Enchanted Kingdom
This manga is set in medieval times but there is magic.
There are 16 different types of magic
Reaper Magic, Light Magic, Dark Magic, Fire Magic, Water Magic, Stealth Magic, Hunter Magic, Void Magic, Lightning Magic, Earth Magic, Wind Magic, Demon Magic, Gravity Magic, Dragon Magic, and Healing Magic.
There are 8 different kingdoms in Japan
Keodora Dynasty - West japan
Goxihan Empire - North japan
Oudoyiran Dynasty - North West japan
Steburgian Empire - East Japan
Thaiban Kingdom - North East Japan
Inotonian Kingdom - South Japan
Diponian Empire - South East Japan
Erucian Kingdom - South West Japan
Most of the kings in Japan are corrupt because they are hungry for power and war, so they mostly abuse their power
The higher districts are looked down upon the kings because they think their inferior and are only worthless dogs. So they abuse their power and sometimes terrorize their lower districts.
There are 4 that are determined to destroy all corruption
Shi Kisoki, Kenta Nagami, Tashiro Hisako, and Ari Miyoshi
Shi Kisoki Is the main character.
All 4 characters will form a group called The Black Rose, A group that is determined to destroy corruption.
P.s. This is my first manga ever and I’m writing this for fun because it is my dream to become a manga writer so it might be pretty bad but I hope you like it as it goes on.
Rudy_Gallegos · Fantasy