasten up your seatbelts. We're going on a bumpy ride!

    Kiss Leilani · Urban
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    ONS: Grávida do Bebê do CEO

    Jeanne tinha apenas 18 anos quando sua madrasta e meia-irmã a incriminaram e fizeram com que ela perdesse tudo. Ela foi expulsa de casa pelo pai por tentar resistir. 7 anos depois, Jeanne voltou em busca de vingança com um filho misterioso ao seu lado - George. As pessoas zombavam dela por ser mãe solteira e chamavam o filho dela de criança sem pai. “Quem você está chamando de criança sem pai? Você não vai gostar de me ver bravo,” ameaçou George. “Abaixe o facho, George! Não estrague a diversão! Eu ainda não me diverti o suficiente,” disse Jeanne, querendo aproveitar sua vingança, deixando o menino sem palavras. Jeanne conheceu mais tarde o famoso Quarto Mestre Swan em um baile de caridade. O homem de boa aparência e temperamento frio a chamou para um canto e disse: “Eu gosto de você.” Todos ficaram chocados, inclusive Jeanne. “Eu sou mãe solteira e tenho um filho. Tem certeza de que gosta de mim?” ela disse. “Eu na verdade... gosto do seu filho!” Todos ficaram chocados quando o Quarto Mestre Swan casou-se com Jeanne, mas apenas ele, astuto, sabia que havia conseguido não apenas um, mas dois, importantes jogadores para esse jogo de xadrez que ele estava jogando.

    Unopen Mind · General
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    Pay With Your Heart

    [MATURE CONTENT] Sometimes we think we have life all figured out, till love shows. We set our eyes on our goals, so much that we refuse to be distracted, until someone steps in and we need a whole new plan. ~~~~~ Eun-Sun, a petite and beautiful girl who has a crazy temper and a huge load of pride to go with it, has her life completely planned out. All she needed in life was a good paying job to take care of her drug addicted mother, achieve her dream of being the design director of the country's most leading real estate company and also look for her 10 years missing father. Her first rule: Never owe a debt. Second rule: Never accept help from people, they'll always ask for a refund. What happens when she gets hit by the cold and aloof president of PK corporation, Lee Dan, and not only did this accident break her first rule it also broke the second. What happens when the aloof President finds something interesting for the first time and begins to look forward in claiming a debt owed by her? Did she ask for interest? He'll surely grant her wish. ........ Excerpt "Just let me court me you. You're delaying the whole process of courting you by being difficult to me." He told her as he tucked a stray strand behind her ear. "But what if I don't want you to?" She asked back. "Then I'll court you the nonetheless." Dan-Han shamelessly declared. In this relationship he wasn't giving her much of a choice. It was either, "You love me or pay your debt with your heart." He added. ********* P.s.: The story might be a bit slow at initial chapters, but that will change. You might not like FL at beginning chapters because she is fiesty but you'll get to LOVE her. Please support this book with your votes, comments and reviews and also add it to your libraries. I promise it will be worth your time. Also check out my other book also: When You are Mine. Thank you. *Muah*

    Da_Rose · Urban
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    Evil Husband, Glutton Wife: Buy Miss Piggy, Get Free Little Buns

    [Status: COMPLETED] “Feng Tianyi! Your brother destroyed my Tang family! Is there anything good about your family?” “En. Can’t you see how our good looking genes are passed on to our children? As for the Feng family’s debt, I will pay you.” He said nonchalantly. Tang Moyu scoffed and crossed her arms over her chest. “How will you pay for it?” “How about I repay you with my body?” “...” So shameless! The man sitting on his wheelchair burst into a round of laughter seeing her ugly expression. “Miss Tang, it’s no point pretending you haven’t seen it since you practically climbed on my bed and took advantage of me.” Five years ago, Tang Moyu was the empress of the business world and was at the peak of her career before she was reduced to nothing when her fiance fell in love with another woman. That was okay since there was no love between her and Feng Tianhua, but who would have thought that this ‘Cinderella’ was a wolf in sheep’s clothing? Then there’s Feng Tianyi, the infamous successor of the Feng family, a critically acclaimed author who constantly rocked the bestselling list with his books. Rumors say that he was hot-headed and temperamental. He was so ruthless, that neither men nor women wanted his company. The rumors even say that his face was so handsome and out of this world. He was practically a god amongst men. It was a pity that he was crippled. The two were never meant to meet again, but a pair of sweet little buns intervened. “Uncle, we don’t have money to pay you for damages.” The elder Little Bun said. “My manuscripts are invaluable,” This handsome uncle replied with amusement. “Uncle, if you don’t mind, can we pay with our Mommy? She’s also invaluable.” And so the pair of sweet little buns and the handsome uncle entered an agreement but who would have thought that the woman in question was an ice-cold queen from hell who had a weird affinity with sweets? —— Editor/proofreader: ninaviews Book cover: Bizzybiin / copyright 2020 anjeeriku

    anjeeriku · Urban
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    A Companheira Rejeitada de Alfa Retorna como Rainha

    "Eu, Benson Walton, rejeito você, Selma Payne, como minha futura Luna e companheira. "Se você for sensata, encontrará um lugar calmo para morrer sozinha, em vez de macular a glória de nosso povo. "Você é apenas um sapo feio. Fique na lama quietamente e não sobrecarregue nossa matilha." No décimo nono aniversário de Benson, ele descobriu que éramos companheiros destinados. Mas eu não esperava que ele preferisse suportar grande dor do que me aceitar. Cada palavra que ele dizia atingia diretamente meu coração, e a dor me fazia tremer incontrolavelmente. Descobri que não era filha biológica dos meus pais quando eu tinha dezesseis anos. Mesmo que eles pensassem em mim como um anjo que uma cegonha lhes deu, não mudava o fato de que eu era uma humana fraca e pequena. Era apenas um ovo frágil que cairia com um toque, uma perdedora que nem podia ver a estrada sem a ajuda do luar. Minha existência trouxe vergonha para meus pais e para minha matilha! Talvez eu devesse ter morrido na floresta desde o início. Com esse pensamento em mente, decidi devolver-lhes uma matilha pura e imaculada esta noite. Então, pulei de um penhasco e pensei que iria morrer. Nunca imaginei que seria salva, e minha verdadeira identidade acabou sendo a única filha do Rei Lycan que havia se perdido há dezoito anos. Eu era também a herdeira do trono! Isso me surpreendeu muito. Eu era realmente uma lobisomem? Mas... Por que eu era tão fraca? Será que tudo isso era apenas um erro? Para me tornar uma herdeira qualificada, escondi minha identidade e recebi treinamento. No entanto, aquele instrutor frívolo que estava encarregado de me treinar poderia realmente me ajudar a despertar meu lobo, ou ele estava apenas se aproveitando de mim? Enquanto eu me tornava mais forte e me tornava uma figura pública, outros atacaram e conspiraram contra mim muitas vezes. Eles tinham algo a ver com aqueles que me sequestraram todos aqueles anos atrás? Eu tenho que pegá-los! Eu vou proteger minha família, e meu amado!

    Mountain Springs · General
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    I Am A Gourmet: Just Eight And You Want Me To Start A Roadside Stall?

    # gourmet # entrepreneurship # eight years old # younger sister # business Xu Le transmigrated to a parallel universe into the body of an adorable eight-year-old. Here, there are no delicacies. His parents went abroad, leaving him behind to earn his own keep. His parents said, "Son, it is time you become a man and become financially independent. Make your own money and bring up your younger sister." Xu Le, "I understand, but at least pay off the mortgage before you leave!" Forced by his circumstances, elementary school student Xu Le shouldered a burden that was beyond his age. He begins his life of paying off the mortgage, bringing along his younger sister, Xu Tian, along for the ride. Just then, the "Culinary God" system was awakened. He could get all sorts of prizes if he cooked delicious food for people to try. As such, a food stall started to appear on a busy street. In it was a tiny figure as a cook and a long line of customers.

    Mapo Tofu · Urban
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    Bank of the Universe

    Li Xiandao obtained the ancient Bank of the Universe, but the bank was now totally empty and there were no treasures at all. The only thing it held: a bunch of debts. The Eternal Celestial King borrowed a supreme celestial artifact, promising to pay it back in two pieces in 3,000 years. He will pay an additional piece for every 1,000 years after the expiry date! Moon Celestial loaned a high-quality face, to be returned in 10,000 years. If overdue, she will pay with her life! Time Immemorial Sage loaned 10,000 years in life from the Bank of the Universe in order to break through. After he breaks through, he will pay back 10,000 years. If late, he must pay back 10 times the amount! Li Xiandao looked at these debts and at the empty Bank of the Universe. He made his mind up to become a true expert, to find all these supreme beings to get back the overdue debts one by one! A powerless mortal had became the biggest creditor in the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands and even the entire Celestial World!

    Girl Wears Short Skirt · Eastern
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    Chained To The Billionaire

    When a notorious mafia king is being left at the altar by his soon to be wife Aurora he is intrigued to know more about the woman that dared to disrespect him. “I will make sure you pay for your disrespect love.” He whispers into my ear.

    SafinaBello · Fantasy
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    Cultivo Online

    Yuan nasceu com uma doença incurável que o deixou cego ainda jovem e paralisado alguns anos depois, tornando tudo abaixo de sua cabeça inútil. Considerado sem esperança e irredimível, seus pais rapidamente desistiram dele e o mundo o ignorou. Neste mundo escuro e parado, sua irmã mais nova se tornou seu único motivo para viver. Observe este jovem alcançar o ápice como um gênio em Cultivation Online, o mais novo VRMMORPG, tornando-se uma figura lendária em ambos os mundos.

    MyLittleBrother · Games
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    Paying For It

    Two men. Two women. Two couples. Too many secrets. Axel I can have any woman I want, except for the one who has broken my heart more than once. Jameson When I fall, I fall hard. The woman I yearn for can't be mine, and if even she could be, she would never accept my secret. Shondra Big girls don't find love easy and it takes a special man to handle what I dish out. Too bad my soulmate hates the sight of me. Vegas Love has alluded me for so long, until one night, I meet the perfect stranger who turns everything around. Trouble is, he's taken. A story filled with humor, heartbreak and angst, follow these characters on a journey to discover if love can really be everlasting.

    JR Wylder · Urban
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    Substitute Bride: Married to a Domineering Billionaire

    [Mature Contents] "You'll pay for this, Amelia, mark my words, you get married to me through deception, you'll suffer the consequences. And now, you'll face your first punishment, you want to be my wife, huh, you'll face what happens to them on their wedding night," He chuckled, but it was one filled with bitterness. "You're not that beautiful. But that doesn't mean I won't have your body." Amelia Harper, a young lady with virtue, finds herself in a family and vicinity where she isn't acceptable. Her family borrowed money from Dylan Blackwood the billionaire and couldn't pay their debt. Dylan Blackwood decided to take Harper's most beautiful daughter as a wife in place of the debt but she fled leaving her elder sister, the not-so-pretty one, Amelia Harper to suffer the consequences.

    Minja · Urban
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    PAY - BACK

    Stuck in the middle of the night, half naked, Mia's hands were tied to the tree . The crescent moon shone dimly in the dead sky with no star in sight. Breaking the silence of nature was the sobbing female who's circumstance was helpless and hopeless. Her breaking voice sobbed as tears flowed down her weary eyes. "It's not fair." He killed brother, murdered father,......used me! And now..... She couldn't end with words but tears. The cold atmosphere was worsening, making her shivering almost to death. She was losing consciousness when heard s crash, like something landed hard on the tree. Movement closed in on her. Her vision was blurry watching a male staring at her. He looked perplexed. What was a half naked woman doing tied to a tree in the dead of the night?

    Dark_Phoenix234 · Fantasy
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    Making It Pay

    Sometimes you can’t see the silver lining for the clouds.<br><br>Abandoned as a baby and now working as a rent boy, Daniel finds it hard to let people get close to him. But nightclub bouncer Rob has a kind face and he’s helped Daniel out once already, so when he catches Daniel on a bad night, Daniel accepts his offer of money and goes home with him.<br><br>Even though it breaks his heart.<br><br>Letting Rob pay him for sex may have wrecked their friendship just when Daniel needs all the friends he can get. But there are more reasons why he hasn’t seen Rob since that night -- and one in particular that makes building a relationship seem almost too much to hope for.

    JL Merrow · LGBT+
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    Price To Pay

    Zama is a young journalist with her whole life ahead of her or so she believed until her husband sells her off to the one she despises. Zama is left with nothing to her name when she has to pick herself up and rebuild her life from scratch after what her husband did to her all in the name of money. Sipho is your typical rich dominant man or so he seems from the outside. Sipho built his empire and he's handling it the only way he knows how to. A man who usually has everything figured out has his life turned around into a shxt storm when Zama is dropped onto his lap. Sipho never knew what it was like to love until he met Zama, Can he handle the challenge? You never know love has a price until you have to pay the price for it with your life. Do you go back to your partner or pay the price all in the name of love? Price to Pay takes you through a journey of Zama having to learn the hard way that in life nobody owes her anything and it's crazy because it takes the man she thought she despised to see that. This book does contain a lot of mature scenes and is therefore not advisable for sensitive readers.

    Sandisiwe_Gxaba · Urban
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    Lord of the People: I'm the Only Paying Player all over the World

    Tom was the youngest son of the biggest tycoon in the blue planet. As a rebirth man, he knew that the blue planet would be destroyed in the future. People lived in a magical game world through the game, The World of Magic OL. After entering the game, he was surprised to find that there was a top-up entry in the game. He had become the only player in the game world who could pay to upgrade! If he wanted the beautiful queen, the emperor said, as long as the price is in place, a few princesses can serve you as maidservants. If he wanted to draw a legendary hero in the lottery system, he would offer one million dollars. With a lot of money, there must be brave men! Want land? The Gold Titans sold out all their clan lands, because Lord Tom has really given them too much. Since then, in the world of magic, there was an extremely rich man.

    Xuanting_Official · Fantasy
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    Pay Attention

    Ashton is the love of Alice's life but Alice's lack of attention and Ashton’s vulnerability have caused things to go awry. Now Alice is stuck with the fate of death after taking revenge against Ashton's demons. ( it's a tragedy but I couldn't find that genre)

    lec2020 · Realistic
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