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  • The Merchant God

    As an ordinary person in his previous lives, Alexander Mcdowell strive to be the most powerful being, however fate was not his side and always failed miserably. But Alexander didn’t gave up and after several times of being transmigrated and couple his thousands of years of experience, this time, he chance upon a strange system and with this system he tried to strive not to be the most powerful but to be the wealthiest man that even gods and demons are in his payroll.

    Android_Gaming · Fantasy
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  • The Ultimate Perk in Ceding Deloria

                                                                  The Plot (The Perks in Ceding                   Delorea)  Delorea Rafeal, a young woman freshly out of the Defense Academy; working for the Italian Secret Agent was betrothed to Alessandro Epifany DeAngelo, son of a wealthy Sicilian Drug lord also known as Don Rocco in an arranged marriage since their childhood. Unbeknownst to Alessandro, his fiancee has been on the payroll of his father as his hitwoman and was responsible for the death of his bosom friend on allegation of leading his son astray; a phenomenon that has left Alessandro devastated for too long. However, when it was ripe for Don Rocco to tie the knot between them, Alessandro ditch the whole idea and rather, enlisted himself in the seminary on grounds that his life was being lived for him by his father. Don Rocco was heartbroken on hearing the news; the empire of fortune close to his heart he has sunk so much effort in weaving for close to a century is about to cave in because the heir to take over control of it is about to embark on a journey to the Seminary. If he succeeds, he will become a priest at the end of it and never will he return. This has ignited a plethora of fear in Don Rocco's mind that his son may confess to the church the family's dirty secrets of illicit drug dealings, financial racketeering and gun-running that led to unending war, starvation and the subsequent downfall of a middle eastern country, a treasonable act in the laws of Italia, of which the abators in the crime are still being trailed up to this day. Don Rocco is agitated that the government may find out what they were looking for from Alessandro because some of those Priests pose as Secret Agents working for the government to extract information from unsuspecting felons during confessions. With this and many more in mind, Don Rocco wanted Alessandro slaughtered by Delorea, his betrothed to stop him from baring the family's shady deals to the eye of the public. Delorea reluctantly accepted the offer. Now that she has lost her man temporarily to the divination school, she wouldn’t want to miss him to eternal death, so she faked his demise. To make it looks real, she devised a means by hiring a highly skilled serial assassin of Israeli descent to kill another Seminarian in place of Alessandro as a decoy and pave the way to send her true love away on exile to her private estate in a hidden resort city of Siberia in the Russian Federation where she will hopefully reunite with him and steady their flickering relationship. Luckily for her, the conspiracy turned out to be a thumping success but somehow leaked along the line. However, Delorea managed to evade the long hands of the law just by its whiskers with the help of a die-hard crush of hers but Don Rocco and his wife did not, as they were tried and indicted by the law and were sentenced to life imprisonment. While in exile, Alessandro Epifany encountered a Russian sweetie named Lucifer Olek, an exceptionally beautiful but lonely girl; an ex-miss universe who was forced into marriage with an aged Russian top general whose name is Anatoli Nikolai by her prosperous parents in appreciation for a favour done to them. When Alessandro and Lucifer Olek made eye contact, the rest of the world seized to exist. The aftermath of this changed the course of everything.

    Andy_Dukun_6750 · Realistic
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  • R.J.A.

    R.J. A. is a normal round about woman, but not all that much; unless you consider a badass covert secret agent for a secret agency, that may or may not be on the Government payroll a normal round person than she is normal. But now she has to deal with her biggest mission yet, coming out to her family, because she finally found the perfect woman for her and they are getting married. The only problem, besides her having to do very dangerous missions, in stealth, is dealing with her very religious Catholic Haitian mother. For years she had lied to her fiancée, about her life, not because they both worked for a very secretive agency, but because she herself could not face the fact that she is a total coward who cannot find courage to tell her family that she is pansexual. Now she is back home in San Diego on a mission with her fiancée and finally feels its about time she tells her mother first before she tells everyone else the truth.

    NA_Jean91 · LGBT+
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