
Kinh Dị Novels & Books - WebNovel


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    Die Geburt des Dämonenschwerts

    "So endet also mein Leben, was für eine Zeitverschwendung...". Dies waren die letzten Gedanken eines jungen Mannes, der bei einer Schlägerei zwischen lokalen Banden zufällig angeschossen wurde. Er ahnte nicht, dass er bald in einer anderen Welt aufwachen würde, einer Welt der Kultivierung! Dies ist die Geschichte des Hurenbocks einer wohlhabenden Familie, eines Verwandlungskünstlers, der in seinem früheren Leben kein Ziel hatte, und eines Dämons, der die Macht zu seinem Grund macht, um weiterzuleben. Noah Balvan muss nach seiner Transmigration gegen seinen sozialen Status und die vielen Schwierigkeiten der Welt, in der er wiedergeboren wurde, ankämpfen, um die Macht zu erlangen, frei im Himmel über allen zu stehen! Folgen Sie mir auf Twitter: https://twitter.com/EoCNovels Instagram: eocnovels Discord-Link: https://discord.gg/CNh28NP Cover-Künstler: https://digitalrowye.com/ Fandom: https://botds.fandom.com/wiki/Birth_of_the_Demonic_Sword_Wiki

    Eveofchaos · Eastern
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    Super Docteur Insensé de la Déesse

    "Coquin, je vais sortir pour faire quelque chose, donc je ne peux plus m'occuper de toi. Tu peux descendre de la montagne et t'amuser. Mais si tu ne trouves pas quelqu'un qui correspond à ton Corps Inné Pure Yang en trois ans, tu es fini!" Ce sont les derniers mots que l'ancien, qui était le professeur de Yang Luo, lui jeta avant de disparaître. Pendant ce temps, ayant maîtrisé la plupart des compétences de son maître, Yang Luo descendit de la montagne et fit son premier pas dans la civilisation pour la première fois en des années. Avec ses compétences médicales et ses arts martiaux inégalés, il se lance dans un voyage, se liant d'amitié avec de nouveaux alliés et écrasant tous les ennemis qui se dressent sur son chemin, alors qu'il tente de résoudre sa constitution de Corps Inné Pure Yang, et de cultiver jusqu'au sommet du monde!

    Shi Nian Ying Huo · Urban
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    I'd Give Up The World For You

    Street smart city girl Daisy Miller gets a rude awakening, ending up not only in someone else's body but hundreds of years in the past! She never anticipated running an entire farm by herself but finds the peace and quiet a welcome change. Unfortunately, that peace is threatened by the arrival of a heavily injured boy who is clearly running from something. Rukelion Blaze trusts no one and cares about nothing but avenging his family and country after a brutal slaughter perpetrated by a neighboring kingdom. The last thing he needs is to get caught up in the mundane details of farm life but supposes it is as good a place as any to hatch his revenge plan. With the opposing goals of peace and revenge, how can two broken souls possibly get along? Especially when the unbelievable combination of both of their secrets involves far more than meets the eye... Read on to find out! *Cover art by polkadottedscrunchie*

    Mcllorycat · Fantasy
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    Phượng kinh thiên

    Chuyện gì sẽ xảy ra nếu một người phụ nữ đã trưởng thành sau khi mở mắt phát hiện bản thân đang sở hữu thân thể của một đứa trẻ bảy tuổi? Cảm xúc gì sẽ nảy sinh khi đón chờ cô không phải thân phận công chúa cao quý vô thượng mà là ba chữ Nhân Lãnh cung xa lạ, là thánh lệnh giam giữ cả đời không được miễn xá? Và, câu chuyện sẽ ra sao khi người phụ nữ ấy không cam tâm chấp nhận cái kết người ta đặt sẵn cho mình? Đau đớn, thù hận đã từng biến một người phụ nữ dịu dàng, nhu mì, cam chịu thành người tâm cơ, âm hiểm. Vì yêu mà sinh hận, đó là lẽ dĩ nhiên ở đời. Tuy nhiên ngược dòng thời gian về hàng trăm năm trước, giữa cung điện nguy nga tráng lệ, giữa lòng Trung cung muôn vàn gian kế, chữ yêu ấy liệu có phải là tất cả? Tự do. Ngẫm nghĩ mấy hồi thì máu mủ tình thâm, trung thần chí nghĩa cũng chẳng là gì trước sức mạnh trước mảnh trời xanh ngắt, rộng lớn ngoài kia. Trước là Lam Vân, sau là Vô Ưu, bên cạnh có Cố Thái Phi, Hoài Vương, Ngọc Châu, Ngọc Thúy, Tiểu Hoa Tử, Tiểu Cao Tử và hàng trăm, hàng vạn nhân mạng trong cung cấm này tựa như đều đang vùng vẫy để tìm được hai chữ tự do cho riêng mình. Liệu rằng, với trí tuệ của một người phụ nữ am hiểu kinh thư như Lam Vân, với gương mặt kinh diễm khuynh nước khuynh thành của Vô Ưu công chúa, cùng với những gì Lưu Thị Oánh Hoa đã để lại, thế cờ vận mệnh này có được lật lại? Tiếng đàn của Vô Ưu có kinh động được tới Cố Thái Phi? Nhân Lãnh cung rốt cuộc có phải là nơi đã vào thì không thể trở ra? Vạn sự đều đang khởi đầu…

    Luo Sui Xin · History
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    [REUP]Thực tập sinh kinh dị

    RE_UP LẠI Nguồn: Tiêu dao Thư quán https://tieudaothuquan.com/truyen/thuc-tap-sinh-kinh-di

    DaoistXkukHV · Fantasy
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    Saintess? Not Anymore! I'd Rather be a Destroyer

    Sypnosis Hitono, an experienced gamer with a deep passion for the world of gaming, finds herself immersed in her favorite pastime. She has always relished the role of a dedicated healer, assuming the persona of a virtuous Saintess within the digital realms. However, her gaming journey takes an unexpected turn when she ventures into a recently launched game called Tangent Online. Through a fortuitous series of events, she manages to unlock a brand-new class, the fearsome Destroyer, by merging certain skills together. Little does Hitono know that her entrance into Tangent Online will thrust her and a group of unsuspecting individuals into a dangerous ordeal. Unbeknownst to them, an evil goddess has devised a sinister plot, transforming their gaming experience into a harrowing death game.

    OnikunStudios · Fantasy
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    Da D,wei's Treasure

    *WARNING! Adults only! Please, enjoy all the way if you are old enough...* **** "Come to think of it. I thought I gave you the morning after pills after our sessions!" "What happened?" Da D,wei asked Bai Zhen with an emotionless face. She immediately lowered her head while fiddling with her fingers. "You didn't take them, right?" He asked again while staring deeply at her. "I...I took the last one" "So, what happened to the other ones?" "I...I...um, you see, I wanted to take them, but the smell was horrible. So, I decided to wait a little while but I eventually forgot to take them. I had to throw them away!" "Oh, really?" "Bai Zhen?! What were you thinking while keeping those pills, huh?" "What do you think those pills were meant for, hm?" "I did my job and you were supposed to do yours but you failed! So, don't blame me for the morning sickness!" "Bear with it, ok?! And don't disturb my son again!" Bai Zhen"....." ****** "Da D,wei…?" "Mhm?" "I...mmm... I feel strange again…!" "It's normal, baby…! Dance with me!" ******* "A pure love story between two people from two different worlds" A billionaire CEO of the Da Surgical Hospitals, who finds love in a poor beautiful girl, Bai Zhen. He is a well known skilled surgeon who is respected and feared by all. Bai Zhen is just a poor girl who lost both parents and becomes noticed by Da D,wei. They struggle as they fight for their love. Being poor is the main barrier in their lives. "Will they survive it? Will their love be strong enough to wedge the storm?" ***** Happy Reading! Please, stay safe. #For me and for all. from Author Elaami.

    Elaami · Urban
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    Dạo bước phồn hoa

    Lang Hoa sống lại, nàng muốn thay đổi vận mệnh của mình, thay đổi vận mệnh của Lục Anh, tìm ra người đang đứng sau dựng lên tất cả mọi chuyện để hãm hại nàng. Nàng muốn giúp Cố gia tránh thoát được kiếp nạn diệt môn, làm cho tổ mẫu mà mình yêu thương nhất không bị chết thảm dưới đao kiếm của phản quân. Nhưng dần dần, nàng lại phát hiện tất cả mọi chuyện không hề như nàng nghĩ, cũng không hề xảy ra như nàng biết. Lục Anh cũng không giống Lục Anh mà nàng yêu thương suốt bao nhiêu năm... Cũng có thể vì mắt không bị mù nên nàng mới có thể nhìn thấy nhiều cái mà kiếp trước mình không thể thấy, có thể đọc được suy nghĩ biểu hiện qua vẻ mặt của từng người chứ không phải chỉ nghe người ta nói qua tai. Hoặc cũng có thể từ khoảnh khắc nàng trọng sinh sống lại, bánh xe vận mệnh đã trệch sang một con đường khác... Con đường phía trước mịt mờ, nàng phải đi như thế nào để có thể nắm giữ được vận mệnh của mình trong tay?

    Yun Ni · History
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    Nhà hàng dị giới của ông bố bỉm sữa

    Thẩm Mạch Cách đang ngồi trên du thuyền hào nhoáng của mình đi câu cua hoàng đế. Bỗng một cơn sóng ập đến kéo gã ngã nhào xuống biển. Đến khi tỉnh lại, gã phát hiện mình đang nằm trong một gian phòng đậm nét châu Âu, còn trong tay gã chính là bàn tay bé xinh của một cô nhóc loli chừng bốn năm tuổi. Thẩm Mạch Cách phát hiện ra mình đã xuyên không rồi. Gã xuyên vào thân thể của một gã kỵ sĩ nghèo túng McGonagall Alex. Nơi gã xuyên đến là một đại lục kỳ lạ có rất nhiều chủng tộc như rồng, ma quỷ, người thú, tiên, người lùn, nhân loại… cùng nhau chung sống. Một tên công tử như gã bỗng bị vất đến một thế giới dị giới xa lạ, đột nhiên trở thành một người cha của cô bé loli xinh đẹp. Trong lúc gã còn đang mơ màng thì lại có một giọng nói trung tính vang lên trong đầu gã: “Hệ thống nuôi dạy thần bếp khởi động!” McGonagall sợ đến hồn vía lên mây. Cái quái quỷ gì vậy? Hệ thống nuôi dạy thần bếp? Tại sao thứ này lại chạy vào đầu mình chứ? Chẳng lẽ nó có liên quan đến việc xuyên không này? Gã đã gặp phải chuyện gì vậy? Gã sẽ làm như thế nào để giải quyết mớ bòng bong của hiện tại.

    Khinh Nữ Giang Hồ · Fantasy
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    The Clichéd Story of My Life

    "We can make memories together... Be it happy or sad, unlike feelings, memories will always be there." He told her when she said that feelings could not be trusted. "And with me... I assure you, each memory we make, would be a happy one." ☆☆★★ As the name suggests, it's a cliché BUT different story of our female lead- Maya Parker. Maya had once dreamt of building a beautiful future with someone she had been together with since ages. Unfortunately, it turned out that she had to wake up from this dream; he was cheating on her! But, never did she think that she could fall in love with someone so soon, only after a few days of her breakup!♡♡ This time you are going to see that not everyone in this world is a jerk!! (^~^) Your Checklist- •cheating boyfriend. ✔ •Beautiful leads. ✔ •family drama ✔ • scheming mother✔ •first crush✔ [No Major misunderstandings! No Abuse!] (3 updates a week) (The book cover is made by me using references from the net) Connect with me in the Comments, I reply to almost all of them {I think (~_~;)}... or on my Instagram- @nanoree_wn. I post there sometimes if not always. ヘ( ̄ω ̄ヘ) This is an original story by me & I'm not a professional author so please excuse me for my not-so-professional writing!(●__●)

    nanoree · Urban
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    The Only Fuel Is Using The D.

    For three years Calix suffered from the Backlash of his undecipher Term Attribute. As he couldn't use his unique power, he went through series of misfortunes which caused him to lose his self-esteem. However, one day, he was caught in an incident that led him to awaken his hidden power(luck). "The fuel of my Term Attribute is sexual practices with the opposite gender?" ADVANCE 73 CHAPTERS: https://www.patreon.com/Puji_maki https://ko-fi.com/pujimaki Discord: https://discord.gg/EAcYxbG36Y [THIS IS SMUT WITH PLOT] [This novel has Tsundere, Yandere, Glasses Girl, Slut, Kuudere, Tall Girl, Tanned, Tomboy, MILF, Dark-Skinned, and lots more!!] Warning: -This novel is R-18. -I can't promise you high-quality content since I write two other stories, I can't put all my time here. - You may found some errors here in there but I'm confident that this novel will be readable. -If I don't like the performance of this novel, I will drop this after hundred chaps. -I only accept a one-star rating. -I will update 5× a week. - The plot may become nonsensical sometimes, but it's because of Calix's unique luck. Don't nag me if you found that the plot lacks common sense. This is smut, duh. -I will put all of my shit here in this story. - Please leave a shitty review.

    pujimaki · Realistic
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    Ở show sống còn kinh dị xuất đạo vị trí Center

    DaoistXkukHV · Horror
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    D&L Spin Off

    This story is a spin-off of my original Dom & Little series, it was written in four days, but I hope you’ll enjoy. Mia was lost, in a world where everyone was classified into dominant and submissive, she didn't know what she is. Her mother abused her and her father didn't know about her existence. Until they came in, three supernatural brothers, a Dom, a master, a daddy. All ready to try and help her find herself and who she belongs to. This story is DDLG, you've been warned.

    Cendrillon1996 · Fantasy
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    Football-Ballon d'or or die [Gacha System]

    Nick has always dreamed of becoming a professional football player. Through long hours of rigorous training and excruciating effort put into polishing his skills, he was finally able to debut as a professional footballer.  But, his joy was short-lived as he faced the cruel wall of lack of physical talent, preventing him from improving his skills any further, causing an untimely end to his career. Years later, stuck in a dead-end job, Nick finds himself frustrated and unsatisfied with his current life. Choosing to drown his sorrows with alcohol, Nick goes on a drinking spree and ends up perishing. But all is not over as he receives a mysterious message while his consciousness fades away, finding himself in his younger self. What will Nick do now, trapped in his younger self? Will he have the courage to take on the challenge of being a pro player again? Or will he take the easy way out? Join Nick, as he finds himself with an almost impossible goal, leading him to face some of the best footballers the world has to offer, accompanied by a system that is out to kill him. What to expect: - Slow-paced story - Dialed back System - Deep dive into tactics - In-depth life of an athlete - Hard-working MC - Focused and calm MC What NOT to expect: - OP MC - Harem - MC attaining instant power-ups

    fat_gamer · Sports
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    Perfect D'angelo Bride

    Warning cerita 21 + harap bijak dalam membaca "Aku menikahi mu bukan hanya untuk melepaskan keluarga ku dari kutukan tapi aku menikahi mu karna aku mencintai mu, bagi ku hanya kamu istri ku  dan ibu dari anak-anak ku karna bagi ku tidak ada satupun wanita di dunia ini yang pantas menggantikan posisi mu," "Belum cukup kah, aku menunjukkan cinta ku melalui tindakan ku, aku bukan pria yang suka mengumbar kata-kata cinta tanpa bukti nyata" Sean D'angelo (25 tahun) seorang pengusaha sukses yang memiliki sifat dingin, licik, dan kejam. Hanya saja tak ada satu orang pun tau kalau Sean menderita sebuah kutukan yang terus menerus membuatnya menderita. Agustaf D'Lucifer (26 tahun) seorang pengusaha sukses yang menjadi rival Sean D'angelo dalam merebut cinta sang gadis takdir Sarah Frederica (21 tahun) adalah seorang gadis  takdir yang di beri anugrah untuk mematahkan kutukan yang menimpa salah satu dari 2 keluarga terpandang, hanya 1 keluarga yang mampu menaklukan hati sang gadis takdir. Bagaimana kisah  perebutan cinta sang gadis takdir, akankah  Sean dan agustaf mampu membuat sarah jatuh cinta pada mereka ataukah pada akhirnya mereka gagal menaklukkan hati gadis takdir, Bagaimana perjuangan Sean dan agustaf dalam merebut cinta sang gadis takdir ?  Penasaran kisah selanjutnya! Yuk, simak kisah cinta perfect D'Angelo Bride disini!

    Vvy_Ccya31 · Realistic
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    I'd Like to Introduce My Wife

    After being reincarnated on her wedding night, Shen Jing looked at her handsome husband and couldn't help but gulp. How blind was she to let go of such a well-built and good-looking husband in the previous lifetime? She trusted in scumbags and b*tches. In the end, her entire family perished! In this lifetime, Shen Jing used her beauty and intelligence while clinging tightly to her husband! But... What happened to depend on her husband? How did she end up becoming a bigshot? A certain fearsome organization of assassins proclaimed, "If anybody dares to mess with Shen Jing, they'll be fed to the sharks!" The four big families that were rumored to not get along with each other proclaimed, "Whoever bullies Shen Jing will be torn to shreds!" A mysterious top-notch family welcomed her with open arms, "Welcome home, Miss Shen!" A certain man couldn't stand it any longer. He wrapped his arm around her waist. "I'd like to introduce you to my wife." His wife only needed his protection. Why were these people even trying to compete for her attention?

    Ju Ju · Urban
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    Mistress wizard kinh

    This is my first ever novel. It is about how the heroine meets the wizard king whose attitude towards her was special. Due to circumstances he couldn't be with her but can they overturn the fate?

    DaoistZhq6TI · Fantasy
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    There is a veil that hides all supernatural races from humans. A curse that brings pain to the inhabitants of the veil. Magic has to be used at the cost of a life and the stars have been long forgotten. The only way to reverse the curse is to find a Dîva, an extinct race of supernaturals equivalent to gods. The prophecy gives them hope that an Āsimati will find a Dîva that will save them all. But what if this Dîva will be the cause of their extinction? 1 or 2 chapters per week. extra chapters if ten power stones are reached

    Fantasy_14 · Fantasy
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    Powerlifter Isekai'd in ancient greece

    Bob gets a second chance by the gods to prove that he is the most powerfull being to ever lived

    evilram · Fantasy
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    The Best of J.D. Walker Box Set

    Finding love isn’t easy, and holding onto it can be even harder. In this anthology, harsh words and miscommunication between men aren’t helpful, and jealous lovers with well-meaning best friends always make things worse, except when they don’t.<br><br>It could be a desperate cowboy seeking a home or a dorky associate with questionable fashion sense and self-esteem; a manager who sticks to his principles despite ridicule, or a cheating fiancé and a broken wedding. Can a jaded grocery store worker find satisfaction, or a bouncer forgive the bassist who tricked him into sex? Perhaps it’s the things we do that make our wishes and demands come true.<br><br>Contains the stories:<br><br><strong>A Cowboy For Keeps</strong>: Slim Montagne stumbles over a bruised cowboy on his way out of town. Daniel "Danny" Crane is a world-weary drifter who has stopped believing in humanity. When Slim offers Danny a place to stay, he figures there’s nothing left to lose. Back at the ranch, Slim introduces Dan...hey end up arguing constantly at work, despite the sexual tension between them. Georgie decides it’s time for a change. Will Ry tag along for the ride?<br><br><strong>Romancing the Bouncer</strong>: Ben Pachowski is a bouncer at Throwbacks. Monty Mabuse, bass player for a popular band that performs there, wants Ben, but he won’t do anything but flirt. Monty plays dirty to get in Ben’s pants, and it backfires. Having alienated Ben, Monty has to figure out how to make amends. He has his work cut out for him, but a little romance could go a long way.<br><br><strong>The Best Man for Me</strong>: Royce Lummis' fiancé is a no-show at the rehearsal; worst of all, he sees him kissing another man. Heartbroken, Royce accepts the offer of a couch from Rodney Fanning—his best man and ex-boyfriend. Though they have history between them, Rodney is a good friend and Royce's heart slowly heals. It's almost too late when Royce finally realizes that Rodney is the best man for him. Will he get his man?

    J.D. Walker · LGBT+
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