
Supernaturalromance Novels & Books - WebNovel


  • Nyx Saga Book 1; Adventures of the Catastrophe Cat Reverse Harem

    Well I'll tell you one thing experience and age has done absolutely nothing to improve my horrible luck, and through the escapades I'm dubbing Adventures of the Catastrophe Cat, I'm landed with an Heiress, a Puck, a Vampire, A Viking, A Genie and even a bloody Incubus among other things. All thanks to my orphan brother's internet dating profile that I had no more say in than him naming me after the bad luck cat outside of our orphanage. #reverseharem #whychoose #DDLG #BDSM #Poly #Bisexual #supernaturalromance #darkcomedy #military #billionaireromance #mobsterromance #fate

    BHAriks186 · Fantasy
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  • Nyx: Curse of the Catastrophe Cat (Reverseharem Poly) Book One

    I'm not a big drinker, but this month is definitely an exception. Usually it takes a full moon or my period for the worst of it, but I swear since that little tweedle twap made me a fake dating profile....! OOOOO if that were only the half of it! #reverseharem #whychoose #DDLG #BDSM #Poly #Bisexual #supernaturalromance #darkcomedy #military #billionaireromance #mobsterromance #fate

    BHAriks186 · Fantasy
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