
Nah Novels & Books - WebNovel


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    Connor, a young boy in his disappointing world, oblivious to the things around him... But... he doesn't know the future that awaits him... He doesn't know that there are secret organizations filled with spies that hold powers of the supernatural.... He doesn't know that the MSTO, a party full of spy mage organizations, wants to inflict their power and strike fear into the world... He doesn't know that he has a Perk... that doesn't require a wand or another tool, but comes from inside... and through a specific bloodline. He doesn't know the enemies he'll meet... But he will soon, in Perk Mage. Also for the art for this cover came from this site: https://animanga.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000004517/r/4400000000000037841 As well as this cover: https://wallpapers.com/wallpapers/gojo-sataru-k0ug6jgabsaxbcns.html

    Makkis_Literal · Fantasy
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    In a world of survival only power can speak. Earth was once peaceful but things won't always be peaceful. Things had change and devastation nearly put the world to nothingness and sheer destruction. People were born and gifted with power of the Aura. They use it to their will. Train it to be strong and survive and protect the things they hold dear. But strength can be blinding and when there is good there is bad, when there is light there is dark, it all makes the world into what it is but the scales can never be always in equilibrium. A story of fantasy, adventure, action and a lil bit of romance hope ya'll like it -Author-kun

    lonelycorpse · Action
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    Divine Emperor of Death

    Tian Long, an orphan without much of a life in both his thirty year long life and lifespan! To him, a single opportunity was displayed to transmigrate into another world with his Death Book! "What's this? Is this the body of a three year old? Davis? Is this my name from now on?" Finding himself possessing a small child, he becomes inwardly conflicted before he faces the truth and his reality! Young Davis finds himself as the legal heir, the Crown Prince of the Loret Empire in the Grand Sea Continent, becoming a powerful cultivator in a short time... However, is that all? Follow his journey as Young Davis becomes a full fledged death's advocate while embodying into the Divine Emperor of Death in the world of cultivation! "Mn? The route to become the Emperor is a given? Nah, I still don't want it..." "Oh? I'm courting death you say? Unfortunately for you, death is already my woman..." == Almost 200,000 words (Around 170 Chapters) available for free! == Cover Title Edit credits goes to Hesreth! == English isn't my main language, so please bear with it if you found some mistakes. == Want to see more official art of the story and discuss the story with others? Join the Discord! Discord and support links https://discord.gg/xcqXR6p https://www.patreon.com/stardust_breaker == Power Stones Ranking (Updated : 29th September 2022) 16th so far Golden Ticket Ranking: 11th so far Other than this, I'm planning for individual mass releases as well but don't rely on it.

    Stardust_Breaker · Eastern
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    Immortality? Nah, I choose to marry instead!

    “There are chosen ones in this world, ones that are born with extremely-high luck and ridiculous talent, unlike us lowly ones who can only wait to grow old and die.” Just like those popular stories he had read online, in this brand-new world where people pursue immortality, Shenshah thought that he too was someone destined to be great. Sadly, years have passed since he transmigrated yet he is still an average person struggling to find his place. Just when Shenshah was about to completely give up on his goals, a strange voice interrupted his thoughts… [Create Family and Earn Rewards System Activated…] “What?” -Never in his wildest dreams did he expected that bringing a wife home would change his fate! ……… Don’t worry as there’s [NO NTR] [NO Yuri] as author strongly disdains such genre. …….. Additional tags- (Lesbian/yuri girl turned straight by mc) (No dense mc) (no hidden pretending to be a big shot) (No Filler chapters) (crisp to the point plot) (No useless mysterious backgrounds) (no beta mc) (Tsundere) (yandere) (Human-non human relationship) (harem) (comedy) (smart and observant mc) (netori) (blackmail) (bloodshed) (Obsessive lovers) (marriage) (pregnancies) (Wholesome love) (elves/werewolves/vampires/dwarves/demons) (regret?) **Cover as well as character Ai images are made and edited by me using Fotor Pro Ai app. To join the author invite only discord server please add me on discord -c2#8780. ——-x——-x—— **English used is mostly Uk/British version.

    Sheizzcoldasice · Fantasy
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    Mendapatkan $10 Triliun Dari Entah Darimana

    Connor McDonald bekerja mengantar makanan sebagai pekerjaan paruh waktu. Suatu hari, ia harus mengantar makanan ke hotel yang terkenal karena hotel seks. Ketika pintu kamar terbuka, ia tidak bisa mempercayai matanya. Pacarnya hanya mengenakan pakaian setengah telanjang, berpelukan dengan anak orang kaya dari kelas mereka. "Nah, sekarang kamu sudah tahu, sepertinya saatnya kamu tahu," ejek anak kaya itu. "Pacarmu sekarang berkencan dengan saya. "Connor, lepaskan aku. Kamu ini anak yatim dan tidak punya uang. Walaupun kamu mengantar makanan sepanjang hidupmu, tidak mungkin kamu bisa bersaing dengannya. Kamu ini tidak cukup baik untukku. Ayo putus," kata pacarnya. Connor benar-benar tercengang, bertanya-tanya mengapa Tuhan melarang orang miskin untuk menjalani hubungan normal. Tepat ketika ia tenggelam dalam kesakitan, ponselnya tiba-tiba berbunyi. Dia menerima pesan teks yang menarik. [Anda telah menerima,00 dolar di akun Anda.] "Apa-apaan ini?" seru Connor. "Siapa sih yang barusan mentransfer 1 miliar dolar ke aku?"

    Silent Wind · Urban
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    Die Sünde des Lycaners

    [REIFER INHALT] "Paaren Sie sich mit jemandem?" Verblüfft trat sie einen Schritt zurück und vergrößerte den Abstand zwischen ihnen. "Wie bitte?" "Ah ..." Ein Seufzen verließ seine Lippen. " Vielleicht muss ich meine Frage umformulieren. F*cken Sie jemanden?" Sie holte kurz Luft, weil sie nicht wusste, was sie sagen sollte. Wut stieg in ihrem Kopf auf und mischte sich mit unerwartetem Verlangen. Leider siegte das Verlangen. Er hob eine Augenbraue, und im nächsten Moment stand er schon vor ihrem Körper. Ihre Instinkte meldeten sich. Sie ging ein paar Schritte zurück, bis sie mit dem Rücken an die Wand stieß. Der Geruch von Schokolade und Mandeln strömte zwischen ihnen hindurch. Verblüfft glaubte sie, die Süße des Weins zu riechen, aber er verschwand so schnell, wie er gekommen war. "Ich glaube nicht, dass Sie das etwas angeht, Mr. Graydon", sagte sie mit einem verärgerten Laut. "Tut es das nicht?" Sein Atem stockte, seine Augen verdunkelten sich vor Verlangen. "Nein." Ihre Lippen bebten bei ihrer offensichtlichen Ablehnung. Sie nahm all ihren Mut zusammen und hoffte, er würde ihre Erregung nicht riechen. Sie wusste, dass es vergebens war. Seine Finger strichen leicht über ihre Wangen, dann wanderten sie ihren Hals hinunter und verweilten auf ihrem Schlüsselbein, die Berührung ließ ihr einen Schauer über den Rücken laufen. Es weckte das Urbedürfnis, das sie seit ihrer Begegnung zu verbergen versucht hatte. Sie wollte ihn. Nein. Sie brauchte ihn, in sich selbst. Ihr Gesicht errötete bei dem Gedanken, dass er sie nehmen würde, am liebsten direkt an diesen Wänden. "Du willst mich", stellte er fest. "So sehr, wie ich dich will." Erschrocken über ihr eigenes rohes und starkes Verlangen, wandte sie den Kopf ab. "Ich will nicht..." "Schhh...", brachte er sie mit einem Finger zum Schweigen. Dann kam er näher, so nah, dass seine langen Wimpern ihre Wange berührten. Ihr Herz pochte wie eine Trommel gegen ihre Brust, schnell und heiß in Erwartung. "Jetzt sag mir, Kleines... muss ich erst jemanden loswerden, bevor ich dich dazu bringe, mich anzuflehen, dich kommen zu lassen?" ...... Ist die Liebe das Chaos wert, das sie mit sich bringt? ..... Tags: #lycans #witch #strongfemalelead #strongmalelead #norape #smut #mates #slowburn .... Schaut euch die kompletten Informationen an! ..... Geschrieben von: B.Mitchylle E-Mail: bmitchylle@gmail.com Insta: @b.mitchylle Diskord: MitchyMitch#3750 EDITED by: S.T. Ahikx Insta: @S.T. Ahikx DAS COVER GEHÖRT MIR NICHT!

    B_Mitchylle · Fantasy
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    Apocalypse-check Overpowered-double check Handsome (of course)-triple check Lazy(maybe)*proud*Nah!. Great!.Of all times the apocalypse had to come was when I won a lottery*sigh*. Join Adam Brook who just wanted a chill life after all the mishaps only to have his hopes dashed by the presence of of the apocalypse*sigh*. But...on the bright side he gained something nice.Overpowered abilities and guess what he wanted a life of laziness and simplicity.But a guys gotta have cash every now and then right*wink*. After gaining his abilities there's a time skip and we proceed from there. Please read and keep hurtful attacks to a minimum ok*pleading*am kinda nervous here.

    Udochukwu_Osigwe · Fantasy
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    hell nah

    aod_96 · Games
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    Pernikahan Kontrak: Pengantin Pengganti

    Beberapa menit sebelum pernikahannya, Jeslyn mengetahui bahwa calon suaminya hanya mengincar keuntungan yang akan didapat dengan menikahinya. Patah hati dan merasa dikhianati, dia memilih satu-satunya pilihan yang ada pada saat itu, yaitu untuk melakukan pernikahan kontrak dengan pria yang bisa ia temukan, atau jika tidak, kekayaan keluarganya akan jatuh ke tangan musuh. … "Tuan, tolong, maukah Anda menikahi saya?" Dia bertanya padanya. Seorang pria yang dia lihat masuk ke kamar kecil tempat pernikahan. 'Dia pasti salah satu tamu,' pikirnya. Maverick terkejut dengan proposal itu. Dia melihat Jeslyn mengerutkan dahi ketika dia menoleh untuk menatapnya. Jelas dia ketakutan padanya, namun dia menenangkan diri, siap untuk melompat ke misteri di hadapannya. "Ini akan menjadi kontrak pernikahan. Kita akan bercerai setelah satu tahun," katanya. Dia juga memerlukan seorang wanita untuk anak nakalnya, jadi dia menjawab, "Deal." Tanpa sepengetahuannya, dia baru saja membuat kesepakatan dengan setan termanis yang pernah ada. ... Dia adalah mimpi buruk negara M, negara di mana kejahatan memerintah. Dia adalah kelinci kecil yang dibesarkan dengan cinta dan kasih sayang. Membunuh lalat? Tidak, dia belum pernah melakukan itu sebelumnya. Namun, terpaksa menjadi istri iblis, dia tidak punya pilihan selain melepaskan kepribadiannya yang palsu. Kelinci kecil apa? Siapa bilang dia tidak bisa menginjak jari-jari tangan seorang pianis dengan tumitnya dan pura-pura seperti tidak bermaksud melakukannya? Ha, selebriti ini ingin memainkan kartu kasihan? Apakah mereka ingin mendapatkan simpati masyarakat? Nah, mengapa lagi dia disebut 'kelinci kecil'? Bukankah itu karena dia terbaik dalam berakting imut? Apakah tidak ada yang memberi tahu teratai putih ini yang ingin menyelam ke tempat tidur suaminya bahwa dia mencuri jiwanya ketika dia menampar anak nakal itu?

    Hassy_101 · Urban
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    Nah julballagh

    DaoistS7JqMJ · Games
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    Nah, I Will Win!

    In the dark, filthy mines of Endromeda, a sixteen-year-old blind girl is serving her life sentence as a slave, bound to spend the rest of her life mining mana stones for the tyrant emperor. She is known as the blind manhunter, the best within the assassination guild, but she was betrayed by her sister. The Duke of Sharbel, previous crown prince, Quentin Azulon, came and struck a deal with her to marry him, be his wife by day and be the empire's assassin by night. The blind Celena Raveniel agreed and started to plot her revenge against her sister, who stole everything from her.

    IoriIroh_Clover · Fantasy
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    Zero: From Hero's Sidekick To The World's Strongest

    50 years after the hero and her party defeated the demon lord trying to conquer the land, a new threat looms on the horizon. Another war is brewing as a malevolent force seeks to conquer the world. Meet Killian, the mysterious figure concealed behind the mask of the legendary mage, Zero, who was a vital member of the hero's party. In his day-to-day life, Killian assumes the role of a seemingly feeble healer, attracting the adoration of countless women. But now, the time has come for him to step out of the shadows and secure the peace his party once brought to this world. Unlike his past role as a mere sidekick, Zero has evolved into a formidable force, surpassing all expectations. As Zero, he becomes the world's savior, while continuing to masquerade as the unassuming healer, Killian. *** Warning: Spoilers Ahead. The MC is ridiculously overpowered; there's literally no one in this world who can defeat him! There are no stakes in this story! There's no depth of thought in this story; it's simply wish fulfillment for horny dudes. I'll improvise the plot as I go—encountering plotholes? Here, enjoy some fight scenes where the MC effortlessly defeats opponents. And oh, R18 chapters, anyone? Character development? Compelling characters? Nah, here, meet some one-dimensional women whose sole purpose is to clean the MC's pipe. And did I mention they're attractive? Beautiful one-dimensional women! You will see all kinds of women in here: humans, elves, beastkin girls, maids; single, engaged, married; first-timers, non-experts, experienced, experts; one who will ask you to be gentle, noble ladies, emotionless, cheerful, a girl who will literally kill you, tsundere, and all kinds of deres; flat, medium, large — all of them. I am writing them all because I am a dirty little piece of shit! The MC will rail shit tons of women like a rabbit in heat. NTR? I know you like this kind of shit, you dirty bastard! I like it too! (The MC will be the one doing the NTR) Yuri? Two girls sharing a kiss, am I right? Bark, bark! I have Fate/UBW to blame for this. Incest? Wincest! This is not a bait-and-switch; everything I mentioned above is literally in this book. If you have any problems with any of them, I recommend you stay as far away as possible from this novel. Don't read it just to blame me later. *** All characters appearing in this story are over 18 years old. No underage characters will be depicted.

    Aniki_ · Fantasy
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    I Become The Supreme Vampire Lord

    [MATURE CONTENT WARNING - Swearing and sexual scenes are apart of this novel!!!] Al'Hazier was never as obedient as his older brothers had been. He got himself in trouble often, and did things he was explicitly told not to do - like drink things from the forbidden cabinet in the cellar looking to get a little drunk. He had no idea he had taken a precious, forbidden potion that his father had actually been saving for himself at the right moment. When the king discovered his youngest son had taken the very nectar he coveted - he was so furious that he did the unthinkable: He cut up Al'Hazier's body with a silver knife, and divided up his body parts around their country. For his head, though - King Varkys made sure that it was preserved in a crystal-lined silver box. A head that would never die. A head that lived in dark silence. A head in a sense - literally buried in the sand. That was over 300 years ago. Going mad, and certain he would be surrounded in darkness forever until the earth finally exploded and disintegrated his corpse - Al'Hazier wasn't expecting to see the sunny seaside again, nor did he expect a group of beautiful women to be the first thing he had seen in decades. After discovering his brother is up to no good, and how terrible the world has become, Azier finds his heart soft for his female companions, and hardened against Azrael, who has taken control over literally /everything/. Once he finally reveals his secrets to the six sexy saviors, they help him grow his abilities as well as his knowledge for the new world...but it comes at a price. Sure, it was nice to have an arsenal and weapons to fight back against his brother - but what happens when it comes at the price of his sanity and the very person he is at his core? Find out what happens when one war front becomes two as Azier not only takes on the tyranny of his brother - but his actual self as well when things end up not even close to what he expected. **Updated Daily** 50 Power stones = one extra chapter for that week. 1 Golden Ticket = two extra chapters that week. Gifts of any kind = four extra chapters for that week. [Cover Made on NightCafe] **A SLOW BURN NOVEL** ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [EXCERPT:] "So for whatever reason, the rest of my sisters think that you can be trusted. They think you're more than a stupid party boy and a petulant child." "Ouch. Am I talking to my dad here, ooooor?" Azier started with raised eyebrows as he tried to not take this seriously, despite the fact he wanted to shout at her that she had no idea what he was capable of. None of them did. You see - he had a secret of his own as well. One he kept guarded. One only two other people knew about, and both were dead. Alhazier could use magic. It was so scary, so unheard of, so....so abnormally scary that his mother and older brother Xander had warned him to keep it to himself. Hell, he didn't even practice. He buried it deep, deep down in his wretched little soul. However, it would seem that now it would be handy and a good bargaining chip should he need it. So they could keep their secrets. "I'm sorry, did the truth hurt your feelings?" Ilsandra asked with as much contempt in her voice as one could manage. "Nah. I've been called worse by better, so your words mean nothing," Azier answered easily like they were having some sort of casual conversation about the weather. "Funny." She spat back coldly.

    Starparticle · Fantasy
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    Apocalypse!! nah, it's FUN

    Apocalypse, the end of the world as we know it. What will you do if suddenly out of nowhere everything in the world changes. lets go on a journey and experience it with Rakesh, an easy go lucky fellow.

    sasss · Fantasy
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    Humm to ki koro nah amy i to ki koro nah amy i to ki koro nah amy i to

    Daoist3zEoli · Games
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    Reborn as the Great Nah Warrior

    Waking up in the body of a sick prince. Josh find himself in a strange world with magic and superpowers. Can he survive in this new world?

    StormHTS · Fantasy
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    Os contos de Vinny Nah

    Apenas uma das visões da história de "Build"

    YuuysukeYaja · Fantasy
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    PERINGATAN RECOMMENDED VOL-3 Hi semuanya, untuk kalian yang sudah baca Terbelenggu dari Vol 1 dan 2 nah kali ini saya hadirkan Vol 3 yang lebih menarik dari Vol-1 dan 2. Kisah Sera Ditha dan Hans Pratama orang tua dari Adamson Peter. Kisah cinta yang di halangi status dan kasta, bagaimana sih sebenarnya perjuangan mereka? Nantikan dengan baca novel ini ya. Khusus untuk Dewasa 18+ jika di bawah 18 tidak di ijinkan baca!!!!

    12Imelda · Teen
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    Nah, i should just die

    zendude_0509 · Horror
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    Chaos and Order...Nah, I want fun!!!

    Chaos yet Order Cruelty yet Compassion Intrigue yet Dissatisfaction Arrogance yet Humility Sadism yet Empathy Patience yet Craving Passion yet Restraint Indifference yet Love Ambition yet Caution Insignificant yet Intelligent Dark yet Light Evil yet Good And most importantly, Bored yet Excited When you're someone that complex of character, what exactly do you do when the chance of overwhelming power lands on your lap? What value is standards and morality? For me, my new life will be one big show. And I am the main character. I do as I wish, I have what I need, I take what I want. And everyone just short of Him who I admire and revere, will not stop me. Omnipotence! No. That is God's domain. But I'll take nigh-omnipotence. That's a lot more fun. Starting universe; Star Wars boys! ******** MC won't be in a relationship until DC. But it doesn't mean he won't be naughty!

    Vulkizaro_Zoromi · Fantasy
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