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    Seorang gadis ceria bernama Via menjalani kehidupan sehari harinya, tapi satu persatu orang yang disayanginya menghilang dan menghancurkan jiwanya. Apakah ini salahku?! Apa aku adalah seorang yang membawa malapetaka?! Mengapa ini semua terjadi padaku?! Mengapa seperti ini?!

    AAA_ · Teen
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    The Villain Wants to Live [Ch 362 Full]

    「Translation/TL to read here on Webnovel - All Chapters - upto Ch - 362」Please comment on chapters with very bad grammatical errors or incomprehensible text. I will edit those chapters. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 【 Synopsis: 】 The mid-level boss of my company’s AAA-game. Deculein, a villain who dies in 999 out of the 1000 playthroughs. Now I have transmigrated in his body. 《 Tags be like: Abandoned Children, Academy, Adventurers, Anti-Magic, Apathetic Protagonist, Aristocracy, Arranged Marriage, Arrogant Characters, Bloodlines, Bookworm, Business Management, Calm Protagonist, Character Growth, Charismatic Protagonist, Cheats, Child Abuse, Clever Protagonist, Cold Love Interests, Cold Protagonist, Confident Protagonist, Cruel Characters, Cunning Protagonist, Dark, Death of Loved Ones, Demons, Determined Protagonist, Discrimination, Elemental Magic, Empires, Enemies Become Allies, Engagement, Evil Gods, Evil Organizations, Evil Religions, Family Business, Famous Protagonist, Fast Learner, Game Elements, Handsome Male Lead, Hard-Working Protagonist, Harsh Training, Hated Protagonist, Inferiority Complex, Introverted Protagonist, Kind Love Interests, Kingdoms, Knights, Late Romance, Love Rivals, Love Triangles, Loyal Subordinates, Magic, Magic Formations, Magical Space, Magical Technology, Male Protagonist, Master-Disciple Relationship, Mature Protagonist, Misunderstandings, Money Grubber, Multiple POV, Multiple Transported Individuals, Mysterious Past, Nobles, Obsessive Love, Past Plays a Big Role, Past Trauma, Personality Changes, Politics, Popular Love Interests, Proactive Protagonist, Protagonist Falls in Love First, Protagonist Strong from the Start, Psychic Powers, Racism, Romantic Subplot, Royalty, Schemes And Conspiracies, Secret Organizations, Seeing Things Other Humans Can't, Sharp-tongued Characters, Siblings, Slow Romance, Special Abilities, Stoic Characters, Strategic Battles, Strong Love Interests, Strong to Stronger, Summoning Magic, Sword And Magic, Teachers, Terrorists, Time Travel, Tragic Past, Transmigration, Transplanted Memories, Transported into a Game World, Underestimated Protagonist, Wars, Wealthy Characters, Wizards, Yandere 》 « TVWtL VWL » ﹝Leave a review if you liked the novel﹞

    typicalanimewatchr · Fantasy
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    Alchemist and the Alderan Academy

    Teen years ago the earth was constantly devastated by thousands of meteor storms and created ecological disasters of various sorts. Along with the catastrophes came Blue Stone, a crystalline mineral left behind in the aftermath of catastrophes. Blue Stone is widely used by humans as a source of energy, substitution of fossils.  However, exposure to Blue Stone Haze leads to Blue Syndrome, a condition of being life emptiness, those who got Blue Syndrome would die in fifth month. Nevertheless, those who survive are known as Survivor, notabene with their blue eyes. They are known to have strong physical power and be able to perform an Alchemist, using Alchemy Stone that came from Blue Stone core, a stone that could manipulate known elements.  In the midst of it all, Neraka's Gate appeared. A gateway for Ghouls to terrorising the peace. Since then, humans have been fighting against the Ghouls. *** Akimitsu Yamazaki is one of the Survivors, and had a normal life as a student at Himeji High School.  Everything changes when the Summer Camp incident occurs. Aki joins Alderaan Academy, an organisation backed by the UN, engaged in finding the way to stop the appearance of Ghouls from Neraka's Gate. "I will not let my tragedy happen to others." Enters conflict with The Truth, a violent non-state rebels consisting of radical Survivor and those called open minded peoples. They think the emergence of Neraka's Gate is due to the use of Blue Stone. They intend to punish Alchemia Corporation who brought Blue Stone as a power source and bring humans back to using fossils. . . .

    Adityo_WN · Fantasy
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    AAA cash 7091482857

    BK_Sk · Fantasy
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    AAA: Corazones Marchitos

    Todos estamos rotos de alguna manera. Otros con heridas muy profundas. Heridas que necesitan más tiempo para poder cicatrizar, pues son las que hacen o hicieron más daño. Esta historia puede que sea igual que las otras pero para mí es especial pues trata temas como; el respeto propio y hacia tu semejante y el abandono. Ya que trata sobre Alem: un chico cuya relación con su padre está al filo del precipicio. Sobre Alex: quien tiene una madre poco tolerante hacia lo diferente o "fuera de lo ordinario". Sobre Adam: pues su pasado lo atormenta cada vez que se va a dormir, como un león cazando a su presa. Y sobre Nairim, quien anhela convertirse en una psicóloga, pues no hay nada más bello y tramposo que la mente humana.

    DaoistWtlUFq · Teen
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    Abid_Ali_9986 · Realistic
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    Daoistr4kcLt · Fantasy
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    本书又名《亲爱的女神经》、《神经侦探》 被好友坑了欠下巨款的他,被迫注册了黑暗幽灵网成为里面万千的执事之一,废材的他竟意外地通过了全网的顶级考试,还异常顺利地得到了巨额的任务? 纳尼,青山病院AAA号病床是什么鬼? 为了还债走上人生巅峰的他,昂首挺胸地走进了青山病院。下一秒就吓尿他了,莫名成为了护工的唯一。没错,是整个精神病院的唯一一个护工...... 就在他快崩溃变成神经病之前,终于找到了任务中的AAA号病房。 房门被打开的一瞬间,竟有一个神仙气质的绝世大美女在里面对他招手,下一秒果然走上了人生的“癫疯”---他成为了精神病院的院长,顺带接管了四百多位病人。 每天冒着生命危险做着一些无厘头的任务,一个伺候不周到就面临着病友疯狂的追杀...... 他也想逃呀,可奈何对那个神仙姐姐有一种时曾相识的感觉,一时的迷恋竟被深深地吸入了充满危险的旋涡里再也出不来了......

    莲说来生 · Horror
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    The Villain Wants to Live

    *** Just a fan, translating here.. *** The mid-level boss of my company’s AAA-game. Deculein, a villain who dies in 999 out of the 1000 playthroughs. Now I have transmigrated in his body.

    Happy_Life13 · Fantasy
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    Ajoke_Oladeinde · Fantasy
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    The Villain Wants to Live (Full Version)

    - The mid-level boss of my company’s AAA-game. - Deculein, a villain who dies in 999 out of the 1000 playthroughs. - Now I have transmigrated in his body. ****************************************************** MC Transmigtated in a game which, he has worked on and now we have to try to live a messed-up.

    Alish_Rain · Fantasy
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    Badal_Chaurasia · General
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    An Alpha's Alpha [BL]

    Cheng Ge suddenly transmigrated into an ABO-slash-Victorian-like world. With his new body and new life as an alpha and a Duke's son, he decided to get acquainted with other nobles. Cheng Ge, now Lucian Montague, finds himself tangled in a conspiracy with the young alpha named Marquis Eugene Fergus. Watch them make their way out of this mayhem as they get to know each other more and delve deeper into a forbidden love between two alphas. Power couple, alpha x alpha, switch couple (versatile), fast-paced romance (justifiable since they're both hot), and the sexual tension is so good. Updates every Tuesdays and Fridays (shanghai timezone, updates can also be mostly dependent on readers' demands lol).

    Merizzz · LGBT+
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    Every ending is a new Beginning

    something you might read a story and say . hey this is a good story I really like it. why did you like it. is it because the story was really good is it because the characters were extremely relatable is it because it was really funny or is it because the romanc was really good. is it because aaa shit amm I don't know where I was going with this I mean I was trying to write something wise but mid way tru I forgot what the wise part I was suppose to write was well now I don't know if I should keep this or not. well if somebody tell's me to remove it I will remove this part. well now that the wise and stupid and aqward part is out let's talk about the story. it's a transmission where you know someone transmigrats to another world and lives a lively life and he has a system so yea . first time writing something outside my head hope I can learn something

    Daydreamar · Fantasy
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    Atharia's Assassin Academy

    Involuntarily placed in a school that turns people into assassins in order to invade the neighbouring countries, Luna is not exactly the happiest person in the world. She is not exactly good at making friends and this is a world where making enemies may cost you dearly. On top of that, everyone has secrets they don't want getting out, but how hard is it to keep secrets in a place where everyone wants to find out what you're up to? Are friendships even capable of lasting in such a cruel world? Read along as Luna and her classmates struggle their way through the assassin academy. What you do to succeed? What is the cost that you are willing to pay to keep yourself safe? ------------------ "You can't have both, you know. At the end of this day, you will have to ask a question. Them, or me. I can make sure that Taliyah and the others leave you alone, but you'll have to choose your friends." Was she really under the impression that I would drop them as friends just because she was asking me to? But rather than tell her that right away, I used the opportunity to find out what I wanted to know. "How?" I asked. "What do you mean ‘how’?" she responded. I was used to not saying much, but I guess I had to clarify what I meant. "How can you guarantee that they will leave me alone?" Her response only brought more questions and I didn't really want to know the answer. Or deep in my heart I already knew. "Taliyah promised me she would, so long as you... ehh, change your allegiance." Taliyah really had no reason to do that, unless... "And why would she promise you that, when you are affiliated with us?" I inquired. "I think you already know the answer to that," she started. She was right, I knew, but she continued anyway. "If you aren't ruthless in this academy, you lose. You might be on top now, but in the end you will lose. That's why Taliyah's team is the safer option." No, it wasn't. Ruthlessness earns you a lot in this place, that is true. But I wouldn't want to constantly have to look over my shoulder to prevent being stabbed in the back. ------------------ *Credits for the cover go to my friend, who drew this awesome cover for me. :D

    Adamina · Fantasy
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    YangTerpilih (YTP)

    Bruk "Aaa" suara sesuatu terjatuh menabrak sesuatu. Ya benar saja karena terburu-buru takut ketinggalan kereta akhirnya yumna menabrak pintu masuk stasiun. 'haaaah untung masih pagi gak ada orang, haahaa' batin yumna. Sedang diseberang sana ada yang terkekeh melihat Yumna terjatuh menabrak pintu masuk, namun merasa kasihan. Penampilannya saat ini terlihat berantakan, tapi gadis ini selalu cuek dengan penampilannya. Dia juga gadis mandiri yang tidak peduli meski kemana-mana seorang diri. Bahkan ketika dia bosan, tak jarang untuk pegi ke mall, toko buku, atau kuliner seorang diri. Pagi itu, dia berencana untuk pulang ke rumah orangtuanya yang berada di Malang menggunakan kereta seperti biasa. Ya, sudah beberapa tahun ini yumna merantau ke surabaya untuk bekerja dan belum sempat pulang beberapa bulan ini. *dalam gerbong kereta... '16D kan? bukankah ini tempat dudukku? kok ada orangnya si?' batin yumna dengan kesal karena tempat itu sudah ia pilih melalui aplikasi. 'Sengaja pesan samping jendela malah dipake orang, huuuhhh'. Orang itu menghadap ke jendela dan mendengarkan musik, tak menyadari kedatangan Yumna karena sudah tertidur. Akhirnya Yumna mengalah dan duduk disebelahnya. Karena hari masih terlalu pagi, yumna pun memasang headset dan memejamkan mata. Saat terbangun, dia merasa ada sepasang mata memperhatikannya. Yah benar saja, orang yang duduk disebelah melihatnya. tanpa sadar ternyata Yumna menyenderkan kepala dibahu orang itu. siapa orang itu ? dan bagaimana kisah Yumna selanjutnya? Yuk simak. Ada juga kisah perjuangan Yumna di Novel Surat Cinta Dari Allah.

    ElLail888 · Teen
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    Wannabe Villain get Isekai-ed

    author note(important): I DID A MASSIVE CHAPTERS REVISING, PLEASE CHECK IT OUT Anyways, sorry if this novel looked a bit amateurish, it's my first novel after all, so please forgive me on that part. Aaa~nd! peace out!! The story: Yoro was once a normal highschooler....Well, it was until this novel started. Without any sign at all, his father was suddenly leaving the house with massive debts on his track, turning the family's condition 180 degrees. His mother fell sick out of stress and finally did suicide after she could not hold it anymore. After that, his girlfriend stopped contacting him, his friends were all gone, and he did not have a choice but to leave the school, for the time itself was even racing against him. Well, why don't I just save one's life and die with it? There was no hope left after all.... But then a strange person came, telling him that he would be transmigrated onto an isekai! Well sure, why not? And after some hideous deal going on between them, he successfully transmitted in a whole new world as a human. But more importantly, in one piece no less! So he was trying to live a normal life this time, life on without being burdened with anything like the old one. But without him knowing, an interracial war was actually brewing behind his back!  And with his newly acquired status, he was a wild factor that each of the party had to get rid of from the board called the face of the world! He must be sent away from the war as far as possible! But to everyone's surprise, he actually came back alive out of that death hole! And with a newly founded power on top of that! Well, fuck! Now, what would his response be when he saw his home was already flat with the earth!? Follow his journey as the heir of white itself!

    OxyFlo · Fantasy
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    When your family past makes your future are you able to accept it or will your change it. Read the stories of this powerful royal family and how the past has made up their children's future.

    AAA98 · Fantasy
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