
Drama Teenfiction Jewel Novels & Books - WebNovel


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    The President’s Pregnant, Ex-Wife

    Sabrina Jewel found out she was pregnant after so many pregnancy tests. The same day, her husband, the powerful President of Jewels Group of Companies in NY city, Robin Jewel, brought another woman home after Sabrina had endured his escapades with ceaseless women and tried to be a good wife. “What? After all the sperm, you could not for once be pregnant. Not even a miscarriage. She did your job for you,” Robin pinned the blame on Sabrina. Sabrina’s world crumbled right before her eyes. She left her family for this idiot but not anymore. His father knew who she was but Robin never took the pain to even research about her throughout their three years of marriage. Since he got another woman pregnant, she was done for good. “I have had enough, Robin. It’s either she leaves or I leave….”

    Glorious_Eagle · Urban
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    Ex-esposa grávida do Presidente

    Sabrina Jewel descobriu que estava grávida depois de muitos testes de gravidez. No mesmo dia, seu marido, o poderoso Presidente do Grupo de Empresas Jewels na cidade de NY, Robin Jewel, trouxe outra mulher para casa depois que Sabrina suportou suas aventuras com inúmeras mulheres e tentou ser uma boa esposa. “O que? Depois de todo o esperma, você não conseguiu engravidar nem uma vez. Nem mesmo um aborto espontâneo. Ela fez o seu trabalho por você,” Robin jogou a culpa em Sabrina. O mundo de Sabrina desmoronou bem diante de seus olhos. Ela deixou sua família por esse idiota, mas não mais. O pai dele sabia quem ela era, mas Robin nunca se deu ao trabalho de pesquisar sobre ela durante os três anos de casamento. Como ele engravidou outra mulher, pra ela já deu. “Eu já tive o suficiente, Robin. Ou ela vai embora ou eu vou…”

    Glorious_Eagle · Urban
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    Heavenly Jewel Change

    Every human has their Personal Jewel of power, when awakened it can either be an Elemental Jewel or Physical Jewel. They circle the right and left wrists like bracelets of power. Heavenly Jewels are like the twins born, meaning when both Elemental and Physical Jewels are Awakened for the same person, the pair is known as Heavenly Jewels. Those who have the Physical Jewels are known as Physical Jewel Masters, those with Elemental Jewels are Elemental Jewel Masters, and those who train with Heavenly Jewels are naturally called Heavenly Jewel Masters. Heavenly Jewel Masters have a highest level of 12 pairs of jewels, as such their training progress is known as Heavenly Jewels 12 Changes. Our MC here is an archer who has such a pair of Heavenly Jewels!

    Tang Jia San Shao · Eastern
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    Die schwangere Ex-Frau des Präsidenten

    Sabrina Jewel fand nach vielen Schwangerschaftstests heraus, dass sie schwanger war. Am selben Tag brachte ihr Ehemann, der mächtige Präsident der Jewels Group of Companies in New York City, Robin Jewel, eine andere Frau nach Hause, nachdem Sabrina seine Eskapaden mit unaufhörlichen Frauen ertragen hatte und versuchte, eine gute Ehefrau zu sein. "Was? Nach all dem Sperma konntest du nicht ein einziges Mal schwanger sein. Nicht einmal eine Fehlgeburt. Sie hat deinen Job für dich gemacht", schob Robin die Schuld auf Sabrina. Sabrinas Welt brach direkt vor ihren Augen zusammen. Sie hatte ihre Familie für diesen Idioten verlassen, aber jetzt nicht mehr. Sein Vater wusste, wer sie war, aber Robin hatte sich in den drei Jahren ihrer Ehe nie die Mühe gemacht, sich über sie zu informieren. Seit er eine andere Frau geschwängert hatte, war es aus mit ihr. "Ich habe genug, Robin. Entweder sie geht oder ich gehe...."

    Glorious_Eagle · Urban
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    She never imagined her life would come to an abrupt end over of a poisoned 30ml of jelly, but it did, and it was the start of a new one. M awakened in the body of an abandoned child who had been loathed by everyone and had a criminal record, having been given a new life and a second chance in life. M got blessed and received a Tycoon System that would lift her to a higher level, enabling her to do things she couldn't in her previous life. How far will she go in order to accomplish her goals and dreams? Will she be able to protect those that she failed to protect in her past life?

    GEEGEE · Urban
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    Pernikahan Tersembunyi dengan Nilai Sempurna: Mengambil Seorang Putra, Mendapatkan Suami Dengan Cuma-Cuma

    “Sayang, aku sangat menyukai naskah untuk drama ini… Masalah satu-satunya adalah ada sedikit lebih banyak adegan seks kali ini. Apakah aku masih boleh mengambil pekerjaan ini?” Lu Tingxiao menjawab dengan tenang, “Tentu.” Malam itu, Ning Xi turun dari ranjang dengan menopang dirinya menggunakan kaki yang gemetar dan dengan berpegangan pada susuran. Lu Tingxiao bertanya lagi kepadanya, “Apakah kamu masih ingin mengambil pekerjaan itu?”

    Jiong Jiong You Yao · Urban
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    La ex-esposa embarazada del Presidente

    Sabrina Jewel descubrió que estaba embarazada después de hacerse tantas pruebas de embarazo. El mismo día, su esposo, el poderoso Presidente del Grupo de Empresas Jewels en la ciudad de Nueva York, Robin Jewel, trajo a otra mujer a casa después de que Sabrina había soportado sus aventuras con innumerables mujeres e intentó ser una buena esposa. —¿Qué? Después de todo el esperma, no pudiste estar embarazada ni una sola vez. Ni siquiera un aborto espontáneo. Ella hizo tu trabajo por ti —dijo Robin echándole la culpa a Sabrina. El mundo de Sabrina se derrumbó ante sus ojos. Dejó a su familia por este idiota, pero eso se acabó. Su padre sabía quién era ella, pero Robin nunca se tomó la molestia de investigar sobre ella a lo largo de sus tres años de matrimonio. Ya que él embarazó a otra mujer, ella había terminado de una vez por todas. —He tenido suficiente, Robin. O ella se va o me voy yo —dijo ella.

    Glorious_Eagle · Urban
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    Moonlight Demon (GL LITRPG)

    Ash had spent the last six years on the streets of the Jewel Empire's capital, Jade. In that time, she learned that she could only trust herself and that relying on humans was something she simply could not afford to do. That changes though when she is chosen by the goddess Magia to become a Savior. Now, along with Keiko, a girl who has mastered everything except what her family wished she would, and Kaori, another Savior who is Ash's polar opposite, the half-demon has to figure out how to make this new life work. But, with escalating demon attacks, her own confusing nature, and an entire religion that cannot stand her existence, she may not be able to do so. --- The first volume of this story will also be on Royal Road and Scribblehub.

    Already_In_Use · LGBT+
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    L'ex-femme enceinte du Président

    Sabrina Jewel a découvert qu'elle était enceinte après de nombreux tests de grossesse. Le même jour, son mari, le puissant Président du Groupe de sociétés Jewels à Ville de NY, Robin Jewel, a ramené une autre femme à la maison après que Sabrina ait supporté ses escapades avec des femmes incessantes et tenté d'être une bonne femme. "Quoi? Après tout le sperme, tu n'as pas pu être enceinte une seule fois. Pas même une fausse couche. Elle a fait ton travail pour toi," Robin a rejeté la faute sur Sabrina. Le monde de Sabrina s'est effondré devant ses yeux. Elle a quitté sa famille pour cet idiot mais plus maintenant. Son père savait qui elle était mais Robin ne s'est jamais donné la peine de se renseigner sur elle tout au long de leurs trois ans de mariage. Comme il a mis une autre femme enceinte, elle en avait fini pour de bon. "J'en ai assez, Robin. C'est soit elle qui part, soit je pars...."

    Glorious_Eagle · Urban
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    Unwanted wife

    "I hate you, Thunder. I will never forgive you." Living a life becoming a wife or husband, how long would Jewel handle the pain caused by Thunder? Will it take long for her to stay? Or she'll choose to stay away from him and continue her life without the presence of her husband? A question that keeps lingering in her mind and trying to find answers but she'll end up setting it aside and continue to focus on being a wife. For this unrequited love she has for him. One year of being miserable, One year of being in pained, One year being unloved, One year of suffering, Jewel Mercyl Dawson, came from a rich family and the only daughter, wife of Thunder Alcantara. A brave woman that would do everything for her husband to love her, though her husband despises her so much she'll still choose to stay beside him because she still believes that Thunder will change. Thunder Alcantara, the only son and heiress of the Alcantara Family, destined to marry the only daughter of Dawson family, his parent best friend and also for the sake of their merging business. He's the CEO of Alcantara Group of Companies. He despises and loathes his wife so much and he will do everything to make his wife's life a living hell, he also blames Jewel for taking his freedom away from him since they got married. 

    Reynang Elena · Urban
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    Skyfire Avenue

    Skyfire Avenue is a street that is 2048 meters long. There are 168 stores here, and each of the store owners is an extremely powerful adept. The Avenue does not permit any vehicles or any robots to pass through it, much less mecha. Even the patrolling police must move about on foot. This is because this is a street for pedestrians, a lane for nobles, hidden away within this high technology world. Lan Jue, the greatest of the mercenaries, code-named ‘Zeus’, has secluded himself here in Skyfire Avenue after the death of his wife. The name of his shop is “Zeus’ Jewelry Store”, and here in Skyfire Avenue, he has been given the title, Jewel Master.

    Tang Jia San Shao · Eastern
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    THE TOUGH TEACHER || teenfiction

    Asteria Oktavia, guru keamanan di SMA Lentera Sukses. Posisinya selalu dianggap rendah oleh para guru, tapi berbanding balik dengan para murid yang justru senang dengan kehadirannya di sekolah. Setiap hari ia selalu tersenyum dan memberikan energi untuk para murid. Dilain sisi ia juga dengan senang hati menyelesaikan masalah para murid, bully-membully contohnya Tapi dibalik senyumnya, ada kisah kelam mengenai dirinya 5 tahun yang lalu. Awal mula terbitnya sisi baru dari dirinya

    Lycklig · Teen
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    Kekuatan Permata Surgawi

    Setiap manusia memiliki kekuatan dari Personal Jewel yang ada di dalam diri mereka. Personal Jewel itu dapat menjadi Elemental Jewel atau Physical Jewel saat mereka berhasil dibangkitkan. Bentuk dari Elemental Jewel dan Physical Jewel menyerupai gelang yang memiliki kekuatan, dan melingkari pergelangan tangan kanan dan kiri. Heavenly Jewel dapat dikatakan seperti anak kembar; artinya ketika Elemental Jewel dan Physical Jewel dibangkitkan oleh orang yang sama, pasangan kedua Jewel tersebut dikenal sebagai Heavenly Jewel. Mereka yang memiliki Physical Jewel dikenal sebagai Master Physical Jewel, sedangkan mereka yang memiliki Elemental Jewel dikenal sebagai Master Elemental Jewel. Mereka yang memiliki kekuatan dari kedua Heavenly Jewel itu pada dasarnya disebut sebagai Master Heavenly Jewel. Master Heavenly Jewel dapat dikatakan menduduki peringkat tertinggi jika orang itu memiliki 12 pasang permata. Karena itulah proses pelatihan dari Master Heavenly Jewel untuk mengumpulkan ke-12 permata itu dikenal sebagai Heavenly Jewels 12 Changes. MC dalam cerita ini merupakan seorang laki-laki yang dilahirkan tanpa memiliki kekuatan untuk membangkitkan Personal Jewel miliknya. Ia lalu bergabung dalam pasukan pemanah dalam militer dan perjalanannya untuk membangkitkan Personal Jewel pun dimulai!

    Tang Jia San Shao · Eastern
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    Fated For A Demon

    Demons, Witches, Shifting Giant Eagles, Giant Snakes, Mates, Love and Steamy moments in a lake? What wouldn't you see in a period novel that's full of drama and romance? Quinn is the princess of Neather who the demon king, Vincent asks for her love in return for saving her kingdom from war with their neighboring kingdom. She returns to the demon kingdom with him to be his Queen while the witches and faes are after him, and his step mother tries to destroy them both. Quinn faces drama, love, fighting and enemies everywhere together with her King, Vincent. Can she fall in love with him with no consequences? Will their relationship survive as other creatures are against it? Can She survive the drama of a palace or the attacks from his enemies?

    Jannah1559 · Fantasy
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    BIG SISTER || teenfiction

    Ashteria Maharani, a loner girl who has many problems behind her cold nature. Making her fall into the dark world in the past. Not considered, belittled, her parents humiliated by her own family, she experienced all that with his two older brothers. But the pain of heart overcame her. Now she has grown up and is trying to forget the past, but the new environment she lives in makes her have to open her secret card, namely as the strongest member of the Pacemaker or what is called... GANGSTER MONSTER

    Lycklig · Teen
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    Kayla is a smart, focused, top-mark student in her last two senior years of high school in a private facility for rich kids in Florida. All she wants is to get accepted to Harvard and graduate with top marks to follow the career she has set for herself. Her entire life is about becoming an independent and successful vet. She has micro-managed it and planned it to the tiniest detail. Leaving no room for a social life or living her teen years like her peers. This year has had its ups and downs, with her stepbrother of almost ten years coming to live under the same roof after being raised apart after their parents married. The chaos and drama his appearance has brought, since he despises not only his father but Kayla's mother too, has made home tense. He's a rude, defiant, and arrogant pain in her ass who is hellbent on causing trouble and listens to no one. Dane is the polar opposite in every way - Vain, oversexed, a playboy who takes nothing seriously except booze, girls, and his motorbike while he rebels in every way against his father for ripping apart his family. Looking like a teen idol, acting like someone who doesn't need to take accountability for anything in his life, Kayla honestly cannot stand him. She sees a loser who will live on daddy's money and drink away his youth while sleeping with every girl in the county. At 17, they have known one another most of their lives and never had any kind of friendly relationship. They have always been classmates but never friends and definitely not siblings. - but all that is about to change. A series of events pulls them closer, a forbidden and unexpected accidental kiss, and they plummet into confusion as feelings grow that neither expected. Slowly the walls come down between them, and they have far more in common than they ever imagined.

    L.T.Marshall · Teen
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    Business Tycoon vs. Drama Queen Star

    Luo Tiantian sacrifices herself to save Bai Yueguang, only to wake up in the novel her best friend had written as a prank. The best friend of the original owner of this body has gotten plastic surgery to take her place, snatching everything she had. She has even been imprisoned for ten years! To avoid a tragic end, Luo Tiantian clings on to the greatest boss in the novel. After she shoots to fame overnight, the internet is teeming with curses toward her, claiming how she had undergone plastic surgery, was one to put on airs, and was being kept as a mistress… She doesn’t even have any time to respond before the female lead’s lackeys suddenly change their stances. Her eldest brother, a CEO: “She has the Luo Corporation backing her. Miss Luo doesn’t need a sugar daddy.” Luo Tiantian’s expression darkens. “Scram! Don’t provoke me!” Her second brother, a forensic pathologist: “As someone working in forensics, I can confirm that my younger sister is a natural beauty. She’s never had any plastic surgery done.” Luo Tiantian sneered. “Who are you?” The movie star: “Tiantian, you’re my fiancée. How could you live with another man?” Luo Tiantian stares at that stupid face. “You?” - The moment she returns home, Luo Tiantian tones down immediately. Her boss glances at Luo Tiantian with what seems like a smile. “An orphan?” Luo Tiantian nods innocently. “Yes, my entire family’s dead. I’m the only one left.” Her boss raises his eyebrow. “A fiancé?” Luo Tiantian quickly shakes her head. “No, no. That’s nothing more than a rumor. You’re the only one in my heart!” - From then on, the big boss undergoes a drastic change and becomes henpecked. He gazes at her affectionately. “Little friend, you’re toxic, but you’re my antidote.”

    Fallen Leaf Turned Loner · Urban
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    His Drama Queen

    My name is Julencia. I am 19 year olds old and I live in Suriname. My hobbies are writing, reading, and watching movies. I’m a college student and I’m majoring in Advanced Management. Nicole Vargas. Spoiled, rich, smart, and melodramatic. She graduated Fashion Design in Brazil and was the daughter of a well known artist and the CEO of 'The Vargas' hotel and casino chains. She could get anything she wants at just the snap of her fingers. Even her career. But she didn't. And she wouldn't take advantage of her parents position in society. In fact, she wanted to be successful on her own. But her father didn't want to let her go all the way to New York where she could fulfill her dreams. For him, she was still a little girl. Ethan Gray. Insanely handsome and a mouthwatering specimen. Ethan Gray graduated Business Administration at the London Business School in England. After he graduated he took over his uncle's business and instantly became the richest and youngest CEO in England. After so many years he returned back to Brazil to visit his parents and attend the yearly elite ball. After that he would go to New York to expand his business and would stay there for a year. But, things turned a little bit different. He didn't went to New York alone. Instead, he had the daughter of Santiago Vargas with him. The most annoying, dramatic, but absolutely beautiful girl he had ever met. He couldn't stand her tantrums and drama. And she wasn't willing to change just for him. After all, he was just the guy that was suppose to watch over her. A hot, sexy as sin guy.

    Julencia Slamet · Urban
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    Drama, Drama, Drama

    Unknown_Username · General
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    Drama Drama

    In the bustling hallways of Winston High, where dreams and emotions collide, a captivating slice of teenage life unfolds. Amidst the chaos of academic pursuits and youthful uncertainties, a whirlwind of drama takes hold, leaving no heart untouched.

    Sandyit_Novpap · Teen
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