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    KdubzV · Teen
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    Destined To Love You.

    A beautiful story of how love changed the destination of two strangers. Ryan, a ordinary, Good looking man was rejected by the father of the girl he loves for his status in society. What will he do to acquire his love back after a few years when both their status is changed.......

    Kate · Urban
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    Destined to love you

    A beautiful story of how love changed the destination of two strangers. Ryan, a ordinary, Good looking man was rejected by the father of the girl he loves for his status in society. What will he do to acquire his love back after a few years when both their status is changed.......

    Kate · Urban
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    Savage Prince;His outrageous Princess

    She wake up in a unknown place almost stripped.All she remember is returning home and having a family dinner.On above, a man is forcing himself on her.... When she fight back he asked to marry him. A cold,aloof, Savage prince in shining Armour helps his outrageous princess in revenge for the humiliation her family gave her..

    Kate · Urban
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    Fate of Ours

    They meet in a misunderstanding. She took him for someone else and beated him. He has no idea of what he did. After learning the truth She just connected with him immediately. They felt it was just a mere coincidence without knowing that they hold the Red Knot sticking to them for three lives untill now...

    Kate · Fantasy
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    My First Snow Fall

    All wish for a sweet romance. But when will that happen no one knows... But if you truly want to experience one read, think of how your romance should be... She was an orphan. Who would have thought an encounter will change her life upside down? She gained a family of her own; She had a sweet romance that only belong to her. Everything was perfect and was going well until a misfortune befall on her. She lost everything including her memory and ability to retain her memory. Will she ever get back what she had lost? Will a promise that was made will be kept?

    Kate · Urban
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    Story of a girl striving hard to get freedom to do what she likes and to be with those who make her happy but continuously tortured by her physically abusive father.

    _KATE_ · Teen
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    He Stole Me From My Deadbeat Husband

    [COMPLETED.] [Side Story released!] [Mature Content.] “That baby is mine, and so are you,” He declared, pointing at Kate’s belly while his deep green eyes gazed at Kate, like a viper ready to strike. Kate couldn’t believe that he– Henry Grant, her new boss eight years younger than her, was the father of her unborn child. “We should be together by default. But I will give you a choice. Go and suffer with your deadbeat husband, or come with me, I will show you the fun you’ve missed.” ===== For the past five years of her marriage, Katherine “Kate” Woods, 32, had always believed she was infertile. She was unable to conceive a child and her deadbeat husband Matt always insulted her for it, calling her a useless woman despite never finding a job himself, forcing Kate to be the sole breadwinner of their family. Yet, he still had the nerve to cheat on her with her own sister! Heartbroken, Kate escaped to her office late at night with four bottles of strong red wine. To her surprise, she wasn’t alone. A handsome young man stood in her office, watching her. He refused to give her his name, but offered to keep her company for the night. With lust and booze coursing through her veins, Kate readily abandoned herself to her basest, most repressed instincts, seducing the nameless but willing visitor. In her drunken stupor, she boldly declared, "If my husband wants to sleep with every woman on earth, then two can play that game." She didn’t care if they did it raw, as she always thought she was barren. Only to find herself staring at a positive pregnancy test a month later. Kate Woods, the supposedly ‘barren woman,’ was pregnant. The stranger had accomplished in one night what Matt could not in five years. - Now that Henry has given her a choice, would Kate leave her deadbeat husband and jump into the sea of uncertainty with this young man? Or would she stay with Matt, her husband who cheated on her for the sake of their families? - Official Commissioned Cover. - Contact me: Instagram: @ForeverPupa -

    ForeverPupa · Urban
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    Él me robó de mi marido inútil

    [Contenido maduro.] —Ese bebé es mío, y tú también —declaró, señalando la barriga de Kate mientras sus profundos ojos verdes la miraban, como una víbora lista para atacar—. Kate no podía creer que él, Henry Grant, su nuevo jefe ocho años menor que ella, fuera el padre de su hijo no nacido. —Deberíamos estar juntos por defecto. Pero te daré una opción. Ve y sufre con tu inútil marido, o ven conmigo, te mostraré la diversión que te has perdido. ===== Durante los últimos cinco años de su matrimonio, Katherine "Kate" Woods, de 32 años, siempre había creído que era infértil. No era capaz de concebir un hijo y su inútil marido Matt siempre la insultaba por eso, llamándola mujer inútil a pesar de nunca encontrar trabajo él mismo, obligando a Kate a ser el único sostén de la familia. ¡Sin embargo, aún tenía el descaro de engañarla con su propia hermana! Con el corazón roto, Kate escapó a su oficina tarde en la noche con cuatro botellas de fuerte vino tinto. Para su sorpresa, no estaba sola. Un guapo joven estaba de pie en su oficina, observándola. Se negó a darle su nombre, pero se ofreció a hacerle compañía durante la noche. Con lujuria y bebidas alcohólicas corriendo por sus venas, Kate fácilmente se abandonó a sus instintos más básicos y reprimidos, seduciendo al visitante sin nombre pero dispuesto. En su estupor ebrio, declaró audazmente: —Si mi marido quiere acostarse con todas las mujeres en la tierra, entonces dos pueden jugar ese juego. No le importaba hacerlo sin protección, ya que siempre pensó que era estéril. Solo para encontrarse mirando una prueba de embarazo positiva un mes después. Kate Woods, la supuesta 'mujer estéril', estaba embarazada. El extraño había logrado en una noche lo que Matt no pudo en cinco años. —Ahora que Henry le ha dado una opción, ¿Kate dejará a su inútil esposo y se lanzará al mar de la incertidumbre con este joven? ¿O se quedará con Matt, su esposo que la engañó por el bien de sus familias?

    ForeverPupa · Urban
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    The Villain's Little Cat

    “What?! I turn into a little cat… at the end of the world?” Kate looked at her small limbs with desperation. She glanced at the others who awakened strange and powerful abilities while she turned into a small cat without any combat ability. She wanted to cry. Thankfully, this small cat has an owner. Her strict professor who looked cold and unfeeling. With no other choice, Kate can only follow him. … Kyle looked at the little cat in his arm who showed an innocent look. Have you ever seen a cat acting coquettish after stealing food to hide her guilt? Have you ever seen a cat take a bath so happily? Have you ever seen a cat… turning into a little kid? Looking at the cat eared little girl with cute tail, Kyle sighed and decided to become the girl’s father and taught her the way of the world. But when cat eared little girl suddenly grew up into an adult… Kyle fell silent. ... Join the discord to chat with the author and other readers: https://discord.gg/pBy2wGB Special thanks for Jiyen (webnovel user Cookiejiyen) who had created the beautiful cover *sending hearts* ... Other novels: -Flowers Bloom from Battlefield [complete] - Under the Veil of Night [complete] - 7 Path of the Lilies [on long hiatus] - 1 Year of Beginning [complete] - Villain Lady [complete] - Science and Fantasy [complete] - 2 Years of Restarting [complete] - Forgotten Legend of the Bloodied Flower [on going] - The Quiet Empress [complete] ... Follow me on IG: @sora100518

    Sorahana · Sci-fi
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    Il m'a volée à mon mari minable

    [Contenu Mature.] “Ce bébé est le mien, et toi aussi,” a-t-il déclaré, pointant le ventre de Kate tandis que ses yeux verts profonds fixaient Kate, comme un viper prêt à frapper. Kate ne pouvait pas croire que lui - Henry Grant, son nouveau patron de huit ans son cadet, était le père de son enfant à naître. "Nous devrions être ensemble par défaut. Mais je te donnerai le choix. Va et souffre avec ton mari no-life, ou viens avec moi, je te montrerai tous les plaisirs que tu as manqués." ===== Pendant les cinq dernières années de son mariage, Katherine "Kate" Woods, 32 ans, avait toujours cru qu'elle était stérile. Elle ne pouvait pas concevoir d'enfant et son mari no-life Matt l'insultait toujours à cause de cela, la traitant de femme inutile alors même qu'il ne trouvait jamais de travail lui-même, forçant Kate à être le seul soutien de famille. Pourtant, il avait encore le culot de la tromper avec sa propre soeur ! Le cœur brisé, Kate s'est réfugiée dans son bureau tard dans la nuit avec quatre bouteilles de vin rouge fort. A sa surprise, elle n'était pas seule. Un beau jeune homme se tenait dans son bureau, en train de la regarder. Il a refusé de donner son nom, mais a proposé de lui tenir compagnie pour la nuit. Avec le désir et l'alcool courant dans ses veines, Kate s'est volontiers abandonnée à ses instincts les plus bas, les plus refoulés, séduisant le visiteur anonyme mais consentant. Dans son ivresse, elle a déclaré avec audace: "Si mon mari veut coucher avec toutes les femmes de la terre, alors deux peuvent jouer à ce jeu." Elle ne se souciait pas qu'ils le fassent à cru, car elle pensait toujours qu'elle était stérile. Seulement pour se retrouver à regarder un test de grossesse positif un mois plus tard. Kate Woods, la prétendument 'femme stérile', était enceinte. L'inconnu avait accompli en une nuit ce que Matt n'avait pas pu faire en cinq ans. - Maintenant que Henry lui a donné le choix, Kate va-t-elle quitter son mari no-life et se jeter dans la mer d'incertitude avec ce jeune homme ? Ou va-t-elle rester avec Matt, son mari qui l'a trompée pour le bien de leurs familles ? - Couverture Commandée Officielle. - Contactez moi : Instagram : @ForeverPupa -

    ForeverPupa · Urban
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    Er stahl mich von meinem Deadbeat-Ehemann

    [Dieses Baby gehört mir, und du auch", erklärte er und zeigte auf Kates Bauch, während seine tiefgrünen Augen Kate wie eine Viper anstarrten, die zum Angriff bereit war. Kate konnte nicht glauben, dass er - Henry Grant, ihr neuer Chef, acht Jahre jünger als sie - der Vater ihres ungeborenen Kindes war. "Wir sollten von vornherein zusammen sein. Aber ich werde dich vor die Wahl stellen. Geh und leide mit deinem Versager-Ehemann, oder komm mit mir und ich zeige dir den Spaß, den du verpasst hast." ===== In den letzten fünf Jahren ihrer Ehe hatte Katherine "Kate" Woods, 32, immer geglaubt, sie sei unfruchtbar. Sie war nicht in der Lage, ein Kind zu zeugen, und ihr unzuverlässiger Ehemann Matt beschimpfte sie immer wieder deswegen. Er nannte sie eine nutzlose Frau, obwohl er selbst nie einen Job gefunden hatte, und zwang Kate dazu, die alleinige Ernährerin der Familie zu sein. Und dann hatte er auch noch die Frechheit, sie mit ihrer eigenen Schwester zu betrügen! Mit gebrochenem Herzen flüchtete Kate spät in der Nacht mit vier Flaschen starken Rotweins in ihr Büro. Zu ihrer Überraschung war sie nicht allein. Ein gut aussehender junger Mann stand in ihrem Büro und beobachtete sie. Er weigerte sich, ihr seinen Namen zu nennen, bot ihr aber an, ihr die Nacht über Gesellschaft zu leisten. Da Lust und Alkohol durch ihre Adern flossen, gab sich Kate bereitwillig ihren niedersten, am meisten unterdrückten Instinkten hin und verführte den namenlosen, aber willigen Besucher. In ihrem Vollrausch erklärte sie kühn: "Wenn mein Mann mit jeder Frau auf der Welt schlafen will, dann können zwei dieses Spiel spielen." Es war ihr egal, ob sie es roh taten, da sie immer dachte, sie sei unfruchtbar. Nur um einen Monat später auf einen positiven Schwangerschaftstest zu starren. Kate Woods, die vermeintlich "unfruchtbare Frau", war schwanger. Der Fremde hatte in einer Nacht geschafft, was Matt in fünf Jahren nicht geschafft hatte. - Nun, da Henry sie vor die Wahl gestellt hat, würde Kate ihren Versager-Ehemann verlassen und sich mit diesem jungen Mann in das Meer der Ungewissheit stürzen? Oder würde sie bei Matt bleiben, ihrem Mann, der sie um ihrer Familien willen betrogen hat?

    ForeverPupa · Urban
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    They Both Love Me, But One is a Devil

    When Kate, a recovering addict, meets handsome, bad-boy Aiden, her resolve to stay sober lasts only until he tempts her with the Spellbinding: an intoxicating magic. But Aiden's ex-best-friend, Chase, won't stop warning Kate that Aiden is a Shade--a dangerous sorcerer. When Kate naively agrees to initiate into the Shades, and is compelled to do evil to those she loves, it's Chase who saves her life, and Aiden who threatens it--but still swears his love for her. Trapped in an ancient conflict between light and dark power, and good and evil men, will Kate give in to the dark allure of Aiden and his power despite the cost? Or will she choose the strong but gentle Chase, turning them both into targets for every dark magician in the modern world? CONTENT WARNING: Demonic creatures, occult magic/rituals, language, sexual situations. Cover Image is copyright (c) 2022 AimeeLynn

    AimeeLynn · Urban
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    Sindy Kate

    Have you ever experienced while browsing the Internet, all of a sudden, the ads pop-up? It’s annoying, isn’t it? Well, not in the case of a Brit heir to the Linton Empire. That’s how Clyve Linton meets the cam girl. In a millisecond, his eyes widen, his jaw drops, his muscles tense everywhere, and his um— Well, his life knocks over when he comes face to face with Sindy Kate, Westley, Harry, or whatever her real name is. And the only rule he never plans on breaking, he ends up throwing out his bloody window. Westley or better known as Harry Bloom left her luxurious life after being humiliated for some false claim. Her best friend took her in. When their lives turn upside down, she has to do something even if it means destroying the little reputation she has left. She becomes Sindy Kate. What happens when one of her viewers appears on her doorsteps, calling her the character she created? Is she willing to admit just for a promise to keep it secret? How far will she go to fight against her attraction when it is way stronger than her troubles she’s going to face in the future?

    Gia Hunter · Urban
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    Loving Kate

    Sometimes you don't realize your strength untill you come face to face with your greatest weakness . By Susan Gale Heartbroken and devastated Alvin Reagan had lived his life peacefully with his son until everything changed as his wife: Kate's reappeared but as an ally to his sworn enemy. Only for the feelings he thought was long gone to resurface within a glimpse of her but he tried concealing it. Things escalated as he found out she was merely a pawn David Wilson used to get to him. Guilty and ashamed he sought to save her from the hellhole he relished her to. After everything he had put her through, does he deserve her? Unfold the misery as Alvin Reagan goes all out to make things right. NB: though the book stand on its own. It's better to read the other book named ' cruel Passion' for a better understanding of the story.

    Tianna · Fantasy
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    Si Kate

    Cindytierra270 · Realistic
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    Kate Saunders

    Kritika_Sharma_3401 · Teen
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    Keeping Kate

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    Ayodeji_Kehinde_ · Fantasy
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    Ele Roubou-me do Meu Marido Preguiçoso

    [Conteúdo Maduro.] “Esse bebê é meu, e você também,” Ele declarou, apontando para a barriga de Kate enquanto seus profundos olhos verdes olhavam para Kate, como uma víbora pronta para atacar. Kate não podia acreditar que ele - Henry Grant, seu novo chefe oito anos mais novo que ela, fosse o pai de seu filho ainda não nascido. “Deveríamos estar juntos por padrão. Mas vou te dar uma escolha. Vá e sofra com seu marido inútil, ou venha comigo, vou te mostrar a diversão que você perdeu.” ===== Nos últimos cinco anos de seu casamento, Katherine “Kate” Woods, 32, sempre acreditou que era infértil. Ela não conseguia conceber um filho e seu marido inútil, Matt, sempre a insultava por isso, chamando-a de mulher inútil, apesar de nunca encontrar trabalho, forçando Kate a ser a única responsável pelo sustento da família. No entanto, ele ainda teve a audácia de traí-la com sua própria irmã! Com o coração partido, Kate fugiu ao seu escritório tarde da noite com quatro garrafas de vinho tinto forte. Para sua surpresa, ela não estava sozinha. Um jovem bonito estava em seu escritório, olhando para ela. Ele se recusou a dar seu nome, mas se ofereceu para lhe fazer companhia naquela noite. Com luxúria e álcool correndo pelas suas veias, Kate abandonou-se prontamente aos seus instintos mais básicos e reprimidos, seduzindo o visitante sem nome, mas disposto. Em sua embriaguez, ela declarou ousadamente: "Se meu marido quer dormir com todas as mulheres da terra, então dois podem jogar esse jogo." Ela não se importava se eles fizessem isso cru, já que ela sempre pensou que era estéril. Só para se encontrar olhando para um teste de gravidez positivo um mês depois. Kate Woods, a suposta 'mulher estéril', estava grávida. O estranho conseguiu em uma única noite o que Matt não conseguiu em cinco anos. - Agora que Henry lhe deu uma escolha, Kate deixaria seu marido inútil e mergulharia no mar da incerteza com este jovem? Ou ficaria com Matt, seu marido que a traiu em prol das suas famílias? - Capa Oficial Encomendada. - Entre em contato comigo: Instagram: @ForeverPupa -

    ForeverPupa · Urban
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    The Tale of Three Sisters

    One day, Ivy, the eldest of the three sisters bid goodbye to her aunt and siblings. She's going to work in the mysterious castle at the top of the hills as a housekeeper, promising them that she'll come home for a visit once a month. A month passed. Two months passed. Ivy never paid them a visit. Worried to death, Kate went to the castle to check on her sister. She promised to return three days later. However, she never returned. After one month of waiting and still, there's no sign of her sisters returning, Ella, the youngest of the three sisters was getting restless, she was consumed with a burning desire to investigate what happened to her beloved sisters? Hence, Ella sets forth on a journey to find her missing sisters. What she found and discovered inside the castle was simply...shocking and totally out of this world. For it's too late for her to know that once an outsiders step inside the castle they can never get out alive. Unless... ~~~~~~~~ *My Other Novel on Webnovel* * Hot Romance With The Vampire~ Completed * The Beauty And The Wolf~ Completed. * The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny ~ Fantasy Romance~ Vampires~ Demon's~ Shapeshifters~ Completed. * Hidden Husband: Beloved Wife ~ Completed~ Contemporary Romance * The CEO's Painted Skin ~ Contemporary Romance ~ Completed. * Sweet Surrender: The CEO's Second Wife ~ Contemporary Romance ~ Completed. * The Last Embrace ~ Fantasy Romance. Vampires Love~ Completed.

    Lizabelle88 · Fantasy