
Horror Dan Novels & Books - WebNovel


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    Damn, I Awakened With A Horror System!

    A sudden and unprecedented event occurred and took place on Earth. A fissure instantly appeared in the clear blue sky, revealing a void devoid of any light beyond, instantly covering the whole planet, leaving no Life, no Hell, and no Paradise behind... Hence the start of a new chaos and a great beginning of life devoid of any hope began. In this apocalypse and lawless world without any limits set upon its beings, a silent dark wisp took form. A wisp that was bound to become the Horror of All was born... "Wait… I’ve become a Ghost?!" ___WPC Entry___ Please support...

    Master_OfDao · Fantasy
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    My House of Horrors

    The hearse with the weird odor slowed to a stop before the entrance. The sound of pebbles could be heard bouncing on the ceiling. There were footsteps coming from the corridor, and there seemed to be someone sawing next door. The door knob to the room rattled slightly, and the faucet in the bathroom kept dripping even though it had been screwed shut. There was a rubber ball that rolled on its own underneath the bed. Wet footsteps started to surface one after another on the floor. At 3 am, Chen Ge held a cleaver in his hand as he hid beside the room heater. The call he was trying to make was finally answered. "Landlord, is this what you meant by 'the house can be a little crowded at night'‽"

    I Fix Air-Conditioner · Horror
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    Master Of Horrors

    ‘This is the end of my Horrors,’ A timeless proverb handed down through generations A mantra for the departing, a solace for the soul, A conclusion for their nightmarish days. … Following the catastrophic event known as the Cursed Era, Earth descended into a dystopian apocalyptic age where humanity grappled with the aftermath. The once-familiar territories became contested grounds as ‘Horrors’, otherworldly creatures, claimed what was once belong to humans Geniuses from centuries were born yet no matter what, humans can’t take back what has been there. Honestly, it didn’t even matter. In this dogshit world, it didn’t matter if you were geniuses from that century if you’ll end up being killed by them anyway. That’s how fruitless one’s effort is when born in this world. The struggle of being unable to do anything, grasping control of one’s life. I didn’t want that. Nobody wants it. But what should I do? Right, it didn’t even matter at all because… …I’m beyond any reasoning anyway.

    Ordki_Hozei · Fantasy
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    Alta dan Allamanda

    Philosophy Color Series 1 ## Bagi Lamanda, Alta adalah pembawa masalah dalam hidupnya. Tapi, bagi Alta, Lamanda adalah sebuah petaka, pembawa sial yang harus segera ia lenyapkan. Perjalanan cerita mereka penuh misteri, penuh dendam, dan.. luka. Hingga, pada akhirnya, salah satu dari mereka kalah telak dan merasakan beratnya penyesalan. Selamat membaca

    yupitawdr · Teen
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    Antara Cinta Dan Dendam

    Dendam seorang Erick Brianna wisongko terhadap keluarga Bramantyo, dia lampiaskan terhadap seorang gadis keturunan keluarga Bramantyo. Zahra Adelia Putri gadis cantik keturunan satu satunya yang tersisa. dengan berpura pura mencintainya. Erick memulai aksi balas dendam nya. siapa sangka dalam aksi balas dendamnya Erick menaruh hati terhadap Zahra. mampukah Erick melanjutkan balas dendam atau mempertahankan cintanya ?? ikuti terus kisahnya

    rafli123 · Urban
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    Aku dan Suamiku

    Warning! Mature content! "Seperti Sha, sahabatku yang menikah sangat muda, aku pun sama. Menikah di usia 16 tahun. Bahkan aku telah menikah dua tahun lebih dulu darinya. Bedanya kalau sahabatku itu suaminya selalu standby 24 jam di sampingnya, aku tidak. Bahkan saat ini aku tak tahu dimana suamiku itu berada. Dia meninggalkanku seminggu setelah menikahiku. Hanya dua kali aku melihat wajahnya. Tapi, bukan itu masalahnya. Kalian harus tahu apa yang dilakukannya padaku setelah dia kembali. So guys, read my story with my husband, if you really want to know!

    Sinnadwi · Urban
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    Yuga dan Ralin

    Jatuh cinta pada kakak tiri?? Ini cuma mimpi kan?? Rastiti Lintang Hredaya atau Ralin tak pernah menyangka akan hidup serumah dengan Yugara Hastinangga, cowok populer di sekolah, yang selain terkenal karena ketampanannya, juga karena kecerdasannya. Yuga menduduki puncak juara tak terkalahkan di sekolah mereka, Mangata High School, gelar bergengsi yang belum pernah terpecahkan rekornya dalam perolehan poin nilai. Dari statusnya yang cuma teman seangkatan, kini jadi kakak tiri. Dan dari awalnya cuma naksir biasa, jadi jatuh cinta sejatuh - jatuhnya. Bagi Yugara, Ralin hanyalah sosok cewek kecentilan yang sok sibuk di depan laptopnya, lebih suka main dengan para sahabatnya. Jika Yugara berada di puncak ranking teratas, Ralin terdampar di urutan terbawah ranking angkatan mereka. Prestasi akademiknya payah! Tak bisa disandingkan dengan Tiffany Keimano, kekasih Yugara yang cantik dan cerdas. Naksir? Nanti dulu... Tapi Yugara lupa dan salah memperhitungkan, pesona seorang Ralin bisa merontokkan sikap dingin dan angkuhnya, memutarbalikkan dunianya 180 derajat dalam sekejap, membuatnya heran pada takdir yang telah membelenggu mereka berdua.

    Karayu S · Teen
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    Cinta dan Pengorbanan

    Seorang gadis cantik dan manis bernama Zhou Cheng Cheng. Karena ibunya sebelum mati melahirkan Zhou Cheng Cheng terserang penyakit, maka setelah Zhou Cheng Cheng dewasa dan menjadi gadis cantik pun, ia jadi di benci oleh ayahnya. Dia di tuduh oleh ayahnya sendiri bakal menuruni penyakit dari ibunya. Maka kebencian itu terpendam itulah yang menyebabkan mental Zhou Cheng Cheng menjadi hancur lebur. Dia jadi gadis yang nakal dan broken home. Jadi korban cinta dan sex. Akhirnya Zhou Cheng Cheng pun hamil tanpa tahu siapa ayah dari bayi yang di kandungnya itu. Karena ada sepuluh orang pemuda yang membuahi kandungannya itu, ia jadi bingung siapa pria yang menjadi ayah dari anaknya itu. Sebuah cerita yang tragis pun di alami oleh Zhou Cheng Cheng. Bagaimanakah kisah hidup Zhou Cheng Cheng? Simak terus kelanjutan ceritanya ya~ Novel lain: - You're My Love (Romance&Comedy) - The End of The Death (Horor&Thiller) - Only You in My World (Romance) ig: @juliana_tham ig fans page: @staryinthesky

    Staryinthesky · Urban
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    CEO Jutek Dan Perisainya

    Khafi Arjuna Naufal dan Zahira Zakiyah Nadira adalah individu yang terpisah, tetapi kehidupan keduanya terhubung kembali dengan cara luar biasa, yaitu takdir. Khafi adalah seorang CEO dengan lima saudara, dia anak ketiga, kepribadian yang jutek membuat banyak orang tidak suka dengannya, Khafi juga memiliki Jin dengan menjelma sebagai merpati, Jin itu memiliki kekuatan sihir yang hebat. Hingga membuat Khafi mengetahui segala masa lalunya yang belum tuntas dan menyakitkan. Rasa bersalah dari masalalunya membuat dia sangat ingin menuntaskan masalahnya di dunia masadepan. Dahulunya dia adalah seorang kesatria. Sementara di masa depan dia CEO ternama. Kekayaan yang dimilikinya membuat dia diincar oleh beberapa musuh dari masalalunya juga, dari seorang wanita yang menginginkannya, sampai dari CEO lain yang sering diacuhkan Khafi, mereka yang tidak terima mengirimi mantra sihir jahat kepada Khafi. Hingga keadaan yang tidak memungkinkan, seorang Alim meminta keluarganya mencarikan gadis yang berhati baik dan tulus serta penglihatan batin yang terbuka, yang akan menjadi perisai untuk Khafi. Keluarga Khafi hendak menikahkannya dengan Tiana, gadis yang disarankan seorang Alim. Namun, Tiana pura-pura sakit parah, dan meminta Zahira yang adik tirinya, untuk menggantikannya, agar keluarga Khafi memberi uang untuk pengobatan, nyatanya uang itu untuk kesenangan Tiana sendiri. Keluarga Khafi menerima pengantin pengganti dari Tiana, karena tahu kalau Zahira gadis yang sangat baik dan seorang Alim pun setuju. Namun, tidak dengan Khafi yang sangat membenci Zahira, karena pikiran Kahfi, Zahira menikahinya demi uang. Khafi pun acuh tak acuh dan setiap hari Zahira merasa terluka oleh prilaku Khafi kepadanya. Bagaimana kelanjutan kisah mereka? Bagaimanakah, masalalu Khahfi yang masih terhubung di zaman moderent? Apakah Khafi bisa berubah? Apakah Zahira bisa bertahan dengan pernikahannya?

    Ririnby · Fantasy
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    My Horror System {I reincarnated OP with a Horror System}

    'The World makes lesser sense the more we think about it.' The world has finally come to an unexpected end. A plague caused by the non human kind all over the universe. Earth's first scenario begins with the mutation of species both humans and animals. Those that survive the specific time get rewards while those that don't shall die. Eri becomes and exception in this apocalypse world dying at the last moment and at the same moment recieving his reward. I have been Chosen by the Death God, to be the user of the Horror System, wait a minute aren't I afraid of Horror movies and scary stuff? How am I supposed to live with this ability? A line of multiple arcs and scenario, mutations and an uncertain future is edging closer, Eri is no longer human and must accept his destiny in becoming the Horror God. [Welcome to the final days of an Uncertain Future] ------- ------- For every fifteen power stones extra two Chapters.

    AuthorEriElegbede · Fantasy
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    Bulan Wibowo gadis berumur 24tahun harus menikah dengan Bintang Alfahrie selaku bosnya di kantor. Hal itu karena perjanjin persahabatan atara Wibowo ayah Bulan dan Anas Alfahrie ayah dari Bintang. Perjodohan sempat mengalami penolakan dari kedua belah pihak yaitu, Bulan dan Bintang. Hal itu karena masing-masing memiliki kekasih. Namun mereka berhubungan dengan jaral jauh. Sekuat apapun mereka menolak pada akhirnya mereka menikah juga. Namun belum belum genap satu tahun pernikahan mereka selesai, Bulan memilih pergi meninggalkan Bintang, karena kekasih Bintang datang dan mereka merencanakan pernikahan. Tanpa sadari waktu yang singkat membuat benih-benih cinta muncul dalam hati mereka. Kenyamanan yang di berikan Bintang saat Bulan terpuruk membuat benih-benih cinta itu tumbuh.

    endah_febrianti · Teen
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    Angkasa dan Lily

    Simpan dulu di coll kalian, siapa tahu suka^^ 18+ di vol2 * Kamu tahu? Lily itu gak akan bisa tumbuh di Angkasa. Kenapa? Karena Lily gak diciptakan untuk Angkasa. Aku tahu, Lily memang gak bisa bertahan hidup di Angkasa. Dan Lily memang gak diciptain buat ada di Angkasa. Tapi Lily akan buat Angkasa jadi milik Lily. Mereka adalah dua hal yang sangat tidak mungkin untuk bersama, namun takdir menjadikan mereka bertemu dan menjadi dekat. Lalu menjauh dan menjadi dekat kembali. * Jika kalian suka cerita yang ringan, silahkan mampir ya :)) Ini cerita remaja yang dibumbui dengan bumbu istimewa atau tidak biasa Dan merupakan cerita pertama yang aku terbitkan di Webnovel Vol 1 : 1-295 Vol 2 : 296-sekarang Cover by apgraphic_ Terima kasih! mohon dukungannya! Chuuby_Sugar

    Chuuby_Sugar · Teen
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    Awakened Horror: Evolution Wonderland

    [Warning: Mature Content] "He's deemed as the villain… but what if his actions were just misunderstood?" __________ [Rabble band of outcasts!] Calm witch~ "I've got a dissociative personality disorder, but I can separate them as individual entities!" Mischievous warrior~ "I've got a high level of potential, I'm a man from hell after all." Bored trickster~ "I've got many stunts up my sleeves, I can make you moan and bleed at the same time!" Me~ "I'm just an honest FBI trainee." ________ In the spirited underside of a world shadowed by the Abyss, Roman, a promising but untested FBI trainee, stumbles into a chilling nightmare. An inexplicable phenomenon unleashed bloodthirsty creatures unlike anything the world has ever witnessed, and in the chaos, Roman finds himself infected. His search for answers throws him into a perilous alliance with a rabble band of outcasts – a calm witch with secrets of her own, a mischievous warrior scarred by encounters with the Abyssal darkness, and a bored trickster hiding a surprising depth of knowledge. Haunted by visions of a looming apocalypse and whispers of an ancient prophecy, Roman must unravel the true secrets of his infection before it consumes him and unleashes the full, chilling might of the Abyss upon the world. The Abyssal stain wrenches within him, a dark melody whispering promises of power and destruction from the very depths of hell. But can Roman resist the Abyss' seductive pull? As his power grows, the line between a protagonist and an antagonist blurs.

    Dreamylad · Fantasy
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    Short Horror Stories

    "Here you can find short horror stories." Imagination is a weird thing, even for the shadows we see in our room. Maybe they want to tell us something, but we never can be sure about the shadows that are lurking in the room. Is it real or just fiction?

    Monichii · Horror
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    Horror Harem

    ***Disclaimer, this story features sexual situations that are controversial and taboo. It also contains a ton of smut and is 100% wish fulfillment. Reader discretion is advised!*** Charles Xavier Penwith is a high school student living in the once quiet town of Blackwood. Now, the apocalypse has been unleashed, and monsters have eaten or turned most of the world's population. Charles wakes up not knowing that while he slept soundly monsters have taken over the world. Once he finds out it is a fight for survival. Fighting with other survivors over resources or running from hordes of the undead. There is also the titan smashing buildings downtown that could gobble him up for a snack. That's when he finds a haunted mansion near the edge of town and sets up shop. One by one attractive and sexy monsters girls find him and join his ever growing harem. Together they build up their home base and explore this new terrifying world together. What tantalizing and horrifying treats will Charles uncover? Subscribe and find out for yourself.

    HaremKing777 · Horror
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    Creepypasta Horror

    Playgirl adalah julukan untuk perempuan yang mempermainkan hati para lelaki, tapi siapa yang dipermainkan dalam cerita ini?

    Danu_Tian · Horror
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    Short Horror Stories

    A Book full of Short Horror stories. A ride full of exhilarating tales of different scenarios which will make you crave for more. Someone who loves reading novels and stories is trying to write her own one for the first time here... A lil disclaimer: *stories will be all fictional and nothing is related to any other author's stories All the story are just my brain farts(sorry not sorry)* Enjoyyyy Story 1st "One night": the story is about how the protagonist who came to relax and spend time watching stars had an unexpected visitor and how it made his life upside down and converted that night into a horrible and permanent memory of his entire life. It was my first ever original written story. Of course, it has room for a lot of improvement, but it also has sentimental value to it, and that's why I decided to keep it up here as a reminder of the starting. Story 2nd: " The Island Trip." It's about a group of friends who booked the ticket to the vacation island trip. They were going to be festivities and concerts, and it sounded like the best way to socialize and clear their mind after a hectic year. But what they didn't expect was to be followed by someone. And with the turning events, they ended up in a place where they were warned to never go. A tale full of twists and turns and plots thickens with every chapter. TW: one character's death/ violence. (little bit not heavy on violence.) Story 3rd: "Not Alone." The story is about Ethan, who was transferred to a new office which was out of town. The new place where he was living was causing trouble for Ethan. The story is full of Paranormal activities and hauntings. The mc has anxiety attacks and existential crises, and the spirit took advantage of it. Read it to know what happens to him, if he survives it or not.

    not_sou_serious · Horror
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    Dendam Dan Cinta

    Esmeralda menerima surat dari ayahnya, Tuan Kim One. "Saatnya kamu pulang dan mengambil alih tanggung jawab!" Esmeralda ketakutan. Selama 20 tahun dia meninggalkan rumah. Hidup sendiri di Amerika merintis karir sebagai model. Dia sukses dengan karirnya, tapi Esmeralda meninggalkan putrinya dengan mantan suaminya. Bagaimana dengan Jody Sandi? Jody Sandi sudah lama meninggal! Kata detektif swasta yang dia kirim ke Indonesia. Lalu bagaimana dengan putriku? Dia menghilang. Menurut kabar dia terbunuh saat kebakaran yang menewaskan Jody Sandi dan istrinya. Hati Esmeralda hancur. Semua terjadi karena salahnya.. Sekarang ayahnya menyuruhnya pulang. Tuan Kim One sakit. Orang tua itu tak berdaya di kursi roda. Esmeralda memutuskan pulang, tapi dia tidak bilang ke suaminya (Aroan Smith) dan putrinya Shakira, kalau dirinya punya anak sebelumnya. Di tempat lain, gadis bernama Indo Nesia Sandi (Nesia Sandi) bertemu dengan seorang pria Sony Kurniawan (Gibson Kim ) pria itu menyamar. Dia pewaris perusahaan keluarga konglomerat, Kim n Brothers. Sony Kurniawan rekan bisnis Budi Sandy, kakaknya Nesia. Gibson menjadi korban upaya pembunuhan berencana. Kaki pemuda itu patah. Wajahnya rusak. "Kita harus menyembunyikan dia!" "Bagaimana caranya!" Nesia bingung. Rumah mereka di komplek perumahan tidak aman. Para penjahat itu bekerja sama dengan warga mencari orang yang mirip dengan Sony Kurniawan. Pria yang di rumah mereka bernama Sony Kurniawan. Budi Sandi dan Nesia gugup. Mereka kehilangan akal. "Kamu harus menikah dengannya! Hanya itu cara kita menyelamatkan dia!" Nesia tertegun. Dia menikahi pria cacat. Pernikahan itu demi kemanusiaan. Dua bersaudara itu tidak mengerti pernikahan itu membawa mereka kepada tabir masa lalu keluarga mereka, sekaligus menghadapkan mereka ke masa depan diluar pemikiran mereka.

    Meri_Sajja · Urban
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    The Horror Addict's Transmigration

    "What are you here for?" "I just want to get scared..." Ye Delun is to put it simply, a horror addict. He strives to find something terrible enough to make him jump or scream. But after years of his strange unsatisfied addiction, he's forced into a last resort. Playing a game his friend recommended. A horror-based otome game. After getting over the fact that he's playing as a woman, and several men are chasing him, Ye Delun forces his playable character into terrifying situations in hope of finding some stimulation. But all he's left with is an obsessed husband every time and a supposed happy ending. Ye Delun wanted to give it another go, when an anonymous message arrived in his game mail. [Are you lonely and in need of a lover? Have you been falling asleep at night dreaming of fictional characters? Knowing good and well that they're not there? If you want that to change, then join us here at 'OtomeHorror'! Where we make fictional dreams come true and close single lives to an end!] And without a second thought, the horror entranced Ye Delun accepted. Tentacle Monster: "Fear me, mortals! For I am your living nightmare!" Ye Delun: "..." That's not scary at all, but he does look like dried squid... Tentacle Monster: "Hey... wait, why are looking at me like that?" Ghost: "You dare think you can live in my house? Over my dead body!" Ye Delun: "Ah.... but you are dead." Ghost: "Now's not the time!"

    Aspinpen · LGBT+
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    Horror horror and horror. All sorts of horror that can escape terror

    tyu_yui · Horror
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