
Fgo Novels & Books - WebNovel


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    路明非:“说出来你们不信,我20W字就结婚了。” ——震惊!起点第一本智能AI程序写作!居然写出了【路明非】在《Fate/Grand.order》世界不可思议的冒险故事! (有绘梨衣) ↑简介苦手所以想想就用这样的介绍了,内容基本上等于书名。 萌新求收藏!求推荐票!

    坏骰娘阿比 · ACG
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    Sevants details fgo

    UMU_EMPRESS · History
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    FGO ~ My Room ~

    Peaceful days in Chaldea broke out and a passionate atmosphere in the air. Love blooms.... Bodies clash.... Short Steamy Stories in Chaldea. Stories with Gudao may have in the future. Forgive my writing. just newbie want to write his fetishes, hehe.

    wendy17 · Sci-fi
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    FGO x DXD: Two Last Masters to another Dimension


    Gede_Rengga · Fantasy
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    (本书Q群:1040307305) 还未待从特异点F归来的玛修等人歇口气时,不速之客来到了迦勒底。 忽视了时间轴错位与南极的风雪,他来到理论上连所罗门王也无法找到的地方,就这么简单的径直走了进来。 “各位注意,从现在开始,我将合法接管整个迦勒底。也就是说,我将是你们的新任所长——— 你们就叫我阿尼姆斯菲亚好了。” Tag:型月,FGO,Fate

    坂本更新56 · ACG
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    因为某个意外,在现实世界外面的虚空中诞生了无数个幻想的世界,如果放任不管,幻想世界里的强者很有可能突破自己的世界来毁灭现实。而有机会阻止这一切的只有地球中最幸运的那名少年。 “我只不过是拿着手机跑到宿舍阳台向外看了一下而已呀!” “不用说了,少年去拯救世界吧。” “我可以拒绝吗?” “来,崩坏世界的车票拿好,外挂带上,你先体验一下再回答。” 少年体验完毕之后。 “怎么样?” “琪亚娜超级萌,德丽莎好可爱,芽衣的饭菜真香,樱姐……” “所以你愿意去拯救世界了?” “不,我还是想死。” “啊?哎,好吧,满足你。” 少年死亡9999次之后。 “现在你……” “谁想让老夫死,老夫就先弄死谁!不管是幻想世界也好,现实世界也罢,我都要将其拯救!” “额……” 崩坏三(逃离长空篇)——FZ——FGO(序,一,二)——崩坏三(轩辕篇)——FA——???

    横剑八里 · ACG
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    【动漫无限流:魔禁、柱灭之刃、龙珠、fate、斩瞳、海贼、火影、犬夜叉、overlord、一拳超人、FGO,其他待定】 游戏《无限世界》降临泰拉星球,通过副本世界,全人类都有望成为超越凡人的强者。 泰拉由此改变,《无限世界》成了最直接最公平最残酷的阶层上升之路,精英玩家们也成为屹立在这个世界巅峰的存在。 陆风从地球穿越而来。 “这个无限世界游戏居然是无限流小说里的轮回空间,这边居然将刷轮回空间当日常!” “哈,原来副本世界都是地球上的二次元动漫和小说。” 作为唯一一位自带副本世界剧情库的玩家,陆风表示这个穿越福利绝对满满的。

    午饭晚六点 · Sci-fi
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    liuyuxi · Sci-fi
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    Fate/Grand Order: Forgotten Legends (FGO fanfic)

    This is my first fanfic or story ever, I don't own either the characters or the original plot of FGO and English is not my first language --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MC dies after being hospitalized for 6 months and wakes up in a white building where he is given the chance to reincarnate in the world of FGO with his own system and supporters

    Nick1395 · Fantasy
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    Gilgamesh in tensura ( Greatest king )

    Gilgamesh is from fgo

    Aryan_Gupta_2709 · Fantasy
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    来自天朝的御宅青年乐正宇,意外穿越到了平行世界,和虚拟主播成为了同桌。   面对新的世界,新的人生,欢乐的校园日常和异世界的冒险旅行就此展开!   (催更书友群:878031919,世界旅行目前已进行到《明日方舟》卷,未来计划《碧蓝航线》,《少女前线》,《崩坏3rd》,《FGO》,《战双帕弥什》,《重装战姬》等……)

    天下第一单推 · ACG
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    第一个世界:《魔法少女小圆》 然后:《fate/zero》《fgo》《火影忍者》《漫威》《明日方舟》《结城友奈是勇者》《关于我转生成为史莱姆那档事》《overlord》待定。 ...... 主神为了培育士兵,以动漫小说游戏为基础创造了各个位面,并穿越者们送入其中。 度过了第一个位面,穿越者们会被赐予掠夺技能的能力。 此后,他们被称为位面掠夺者。 可是,被寄予厚望的第一批位面掠夺者,却在异族面前溃不成军。 于是,主神植入了系统,并给了位面掠夺者们一个不能失败的理由。 晓美焰的故事由此开始。 ...... 感情:第一个世界魔圆你们懂的,其它世界单身。

    猪突猛进的鸟 · ACG
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    一觉醒来,突然发现自己身处于第三次崩坏的长空市,并且携带了一个不是那么靠谱的FGO抽卡系统。 “啥?可以变成抽到的英灵?” “啥?变身时候要摆姿势还要喊henshin?你是不是还要给我一个变身器?” “等等,一秒十连钢之抱歉?辣鸡系统你赔我圣晶石!” 如上所述,就是一个带着FGO抽卡系统用着假面骑士的变身姿势在崩坏世界开始的故事。(要素过多,想看主角去哪些世界请告诉我)新人新书,求支持。收藏过500就创书友群(卑微) 长空市—鬼灭之刃(当前)

    鱼咸了就凉了 · ACG
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    Fallen Kingdøm

    The Hikari no ōkok ( Kingdom of light) was Destroyed By The Dākukingudamu ( Dark Kingdom) and Renritsu ōkoku (Lightning Kingdom), With no Hope of survival, the Light kingdom was Completely erased of the Map and every people who lived their where either killed, But what did the two Kingdom want?? Shou A boy who is being Trained by his sensei Ryuu to become the strongest and explore the whole world with his friends and to find out who his parents are and who killed his parents.

    FGO_Goku · Fantasy
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    Fate Grant Order: Pilih Sendiri Nasibmu

    Tadirman alias Dirman, berprofesi tukang bersih-bersih di sebuah sekolah elit, bermimpi memberikan kehidupan lebih baik bagi Ayla, putrinya. Tak dinyana, kepala sekolah di tempat Dirman bekerja tiba-tiba berbaik hati, memberikan izin pada Dirman untuk membaca di perpustakaan pribadi dalam ruang kerjanya. Bukannya menjadi lebih pintar, Dirman justru bingung karena sebuah buku aneh berjudul Fate Grant Order: Pilih Sendiri Nasibmu memberinya kesempatan untuk mengoreksi kekeliruan di masa lalunya, termasuk perbuatannya menghamili kekasih masa SMA-nya hingga ia diberhentikan dari sekolah sebelum ujian kelulusan SMA.

    danirasiva80 · Fantasy
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    ☾ ♛Young Lady♛ ☽

    How strange. I always thought my life would be just that dreary and lonely room. Or that I will be far from love. I never thought I would attract attention. Just like my elder brother said, I didn't have much except my beauty. Maybe that's why he didn't see me as a threat, and that's why I was banished to that stinking tower. ✦͙͙͙*͙*❥⃝∗⁎.ʚɞ.⁎∗❥⃝**͙✦͙͙͙ Maybe they didn't care about me because I was useless. Or because I'm different from them. Whatever the reason, they had already deleted me. They deprived me of both emotion and need, and I was treated as if I wasn't a "Fónce". If you ask if it hurts, well, everything hurts. ✦͙͙͙*͙*❥⃝∗⁎.ʚɞ.⁎∗❥⃝**͙✦͙͙͙ Now here I am questioning my old life. I walk through the corridors where I used to walk alone and with a bent neck, with 10 Knights behind me. ✦͙͙͙*͙*❥⃝∗⁎.ʚɞ.⁎∗❥⃝**͙✦͙͙͙ The clothes that I couldn't wear before, besides the clothes I have with me, worthless pieces of fabric are just that. ✦͙͙͙*͙*❥⃝∗⁎.ʚɞ.⁎∗❥⃝**͙✦͙͙͙ And the Duke I was so afraid of is just a pawn to me. The Duke's "wonderful, talented" son is just too much for me. The people I used to bow my head to are now kneeling before me. ✦͙͙͙*͙*❥⃝∗⁎.ʚɞ.⁎∗❥⃝**͙✦͙͙͙ "Please don't destroy us." ✦͙͙͙*͙*❥⃝∗⁎.ʚɞ.⁎∗❥⃝**͙✦͙͙͙ Well... I guess going back to the past isn't so bad after all? The story of an evil woman who devastates a whole Duchy and destroys an abominable Kingdom.

    DaoistTq0fgo · Fantasy
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    Mystic Eyes of Death In Cultivation World

    seorang gadis biasa pecinta nasuvers karna terlalu fokus farming fgo di halte bus hingga dia tidak menyadari ada truk yang melaju kencang dengan ugal-ugalan hinga akhirnya menabrak dia. saat dia tersadar dia tidak memiliki tubuh dia hanya gumpalan roh yang melayang di tempat serba putih dan dihadapan dia ada dewa yang meminta maaf karna kesalahan dewa itu mengakibatkan dia meninggal sebelum waktunya. dewa pun memberi kompensasi berupa 3 permintaan dan akan menghidupkan dia kembali di dunia lain.

    xiaoling01 · Fantasy
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