
Kazzenlx Novels & Books - WebNovel


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    Hellbound With You

    [WARNING: MATURE CONTENT] "I love you, despite the danger signs." ____ Sheltered and innocent Abigail is terminally ill. She knows she will die soon so before she dies, she wants to fulfill her one and only wish - to fall in love. She wants to experience loving someone romantically. But under one strange condition- she wants a man who will not fall in love with her because she doesn't want him to suffer when she's gone. She met Alexander Qinn, the coldhearted and mysterious man. He warns her from the start that he doesn't do love and that he is dangerous. But that made him the perfect man for Abigail. He was exactly the kind of man she was looking for. Alexander will teach the innocent Abigail about his kind of pleasure while Abigail will show him the joy of doing simple things in life. Their completely different worlds collide, Abi's illness and the mysteries about Alexander will slowly be revealed. Can Abigail handle his own kind of hell? Can Alexander handle her light? ___ VOLUME 1 [MAIN STORY] - STATUS: COMPLETED A story of a terminally ill girl and a heartless man. ____ VOLUME 2 [SPIN-OFF] - STATUS: COMPLETED A story of a vampire prince and a feisty and rich human girl. ____ VOLUME 3 [SPIN-OFF] - STATUS: COMPLETED A story of an ancient witch's unrequited love. ____ VOLUME 4 [SPIN-OFF] - STATUS: COMPLETED A story of a ghost and a vampire prince. #enemies-to-lovers ____ Cover is mine so don't use it. Instagram account: kazzenlx.x facebook page: author_kazzenlx Discord server: https://discord.gg/UGTA3A4

    KazzenlX · Fantasy
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    Hellbound Heart

    [WARNING: MATURE CONTENT] - [MAIN STORY IS COMPLETED] Izabelle had underestimated the fire she thought she was going to play with tonight. But how could she ever have foreseen that the man she had happened to come across with does not play with just a small fire, but a whole inferno? ___ Excerpt: "You going through this marriage with me might as well be like you digging your own grave. Because the moment you start to want more from me, I will divorce you. And the moment you break your promise and try to fight me… I will ruin you and break you apart completely. Mercilessly. You will regret ever meeting this devil tonight." His threat was given in the same soft but cold voice. But Elle did not even flinch. Her gaze never faltered either. This man was ruthless, and she knew that clearly. His eyes that moment promised nightmares and darkness without any promise of respite. But no matter what he says now, it would still not change her decision. She truly had no other choice. "I understand now…" she said quietly, steeling herself. "Since you don't trust that I will keep my word, how about we do this? You prepare the divorce documents beforehand now and I'll sign it. That way, once you decide to divorce me in the future, the papers would already have been signed and there would be no way I can trouble you about it. You would just need to send it to the lawyers and have it notarized." A heavy silence reigned before his quiet disbelieving laugh broke the silence. "I'm at a loss for words, Princess Izabelle." He looked wickedly amused. But then he started nodding in approval. "Fine, princess. I will marry you." ___ Instagram account: kazzenlx.x facebook page: author_kazzenlx Discord server: https://discord.gg/UGTA3A4 Cover is mine so don't use it. Cover Art by @azihidalgo Logo by @gisel.arts

    KazzenlX · Fantasy
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    [WARNING: MATURE CONTENT] "What if he’s a daydream disguised as a nightmare?" ___ Season 1 - COMPLETED In her daydreams, her wedding day always took place on a fine sunny day. Who would’ve thought she is going to get married in the middle of the night and to a creature of the night?

    KazzenlX · Fantasy
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    I Love You, Monster: The Blindfolded Wife x The Masked Husband

    [COMPLETED] Rule #4: You are not allowed to see your husband's face. ___ 19 years old Davi, married a stranger whom she never seen at all to save her little brother. After marriage she found herself being bound with a certain mission. Her mission is to seduce her stone cold husband who is never romantically interested with anyone and bear his child. ____ Instagram account: kazzenlx.x facebook page: author_kazzenlx Discord server: https://discord.gg/UGTA3A4 Current Editors/proofreaders: kraycee, lov3lamb, iamconi789 _____ My other novels: > I Hate You, Devil! > My Future Wife is Androphobic > Hellbound with you > Spellbound _____ *cover belongs to me. arts by gisel.arts

    KazzenlX · Urban
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    Rumbo al Infierno Contigo

    [ADVERTENCIA: CONTENIDO PARA ADULTOS] «Te amo, a pesar de las señales de peligro.» ___ Abigail, protegida e inocente, padece una enfermedad terminal. Ella sabe que morirá pronto, así que antes de morir, quiere cumplir su único deseo: enamorarse. Quiere experimentar el amor romántico. Pero bajo una extraña condición: quiere un hombre que no se enamore de ella porque no quiere que él sufra cuando ella se haya ido. Conoce a Alexander Qinn, un hombre frío y misterioso. Él la advierte desde el principio de que él no hace el amor y que es peligroso. Pero eso lo convirtió en el hombre perfecto para Abigail. Era exactamente el tipo de hombre que ella estaba buscando. Alexander enseñará a la inocente Abigail sobre su tipo de placer, mientras Abigail le mostrará la alegría de hacer cosas simples en la vida. Sus mundos completamente diferentes chocan, la enfermedad de Abi y los misterios sobre Alexander se revelarán lentamente. ¿Puede Abigail manejar su propio tipo de infierno? ¿Puede Alexander manejar su luz? ___ VOLUMEN 1 [HISTORIA PRINCIPAL] - ESTADO: COMPLETADO Una historia de una chica con enfermedad terminal y un hombre sin corazón. ___ VOLUMEN 2 [SPIN-OFF] - ESTADO: COMPLETADO Una historia de un príncipe vampiro y una chica humana rica y peleona. ___ VOLUMEN 3 [SPIN-OFF] - ESTADO: COMPLETADO Una historia de un antiguo amor no correspondido de una bruja. ___ VOLUMEN 4 [SPIN-OFF] - ESTADO: COMPLETADO Una historia de un fantasma y un príncipe vampiro. #enemigos-enamorados ___ La portada es mía, así que no la uses. Cuenta de Instagram: kazzenlx.x página de Facebook: author_kazzenlx servidor de Discord: https://discord.gg/UGTA3A4

    KazzenlX · Fantasy
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    I Hate You, Devil!

    "I'm not going to let him take you away from me again!! Not in this lifetime or even the next one and the next! You can only be mine! Only mine!" ... If you were given a chance to return ten years back in time, what would you do? In every dramatic story, the wronged and scorned MC would definitely wish to spend that chance to rise again as someone smarter, wittier and stronger to seek success and revenge. That is a given. However, for Luo Xiaolei, the world rotates clockwise for her. In her previous life, Luo Xiaolei was the badass avenger. She spent her youth climbing up to the top, reclaiming what was supposed to be hers and destroying the people who tortured her when she was young, mercilessly taking revenge on the people responsible for her mother’s death. She was a survivor. However, in the end, when she finally succeeded in attaining both her revenge and goals, just when she thought that it was time for her happy ending, on her wedding night, the cycle of revenge continued and another avenger rose to take her life. In the end, she was cornered until she fell off the veranda. But she didn’t die. She miraculously returned to ten years ago. She was given the chance to re-live her life again- what will she do? Will she take the path of revenge all over again? ___ Yu Chen, the man dubbed as 'the devil' of the business world and rumored to be heartless and ruthless was the type of man in every girl's dream. He was gorgeous as hell, ultra rich and powerful, but he was rumored to be bent because of his dislike to women. But one night, a girl finally caught his attention. He decided to pursue her because he thought it was boring to get her by force. However, before he could even begin to do anything, the girl appeared before him and suddenly proposed to him. .... Thus, the pursue game, no, the pursue war began. *** Instagram @kazzenlx.x This author's other book: > I Love You, Monster > Hellbound With You *** *cover is mine so don't use it. Art by @azihidalgo

    KazzenlX · Urban
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    [ADVERTENCIA: CONTENIDO PARA ADULTOS] «¿Y si él es un ensueño disfrazado de pesadilla?» ___ Temporada 1 - COMPLETADA «En sus ensueños, su boda siempre tenía lugar en un hermoso día soleado. ¿Quién hubiera pensado que se casaría en medio de la noche y con una criatura de la noche?»

    KazzenlX · Fantasy
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    Corazón Condenado al Infierno

    "[ADVERTENCIA: CONTENIDO PARA ADULTOS] - [HISTORIA PRINCIPAL COMPLETA] Izabelle subestimó el fuego con el que pensó que iba a jugar esta noche. Pero, ¿cómo podría haber previsto que el hombre con el que se había topado no juega con un simple fuego, sino con todo un infierno? ___ Extracto: —Pasar por este matrimonio conmigo podría ser como si estuvieras cavando tu propia tumba. Porque en el momento en que empieces a querer más de mí, te divorciaré. Y en el momento en que rompas tu promesa y trates de luchar contra mí... Te arruinaré y te romperé por completo. Sin piedad. Te arrepentirás de haber conocido a este diablo esta noche —dijo él con una voz suave pero fría. Pero Elle ni siquiera pestañeó. Su mirada tampoco titubeó. Este hombre era despiadado, y ella lo sabía claramente. Sus ojos en ese momento prometían pesadillas y oscuridad sin ninguna promesa de respiro. Pero no importa lo que diga ahora, eso aún no cambiaría su decisión. Realmente no tenía otra opción. —Ahora entiendo... —dijo en voz baja, reuniendo su valor—. Ya que no confías en que cumpliré mi palabra, ¿qué tal si hacemos esto? Preparas los documentos de divorcio ahora y yo los firmaré. De esa manera, cuando decidas divorciarte de mí en el futuro, los papeles ya habrán sido firmados y no habría manera de que pudiera molestarte por ello. Simplemente tendrías que enviarlo a los abogados y hacerlo notariado. Un pesado silencio reinó antes de que su risa incrédula y callada rompiera el silencio. —Me dejas sin palabras, princesa Izabelle —dijo él, sonando maliciosamente divertido—. Pero luego comenzó a asentir con aprobación—. De acuerdo, princesa. Me casaré contigo. ___ Cuenta de Instagram: kazzenlx.x Página de Facebook: author_kazzenlx Servidor de Discord: https://discord.gg/UGTA3A4 La portada es mía, así que no la utilices. Arte de la cubierta de @azihidalgo Logotipo de @gisel.arts"

    KazzenlX · Fantasy
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    Te amo, monstruo: La esposa de los ojos vendados y el esposo enmascarado

    Davi, de 19 años, se casa con un extraño a quien nunca ha visto para salvar a su hermano menor. Luego, se ve implicada en una específica misión, que consiste en seducir a su frío marido, quien nunca se ha fijado de forma romántica en ningún ser humano… Y embarazarse de él.

    KazzenlX · Urban
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    Condenado Contigo

    [ATENÇÃO: CONTEÚDO MADURO] "Eu te amo, apesar dos sinais de perigo." ____ Abigail, protegida e inocente, está com uma doença terminal. Ela sabe que morrerá em breve, então antes de morrer, ela quer realizar seu único desejo - se apaixonar. Ela quer experimentar amar alguém romanticamente. Mas com uma condição estranha - ela quer um homem que não se apaixonará por ela, porque ela não quer que ele sofra quando ela se for. Ela conheceu Alexander Qinn, o homem frio e misterioso. Ele a adverte desde o início de que ele não faz amor e que ele é perigoso. Mas isso o tornou o homem perfeito para Abigail. Ele era exatamente o tipo de homem que ela estava procurando. Alexander ensinará a inocente Abigail sobre seu tipo de prazer, enquanto Abigail mostrará a ele a alegria de fazer coisas simples na vida. Seus mundos completamente diferentes colidem, a doença de Abi e os mistérios sobre Alexander serão lentamente revelados. Abigail consegue lidar com o próprio inferno dele? Alexander conseguirá lidar com a luz dela? ___ VOLUME 1 [HISTÓRIA PRINCIPAL] - STATUS: CONCLUÍDO Uma história de uma garota com doença terminal e um homem sem coração. ____ VOLUME 2 [SPIN-OFF] - STATUS: CONCLUÍDO Uma história de um príncipe vampiro e uma garota humana rica e atrevida. ____ VOLUME 3 [SPIN-OFF] - STATUS: CONCLUÍDO Uma história de amor não correspondido de uma bruxa antiga. ____ VOLUME 4 [SPIN-OFF] - STATUS: CONCLUÍDO Uma história de um fantasma e um príncipe vampiro. #inimigos-para-amantes ____ A capa é minha, então não a use. Conta do Instagram: kazzenlx.x página do Facebook: author_kazzenlx Servidor do Discord: https://discord.gg/UGTA3A4

    KazzenlX · Fantasy
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    En Route Pour l'Enfer avec Vous

    [ATTENTION: CONTENU MATURE] "Je t’aime, malgré les signes de danger." ____ Abigail, protégée et innocente, est gravement malade. Elle sait qu'elle va bientôt mourir alors avant de mourir, elle veut réaliser son unique souhait - tomber amoureuse. Elle veut expérimenter le fait d'aimer quelqu'un romantiquement. Mais à une étrange condition - elle veut un homme qui ne tombera pas amoureux d'elle parce qu'elle ne veut pas qu'il souffre quand elle ne sera plus là. Elle rencontre Alexandre Qinn, l'homme sans cœur et mystérieux. Il la prévient dès le départ qu'il ne fait pas dans l'amour et qu'il est dangereux. Mais cela en fait l'homme parfait pour Abigail. Il correspond exactement au type d'homme qu'elle recherchait. Alexandre enseignera à l'innocente Abigail sa manière de prendre du plaisir tandis qu'Abigail lui montrera la joie de faire les choses simples de la vie. Leurs mondes totalement différents se heurtent, la maladie d'Abigail et les mystères autour d'Alexandre seront peu à peu révélés. Abigail pourra-t-elle supporter son propre enfer ? Alexandre pourra-t-il supporter sa lumière ? ___ VOLUME 1 [HISTOIRE PRINCIPALE] - STATUT: TERMINÉ Une histoire d'une fille gravement malade et d'un homme sans cœur. ____ VOLUME 2 [DÉRIVÉ] - STATUT: TERMINÉ Une histoire d'un prince vampire et d'une fille humaine fougueuse et riche. ____ VOLUME 3 [DÉRIVÉ] - STATUT: TERMINÉ Une histoire d'un amour non partagé d'une sorcière ancienne. ____ VOLUME 4 [DÉRIVÉ] - STATUT: TERMINÉ Une histoire d'un fantôme et d'un prince vampire. #de-ennemis-à-amants ____ La couverture est la mienne alors ne l'utilisez pas. Compte Instagram : kazzenlx.x Page Facebook : author_kazzenlx Serveur Discord : https://discord.gg/UGTA3A4

    KazzenlX · Fantasy
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    Hölle gebunden mit dir

    [WARNUNG: REIFER INHALT] "Ich liebe dich, trotz der Gefahrenzeichen." ____ Die behütete und unschuldige Abigail ist unheilbar krank. Sie weiß, dass sie bald sterben wird. Bevor sie stirbt, möchte sie sich ihren einzigen Wunsch erfüllen - sich zu verlieben. Sie möchte die Erfahrung machen, jemanden romantisch zu lieben. Aber unter einer seltsamen Bedingung - sie will einen Mann, der sich nicht in sie verliebt, weil sie nicht will, dass er leidet, wenn sie nicht mehr da ist. Sie lernt Alexander Qinn kennen, den kaltherzigen und geheimnisvollen Mann. Er warnt sie von Anfang an, dass er sich nicht in die Liebe verlieben kann und dass er gefährlich ist. Aber das machte ihn zum perfekten Mann für Abigail. Er war genau die Art von Mann, die sie suchte. Alexander wird der unschuldigen Abigail seine Art von Vergnügen beibringen, während Abigail ihm die Freude an den einfachen Dingen des Lebens zeigen wird. Ihre völlig unterschiedlichen Welten prallen aufeinander, Abis Krankheit und die Geheimnisse um Alexander werden langsam gelüftet. Kann Abigail mit seiner eigenen Art von Hölle umgehen? Kann Alexander mit ihrem Licht umgehen? ___ BAND 1 [HAUPTGESCHICHTE] - STATUS: ABGESCHLOSSEN Eine Geschichte über ein todkrankes Mädchen und einen herzlosen Mann. ____ BAND 2 [SPIN-OFF] - STATUS: ABGESCHLOSSEN Die Geschichte eines Vampirprinzen und eines temperamentvollen und reichen Menschenmädchens. ____ BAND 3 [SPIN-OFF] - STATUS: ABGESCHLOSSEN Eine Geschichte über die unerwiderte Liebe einer alten Hexe. ____ BAND 4 [SPIN-OFF] - STATUS: ABGESCHLOSSEN Eine Geschichte über einen Geist und einen Vampirprinzen. #Feinde-zu-Liebhaber ____ Das Cover ist von mir, also benutzt es nicht. Instagram-Account: kazzenlx.x Facebook-Seite: autor_kazzenlx Discord-Server: https://discord.gg/UGTA3A4

    KazzenlX · Fantasy
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    Coração Amaldiçoado

    [AVISO: CONTEÚDO ADULTO] - [HISTÓRIA PRINCIPAL COMPLETA] Izabelle subestimou o fogo com que achava que ia brincar esta noite. Mas como ela poderia ter previsto que o homem com quem ela se deparou não brinca apenas com um pequeno fogo, mas sim com um inferno inteiro? ___ Excerto: "Passar por esse casamento comigo pode ser como você cavando seu próprio túmulo. Porque no momento em que você começar a querer mais de mim, eu vou me divorciar de você. E no momento em que você quebrar sua promessa e tentar me enfrentar... Eu vou arruinar você e te despedaçar completamente. Impiedosamente. Você vai se arrepender de ter conhecido este diabo esta noite." A ameaça dele foi dada na mesma voz suave, mas fria. Mas Elle não se abalou. Seu olhar também não vacilou. Este homem era implacável, e ela sabia disso claramente. Seus olhos naquele momento prometiam pesadelos e escuridão sem qualquer promessa de alívio. Mas, não importa o que ele diga agora, isso não mudará sua decisão. Ela realmente não tinha outra escolha. "Eu entendo agora..." ela disse calmamente, se fortalecendo. "Já que você não confia que eu manterei minha palavra, que tal fazermos isso? Você prepara os documentos do divórcio antecipadamente agora e eu assino. Dessa forma, quando você decidir se divorciar de mim no futuro, os papéis já terão sido assinados e não haverá como eu te incomodar a respeito. Você só precisará enviá-los aos advogados e tê-los notarizados." Um pesado silêncio reinou antes da sua risada incrédula e silenciosa quebrar o silêncio. "Estou sem palavras, Princesa Izabelle." Ele parecia perversamente divertido. Mas então ele começou a concordar com a aprovação. "Tudo bem, princesa. Eu vou me casar com você." ___ Conta no Instagram: kazzenlx.x página no facebook: author_kazzenlx servidor no Discord: https://discord.gg/UGTA3A4 A capa é minha, então não a use. Arte da capa por @azihidalgo Logo por @gisel.arts

    KazzenlX · Fantasy
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    Trapped with a Demon Prince

    [WARNING: MATURE CONTENT] A woman with a phobia of men and a Demon Prince trapped inside a robot's body… After finding out that she only has a month left to live, Zarina, a rich businesswoman in her twenties, decides to spend all of her hard-earned money and buy everything she lacks - a hot boyfriend, a love life, and a great sex life. But there is a big obstacle to that - her severe phobia of men. She ends up purchasing a realistic and hot as hell robot boyfriend to solve that problem. But upon it's arrival, she was shocked when the robot claims he is not a perfect boyfriend but a sex robot! And the plot twist did not stop there. Unbeknownst to her, someone is actually trapped in the robot - and it's a demon prince. Excerpt: “Are you sure about this, Zary?” He grabbed her chin, forcing her to look at him. “Answer me," his voice became demanding, so unlike her usually naughty and playful Sam. “Because the moment I’m side you, you’re mine.”

    KazzenLX · Urban
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    My Future Wife is Androphobic

    [DISCONTINUED] Kira was living the life that others could only dream about. He was gorgeous, rich and very popular - the kind of guy that drew students from all over the place just so they could brag to others that they went to the same school as him. He was undoubtedly the number one heartthrob that every girl dreamed about. However, one day, his attention was diverted to a ghost? No, just a girl. A girl that his grandfather had chosen to become his future wife, a girl who didn't seem to care about his looks, money nor fame. What?! Such a girl existed in this world? His mission was to woo her, capture her heart and bring her home but unbeknownst to him, this girl was actually androphobic, someone with an extreme fear of men! How on earth was he going to woo this girl? Was his mission doomed to fail from the start or will he be able to turn the impossible into his happy ever after? P.s buy me kofi @ https://ko-fi.com/kazzenlx

    KazzenlX · Teen
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    I Made A Deal With The Devil

    "I don't have enough money or power right now, but I will definitely find a way to bring them all to their knees! I'll make them all beg!" She hissed, shaking with anger and frustration. "I will do everything, anything… to make them all regret… even if I have to sell my soul to the devil!" She said with determination flashing in her beautiful eyes. The man smirked. He lifted his fingers and tucked some errant strands of her slightly mussed up hair behind her ear. "Be careful what you wish for, Miss. A certain devil here might really fulfil your wish and claim your soul in exchange." "If that devil is really here, do introduce him to me, handsome. I would like to make a deal with him." Eva drawled out, smirking back at him.

    KazzenlX · Fantasy
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    Hellbound Love

    Zeke and Alicia's story.

    KazzenlX · Fantasy
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    용의 수호자의 딸 레아, 인간의 적인 뱀파이어와 결혼하다. 오랫동안 이어진 인간과 뱀파이어의 전쟁. 전쟁으로 멸망 직전에 처해있던 그들은 뱀파이어 황자 가브리엘과 용의 수호자의 딸 레아의 결혼을 통해 사상 최초로 휴전을 선포하기로 한다. 결혼식 당일, 레아가 처음 본 신랑은 무서운 뱀파이어가 맞는지 의심스러울 정도로 아름다웠고, 인간처럼 따뜻하기까지 했다. “레아, 저는 이제 당신 남편입니다. 저는 당신의 남편으로서 당신을 보호하겠다고 맹세했습니다. 그러니까 제가 말할 때마다 놀라지 좀 말아요…….” ‘왜일까? 이 사람이 왜 이렇게 매력적으로 보이지?’ 가족을 위해, 제국을 위해 한 정략결혼이었지만 이 결혼에 진심이 되어가고 있다.

    KazzenlX · Fantasy
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    Once a queen, now an assassin. Burned and cursed, she rose from the ashes of her fallen kingdom to exact revenge on those who betrayed her. No one was spared, not even the former allies who had turned their backs on her in her time of need. But her quest for vengeance isn't over yet. With just one target left—the powerful High King of the Winter Court—she faces her most dangerous adversary yet. He is handsome, charismatic, and cunning, and she finds herself drawn to him despite her burning hatred. Will she be able to resist his seductive charms and complete her mission, or will her blackened heart be conquered by the very man she seeks to destroy?

    KazzenlX · Fantasy
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    HELLBOUND LOVE : LOVE IN HELL ( I love him despite the danger signs)

    She loves him despite the danger signs. She finds herself getting married to a vampire prince unaware that it seals a deal between her emperor kingdom and the Vampire kingdom . But above all, she got herself attached to him after a while of restraint which later ended up in SPELLBOUNDED love. ( Just like kazzenlx's story) Lucian sat down crying profusely and thinking about the doom of getting married to a night creature...

    Blue_Angels · Fantasy
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