After three years of being married to an unfaithful wife, the multi-billionaire is chased out of his home! After the divorce... His unfaithful ex-wife comes begging for forgiveness while she says, “I was wrong, please give me another chance!” Meanwhile, his former mother-in-law pleads, “Please be my son-in-law, I’ll do your laundry, prepare your meals, and serve you well!” "It’s too late to regret..."
Nach drei Jahren Ehe mit einer untreuen Frau wird der Multimilliardär aus seinem Haus vertrieben! Nach der Scheidung... Seine untreue Ex-Frau kommt und bittet um Vergebung, während sie sagt: "Ich hatte Unrecht, bitte gib mir noch eine Chance!" Währenddessen bittet seine ehemalige Schwiegermutter: "Bitte sei mein Schwiegersohn, ich werde deine Wäsche waschen, deine Mahlzeiten zubereiten und dich gut bedienen!" "Es ist zu spät, um zu bereuen..."
Setelah tiga tahun menikah dengan istri yang tidak setia, sang miliarder diusir dari rumahnya! Setelah perceraian... Mantan istri yang tidak setia itu datang memohon ampunan sambil berkata, "Aku salah, tolong beri aku kesempatan lagi!" Sementara itu, mantan mertuanya memohon, "Tolong jadi menantu, aku akan mencuci pakaiammu, menyiapkan makanan, dan melayani kamu dengan baik!" "Sudah terlambat untuk menyesal..."
Depois de três anos casado com uma esposa infiel, o multibilionário é expulso de sua casa! Depois do divórcio... Sua ex-esposa infiel vem implorar por perdão enquanto diz: “Eu estava errada, por favor, me dê outra chance!” Enquanto isso, sua ex-sogra suplica: “Por favor, seja meu genro, eu vou lavar suas roupas, preparar suas refeições e servi-lo bem!” "É tarde demais para se arrepender..."
A veteran gamer finds himself in a world similar to the game he played. You say you need to learn skills by leveling up? Sorry, I already know all of them. You say you have to meditate to level up? Sorry, I only need to fight monsters for that.
Après trois ans de mariage avec une femme infidèle, le multi-milliardaire est chassé de chez lui ! Après le divorce... Son ex-femme infidèle vient supplier pour obtenir pardon en disant, "J'ai eu tort, s'il te plaît donne-moi une autre chance !" Pendant ce temps, son ancienne belle-mère implore, "S'il te plaît reste mon gendre, je ferai ta lessive, préparerai tes repas, et te servirai bien !" “Il est trop tard pour avoir des regrets..."
What exactly is the strongest? For the longest time, he has been chasing that dream. Up to his death. Yet even that would not be enough to stop him. What does it mean to become the strongest and what sacrifices will come with it? Reborn as Sai Reschelburg, he vowed to accomplish his dream. To become the strongest. Even with the hands he was dealt. Even if death itself tried to stop him. In this world teeming with countless mysteries and threats, he will rise and achieve the dream he couldn't in his past life. The legend of the greatest healer starts. .... Join me in discord using the link below: