
Dark Vs Novels & Books - WebNovel


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    The Epic Tale of Chaos vs Order

    Thousands of years ago, humankind left the Old World. We enter a new age where science and magic are no longer opposing concepts. With these new opportunities came danger in the form of the Dark Races and the ones that named themselves Gods. However, if there was one thing humans were good at was their ability to destroy. Humankind fought and carved a bloody path into the new world. Cain's luck had never been good, but his destiny changed forever once he decided to harden his heart and face the world without fear or hesitation. --Godslayer Humankind's motto.-- We can comprehend the supernatural. We can dominate the supernatural. We can kill the supernatural - Adam, Emperor of Godslayer Humankind, The First Titan. Current schedule: 21 chapters a week. Bonus chapters: Over 400 power stones: 3 extra chapters. Over 800 power stones: 6 extra chapters. Over 1200 power stones: 9 extra chapters. Discord channel: https://discord.gg/R666sNEdrU

    Redsunworld · Fantasy
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    System vs Rebirth

    After Stargaze Family executed his family, Noel Ardagan embarked on his journey, restoring his family name with the help of a System. "What? How the heck did she get it before me? The system told me that I'm the only one who knows about it!" Noel Ardagan cursed in anger, "That conniving murdering woman!" "At this point in time, only I should be aware about this tomb. But how did he find out about it?" Anna Stargaze, even after her reincarnation, couldn’t comprehend Noel's actions. The clash between of a person holding a system and a reincarnator who knows everything in the future is about to start.

    Fixten · Fantasy
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    Call Of The Dark

    Driven by his need for revenge, Lazarus, the Lore’s most ruthless vampire, plots to seize the throne of Wilyra and rule it along with his betrothed, the fae goddess Maeve who thrives in a borrowed body. Lazarus has a perfect plan—until he finds Emmalyn, a young mortal who is the daughter of the rebel leader of blood vassals in his kingdom and an integral part of his plan. He captures the young girl to cast her soul out for Maeve. Emmalyn yearns for a better life to escape from her stepmother and an indifferent father. She never imagined that they would sell her to the royals to save her brother’s life. But there’s only one problem. Emmalyn tempts Lazarus beyond reason. As the time to cast her soul out draws closer, he must choose between his lust for the throne or his irresistible mortal. Will Lazarus succumb to lust for power and crown? Or will he risk it all to have a future with her? ___ This novel is a part of the series of Feral Confessions because of few common characters but is a standalone. Other books are: Feral Confessions: Adrianna and the Alpha, The Silver Crescent Alpha Prince, Ileus: The Dark Prince, Dark Hunger, The Alpha's Temptation Cover belongs to me. Cover artist: Michelle Lee

    MishaK · Fantasy
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    Dark Hunger

    A werewolf who would stop at nothing to claim her… After enduring the torment of his first relationship, Caleb Silver, king of Ixoviya, was enraged to find that he indeed had a mate. When he finally came close to her, the rage within him soothed. But she was on her death-bed. Turned into a vampire, she is on the verge of rejecting her mate… Conditioned to hate the night creatures, Elize Walsh, ran away from her mate. She hated him like fiery pits of hell — until this man starts his slow and wicked games of dark desires. Will Elize succumb to the miseries of her past with him and reject him? Will Caleb be able to win her? Join me in this game of seduction and games of the Lore. --- She watched the sun set through the tinted glass, rays blazing over the water, setting it aflame. Elize looked dreamily at the sea and said, "This looks too beautiful to be real."  "No Liz," said Caleb. Elize turned her gaze to meet him, and he was... mesmerized. In a breathy voice, he said, "You are… surreal. Do you know when I saw you for the first time, I thought I had met an angel?"  Her cheeks became pink like the sky outside. A smile tugged her lips up as his sunstruck eyes held her gaze. "When I first saw you, I was done for my life. Your blond hair, those sharp curves— it all acted like a magnet." His heart thudded in its ribcage and his pulse raced. She took a sip of her wine with trembling hands without realizing that it wasn't blood.  "And that instant I knew you were my mate. And that instant I knew that I could die looking at you."  There was so much intensity in his words that Elize's heart raced for this beautiful man. She wanted to go to him and place a kiss on his lips. Her flute shook on its way to her lips. She drained it absentmindedly and her head became dizzy immediately. Caleb came to her side the next instant. He took the glass from her and placed it on the table. Stroking her back softly, he apologized to her for giving her the champagne. She coughed a little and some tears poured out in response when she felt the burn of the wine in the back of her throat. But Caleb had paled so much by that time that she couldn't help giggling. "Since you didn't remember, it is your punishment that you drink the entire bottle of wine and then next."  ---- Book cover by Micehellwd. Copyrights belong to me. Other books in the series are: Feral Confessions: Adrianna and the Alpha (complete) The Silver Crescent Alpha Prince (complete) Ileus: The Dark Prince (ongoing)

    MishaK · Fantasy
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    The Dark Luna

    *Book 1 Completed* *Book 2 Completed* Blanca Vergil, the first of her kind, a young, naive hybrid, met Dimitri Norton, a rich, handsome, and powerful vampire. After a terrible betrayal in his past, he used his powerful abilities to fight against his fate. But when two strangers come together and two lifemates face treacherous schemes and uncover a dark mystery that links them together, you get a story and an adventure no one could have ever foreseen.

    CELLICA · Fantasy
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    The Dark Side

    Torn Between Good And Bad. Justin is light, safe, good. Alex is dark, dangerous, bad. Ariana is torn between the two. She knows she should head towards the light but the element of darkness has always excited her. Darkness runs through her blood, darkness makes her heart go wild. Darkness attracts her, she's drawn to it like a moth to a burning fire. Which path will she choose?

    Sakz · Teen
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    Crazy Wife Vs Cold Husband

    WARNING! Terdapat konten dewasa di dalam novel ini. Harap bijaklah memilih bacaan. "Kamu bebas melakukan apapun di rumah ini, kamu bebas pergi ke manapun, dan aku tak peduli dengan itu! Tapi, satu hal yang harus kamu ingat! Jangan pernah mengusik kehidupan pribadiku!" tegas pria berusia 25 tahun, berwajah Asia dengan ciri khas rambut panjangnya yang membuatnya terlihat tampan dan cool di mata para wanita, tepat di hadapan wanita yang baru saja sah menjadi istrinya. "Aku bahkan tak peduli dengan apapun yang berkaitan dengan dirimu! Jangan pernah menggangguku juga! Jika tidak, kamu akan tahu akibatnya! Kamu tahu, aku bisa melakukan apapun untuk membalas orang yang berani mengusikku! Dan, satu lagi. Jangan pernah menyentuhku, atau aku akan membuat dirimu menyesal, dan takan pernah sanggup untuk bangun kembali!" ancam gadis cantik serta berwajah lugu bernama Gabriela Anastasya Sasongko, berusia 21 tahun seraya menunjuk wajah pria tampan itu tepat di wajah pria itu. Siapa sangka? Di balik wajahnya yang lugu tersimpan sesuatu yang membuat pria itu hampir mengalami darah tinggi setiap harinya, serta mendadak membuatnya memiliki riwayat penyakit jantung. Menikah adalah jalan yang harus keduanya tempuh ketika keduanya terlibat dalam skandal yang terjadi akibat kesalah pahaman. Lantas, akankah pernikahan itu dapat membawa keduanya saling menerima kehadiran satu sama lain? Dan mungkinkah seiring berjalannya waktu dapat menumbuhkan benih cinta di hati keduanya?

    Mahdania · Urban
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    Luciano Knight 'Analise James'. The woman who owns my heart. Romance is not my thing when everyday I have a new girl to warm my bed. She is special and just watching her work in those small dresses serving drinks makes me fall for her deeper than ever. She is my perfect and will become my precious possession. Looking at her gives me peace. I have been keeping an eye on her for two years now. She works as a waitress in my club. And soon she will be mine. .................................. He gave her everything but stole her freedom and broke her soul.

    MerilJune · Urban
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    Athlete vs Academician

    Arya Chayton, seorang remaja yang sangat menyukai olahraga. Cintanya pada olahraga tak setengah hati. Hampir semua permainan olahraga ia kuasai. Arya terkenal cukup nakal di sekolahnya karena sering bolos pelajaran. Ketika mengikuti pelajaran sekalipun, ia lebih memilih tidur atau berbicara dengan temannya sendiri. Namun saat mengikuti ekstrakulikuler, justru ia paling semangat. Sebaliknya, Arya memiliki teman bernama Amelia Regna. Ia gadis seumuran dengan Arya, dan mereka berteman akrab sejak kecil. Amelia sangat suka belajar dan sering mendapat nilai sempurna di semua mata pelajaran. Tak ada pelajaran yang ia benci, kecuali olahraga. Ia selalu mendapat nilai merah ketika menerima hasil ujian olahraga. Suatu ketika orang tua Amelia mendapat kesempatan untuk bekerja di Denmark. Mau tak mau mereka harus pindah rumah dan berganti kewarganegaraan. Arya terus menunggu hingga bertahun-tahun, mengharap kembalinya Amelia. Sejak itu, rasa cinta Arya pada Amelia mulai tumbuh hingga akhirnya mereka bertemu kembali di universitas yang sama.

    Bimbroz · Urban
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    Yandere Vs Yandere

    The two rising stars of the empire. The once-in-a-millennium wizard, and the incarnation of the war goddess knight. With family, society, history, and even gods as their obstacles, the stone-cold wizard and the fiery-hot knight wage a war of love that would sweep up the entire world. Their twisted desire would mercilessly annihilate anything that comes in the way of their love. And their targets? Each other. The road to love was one laden with thorns. Would these two geniuses be genial enough to understand each other's desires? Or would they be left stranded in the sea of misunderstandings without the boat called social skills? *** Extra Chapter every 20 PS! Bonus Chapters for Magic Castle-5 Chapters

    Chestnutriceeee · Fantasy
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    Fernanda_Soriano · Fantasy
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    Black Dark

    Arjun, begitulah nama bocah ini. Di usia yang belia, ia harus mengalami banyak kemalangan. Mulai dari seringnya melihat pertengkaran orang tuanya hingga satu per satu orang yang ia sayangi meninggalkan dirinya. Mulai dari meninggalnya ibunya, hingga ia harus dijauhkan dari kakak angkatnya, Agnimaya. Namun, semua kemalangan itu membuat Arjun semakin kuat menjalani garis takdirnya. Ia berjanji untuk selalu berada di jalan kebenaran. Tapi, selalu saja banyak rintangan untuk menjalani niat baik itu. Berbagai macam cobaan, semakin membuat Arjun menjadi sosok yang lebih kuat dari sebelumnya. Ia akan melindungi orang-orang yang tersayangnya yang tersisa. Namun, takdir berkata lain. Seolah takdir tengah mempermainkan dirinya. Hingga sosok dari masa lalu ibunya datang kepada Arjuna. Sosok pria yang baik itu mengulurkan tangannya ketika Arjuna berada di masa tersulitnya karena terus-menerus kehilangan orang yang disayanginya. Sosok itu adalah Hilal, mantan kekasih ibunya Arjuna. Sosok yang masih mencintai Maurasika, ibunya Arjuna, hingga saat ini. Hilal menjadi sosok ayah bagi Arjuna, yang bahkan selama ini Arjuna tidak tahu bagaimana cara sosok ayah selalu bersikap. Dia lupa pada sosok ayah. Ketika Arjuna mulai menjalani hidupnya yang baik-baik saja bersama ayah angkatnya, Hilal, tiba-tiba ada murid baru di sekolahannua yang memiliki nama belakang sama seperti Arjuna. Nama remaja berkacamata itu adalah Angga Ronivanendra. Yudha, sahabatnya Arjuna, mengatakan mungkin saja Arjuna dan Angga adalah saudara jauh. Tapi, Arjuna mengatakan jika tidak mau tahu lagi soal apa pun yang membahas nama keluarga Ronivanendra. Namun, beberapa situasi mempertemukan Arjuna dan Angga secara kebetulan. Apakah Angga memang saudaranya Arjuna? Lalu, apakah Angga juga akan menjadi target Arjuna selanjutnya? Untuk spoiler dan visual, silahkan ikuti IG : @mamathor_joon FB : Zanaka Sofia Maurya

    Zanaka · Urban
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    The Dark Knight

    Someone had to reveal the secrets of that village, The ghost of darkness is cruel. Nobody meets him and lives. The masked village leader, everyone fears him. Women have no place among these Monsters, Do they?

    HS · Urban
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    Dark vs. Light

    A woman with a dark past still following her. Two brothers that want her powers for their own gain. One choice can change everything. Will she choose the good verses the bad?

    Kayla_Smith_9261 · Fantasy
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    Dark King

    Catastrophe erupted, it was the end of the world. Survivors were surrounded by the impregnable wall, a new order was established... The desire for power, faith, and darkness pervaded each other, layer upon layer of brands imprinted in every corner of the heart. The virus wreaked havoc, were these humans' true colors? "I unexpectedly survive, I want to live." –Du Dian

    Gu Xi · Sci-fi
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    The Alpha VS The Beta

    Lucia is a woman who is kind, humble, beautiful, also sweet. Meanwhile, Diana is an arrogant woman, although from the outside she looked beautiful, but her heart was not as beautiful as her outer appearance. Diana is Arya's fiance who had an affair with Ryan. One day, Arya reunited with Lucia in Greece while they were on vacation there. Then, Arya approached Lucia, but suddenly an earthquake and then a tsunami dragged them into the sea. A few hours later, Arya woke up in a strange room with a different body, while Lucia woke up and found out herself in a hospital. At the same time, Ryan was also vacationing on the Santorini Island and then sank to the bottom of the sea after a fight with Alexa. It turns out their bodies were swapped. Between Arya and Ryan, they turned into other people. This story is not about love, but there are some conflicts about revenge also infidelity, complicated life. Notes : All characters, names and place settings, companies are fictional. Except country and airport is non fiction.

    Vienna_Gu · Fantasy
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    Dark Academy

    Reincarnation brings me back to the age of eighteen when everything began. I am aware of what is now awaiting me at this point. I plan to alter my future. __________ Before long, it compelled me to join the Dark Academy, where magical beings of all kinds training to combat interstellar invaders. The Dark academy magical creatures forced the students to enlist in the Human Defense Force. I am Aria Hart, and I am neither a werewolf nor a vampire nor a Fae nor a witch. I am a called Rare a species born once every thousand years and is a hybrid of all the power. Join me for the Adventure of Mystery

    Tracy_Tauro · Fantasy
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    A'void dark

    In a world where power is everything. A young boy named Hayden was rejected by its one and only law. Power. He was the only one blessed with nothing... but what if that weren't the case? He will set out on a path… a path of conquest to scatter the despair created by the world's lack of 'humanity'.

    SacredDream · Fantasy
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    The Dark Fairy

    Kidnapped at the age of three, Rain found herself amongst the people who put monsters and devils to shame. Subjected to their torture since young age, she turned out to be the cold-blooded killer with no emotions but was gifted some superhuman abilities. As a result, she began turning into one of those demons herself. But two little angels in the form of her brothers saved her from this eternal damnation and to protect those angels from the fate same as her, she decided to flee from the shackles of those monsters. Rain believed herself to be one of those monsters whose sole goal in this life was only to create a safe world for her brothers. But the interference of a certain pesky man forced her to question her goal. He just barged into her life and made her believe that although she was filled with darkness, she was a fairy. “A Dark Fairy” is what he called her. After marking his presence and establishing his position as the ruthless leader in the underworld, Elliot Harvey finally decided to take over his family business. But before that he had to intern in his own company under a disguise as Kai. It was there that he met Rain. Now gone was the ruthless king of the underworld and what remained was a young puppy in love who just wanted to be noticed by this mysterious girl who had captured his heart with her hypnotizing eyes. ******** “Wha… Just what happened here?” his best friend gulped as soon as his gaze landed on a girl standing there like a demon sent by the Hades himself. “Elliot. What in the world happened here? Why does Rain look like thi… like this….”. He wanted to say demon when he heard Elliot say “Fairy.” “Fairy??!!! Are you out if your mind? She’s clearly a Demon, okay?? A DEMON! Straight from the hell!!!” his friend trembled. ********** Although she had escaped, she soon realised that she could never be free unless those monsters were annihilated from the face of the Earth. Thus began a secret war. A war to save humanity. This is her journey of redemption. This is his journey to unbound her from the darkness within her. The story of his assistance to her quests, complimenting her where she lacked. He thought that he was lucky enough to get a chance to join her in this war but unknown to him, he had already signed up for this war before he even met her. But what is it that they are fighting? What is it that she is protecting her brothers from? How was Elliot involved in this war before he even knew her? Will she be able to overcome the darkness within her to lead a happy life? Let’s accompany Rain on her excursion to find the answers. (Warning- This story have a BL romance later into the story. Hence those people who are uncomfortable about reading such stories are suggested to re-consider before picking up this story. As for the rest of the readers, Thank you for your support. Happy Reading \\^_^//) Ps- The credit of the picture on the cover goes to the original owner in Pintrest whom I don’t know.

    Dwarika · Sci-fi
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    Bad Girl VS Bad Boy

    Gue Andrea Kellisha Winanta, cewek petakilan dan ga bisa diam. Senakal - nakalnya gue, gue ga suka sama yang namanya alkohol dan rokok. Kalau sampai gue liat cowok nge-rokok atau minum, sifat preman gue keluar. Hari pertama gue jadi siswi di SMA Jingga, gue lihat segerombolan cowok di kantin dan itu pun masih jam pertama. Sebenarnya waktu itu gue di hukum gara - gara terlambat sekolah. Tapi bodo amatlah, dan yah... sekarang gue di kantin lihat segerombolan cowok itu di meja pojokan, dan salah satu dari mereka nge-rokok. Gue sih ga masalah mereka bolos toh biasanya dulu pas SMP gue bolos, tapi ini salah satunya ada yang nge-rokok. Karena gue benci banget, mulai saat itu gue mulai ngibarin bendera perang. Dan saat itu hidup gue yang awalnya biasa aja, sekararang jadi luar biasa. maksud gue er... LUAR BINASA. Cover : Pinterest (Avatar Fan art)

    SpringLoveyy · Teen