
Ernest Novels & Books - WebNovel


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    Aku Tidak Good Looking

    Good Looking seakan menjadi sebuah penghargaan yang bisa meloloskan orang-orang dari apa pun itu yang selama ini lebih merundung pada kaum yang dianggap berwajah pas-pasan. Akankah kaum berwajah sederhana bisa menang dan bertahta? Atau mereka justru sadar kalau Tuhan selalu punya tujuan di balik penciptaannya? Mita, si insecure itu pun bertarung dengan harapannya untuk dapat dicintai oleh lelaki yang juga ia sukai. Menjadi jomlo terus nyatanya memang membuat Mita jadi tidak bergairah menjalani hidup, banyak pertanyaan dari orang lain yang membuat dirinya stress karena tidak pernah terlihat menggandeng seorang lelaki apalagi di tengah teman-teman seumurannya sudah menikah. Ingin sama-sama seperti orang kebanyakan, membuat Mita berjuang merubah fisiknya sendiri hingga akhirnya dia bertemudengan sesosok orang di balik akun instagram yang berinisial 'Dinosaurus' yang selama ini selalu melihat IG Story-nya.

    Ernest · Urban
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    Saat Cinta Berpaling

    Berkisah tentang seorang Meta Antaliza yang dinikahi oleh gurunya sendiri setelah lulus SMA. Guru muda nan baik itu bernama Muhammad Rifki, dia sangat baik sekali. Rifki memperlakukan Meta bak seorang Ratu satu-satunya yang sangat ia cintai. Meta yang dulunya centil pun bisa disulap menjadi perempuan alim nan lemah lembut. Namun, setelah rumah tangga mereka berjalan 17 tahun dan sudah dikaruniai dua anak ... sang suami justru mulai beda sikap dan bahkan sudah tidak memberinya nafkah batin. Digadang-gadang sang suami puber kedua, hingga banyak kecurigaan Meta pada Rifki, sampai pada suatu hari keganjilan mulai terlihat. Sanggupkah Meta bertahan saat tahu Rifki, suaminya berselingkuh darinya?

    Ernest · Urban
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    Demon Slayers

    Ernest_ · Fantasy
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    *VOLUME 1 : ALMIRA, ALVIN, REVAN Almira Zahara Gadis yang dibanggakan keluarganya , suatu ketika dia harus salah jalan karena kekhilafan melakukan hubungan terlarang dengan Alvin Pratama Handoko. Namun rupanya takdir tidak mengijinkan mereka menikah pada awalnya. Hingga Almira harus dijodohkan oleh kakaknya dengan laki-laki bernama Revano Adiwijaya. Revan sangat mencintai Almira hingga pada malam pertama Revan mengetahui kalau Almira sudah tidak lagi suci. Revan yang merasa dibohongi menjadi sangat membenci Almira. Dia ibarat mendapat barang second. "Almira udah g virgin lagi ternyata Der, " Deril kaget sampai terbatuk batuk menatap Revan. "Serius lo Van?" "Iya gue serius, tahu gitu gue g jadi nikah aja sama tu cewek. Gila aja kali gue dapat barang second." Hidup Almira sangat menderita karena diabaikan oleh suaminya sendiri. Suatu hari takdir mempertemukan kembali Almira dan Alvin. "Buah manggis buah kedondong, cewek manis senyumin abang donk!" Pantun Alvin yang jenaka membuat Almira tak bisa menahan senyumnya. Alvin memang dari dulu selalu punya cara untuk membuat Almira tersenyum. Apakah yang terjadi dalam rumah Almira dan Revan? Apakah takdir akan mempersatukan Almira dan Alvin? Ataukah Almira tetap mempertahankan rumah tangganya bersama Revan? Ikuti kisahnya di DBA VOL.1 Di Novel ini kita akan belajar tentang Islam yang begitu indah. Tidak hanya percintaan tetapi tentang parenting, hubungan suami istri, hubungan antar keluarga, dan juga dengan orang-orang di sekitar kita. VOLUME 2 potret anak muda yang berprestasi dan memilih menikah muda dari pada pacaran. Gadis manis dengan rambut panjang sebahu itu meringkuk didalam selimut dengan kondisi yang memprihatinkan dan menangis sesenggukan. sang pemuda yang merupakan rivalnya di sekolah duduk di tepi ranjang membelakanginya. Pemuda yang bertelanjang dada namun masih mengenakan celana abu-abunya itu mendekatinya dan memperlihatkan foto yang ada diponselnya. gadis itu mendongak dan tak percaya dengan yang dia lihat diponsel itu. "gimana lo mau kan mengundurkan diri jadi ketua OSIS?kalo ga mau foto ini bakal nyebar ke seluruh siswa disekolah..lo siap kehilangan reputasi lo?" "Brengsek kamu Ka". VOLUME 3 (ARSYILA,ERNEST, MARVEL) Terkadang pendapat orangtua tidak selamanya benar. Disini kita belajar untuk mengkomunikasikan segala sesuatu dalam keluarga. Syila dijodohkan dengan Marvel namun hatinya hanya untuk Ernest. Yang usianya 10th lebih tua darinya. Kedua orangtuanya menentang hubungan Syila dan Ernest. Karena laki-laki itu terlihat urakan, dengan tato di lengan yang semakin menambah garang. Orangtua mana yang mau melepas anak gadisnya untuk laki-laki seperti itu? Tapi kalau ternyata yang dipikirkan orangtua itu salah bagaimana? VOLUME 4 DOSA BESAR ALMIRA VOL.4 Bisa dibaca langsung ke Vol.4 ya. Azzam seorang laki-laki yang pernah melakukan kesalahan pada seorang gadis, tidak memiliki keberanian untuk mempertanggung jawabkan perbuatannya. Bahkan dia melarikan diri ke negeri orang dan meninggalkan gadis itu. . . Sellia, gadis yang dinodai oleh Azzam, memilih menyendiri di panti asuhan dalam keadaan hamil. Dia tidak berharap lagi dengan Azzam. Seseorang yang telah melukainya. . . Tiga tahun kemudian, semua berubah. Azzam yang sudah terbiasa hidup bebas di luar negeri pulang ke tanah air dengan membawa tunangannya. . . Hingga suatu hari, Azzam menjadi dosen tamu di universitas tempat Sellia menimba ilmu. Tapi Azzam tidak mengenali gadis itu lagi karena kini Sellia telah berhijrah dan bercadar. . . Akankah Sellia membuka jati dirinya pada Azzam? sedangkan dia akan dita'aruf oleh Rafka. Anak dari sahabat Ayahnya. . . Akankah Azzam memilih tunangannya atau gadis bercadar yang mencuri perhatiannya di kampus tempat dia bekerja? . . Nantikan kisah mereka di Dosa Besar Almira Volume 4. (Dosa Besar Azzam)

    ANESHA_BEE · History
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    Saving Ernest

    Londoner Ernest Porter wasn’t looking for love that Saturday morning. Nor was he looking where he was going.<br><br>Fortunately PC Liam McAvoy was looking, and saves Ernest from falling into a hole caused by a missing manhole cover.<br><br>The weather is hot, and wanting to thank Liam for saving him, Ernest offers the policeman a glass of ice tea. They talk and Ernest finds himself increasingly drawn to the young constable. But it can’t go anywhere. Liam isn’t gay, there’s a big age difference between them, and Ernest is still hurting from a previous betrayal.<br><br>After weeks of internal struggle, Ernest finally confesses all. Liam’s reaction is not what Ernest expects.

    Drew Hunt · LGBT+
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    Ernest Child

    The_Weeb97 · History
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    Ernest chimbali

    Here I'm seriously I need your help because I'm not a rich I'm suffering too without me life well not.

    Bro_Ernest · Realistic
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    My Life Author: Favour Ernest

    DaoistQyMV8U · Fantasy
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    Petualangan Ernest Dalton di Negeri Anthenia

    Kisah cinta antara seorang wanita kaum peri dengan seorang pria berdarah campuran siren dan manusia melahirkan seorang anak - anak berkemampuan khusus. Dia berbeda dari anak - anak lainnya. Dia ditakdirkan untuk sebuah misi khusus. Mau tahu apa saja yang terjadi pada anak tersebut? Langsung saja baca novel ini! Jangan lupa like, comment, dan vote yang banyak yah!

    Rikhardo_Kilmas · Fantasy
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    Due to circumstances, Amber needed to get married quickly. She only had one chance to capture the man in her sights. At the Royal Ball, armed with a love potion that could manipulate body and mind, she aimed for a quiet and somber earl. Alas! The King, Ernest, drank the fruit wine she had dosed with the potion, and then confessed his love for her before the guests of the ball! He proposed to her under the spell of the love potion, and became rather forceful! Is what was to follow, a sweet married life or was it to be tainted by lies? I do not own the Image nor the story All the credit goes to the real creator

    fatoum · General
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    The Tyrant’s POV

    Ernest Teucher was a tyrant that ruled over an empire that dominated the world through culture, politics, and technology. He reigned supreme, and other countries could only bow their heads as he dictated every move on the global stage. Ernest Teucher's rule was marked by an iron grip, but even tyrants are not immune to the ravages of time. As he aged, his control wavered, and whispers of rebellion began to stir in the shadows of his empire. Nonetheless, Ernest died peacefully in his sleep, a rarity for one of his reputation, at the ripe old age of 92. His death, however, was not the end but a peculiar beginning. Ernest found himself transmigrated into another world. He awoke in the dirty backstreets of a war-torn city as a teenager with memories of it serving a country in the war that was defeated disastrously. The peace treaty imposed crippling reparations, plunging the already struggling nation deeper into economic despair. The streets became rife with poverty, homelessness, and a palpable sense of defeat. Amidst this chaos, Ernest believed that he could change the fate of his new country by becoming the ruler of it. Follow the story of Ernest Teucher as he began his quest for power and restore his glory in another world.

    SorryImJustDiamond · History
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    Homunculus Rebirth

    Ernest Quelt, the alchemist known for his unparalleled knowledge within the world of alchemy has perished Yet he never met his end by protecting his comrades nor there were struggles with their most recent expedition, it was none other than his comrades The very people he trusted the most would soon betray him for no other reason than his growth Unfortunately, life wasn't unfair. With his last breaths, he gaze at the tube filled with his life's work The artificial being labeled as the 'Homunculus' his creation comparable to that of a human being But what lies beyond this perfect vessel harbors the power of the catastrophic beast that once wreaked havoc on his world

    Sleeping_Giant · Fantasy
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    Ernest sat and stared into space lost in a myraid of thoughts. He had

    Ernest_Chimaroke_9292 · Realistic
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    Jangan Salahkan Janda

    Sistem Patriarki, menjadikan seorang perempuan menjadi Objek keserakahan lelaki. Kisah ini menceritakan nasib seorang perempuan bernama Intan. Dia diceraikan suaminya karena memilih menikah lagi dengan perempuan lain. Intan membesarkan anaknya sendiri dengan bantuan dari seorang pelacur yaitu Sarah. Sarah tak ubahnya seorang kupu-kupu malam dengan masa lalunya yang hampir serupa dengan Intan. Bahkan dia meninggalkan anak lelakinya yang saat itu berusia 11 tahun dan lebih memilih menjadi wanita penghibur, pekerjaan yang membuat dirinya terasa merdeka menjadi seorang perempuan yang sempat terluka oleh janji manis seorang lelaki. Sarah sudah seperti Ibu, bagi Intan. Intan bekerja di salah satu perusahaan sebagai Office Girl, dan menjalin cinta dengan CEO-Nya sendiri—Irwan. Tapi, hubungan mereka ditentang oleh Ibunya Irwan dan cap sebagai Janda Penggoda semakin melekat pada Intan. Intan pun memutuskan pergi dan mencari pekerjaan baru hingga dia bertemu dengan Arsya, CEO-Nya yang baru. Sampai pada suatu ketika, Intan harus memilih di antara keduanya.

    Ernest_Nana_03 · Urban
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    knight's & Magic: Gundam 00 Mage

    A gundam 00 fan just got transmigrated to the knights & Magic world as a 12 yr old Alexander Serrati with his 3 wishes. The son and heir to marquis Joachim Serrati. He woke up just in time before Ernesti Echevarria got knighted to command the order of the Silver phoenix. This is a fan fiction of the original anime. All rights and trademarks belong to the original artist.

    SBfanfiction · Fantasy
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    Risk of Being a Widow

    Patriarchal system, making a woman the object of male greed. This story tells the fate of a woman named Intan. She was divorced by her husband because she chose to remarry another woman. Intan raises her own child with the help of a prostitute, Sarah. Sarah is like a night butterfly with a past that is almost similar to Intan. In fact, she left her 11-year-old son and preferred to be a comfort woman, a job that made her feel free to become a woman who had been hurt by a man's sweet promise. Sarah is like a mother to Intan. Intan works in a company as an Office Girl, and is in love with her own CEO—Irwan. However, their relationship is opposed by Irwan's mother and the label as a Temptress is increasingly attached to Intan. Intan decides to go and look for a new job until she meets Arsya, the new CEO. Until one day, Intan had to choose between the two.

    Ernest_Nana_03 · Urban
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    Asih Tanpa Kasih

    Asih tidak menyangka kalau masa depan yang dia impikan di luar ekspektasi dirinya. Asih yang mengkhayal bisa mendapatkan beasiswa kuliah dan sukses di kemudian hari seolah dipaksa menghadapi kenyataan hidup bahwa dirinya harus menjadi istri kedua belas dari si Tuan tanah yang berkuasa di kampungnya. Dirinya pun harus menghadapi kedua istri sah, kesembilan istri siri dan tiga anak tiri yang membencinya. Kehidupan Asih tidak mudah ketika dia juga harus melewati hari-harinya di sekolah bersama Bara, anak tirinya dari istri kedua sang suami. Konflik Bara bersama teman-temannya di sekolah pada akhirnya menyeret Asih untuk melibatkan diri hingga setiap masalah yang mereka hadapi justru menjadikan keduanya tambah dekat dan menimbulkan perasaan lain di hati Bara. Di sisi lain, kebaikan Asih juga membuat kakaknya Bara yaitu Adrian juga menyukainya. Asih tidak akan pernah mencintai suaminya si Tuan tanah, tapi itu juga bukan berarti Asih bisa mencintai salah satu dari anak tirinya.

    Ernest_Nana_03 · Teen
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    Asih Without Love

    Asih did not expect that the future she dreamed of was beyond her expectations. Asih, who dreamed of getting a college scholarship and succeeding in the future, seemed to be forced to face the reality of life that she had to become the twelfth wife of the landlord who ruled in her village. He also had to face his two legal wives, the nine wives he married religiously and three stepchildren who hated him. Asih's life is not easy when she also has to spend her days at school with Bara, her stepdaughter from her husband's second wife. Bara's conflict with her friends at school eventually drags Asih into getting involved, so that every problem they face actually makes the two closer and creates other feelings in Bara's heart. On the other hand, Asih's kindness also makes Bara's older brother Adrian also like her. Asih will never love her husband the landlord, but that also doesn't mean Asih can love one of her stepson.

    Ernest_Nana_03 · Teen
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    Together Box Set

    Five of Drew Hunt's best-selling gay romance stories are together in one box set for the first time! Contains the stories:<br><br><strong>Colin and Martin's First Christmas:</strong> Blind since birth, Martin orders groceries online. It doesn’t hurt that the delivery driver is hot. Colin usually leaves Martin’s deliveries until last so he can spend extra time with the man he has a secret longing to protect. Martin is making soup, and asks Colin to join him. As they eat, Martin offers to cook Christmas dinner for Colin. Will turkey and stuffing be all they’ll share?<br><br><strong>Rough Road to Happiness:</strong> David Grover meets sexy Marine Bud Williams when the two are forced to share a hotel room. What starts as a one-night stand turns into regular weekend trysts, but Bud harbors a secret that threatens to tear them apart. When Bud's injured in Iraq, David struggles to forgive him for his past. It's a rough road to happiness as the two men move towards a life together.<br><br><strong>Saving Ernest:</strong> Ernest Porter is drawn to PC Liam McAvoy after the man saves him from falling in the street. But it can’t go anywhere. Liam isn’t gay, there’s a big age difference, and Ernest is still hurting from a previous betrayal. When Ernest finally confesses all, Liam’s reaction is not what he expects.<br><br><strong>Something About Trevor:</strong> Paul is straight, Trevor is a flamer. But the two soon discover they have many things in common. However, long-held prejudices, fear of history repeating itself as well as an ex lover showing up all threaten to stop what has only just begun. Can Trevor learn to trust again, and will Paul listen to his heart and discover that despite first impressions, there’s just something about Trevor?<br><br><strong>Trapped Nerves:</strong> Two men trapped in an elevator discover they have more in common than the inconvenience of lost time. Mason Grant recognizes Parker Collins, whom he had loved in high school, but Parker does not immediately recognize Mason. Maybe it’s the passage of time ... or maybe it’s the wheelchair in which Mason is confined. What happens when Parker realizes who’s trapped in the elevator with him?

    Drew Hunt · LGBT+
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    The Tale of Zibah

    Synopsis: Zibah, a talented and ambitious young woman from a humble background, faces obstacles and challenges on her journey to success. With the support of her best friend Jasmine, Zibah learns to embrace her unique voice and style, and together they submit their artwork to a competition. Through their creative journey, they grow as artists and friends, learning valuable lessons about resilience, humility, and the power of community. Will they win the competition? Or will the experience itself be the greatest prize? Zibah's Tale is a heartwarming story about the transformative power of art, friendship, and believing in oneself.

    Sopuruchi_Ernest · Fantasy
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