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    Xin chào thiếu tướng đại nhân

    Cố Niệm Chi là một cô bé mồ côi, bố mẹ đã mất trong một tai nạn bí ẩn. Cô được quân đội giao cho Hoắc Thiệu Hằng - Thiếu tướng đứng đầu cục tác chiến đặc biệt và quân khu sáu chăm sóc. Cố Niệm Chi mới mười bảy tuổi đã tốt nghiệp đại học, muốn thi nghiên cứu sinh khoa Luật Đại học B do Giáo sư Hà Chi Sơ hướng dẫn. Do đố kị tài năng và nhan sắc của Cố Niệm Chi mà Phùng Nghi Hỷ đã dụ cô đến tiệc sinh nhật mình, hạ thuốc kích dục nhằm làm cô nhục nhã, không đến kịp kì thi tuyển nghiên cứu sinh. Hoắc Thiệu Hằng vì muốn cứu cô nên hai người đã có “tình một đêm” nhưng Cố Niệm Chi không hề hay biết. Là Thiếu tướng, sóng to gió lớn gì mà anh chưa từng thấy qua nhưng không ngờ lại thua trong tay của cô nhóc mình nuôi nấng sáu năm trời, chậm rãi mà rơi vào tâm của cô. Sau sự việc đó, Hoắc Thiệu Hằng luôn tìm cách tránh mặt, thờ ơ với Cố Niệm Chi. Trước sự chăm sóc ân cần, chu đáo của Mai Hạ Văn - lớp trưởng lớp đại học, Cố Niệm Chi đã đồng ý làm bạn gái cậu ta. Liệu Cố Niệm Chi có nhận ra tình cảm thực sự của mình với “chú Hoắc” - người cô luôn tôn kính, ỷ lại và có dũng cảm theo đuổi tình yêu đích thực của cuộc đời mình?

    Hàn Võ Kí · Urban
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    Nhà hàng dị giới của ông bố bỉm sữa

    Thẩm Mạch Cách đang ngồi trên du thuyền hào nhoáng của mình đi câu cua hoàng đế. Bỗng một cơn sóng ập đến kéo gã ngã nhào xuống biển. Đến khi tỉnh lại, gã phát hiện mình đang nằm trong một gian phòng đậm nét châu Âu, còn trong tay gã chính là bàn tay bé xinh của một cô nhóc loli chừng bốn năm tuổi. Thẩm Mạch Cách phát hiện ra mình đã xuyên không rồi. Gã xuyên vào thân thể của một gã kỵ sĩ nghèo túng McGonagall Alex. Nơi gã xuyên đến là một đại lục kỳ lạ có rất nhiều chủng tộc như rồng, ma quỷ, người thú, tiên, người lùn, nhân loại… cùng nhau chung sống. Một tên công tử như gã bỗng bị vất đến một thế giới dị giới xa lạ, đột nhiên trở thành một người cha của cô bé loli xinh đẹp. Trong lúc gã còn đang mơ màng thì lại có một giọng nói trung tính vang lên trong đầu gã: “Hệ thống nuôi dạy thần bếp khởi động!” McGonagall sợ đến hồn vía lên mây. Cái quái quỷ gì vậy? Hệ thống nuôi dạy thần bếp? Tại sao thứ này lại chạy vào đầu mình chứ? Chẳng lẽ nó có liên quan đến việc xuyên không này? Gã đã gặp phải chuyện gì vậy? Gã sẽ làm như thế nào để giải quyết mớ bòng bong của hiện tại.

    Khinh Nữ Giang Hồ · Fantasy
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    No nu no

    Being disdained his whole life by all the people around him even by his family Bobby died without achieving anything in his lifetime He transmigrated in another world after his death but it seems his life not getting any easier but in fact, it becomes harder The another world is full of magic but Bobby only knows about martial arts from his past life "This is hopeless as the time goes, let me just attempts to survive this shit I guess"

    akata · War
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    Divine Doctor: Daughter Of The First Wife (Shen Yi Di Nu)

    (This is one of my favorite novels and i wanted to add it on here and spread this wonderful novel :D. also im not the author nor translator of this novel) Author: Yang Shi Liu 杨十六 A high-ranking officer in the Marines and a master of both Western and Chinese medicine, Feng Yu Heng is transmigrated with a bang sound to the Da Shun Dynasty. Her father is distant, her grandmother is unloving, her mother is sick, her brother is young, and her sisters are hateful, with each more ruthless than the previous. After transmigrating and being reborn, she definitely cannot continue being a good-for-nothing like the previous owner of this body. Want to compete with me? It will be complete domination! Want to cause me harm? A single scalpel will turn you to mincemeat! Want to play dirty? A needle will paralyze half your body! Want to kill me? A single scratch will disembowel you! The formerly easy-to-bully completely transforms and becomes the most desired of Da Shun Dynasty. A hospital to be opened with the Emperor will bring the adoration of the masses and a great deal of wealth. But what’s this about a marriage to this absurd prince? What does the cripple have to say? (ps this is a translation and im not the author)

    Cuilixin · History
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    Nu eu

    Black si White sunt gemeni care , în ciuda faptului ca sunt la fel din punct de vedere estetic , sunt temperamental diferiti ca ziua si noaptea . White este un tip bun , studios si care respecta legea . Black , pe de alta parte , este un huligan , cu mainile într-o afacere cam umbrita . Cei doi au fost despartiti în copilarie , odata cu divortul parintilor ; dar fara sa stie cei doi continua sa se intalneasca . Cel putin pana in ziua in care Black este agresat cu brutalitate si ulterior internat in spital . White nu poate sa taca si , dupa ce a auzit de la Black ca unul dintre cei mai apropiati prieteni ai sai a fost cel care l-a trădat , el decide sa se prefaca ca este Black si sa-l gaseasca pe vinovat . Dar lucrurile nu sunt usoare ........ A pretinde ca esti altcineva este întotdeauna complicat , mai ales cu cineva ca Sean in apropiere .

    DaoistXDtC5e · Urban
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    Lady Is a Dragon

    Five years ago, Long Qin left an egg and said, "This is our son. Once he grows into an adult, I will return." Cang Xu thought Long Qin was joking, but the egg's shell cracked after a few months. A small, adorable boy crawled out of it. He even had two soft horns on his head! "Huh? Did he really just crawl out of the egg?" Although Cang Xu's son was born, Long Qin was still nowhere to be found. Five years later, his son brought a woman home. Cang Xu was stunned when he saw the woman's face. After that, he heard his son's childish voice. "Daddy, I know you don't have a wife, but you'll soon have a daughter-in-law. This woman saved me. I want to marry her!" "Hell no! She's my wife! My wife! Your mother!" Cang Xu exclaimed. From then on, the two began to secretly fight for Long Qin's attention.

    Nu Nu · Urban
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    Jenna, an exemplary daughter, lives alone with her father who raised her with a lot of love, discipline and responsibility. Mark Black, a very upright man who was widowed very young, but did not make another commitment to his daughter, to live happily. But life is like that, both contacted a blind date company, where they did not speak, wore masks that did not let recognize anything of each other's identity, without knowing it, they do something that would cause pain, regret, tears. Even so, there is an unrevealed truth that in the end will cause their lives to change in their totality. What will that revelation be? What truth will that be? Find out when you read this controversial novel. Where they discover that sex takes place with who can be something for you, but neither knows anything about the other, since everything is done in silence and with masks, but there are also sayings such as. "NOTHING IS WHAT IT SEEMS". Love will overcome very hard obstacles and its protagonists must have strength to cross them, because sometimes friendship and fidelity is something temporary, sometimes who you should take care of is the person you appreciate the most, not always friends are what they seem and say they love you. Because sometimes friendship is camouflaged in your worst enemy.

    FANNY NUÑEZ · Urban
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    Starting as the Abyssal Dragon

    Humans across the world ended up joining a “Demon Kings and Heroes game”. Several billion people were set down upon another world to act as “Demon Kings” and “Heroes”. Everyone has to chose their starting races from the start. Zhang Nu was set in the Demon King camp. He discovered that he could see hidden information that no one else could. [Slime Demon King]. Low grade demon king bloodline… Not recommended! [Kobold Demon King]. Low grade demon king bloodline… Not recommended! [Dark Elf Demon King]. Mid grade demon king bloodline… Can be selected! [Bloody Giant Demon King]. High grade demon king bloodline… Recommended! [Abyssal Dragon Demon King]. Strongest starting bloodline… Extremely recommended!

    DreamyFog · Fantasy
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    A successful businessman raised by his nanny, with very high values ​​and respect for his peers, has a knack for business that has made him a multimillionaire at such a young age, but advice from his nanny and an accident from his personal assistant, makes him look for a new helper without imagining that love began to hover nearby, your worst enemy will want to hurt you and where it will cruelly damage you, in your heart, taking away your true love. Will you fight for it? Will you let happiness be taken out of your hands? Read this wonderful novel, where you will laugh, you will cry and you will be on edge

    FANNY NUÑEZ · Urban
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    Âu Thần

    Hồng Tiểu Phúc là cô nhi năm nay 18 tuổi. Cậu sống cùng cô em gái nuôi Thẩm Tiểu Linh ở thành phố Thẩm Thành. Cuộc sống tuy khó khăn nhưng hai anh em vẫn luôn rất vui vẻ. Họ luôn tâm niệm: “chúng ta là những đứa con mà ông trời yêu nhất”, chỉ cần có hy vọng, tất cả rồi sẽ tốt hơn thôi. Bởi tính tình lạc quan, tốt bụng nên Hồng Tiểu Phúc được bạn bè cùng lớp yêu quý, đặt cho biệt danh là “Linh vật may mắn” của lớp 12/6. Thế giới đang dần thay đổi, người “thức tỉnh” năng lực xuất hiện ngày càng nhiều. Những người bạn xung quanh Hồng Tiểu Phúc cũng dần thức tỉnh năng lực đặc biệt của riêng mình. Trong một đợt kiểm tra chỉ số thức tỉnh trong lớp, cậu phát hiện mình cũng thức tỉnh rồi. Vậy nhưng Hồng Tiểu Phúc lại hết sức mờ mịt, vì bản thân cậu cũng không biết mình đã thức tỉnh năng lực gì. Có lẽ chính Hồng Tiểu Phúc cũng không ngờ được, năng lực mà cậu thức tỉnh là một năng lực khác biệt với tất cả mọi người – sự may mắn.

    Duo Qing De Hai Sheng · Realistic
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    They were born into the golden cradle of Romanian aristocracy, and their husband will be chosen by the medallion each one wears, but they will shine together with the same man who is the King of Transylvania. A few years earlier, he suffers the loss of his beloved pregnant wife at the hands of werewolves and is devastated by grief. He must fight for one of them, to recover her from the werewolf king who kidnaps her, claiming her as his moon. The pain causes Dominik to show the world that he is the only one of his kind capable of transforming into something terrifying, a beast that will unleash his fury for love.

    FANNY NUÑEZ · Fantasy
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    Divine Doctor (Shen Yi Di Nu): Daughter of the First Wife

    Note: I did not own this story. I just decided to put it here since I can't find this story here in webnovel. Author: Yang Shi Liu (杨十六) Genres: Romance, Historic, Transmigration, Fantasy A high-ranking officer in the Marines and a master of both Western and Chinese medicine, Feng Yu Heng is transmigrated with a duang sound to the Da Shun Dynasty. Her father is distant, her grandmother is unloving, her mother is sick, her brother is young, and her sisters are hateful, with each more ruthless than the previous. After transmigrating and being reborn, she definitely cannot continue being a good-for-nothing like the previous owner of this body. Want to compete with me? It will be complete domination! Want to cause me harm? A single scalpel will turn you to mincemeat! Want to play dirty? A needle will paralyze half your body! Want to kill me? A single scratch will disembowel you! The formerly easy-to-bully completely transforms and becomes the most desired of Da Shun Dynasty. A hospital to be opened with the Emperor will bring the adoration of the masses and a great deal of wealth. But what’s this about a marriage to this absurd prince? What does the cripple have to say? source: https://springraintranslations.wordpress.com/sydn/

    imJMaximo · History
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    Cannon Fodder Cheat System(BL)

    This is NOT my novel nor my translation. NU: At first, when he learned that he was forced to go to many different routine worlds and be reborn into all kinds of cannon fodder, he was against it. Because while villains usually all only have a moment of satisfaction, the endings of cannon fodder are also frequently quite miserable. But the man who gave him the system told him that this system not only has all types of powerful functions, but he can also break the routine lives of the cannon fodder. If he achieves this satisfactorily for each world, he can even become a god. He’s already experienced over a thousand reincarnations, but hasn’t yet been a god. Since it sounds pretty great, why not just try it out. From that moment on, he began the irreversible path of tyrannically oppressing people, while conveniently tearing open those white moonlights and so-called righteous people’s hypocritical masks. His goal: wearing the villain’s role to walk other people’s righteous paths, leaving them no path to follow.

    starless_x · LGBT+
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    Demon King: The Abyssal Dragon

    Humans across the world ended up joining a “Demon Kings and Heroes game”. Several billion people were set down upon another world to act as “Demon Kings” and “Heroes”. Everyone has to choose their starting races from the start. Zhang Nu was set in the Demon King camp. He discovered that he could see hidden information that no one else could. [Slime Demon King]. Low grade demon king bloodline… Not recommended! [Kobold Demon King]. Low grade demon king bloodline… Not recommended! [Dark Elf Demon King]. Mid grade demon king bloodline… Can be selected! [Bloody Giant Demon King]. High grade demon king bloodline… Recommended! [Abyssal Dragon Demon King]. Strongest starting bloodline… Extremely recommended!

    Leohart · Fantasy
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    Shen Yi Di Nu Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (神医嫡女)

    Shen Yi Di Nu Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (神医嫡女) Author: Yang Shi Liu (杨十六) Genres: Romance, Historic, Transmigration, Fantasy Status: 1252 Chapters (Complete) Raws: http://yynovel.motie.com/book/58158 Editor: Kishi (Chapter 500-Current) Synopsis: A high-ranking officer in the Marines and a master of both Western and Chinese medicine, Feng Yu Heng is transmigrated with a duang sound to the Da Shun Dynasty. Her father is distant, her grandmother is unloving, her mother is sick, her brother is young, and her sisters are hateful, with each more ruthless than the previous. After transmigrating and being reborn, she definitely cannot continue being a good-for-nothing like the previous owner of this body. Want to compete with me? It will be complete domination! Want to cause me harm? A single scalpel will turn you to mincemeat! Want to play dirty? A needle will paralyze half your body! Want to kill me? A single scratch will disembowel you! The formerly easy-to-bully completely transforms and becomes the most desired of Da Shun Dynasty. A hospital to be opened with the Emperor will bring the adoration of the masses and a great deal of wealth. But what’s this about a marriage to this absurd prince? What does the cripple have to say?

    Iza23456 · History
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    Global Demon King : Starting as the Abyssal Dragon

    ******* PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS NOT MY BOOK, I DIDNT WRITE IT. ******* Humans across the world ended up joining a “Demon Kings and Heroes game”. Several billion people were set down upon another world to act as “Demon Kings” and “Heroes”. Everyone has to chose their starting races from the start. Zhang Nu was set in the Demon King camp. He discovered that he could see hidden information that no one else could. [Slime Demon King]. Low grade demon king bloodline… Not recommended! [Kobold Demon King]. Low grade demon king bloodline… Not recommended! [Dark Elf Demon King]. Mid grade demon king bloodline… Can be selected! [Bloody Giant Demon King]. High grade demon king bloodline… Recommended! [Abyssal Dragon Demon King]. Strongest starting bloodline… Extremely recommended! Discord; https://discord.gg/rDrw8u33 Tags Army Building, Beastkin, Bloodlines, Chat Rooms, Cheats, Clan Building, Cunning Protagonist, Demi-Humans, Demon Lord, Demons, Dragons, Dwarfs, Elves, Evil Gods, Evolution, Fairies, Fantasy World, Farming, Game Elements, Game Ranking System, Goblins, God Protagonist, Handsome Male, Heroes, Level System, Loyal Subordinates, Lucky Protagonist, Male Protagonist, Monsters, Multiple Transported Individuals, Orcs, Overpowered Protagonist, Protagonist Strong from the Start, Ruthless Protagonist, S*aves, Strength-based Social Hierarchy, Strong to Stronger, Time Manipulation, Transmigration, Transported to Another World, Wars

    Golden_Wolf_ · Fantasy
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    Xà Vương quấn thân: Bà xã, sinh quả trứng!

    Kim Đậu Đậu là một thiên tài bắt yêu, chỉ vì tham ăn một quả táo mà bị nghẹn chết. Cô sống lại trong thể xác của một cô học sinh cấp ba có tên giống mình, vừa xấu, vừa đen, vừa lùn, lại còn có đầy mủ trên mặt. Chưa hết, Đậu Đậu còn phát hiện bản thân đã mang thai hai quả trứng rắn. Là một đạo sĩ bắt yêu mà lại bị yêu quái đè. “Mẹ kiếp, đã xấu thế này rồi, con yêu nào không có mắt thế hả?” Thật sự phải nuôi con cho yêu quái sao? Không được, kiên quyết không thể mất mặt được! Cô đã là đạo sĩ bắt yêu đầu tiên trong lịch sử bị yêu đè rồi, còn nuôi con cho yêu nữa hả? Cái mặt già này của cô vất đi đâu chứ? Âm thầm chửi rủa con yêu đã khiến cô thành ra thế này, thế nhưng khi lần đầu tiên nhìn thấy cha trứng, suy nghĩ đầu tiên trong đầu Đậu Đậu: Mẹ kiếp! Mỹ nam?

    Zhou Zi Yu · Horror
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    DaoistYE3Txn · Fantasy
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    Art of the Ancient Dragon Emperor

    After being promoted to the Lin Clan Sect Residence’s main division, Lin Han was one step closer to his dream of martial arts prestige, or so he thought. Despite his grueling and hard training, his abilities were stuck in a plateau — there was no improvement in his power, no matter how hard he trained. What would happen to his dream? What would happen to Xiao Nu, his handmaiden that he had brought from his home village by promising her a better life? Lin Han would endure his suffering for a year, praying hard for the Heavens to see his predicament, until one day the First Ancient Dragon Emperor saw his vicious tenacity and fighting spirit. The First Ancient Dragon Emperor would choose Lin Han to receive an inheritance of his infinite power in exchange for the fulfillment of his dying wish — to see his traitorous lover, Lan Bingyan, slain by Lin Han’s hand. Armed with the power of a god, join our hero as he bursts through the ranks of martial arts and seizes his status as a legend!

    Xue Zhiqian · Eastern
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    g vctu of FC un ONG TV de ce nu îl om he de ce nu in de Est SC va nu k

    Daoist397464 · Fantasy
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