
Zia Novels & Books - WebNovel


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    Secrets Revealed

    Dia muncul, dia yang selama ini menghilang telah kembali menghantuiku, aku harus apa? Dia, sang kejam dan jahat kembali Dia, yang hanya aku yang bisa melihatnya. Dia, licik dan menyeramkan. Dia ingin merebut apa yang ku miliki. Semua takut padanya, setan yang menempel sama Sean pun menghilang jika dia muncul. Tetapi ada yang menjanggal, mengapa Dia mirip dengan seseorang yang sangatku kenal?

    ZIA · Fantasy
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    A Companheira Rejeitada de Alfa Retorna como Rainha

    "Eu, Benson Walton, rejeito você, Selma Payne, como minha futura Luna e companheira. "Se você for sensata, encontrará um lugar calmo para morrer sozinha, em vez de macular a glória de nosso povo. "Você é apenas um sapo feio. Fique na lama quietamente e não sobrecarregue nossa matilha." No décimo nono aniversário de Benson, ele descobriu que éramos companheiros destinados. Mas eu não esperava que ele preferisse suportar grande dor do que me aceitar. Cada palavra que ele dizia atingia diretamente meu coração, e a dor me fazia tremer incontrolavelmente. Descobri que não era filha biológica dos meus pais quando eu tinha dezesseis anos. Mesmo que eles pensassem em mim como um anjo que uma cegonha lhes deu, não mudava o fato de que eu era uma humana fraca e pequena. Era apenas um ovo frágil que cairia com um toque, uma perdedora que nem podia ver a estrada sem a ajuda do luar. Minha existência trouxe vergonha para meus pais e para minha matilha! Talvez eu devesse ter morrido na floresta desde o início. Com esse pensamento em mente, decidi devolver-lhes uma matilha pura e imaculada esta noite. Então, pulei de um penhasco e pensei que iria morrer. Nunca imaginei que seria salva, e minha verdadeira identidade acabou sendo a única filha do Rei Lycan que havia se perdido há dezoito anos. Eu era também a herdeira do trono! Isso me surpreendeu muito. Eu era realmente uma lobisomem? Mas... Por que eu era tão fraca? Será que tudo isso era apenas um erro? Para me tornar uma herdeira qualificada, escondi minha identidade e recebi treinamento. No entanto, aquele instrutor frívolo que estava encarregado de me treinar poderia realmente me ajudar a despertar meu lobo, ou ele estava apenas se aproveitando de mim? Enquanto eu me tornava mais forte e me tornava uma figura pública, outros atacaram e conspiraram contra mim muitas vezes. Eles tinham algo a ver com aqueles que me sequestraram todos aqueles anos atrás? Eu tenho que pegá-los! Eu vou proteger minha família, e meu amado!

    Mountain Springs · General
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    Reivindicando Meu Marido CEO Possessivo

    Corria o boato de que Xaviera Evans tinha uma constituição frágil — uma beleza doentia. Dizia-se que ela gastava uma fortuna todos os dias em medicamentos — comendo-os como doces. E que dez servos a esperavam junto à sua cama todos os dias — um fardo para todos. Todos esperavam que a família Evans devolvesse Xaviera Evans para o campo e a deixasse cuidar de si mesma. Xaviera Evans: "Eles estão todos dizendo que sou fraca e não consigo cuidar de mim mesma. Aparentemente, também gasto dinheiro de forma imprudente." Ela olhou para sua camisa esfarrapada e ficou exasperada. Xaviera Evans: "Está dizendo que essa família rica deixa a filha usar roupas esfarrapadas todos os dias?" A filha rica da família Evans? Ela já tinha tido o suficiente! Não seria mais essa pessoa! Portanto... Malandro: "Sem a família Evans, você não é nada." Xaviera Evans: "Se eu for expulsa da família Evans, estarei acabada." Mulher malandra: "Irmã, não fique muito desapontada. Contanto que você trabalhe duro, será elogiada um dia." Xaviera Evans: "Cale a boca, eu não conheço um traidor como você." O malandro e a mulher malandra: "???" Corria o boato de que o filho mais novo da família Mamet, Caleb Mamet, casou-se precipitadamente com uma mulher que só tinha aparência. Xaviera Evans: "Alguém está me menosprezando?" Um dia, Xaviera Evans viu um dos funcionários de Caleb Mamet quebrando a cabeça sobre uma série de números na tela do computador. Como estava livre, ela deu uma mãozinha. Ela acabou de quebrar o firewall criado pelos esforços conjuntos dos melhores hackers de elite?! Caleb Mamet se aproximou a cada passo. "Xaviera, o que mais você está escondendo de mim? Hein?" Xaviera Evans: "Ah, não! Estou tonta de novo! Sou tão fraca. Este corpo meu é simplesmente muito fraco!"

    Qiaoqiao · General
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    Bride Of The Shadows

    # Arranged marriage #Paranormal Romance -She was his sweet peach. His wish. His eternity. His redemption. His to corrupt and his to command. He has and would never love any the way he loved her- Hermione Barclay, an attractive princess suffered a tragic past which caused her to isolate herself, frightened by the presence of people, poor constructions of words... The memory of the vampire boy whom she had once felt safe around remained etched in her innermost self and she fantasized about nothing but him. Years later, a marriage proposal arrived and she was to wed the same man she had always dreamt about, unfortunately, her expectations of him were crushed. He only cared for her because he was asked to, not because he wanted to. Dark and Tragic twists awaited her in her new home, how was she going to survive?

    Author_Zia · Fantasy
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    The infamous Dark Alpha is my bodyguard

    Volume 1 #The infamous dark Alpha is my bodyguard# "I Blair, the third princess of Neblon, reject you as my Alpha..." She trailed off, No sooner had she said those words did she feel an excruciating pain in her chest that made her clench it hard.  Sad tears flowed down her cheeks as her gaze landed on the man whom she had loved with all she had, in despair. Why did it have to be like this? She had thought of living a simple and beautiful life with him alone. She was ready to leave everything behind for him, she was ready to forego her title as the princess... All for him and what did he do to repay her? He betrayed her. He betrayed every single trust she had for him, he shut her out of his heart like trash, and he treated her ruthlessly like how he did to everyone around him. If she had known, she wouldn't have fallen for him. She would have respited him the moment her eyes fell on him, she would have treated him like the animal he was but she was too late.   "I don't want you either" His heartless response came afterward, he hadn't even been fazed by her rejection.    Blair chuckled, she was laughing at her carelessness, her stupidity, her rash decision... She dragged her family and kingdom to hell just because of him. She was sure that Neblon would never forgive her, and her family would never forgive her for what she had done. -Volume 2- #The dark Alpha's salvation#   She wanted revenge on him, for destroying her life, killing those who were dear to her and those that were killed innocently. Out of everyone in the world, she hated and resented him the most.    "You are not my wife" He softly spoke, his gray eyes gazing at the hard hands in front of him. He knew the owner of this hand and he wanted her to reveal herself.    A taunting smile lingered on Blair's lips as she threw away the veil. She pointed the dagger close to his neck and pinned him to the large bed.      "Just who I thought it was" He breathed out as he stared into her eyes. Zephyr wouldn't have thought that she was this determined to kill him. She ruined his wedding by switching places with his bride just to have him killed. He must praise her.   "I won't let you off, I told you" She bellowed.  -Volume 3- See to -Bride of the shadows-

    Author_Zia · Fantasy
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    A Sedução da Coroa

    [Alerta: conteúdo maduro r18+/forte] Ele é a sua salvação. Ela, a sua decádida. No entanto, ele se recusa a deixá-la ir... Minéia, a Princesa mais jovem de Ebódia, foi amaldiçoada ao nascer para permanecer imaculada e trazer desgraça àqueles ao seu redor. Esta profecia paira sobre ela como uma nuvem escura, crescendo a cada ano que não se realiza. Ela existe em murmúrios silenciosos como uma figura lamentável - frágil, submissa, indesejada. Por trás dessa máscara há uma fêmea forte e destemida digna de ser rainha. E esta aspirante a rainha tem seus olhos postos em quebrar sua maldição, mesmo que isso signifique enganar o vampiro mais astuto que já nasceu. Nikolai, embora recluso e enigmático, é reverenciado pelo Reino de Valcrez como um sábio e poderoso governante. Desconhecido para seus leais súditos, sua imagem de perfeição é uma teia de mentiras que, se expostas, podem enviar o seu reino e tudo o que eles prezam desmoronando a seus pés. Quando esses dois encontram seus caminhos cruzados em uma aliança de casamento, começa o jogo da Sedução da Coroa. Mas quem é o caçador e quem é a presa? ******** Excerto: "Por que você está se despindo na minha frente?" ela perguntou com uma carranca, fazendo pouco para esconder a irritação em sua voz. Seu objetivo era capturar apenas o coração dele, não todo o seu corpo! "Não posso tomar um banho com minha esposa?" ele respondeu com um tom frio. "Pedi especificamente uma banheira grande para garantir que nós dois caibamos nela juntos." Ela suspirou, não desviando o olhar dele enquanto recuperava sua compostura. Vendo-o sorrir maliciosamente, ela se esforçou para se sentir confortável enquanto ele falava. "Isso é mais parecido. Você mesma disse que ninguém a forçou a se casar comigo. Em vez disso, você se ofereceu e se voluntariou para isso, então eu espero que você esteja confiante o suficiente para compartilhar um banho com seu marido", Nikolai afirmou com confiança. "Afinal, faremos mais do que isso em breve." Descarado... Impedindo-se de revirar os olhos, ela conseguiu dar-lhe um sorriso enquanto dizia, "Não me culpe se você morrer então." **** Nota: Capa do Livro Comissionada pertencente ao Autor. Por favor, não a use!

    Eustoma_Reyna · Fantasy
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    Other zia


    Mamun_Oman · History
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    Zia (secretos revelados)

    Encasillamos los romances. Enamorarse en la juventud: Típico. Enamorarse de un amigo: Típico. Enamorarse de un mejor amigo: Aún más típico. Enamorarse de tu vecino: Típico también. Enamorarse de un vecino sexy y ardiente, sueño húmedos de todas y además, venido de una familia adinerada:... ¿hace falta decirlo? Bien, pues ahora, reformulemos la pregunta. Que tú vecino sexy y ardiente, con el que tienes una leve obsesión, te ayude a resolver quien te acosa, amenaza, chantajea y extorsiona, porque además de ser un PERFECTO DIOS DEL OLIMPO, es un puto hacker increíble: ... ¿Eso existe? ¡Pues si! ¡No va a pasarte a ti, pero si puede suceder! Y es justo lo que le pasó a Zia, la chica linda, hermosa, extrovertida y cariñosa, pero a la vez alejada de todos y todo. Termino por pedirle ayuda a su vecino de una manera accidental y muy descuidada. Él se llama Arien, y pronto va a intentarle ayudar a descubrir la identidad de Justicia, oculto bajo un nombre de chica, Raquel. ¿Porque? Yo que sé. Ella se mantiene bajo las órdenes de Justicia. Bajo la amenaza de revelar su horrible secreto. Bajo la amenaza de matar a todos a su alrededor gracias a su equivocación hace dos años. Pronto las órdenes pasarán de ser, «Sal de tu casa a las 5 am y quédate ahí hasta las 6», a, «Acuestate con este tipo o voy a publicar una parte del video», y después a, «Disparale a ese hijo de puta bastardo, o yo te disparó a tí». Ella no se había imaginado cuánto miedo le daba morir antes de conocer a este tipo que la extorsiona cada día, con una diferente orden. Será una experiencia que cualquiera intentaría olvidar, y ella desea lo mismo. Desea que se acabe lo más pronto posible para alejarse de todos e irse 'viva'... Si es que lo hace. —¡Dios mío! Soy una puta mierda —gritaba en alguna parte de la historia, Zia con frustración. —¡Pierde el control! —le exigía Arien, con desespero. —¿Eres estúpido? ¡Claro que no! Lo que Arien no se enteró hasta mucho después de estarla ayudándola, es el secreto que ella trataba de cubrir a toda costa. Era ese por el que ahora la extorsionaban, y era tan terrible como para amenazarla verdaderamente de muerte. Ella había cometido ese error por perder el control. No volvería a perderlo. Nunca más.

    Vivianne_Martinez · Teen
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    M. Bashir Zia

    Zia_Awan_zee · Sports
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    Dr abid Zia and Pakistan

    Yes I'm Pakistan

    Abid_Kareem · Fantasy
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    A female lead who is a royal criminal? Planning something big? Mysteries and puzzle everything is important to notice enjoy reading!

    Tabashum_Zia_5069 · Fantasy
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    Acting as a boy (GL)

    gl novel [ story of two Indian girls] *NOTE : - this novel is pure work of imagination. Being the best actress in whole country while wining many awards sara never thought that one day she will be in a contract marriage with the world's best scientist and sole heir of the oldest and best tecnology company in the world. one day after casting the last scene for her movie she went home early where she got her life's biggest shock by her mother "sara you have to marry zia ! " "whattt!!! " as if this shock wasn't enough she got to know something more terrifying " zia is not a boy zia is actually a girl! " sara thought she would go crazy until she heard her parents say " please today we have everything because of them you just have to pretend until six months! the marriage contract will be over after zia becomes the owner of shirik company!" story status:- ongoing update:- per chapter two weeks. note : - due to some personal reasons the book will be on hold until 1St may 2023. that reason is I have to give neet exam it is a premedical exam for any medical course in India for that I have been busy with classes so sorry for this but I hope readers will understand I can't compromise with my career lastly thanks for reading this book and waiting patiently for next chapters. (please notify me in the comment section if any grammatical errors are found thank you) .....................*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.................... story kind of follow the CEO in a contract marriage with female lead but it's a gl version ( gl x gl ) girls love. my other noval are 1. sweet without sugar it's a story based on my dream but it's not a romance novel so if you're only looking for romance you should stay away from this novel.but if you want something light which makes us smile from seeing the innocence of children u should probably check it out.\(^⁠_⁠^)/ 2.the aim of queen this novel is also a glxgl and its historical and magic world based content.

    white_cat23 · LGBT+
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    zia zoe sabby sofia layla miya

    Sabrina_Jei_Santos · Fantasy
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    Fair & Square (A Love Tale )Written by Uzma Zia

    Aslam-O-Alaikum, This is my first English novel. I dedicated this book to my Best Friend "Momna" I hope everyone will like my effort. This story is about people whose love is their life. This story is about a boy, who thinks he can achieve everything in the name of money. This story is about a girl who fears for her mother's life and cannot trust any man. This is the story of a woman believing in herself. This is the story of a man being responsible in love. (I hope you will forgive my mistakes, omissions.) I will let you know your valuable opinions. Writer:Uzma Zia Insta@uzmaziaofficial1 ************* A story of Faith in Love, Trust in Love. All right are reserved. Please don't use my book without my consent. Writer: Uzma Zia

    Uzmaziaofficial1 · Urban
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    Sword Of Alverian Zias

    In the mystical realm of Eldoria, where humans, demons, elves, dragons, and vampires coexist, a tale unfolds that transcends the boundaries of fate. Meet Zias, an orphan from earth who is devoid of living a normal life . One fateful day, Zias's life takes an unexpected turn when he is struck by a speeding carriage, only to awaken in the realm of Eldoria ,Born as the heir of a Duke family where he vows to conquers the world with his sword .

    HonorMe · Fantasy
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    mafia deep love

    mafia lovestory. its muslim love story. its love story people of two different worlds . how they both fall in love. it's love story of mafia leader and sweet, innocent Muslim girl. how the revenge and hate turn into love.

    Akbar_Ali_zia · Urban
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    My Playboy Is A Prince

    Yang Zia, a stunning, well-bred, self-reliant girl, loves to celebrate Spring Festival with her family and has done so every year except this year when fate has other plans for her. Zia encountered Li Wei, a mysterious playboy who was seriously wounded when she met him on her way home. Wei fell in love at first sight, meanwhile, she had to take care of him as just a human. However, He vowed himself that he would make her fall in love with him. But, once he had done so, he disappeared without a trace, leaving Zia heartbroken like any other playboy. Was it all a prank on his part? Is he a gamer when it comes to love? Do you think the playboy has the potential to be Zia's Prince of Dreams? MINE BOOK SERIES ★ My Playboy Is a Prince ★ My Domineering Husband ★ My Wicked Male Lead ════════════════════════════════════ — POINTS TO BE NOTED — • ALL CHAPTERS ARE PROFESSIONALLY EDITED !! • THIS IS MY ORIGINAL WORK !!. • THIS NOVEL FEATURES MATURE & R-18 CONTENT, however no rape, anti-religious or explicit mature content. • THIS BOOK IS EXCLUSIVELY AVAILABLE ONLY ON WEBNOVEL, other sites are pirated. • No part of the story is Linked with my current life. My writings are all about what I Imagine and like to Express. • I would love to know what you think about the characters. I appreciate each and everyone who put the effort into Reading my works, it means the world to me. Thank you Very much, Readers. ════════════════════════════════════ The Cover is edited by Bloom759 and the picture is taken from Pinterest. Check her books on Webnovel. ═══════════════════════════ — RIGHTS OF AUTHOR — No part of this book may be reproduced or Transmitted in any form or by any means. Electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the author. This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the Author's imagination or are actual Persons, living or dead, Events or Location is entirely Coincidental. ═══════════════════════════ CONTACT:— •Discord - Tisha#6746 •Join my server - https://discord.gg/nzZuYFhVEX •Instagram - @imaginetishad , @tishad.arts , @mistress_of_leo SUPPORT ME: • https://ko-fi.com/imaginetishad • https://www.patreon.com/imagineTishaD For More https://linktr.ee/TishaD ════════════════════════════════════ IF YOU ARE NOT READING THIS BOOK ON webnovel.com THEN THIS BOOK IS STOLEN BY THAT SITE. THE AUTHOR ONLY PUBLISH ON WEBNOVEL.

    imagineTishaD · Urban
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    please reset the booktitle Zia_Camero 20231218092329 55

    I was order to kill the daughter of the famous ceo but I got kill because of my teammates after a kill the target. I got woke up as the bitch princess

    Zia_Camero · Fantasy
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    please reset the booktitle Arsalan_Zia 20231218092329 78

    How I got 4 children in three girlfriends

    Arsalan_Zia · Fantasy
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    I Love You, Salsha!

    Aldi dan Salsha, dua orang yang saling mencintai tetapi harus terpisah karena kesalahpaham pun akhirnya kembali bertemu. Dan di saat mereka ingin memulai hubungan baru, muncul lah Kezia dengan banyak drama yang ia lakukan. Akankah Aldi dan Salsha bisa melewati lika liku hubungan mereka bersama atau malah hubungannya itu tidak akan pernah terjadi lagi?

    Auliia_Putrii · Teen
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